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Changelog 4.0


  • Code updated to work with PHP7.3+ which is now the required min version.
  • Bug Fixes and Performance / Security Improvments.
  • New pre-defined constant PUBPATH which points to the Koseven public directory
  • Error handlers strict compliance with PHP7+ (Replaced Exception with Throwable)
  • New KO7_Error_Exception class which extends PHP internal ErrorException
  • Translation, Inflector updates.
  • Add support for KO7::deprecated('since_version', '(optional) replacement'); for logging as deprecated.


  • Class/Framework rename to KO7. Introducing the compatibility module which ensures all classes will still work.

  • External Request Classes are updated to work with PHP7.3+

  • External Requests using pecl_http are now updated to latest version and working.

  • External Requests function _send_message now requires Response object as return type.

  • Security::strip_image_tags was deprecated since 3.3.6 and got removed

  • Request::accept_type, Request:accept_lang, Request::accept_encoding were deprecated since 3.3.0 and got removed

  • Validation->as_array() was deprecated and got removed

  • Integrated REST module into core ....Controller_REST and multiple Formatters XML, JSON and XML are now built-in


  • Added support for multiple configuration files (php, json, yaml)


  • Auth->hash_password was deprecated and got removed


  • Remove hashing the Cookie with the User Agent (as it does not provide an extra layer of security)


  • Deprecated Mcrypt Class (deprecated since PHP 7.1 - removed in PHP 7.2).

  • Add Support for Libsodium.

  • OpenSSL is now default engine.

  • var_dumping an Engine won't display the Encryption Key anymore.


  • ORM->changed() had unexpected behavior (returns value). Added function ORM->has_changed() which returns bool.

  • Added Support for non auto-increment Primary Keys


  • Added UUID class fot generating RFC 4122 v3, v4, v5 uuids

  • Imporved Performanced by possibility to turn of uuid database checks


  • Added Support for stdClass attributes

  • Added JSON field type to MySQLi Driver


  • Removed memcache and apc driver since both are removed wit PHP 7.0 (use memcached and apcu instead).

  • Also removed MemcacheTag Class as it depended on memcache


  • Removed phpunit/dbunit as it is no longer maintained and not compatible with phpunit 8

  • Updated package phpunit to version 8 (released Feb. 2019)

  • Added Enviroment variable TRAVIS_TEST which can be used to overwrite configurations for automated tests.

  • Added the following services which can be used for unittesting: redis, memcached, mysql

  • Added the following PHP-Extensions which can be used for unittesting: memcached, redis, imagick, apcu

  • And of course: Added more Unittests to improve Framework Code Coverage


  • Added Support for namespaced classes


  • Using I18n::get() in SYSPATH and MODPATH. Only using __() inside APPATH.


  • Image Driver now require return types for the following functions: _do_resize, _do_crop, _do_rotate, _do_flip, _do_sharpen, _do_reflection, _do_watermark, _do_background, _do_save, _do_render - means if you have a custom image driver, make sure you declare those.

  • The deprecated resize constants WIDTH, HEIGHT AND PRECISE got removed.

  • New abstract method _is_supported_type needs to be created for all image drivers. It is supposed to return if a extension is supported by the driver.

  • The check method now got introduced as an abstract method and needs to be added to all custom image drivers. It is supposed to check if system/extension libraries met the required ones for your driver.

  • Driver imagick now requires imagemagick >= 6.9 installed, in order for all unittests to pass, it needs to be configured with bmp and webp support

  • Added correct support for negative offsets to GD driver

  • No default driver, you have to explicit set one