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Creating a New Application using Git

[!!] The following examples assume that your web server is already set up.

Using your console, change to the configured document root of your websever and run git init. This will create the bare structure for a new git repository.

Using Koseven inside your main repository

Now we will download the Koseven Framework by cloning it's contents via git:

git clone git:// .

Next you can commit those files to your repository:

git commit -m 'Initial commit'

That's all there is to it. You now have an application that is using Git for versioning.

Using Koseven as a sub-repository

If you want an option to make it easier to upgrade to current koseven versions by keeping it as a submodule in your repository here is how you can do it.

First we will add koseven as submodule into our repository via:

git submodule add -b master system
git submodule init 

Note: You can also use other branches for example "devel" (not recommended in production environments)

Now let's copy the public and application folder from system/application and system/public into our repository root:

cp -R system/application . 
cp -R system/public .

Alright. Since we are done with the basic folder structure we now need to edit a few lines in our public/index.php by changing the $modules and $system variables:

$modules = 'system'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'modules';
$system = 'system'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'system';

Now let's copy the .gitignore file from koseven and an initialization commit

cp system/.gitignore .
git add -A
git commit -m 'Initial Commit'

That's it! Whenever you want to update koseven simply run:

git submodule update --recursive --remote

without making any further changes or need to merge something.

Note: If you update your koseven version make sure application/bootstrap.php and index.php are not changing, if they do so please keep in mind, that you also have to change them.