@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void FTMotion::loop() {
while (!blockProcRdy && (stepper.current_block = planner.get_current_block())) {
- if (stepper.current_block->is_sync()) { // Sync block?
+ if (stepper.current_block->is_sync()) { // Sync block?
if (stepper.current_block->is_sync_pos()) // Position sync? Set the position.
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void FTMotion::loop() {
// Check if the block needs to be runout:
- if (!batchRdy && !planner.movesplanned()){
+ if (!batchRdy && !planner.movesplanned()) {
makeVector(); // Do an additional makeVector call to guarantee batchRdy set this loop.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ void FTMotion::loop() {
batchRdy = false; // Clear so makeVector() can resume generating points.
- // Interpolation.
+ // Interpolation (generation of step commands from fixed time trajectory).
while (batchRdyForInterp
&& (stepperCmdBuffItems() < (FTM_STEPPERCMD_BUFF_SIZE) - (FTM_STEPS_PER_UNIT_TIME))) {
@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@ void FTMotion::loop() {
void FTMotion::update_shaping_params() {
if ((shaping.x.ena = AXIS_HAS_SHAPER(X))) {
- shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_A(cfg.shaper[X_AXIS], cfg.zeta[X_AXIS], cfg.vtol[X_AXIS]);
- shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[X_AXIS], cfg.baseFreq[X_AXIS], cfg.zeta[X_AXIS]);
+ shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_A(cfg.shaper.x, cfg.zeta.x, cfg.vtol.x);
+ shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.x, cfg.baseFreq.x, cfg.zeta.x);
if ((shaping.y.ena = AXIS_HAS_SHAPER(Y))) {
- shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_A(cfg.shaper[Y_AXIS], cfg.zeta[Y_AXIS], cfg.vtol[Y_AXIS]);
- shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[Y_AXIS], cfg.baseFreq[Y_AXIS], cfg.zeta[Y_AXIS]);
+ shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_A(cfg.shaper.y, cfg.zeta.y, cfg.vtol.y);
+ shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.y, cfg.baseFreq.y, cfg.zeta.y);
@@ -407,27 +407,29 @@ void FTMotion::discard_planner_block_protected() {
-// Sets up a pseudo block to allow motion to settle buffers to empty. This is
-// called when the planner has only one block left. The buffers will be filled
-// with the last commanded position by setting the startPosn block variable to
-// the last position of the previous block and all ratios to zero such that no
-// axes' positions are incremented.
+ * Set up a pseudo block to allow motion to settle and buffers to empty.
+ * Called when the planner has one block left. The buffers will be filled
+ * with the last commanded position by setting the startPosn block variable to
+ * the last position of the previous block and all ratios to zero such that no
+ * axes' positions are incremented.
+ */
void FTMotion::runoutBlock() {
startPosn = endPosn_prevBlock;
- int32_t n_to_fill_batch = FTM_WINDOW_SIZE - makeVector_batchIdx;
+ const int32_t n_to_fill_batch = (FTM_WINDOW_SIZE) - makeVector_batchIdx;
- // This line is to be modified for FBS use; do not optimize out.
- int32_t n_to_settle_cmpnstr = (TERN_(HAS_X_AXIS, shaping.x.ena) || TERN_(HAS_Y_AXIS, shaping.y.ena )) ? FTM_ZMAX : 0;
+ // This line or function is to be modified for FBS use; do not optimize out.
+ const int32_t n_to_settle_shaper = num_samples_shaper_settle();
- int32_t n_to_fill_batch_after_settling = (n_to_settle_cmpnstr > n_to_fill_batch) ?
- FTM_BATCH_SIZE - ((n_to_settle_cmpnstr - n_to_fill_batch) % FTM_BATCH_SIZE) : n_to_fill_batch - n_to_settle_cmpnstr;
+ const int32_t n_diff = n_to_settle_shaper - n_to_fill_batch,
+ n_to_fill_batch_after_settling = n_diff > 0 ? (FTM_BATCH_SIZE) - (n_diff % (FTM_BATCH_SIZE)) : -n_diff;
- int32_t n_to_settle_and_fill_batch = n_to_settle_cmpnstr + n_to_fill_batch_after_settling;
+ const int32_t n_to_settle_and_fill_batch = n_to_settle_shaper + n_to_fill_batch_after_settling;
- max_intervals = PROP_BATCHES * FTM_BATCH_SIZE + n_to_settle_and_fill_batch;
+ max_intervals = (PROP_BATCHES) * (FTM_BATCH_SIZE) + n_to_settle_and_fill_batch;
blockProcRdy = true;
@@ -571,13 +573,13 @@ void FTMotion::makeVector() {
accel_k = decel_P; // (mm/s^2) Acceleration K factor from Decel phase
- #define _FTM_TRAJ(A) traj.A[makeVector_batchIdx] = startPosn.A + ratio.A * dist;
+ #define _SET_TRAJ(q) traj.q[makeVector_batchIdx] = startPosn.q + ratio.q * dist;
if (cfg.linearAdvEna) {
float dedt_adj = (traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx] - e_raw_z1) * (FTM_FS);
- if (ratio.e > 0.0f) dedt_adj += accel_k * cfg.linearAdvK * 0.0001f;
+ if (ratio.e > 0.0f) dedt_adj += accel_k * cfg.linearAdvK;
e_raw_z1 = traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx];
e_advanced_z1 += dedt_adj * (FTM_TS);
@@ -590,18 +592,21 @@ void FTMotion::makeVector() {
switch (cfg.dynFreqMode) {
- case dynFreqMode_Z_BASED:
- if (traj.z[makeVector_batchIdx] != 0.0f) { // Only update if Z changed.
+ case dynFreqMode_Z_BASED: {
+ static float oldz = 0.0f;
+ const float z = traj.z[makeVector_batchIdx];
+ if (z != oldz) { // Only update if Z changed.
+ oldz = z;
- const float xf = cfg.baseFreq[X_AXIS] + cfg.dynFreqK[X_AXIS] * traj.z[makeVector_batchIdx];
- shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[X_AXIS], _MAX(xf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ), cfg.zeta[X_AXIS]);
+ const float xf = cfg.baseFreq.x + cfg.dynFreqK.x * z;
+ shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.x, _MAX(xf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ), cfg.zeta.x);
- const float yf = cfg.baseFreq[Y_AXIS] + cfg.dynFreqK[Y_AXIS] * traj.z[makeVector_batchIdx];
- shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[Y_AXIS], _MAX(yf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ), cfg.zeta[Y_AXIS]);
+ const float yf = cfg.baseFreq.y + cfg.dynFreqK.y * z;
+ shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.y, _MAX(yf, FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ), cfg.zeta.y);
- break;
+ } break;
@@ -609,10 +614,10 @@ void FTMotion::makeVector() {
// Update constantly. The optimization done for Z value makes
// less sense for E, as E is expected to constantly change.
- shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[X_AXIS], cfg.baseFreq[X_AXIS] + cfg.dynFreqK[X_AXIS] * traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx], cfg.zeta[X_AXIS]);
+ shaping.x.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.x, cfg.baseFreq.x + cfg.dynFreqK.x * traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx], cfg.zeta.x);
- shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper[Y_AXIS], cfg.baseFreq[Y_AXIS] + cfg.dynFreqK[Y_AXIS] * traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx], cfg.zeta[Y_AXIS]);
+ shaping.y.set_axis_shaping_N(cfg.shaper.y, cfg.baseFreq.y + cfg.dynFreqK.y * traj.e[makeVector_batchIdx], cfg.zeta.y);
@@ -722,7 +727,7 @@ void FTMotion::convertToSteps(const uint32_t idx) {
err_P += delta;
// Set up step/dir bits for all axes
- #define _COMMAND_RUN(AXIS) command_set[_AXIS(AXIS)](err_P[_AXIS(AXIS)], steps[_AXIS(AXIS)], cmd, _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_##AXIS), _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_##AXIS));
+ #define _COMMAND_RUN(A) command_set[_AXIS(A)](err_P.A, steps.A, cmd, _BV(FT_BIT_DIR_##A), _BV(FT_BIT_STEP_##A));
// Next circular buffer index