Puskás Zsolt 1c9b64310d add missing class docblocks 6 years ago
classes 1c9b64310d add missing class docblocks 6 years ago
config 1dc004fe1b Module Minion - приведение к Kohana-codestyle 7 years ago
guide 1dc556ca81 Merge pull request #70 from adamcopley/dockblock 8 years ago
messages 1dc004fe1b Module Minion - приведение к Kohana-codestyle 7 years ago
tests 9aa65e4c6b Started using short array syntax 7 years ago
views ab01632e95 initial commit from 3.3.5 + exception.php comaptible with PHP7 9 years ago
README.md 5fc5366ea3 remove old unittest files and lines 7 years ago
minion e4ffa2ab29 Changed index.php path for Minion module 8 years ago
miniond ab01632e95 initial commit from 3.3.5 + exception.php comaptible with PHP7 9 years ago



Minion is a framework for running tasks via the CLI.

The system is inspired by ruckusing, which had a nice system for defining tasks but lacked the desired flexibility for kohana integration.

Getting Started

First off, download and enable the module in your bootstrap

Then copy the bash script minion alongside your index.php (most likely the webroot). If you'd rather the executable be in a different location to index.php then simply modify the bash script to point to index.php.

You can then run minion like so:

./minion {task}

To view a list of minion tasks, run minion without any parameters, or with the --help option

./minion --help

To view help for a specific minion task run

./minion {task} --help

For security reasons Minion will only run from the cli. Attempting to access it over http will cause a Kohana_Exception to be thrown.

If you're unable to use the binary file for whatever reason then simply replace ./minion {task} in the above examples with

php index.php --uri=minion --task={task}

Writing your own tasks

All minion tasks must be located in classes/task/. They can be in any module, thus allowing you to ship custom minion tasks with your own module / product.

Each task must extend the abstract class Minion_Task and implement Minion_Task::_execute().

See Minion_Task for more details.


Code should be commented well enough not to need documentation, and minion can extract a class' doccomment to use as documentation on the cli.


This module is unittested using the unittest module. You can use the minion group to only run minion tests.


phpunit --group minion

Feel free to contribute tests(!), they can be found in the tests/minion directory. :)


This is licensed under the same license as Kohana.