.travis.yml 816 B

  1. sudo: false
  2. language: php
  3. # Only build the main develop/master branches - feature branches will be covered by PRs
  4. branches:
  5. only:
  6. - /^[0-9\.]+\/(develop|master)$/
  7. cache:
  8. directories:
  9. - $HOME/.composer/cache/files
  10. php:
  11. - 5.3
  12. - 5.4
  13. - 5.5
  14. - 5.6
  15. - 7.0
  16. - hhvm
  17. matrix:
  18. include:
  19. - php: 5.3
  20. env: 'COMPOSER_PHPUNIT="lowest"'
  21. before_script:
  22. - composer self-update
  23. - COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=3.3.x-dev composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction
  24. - if [ "$COMPOSER_PHPUNIT" = "lowest" ]; then COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION=3.3.x-dev composer update --prefer-lowest --with-dependencies phpunit/phpunit; fi;
  25. - vendor/bin/koharness
  26. script:
  27. - cd /tmp/koharness && ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
  28. notifications:
  29. email: false