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Koseven has a robust key based lookup system so you can define system messages.

Getting a message

Use the KO7::message() method to get a message key:

KO7::message('forms', 'foo');

This will look in the messages/forms.php file for the foo key:


return array(
    'foo' => 'bar',

You can also look in subfolders and sub-keys:

KO7::message('forms/contact', '');

This will look in the messages/forms/contact.php for the [foo][bar] key:


return [
    'foo' => [
        'bar' => 'Hello, world!',


  • Don't use __() in your messages files, as these files can be cached and will not work properly.
  • Messages are merged by the cascading file system, not overwritten like classes and views.
  • You can also pass a 3rd parameter to the function which is considered as "default" value if the message does not exist