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- <?php
- /**
- * A list of mime types. Our list is generally more complete and accurate than
- * the operating system MIME list.
- *
- * If there are any missing options, please create a ticket on our issue tracker,
- * http://koseven.ga/trac/newticket. Be sure to give the filename and
- * expected MIME type, as well as any additional information you can provide.
- */
- return [
- '323' => ['text/h323'],
- '7z' => ['application/x-7z-compressed'],
- 'abw' => ['application/x-abiword'],
- 'acx' => ['application/internet-property-stream'],
- 'ai' => ['application/postscript'],
- 'aif' => ['audio/x-aiff'],
- 'aifc' => ['audio/x-aiff'],
- 'aiff' => ['audio/x-aiff'],
- 'amf' => ['application/x-amf'],
- 'appcache' => ['text/cache-manifest'],
- 'asf' => ['video/x-ms-asf'],
- 'asr' => ['video/x-ms-asf'],
- 'asx' => ['video/x-ms-asf'],
- 'atom' => ['application/atom+xml'],
- 'avi' => ['video/avi', 'video/msvideo', 'video/x-msvideo'],
- 'bin' => ['application/octet-stream','application/macbinary'],
- 'bmp' => ['image/bmp'],
- 'c' => ['text/x-csrc'],
- 'c++' => ['text/x-c++src'],
- 'cab' => ['application/x-cab'],
- 'cc' => ['text/x-c++src'],
- 'cda' => ['application/x-cdf'],
- 'class' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'cpp' => ['text/x-c++src'],
- 'cpt' => ['application/mac-compactpro'],
- 'csh' => ['text/x-csh'],
- 'css' => ['text/css'],
- 'csv' => ['text/x-comma-separated-values', 'application/vnd.ms-excel', 'text/comma-separated-values', 'text/csv'],
- 'dbk' => ['application/docbook+xml'],
- 'dcr' => ['application/x-director'],
- 'deb' => ['application/x-debian-package'],
- 'diff' => ['text/x-diff'],
- 'dir' => ['application/x-director'],
- 'divx' => ['video/divx'],
- 'dll' => ['application/octet-stream', 'application/x-msdos-program'],
- 'dmg' => ['application/x-apple-diskimage'],
- 'dms' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'doc' => ['application/msword'],
- 'docx' => ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'],
- 'dvi' => ['application/x-dvi'],
- 'dxr' => ['application/x-director'],
- 'eml' => ['message/rfc822'],
- 'eps' => ['application/postscript'],
- 'evy' => ['application/envoy'],
- 'exe' => ['application/x-msdos-program', 'application/octet-stream'],
- 'fla' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'flac' => ['application/x-flac'],
- 'flc' => ['video/flc'],
- 'fli' => ['video/fli'],
- 'flv' => ['video/x-flv'],
- 'gif' => ['image/gif'],
- 'gtar' => ['application/x-gtar'],
- 'gz' => ['application/x-gzip'],
- 'h' => ['text/x-chdr'],
- 'h++' => ['text/x-c++hdr'],
- 'hh' => ['text/x-c++hdr'],
- 'hpp' => ['text/x-c++hdr'],
- 'hqx' => ['application/mac-binhex40'],
- 'hs' => ['text/x-haskell'],
- 'htm' => ['text/html'],
- 'html' => ['text/html'],
- 'ico' => ['image/x-icon'],
- 'ics' => ['text/calendar'],
- 'iii' => ['application/x-iphone'],
- 'ins' => ['application/x-internet-signup'],
- 'iso' => ['application/x-iso9660-image'],
- 'isp' => ['application/x-internet-signup'],
- 'jar' => ['application/java-archive'],
- 'java' => ['application/x-java-applet'],
- 'jpe' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'],
- 'jpeg' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'],
- 'jpg' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg'],
- 'js' => ['application/javascript'],
- 'json' => ['application/json'],
- 'latex' => ['application/x-latex'],
- 'lha' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'log' => ['text/plain', 'text/x-log'],
- 'lzh' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'm4a' => ['audio/mpeg'],
- 'm4p' => ['video/mp4v-es'],
- 'm4v' => ['video/mp4'],
- 'man' => ['application/x-troff-man'],
- 'mdb' => ['application/x-msaccess'],
- 'midi' => ['audio/midi'],
- 'mid' => ['audio/midi'],
- 'mif' => ['application/vnd.mif'],
- 'mka' => ['audio/x-matroska'],
- 'mkv' => ['video/x-matroska'],
- 'mov' => ['video/quicktime'],
- 'movie' => ['video/x-sgi-movie'],
- 'mp2' => ['audio/mpeg'],
- 'mp3' => ['audio/mpeg'],
- 'mp4' => ['application/mp4','audio/mp4','video/mp4'],
- 'mpa' => ['video/mpeg'],
- 'mpe' => ['video/mpeg'],
- 'mpeg' => ['video/mpeg'],
- 'mpg' => ['video/mpeg'],
- 'mpg4' => ['video/mp4'],
- 'mpga' => ['audio/mpeg'],
- 'mpp' => ['application/vnd.ms-project'],
- 'mpv' => ['video/x-matroska'],
- 'mpv2' => ['video/mpeg'],
- 'ms' => ['application/x-troff-ms'],
- 'msg' => ['application/msoutlook','application/x-msg'],
- 'msi' => ['application/x-msi'],
- 'nws' => ['message/rfc822'],
- 'oda' => ['application/oda'],
- 'odb' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database'],
- 'odc' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart'],
- 'odf' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.forumla'],
- 'odg' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics'],
- 'odi' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image'],
- 'odm' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master'],
- 'odp' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation'],
- 'ods' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet'],
- 'odt' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text'],
- 'oga' => ['audio/ogg'],
- 'ogg' => ['application/ogg'],
- 'ogv' => ['video/ogg'],
- 'otg' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.graphics-template'],
- 'oth' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.web'],
- 'otp' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation-template'],
- 'ots' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template'],
- 'ott' => ['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.template'],
- 'p' => ['text/x-pascal'],
- 'pas' => ['text/x-pascal'],
- 'patch' => ['text/x-diff'],
- 'pbm' => ['image/x-portable-bitmap'],
- 'pdf' => ['application/pdf', 'application/x-download'],
- 'php' => ['application/x-httpd-php'],
- 'php3' => ['application/x-httpd-php'],
- 'php4' => ['application/x-httpd-php'],
- 'php5' => ['application/x-httpd-php'],
- 'phps' => ['application/x-httpd-php-source'],
- 'phtml' => ['application/x-httpd-php'],
- 'pl' => ['text/x-perl'],
- 'pm' => ['text/x-perl'],
- 'png' => ['image/png', 'image/x-png'],
- 'po' => ['text/x-gettext-translation'],
- 'pot' => ['application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'],
- 'pps' => ['application/vnd.ms-powerpoint'],
- 'ppt' => ['application/powerpoint'],
- 'pptx' => ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'],
- 'ps' => ['application/postscript'],
- 'psd' => ['application/x-photoshop', 'image/x-photoshop'],
- 'pub' => ['application/x-mspublisher'],
- 'py' => ['text/x-python'],
- 'qt' => ['video/quicktime'],
- 'ra' => ['audio/x-realaudio'],
- 'ram' => ['audio/x-realaudio', 'audio/x-pn-realaudio'],
- 'rar' => ['application/rar'],
- 'rgb' => ['image/x-rgb'],
- 'rm' => ['audio/x-pn-realaudio'],
- 'rpm' => ['audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin', 'application/x-redhat-package-manager'],
- 'rss' => ['application/rss+xml'],
- 'rtf' => ['text/rtf'],
- 'rtx' => ['text/richtext'],
- 'rv' => ['video/vnd.rn-realvideo'],
- 'sea' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'sh' => ['text/x-sh'],
- 'shtml' => ['text/html'],
- 'sit' => ['application/x-stuffit'],
- 'smi' => ['application/smil'],
- 'smil' => ['application/smil'],
- 'so' => ['application/octet-stream'],
- 'src' => ['application/x-wais-source'],
- 'svg' => ['image/svg+xml'],
- 'swf' => ['application/x-shockwave-flash'],
- 't' => ['application/x-troff'],
- 'tar' => ['application/x-tar'],
- 'tcl' => ['text/x-tcl'],
- 'tex' => ['application/x-tex'],
- 'text' => ['text/plain'],
- 'texti' => ['application/x-texinfo'],
- 'textinfo' => ['application/x-texinfo'],
- 'tgz' => ['application/x-tar'],
- 'tif' => ['image/tiff'],
- 'tiff' => ['image/tiff'],
- 'torrent' => ['application/x-bittorrent'],
- 'tr' => ['application/x-troff'],
- 'tsv' => ['text/tab-separated-values'],
- 'txt' => ['text/plain'],
- 'wav' => ['audio/x-wav'],
- 'wax' => ['audio/x-ms-wax'],
- 'wbxml' => ['application/wbxml'],
- 'webapp' => ['application/x-web-app-manifest+json'],
- 'webm' => ['video/webm'],
- 'wm' => ['video/x-ms-wm'],
- 'wma' => ['audio/x-ms-wma'],
- 'wmd' => ['application/x-ms-wmd'],
- 'wmlc' => ['application/wmlc'],
- 'wmv' => ['video/x-ms-wmv', 'application/octet-stream'],
- 'wmx' => ['video/x-ms-wmx'],
- 'wmz' => ['application/x-ms-wmz'],
- 'word' => ['application/msword', 'application/octet-stream'],
- 'wp5' => ['application/wordperfect5.1'],
- 'wpd' => ['application/vnd.wordperfect'],
- 'wvx' => ['video/x-ms-wvx'],
- 'xbm' => ['image/x-xbitmap'],
- 'xcf' => ['image/xcf'],
- 'xhtml' => ['application/xhtml+xml'],
- 'xht' => ['application/xhtml+xml'],
- 'xl' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xla' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xlc' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xlm' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xls' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xlsx' => ['application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'],
- 'xlt' => ['application/excel', 'application/vnd.ms-excel'],
- 'xml' => ['text/xml', 'application/xml'],
- 'xof' => ['x-world/x-vrml'],
- 'xpm' => ['image/x-xpixmap'],
- 'xsl' => ['text/xml'],
- 'xvid' => ['video/x-xvid'],
- 'xwd' => ['image/x-xwindowdump'],
- 'z' => ['application/x-compress'],
- 'zip' => ['application/x-zip', 'application/zip', 'application/x-zip-compressed']
- ];