@@ -188,77 +188,75 @@ if pioutil.is_pio_build():
set_env_field('lib_ignore', lib_ignore)
build_src_filter = ""
- if True:
- # Build the actual equivalent build_src_filter list based on the inclusions by the features.
- # PlatformIO doesn't do it this way, but maybe in the future....
- cur_srcs = set()
- # Remove the references to the same folder
- my_srcs = re.findall(r'([+-]<.*?>)', build_filters)
- for d in my_srcs:
- # Assume normalized relative paths
- plain = d[2:-1]
- if d[0] == '+':
- def addentry(fullpath, info=None):
- relp = os.path.relpath(fullpath, marlinbasedir)
- if srcfilepattern.match(relp):
- if info:
- blab("Added src file %s (%s)" % (relp, str(info)), 3)
- else:
- blab("Added src file %s " % relp, 3)
- cur_srcs.add(relp)
- # Special rule: If a direct folder is specified add all files within.
- fullplain = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, plain)
- if os.path.isdir(fullplain):
- blab("Directory content addition for %s " % plain, 3)
- gpattern = os.path.join(fullplain, "**")
- for fname in glob.glob(gpattern, recursive=True):
- addentry(fname, "dca")
- else:
- # Add all the things from the pattern by GLOB.
- def srepl(matchi):
- g0 = matchi.group(0)
- return r"**" + g0[1:]
- gpattern = re.sub(r'[*]($|[^*])', srepl, plain)
- gpattern = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, gpattern)
- for fname in glob.glob(gpattern, recursive=True):
- addentry(fname)
- else:
- # Special rule: If a direct folder is specified then remove all files within.
- def onremove(relp, info=None):
+ # Build the actual equivalent build_src_filter list based on the inclusions by the features.
+ # PlatformIO doesn't do it this way, but maybe in the future....
+ cur_srcs = set()
+ # Remove the references to the same folder
+ my_srcs = re.findall(r'([+-]<.*?>)', build_filters)
+ for d in my_srcs:
+ # Assume normalized relative paths
+ plain = d[2:-1]
+ if d[0] == '+':
+ def addentry(fullpath, info=None):
+ relp = os.path.relpath(fullpath, marlinbasedir)
+ if srcfilepattern.match(relp):
if info:
- blab("Removed src file %s (%s)" % (relp, str(info)), 3)
+ blab("Added src file %s (%s)" % (relp, str(info)), 3)
- blab("Removed src file %s " % relp, 3)
- fullplain = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, plain)
- if os.path.isdir(fullplain):
- blab("Directory content removal for %s " % plain, 2)
- def filt(x):
- common = os.path.commonpath([plain, x])
- if not common == os.path.normpath(plain): return True
- onremove(x, "dcr")
- return False
- cur_srcs = set(filter(filt, cur_srcs))
+ blab("Added src file %s " % relp, 3)
+ cur_srcs.add(relp)
+ # Special rule: If a direct folder is specified add all files within.
+ fullplain = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, plain)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullplain):
+ blab("Directory content addition for %s " % plain, 3)
+ gpattern = os.path.join(fullplain, "**")
+ for fname in glob.glob(gpattern, recursive=True):
+ addentry(fname, "dca")
+ else:
+ # Add all the things from the pattern by GLOB.
+ def srepl(matchi):
+ g0 = matchi.group(0)
+ return r"**" + g0[1:]
+ gpattern = re.sub(r'[*]($|[^*])', srepl, plain)
+ gpattern = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, gpattern)
+ for fname in glob.glob(gpattern, recursive=True):
+ addentry(fname)
+ else:
+ # Special rule: If a direct folder is specified then remove all files within.
+ def onremove(relp, info=None):
+ if info:
+ blab("Removed src file %s (%s)" % (relp, str(info)), 3)
- # Remove matching source entries.
- def filt(x):
- if not fnmatch.fnmatch(x, plain): return True
- onremove(x)
- return False
- cur_srcs = set(filter(filt, cur_srcs))
- # Transform the resulting set into a string.
- for x in cur_srcs:
- if build_src_filter != "": build_src_filter += ' '
- build_src_filter += "+<" + x + ">"
- #blab("Final build_src_filter: " + build_src_filter, 3)
- else:
- build_src_filter = build_filters
+ blab("Removed src file %s " % relp, 3)
+ fullplain = os.path.join(marlinbasedir, plain)
+ if os.path.isdir(fullplain):
+ blab("Directory content removal for %s " % plain, 2)
+ def filt(x):
+ common = os.path.commonpath([plain, x])
+ if not common == os.path.normpath(plain): return True
+ onremove(x, "dcr")
+ return False
+ cur_srcs = set(filter(filt, cur_srcs))
+ else:
+ # Remove matching source entries.
+ def filt(x):
+ if not fnmatch.fnmatch(x, plain): return True
+ onremove(x)
+ return False
+ cur_srcs = set(filter(filt, cur_srcs))
+ # Transform the resulting set into a string.
+ for x in cur_srcs:
+ if build_src_filter != "": build_src_filter += ' '
+ build_src_filter += "+<" + x + ">"
# Update in PlatformIO
set_env_field('build_src_filter', [build_src_filter])
+ #blab("Final build_src_filter: " + build_src_filter, 3)
# Use the compiler to get a list of all enabled features