method() === HTTP_Request::GET) ? 'r' : 'r+'; // Process cookies if ($cookies = $request->cookie()) { $request->headers('cookie', http_build_query($cookies, '', '; ')); } // Get the message body $body = $request->body(); if (is_resource($body)) { $body = stream_get_contents($body); } // Set the content length $request->headers('content-length', (string) strlen($body)); list($protocol) = explode('/', $request->protocol()); // Create the context $options = [ strtolower($protocol) => [ 'method' => $request->method(), 'header' => (string) $request->headers(), 'content' => $body ] ]; // Create the context stream $context = stream_context_create($options); stream_context_set_option($context, $this->_options); $uri = $request->uri(); if ($query = $request->query()) { $uri .= '?'.http_build_query($query, '', '&'); } $stream = fopen($uri, $mode, FALSE, $context); $meta_data = stream_get_meta_data($stream); // Get the HTTP response code $http_response = array_shift($meta_data['wrapper_data']); if (preg_match_all('/(\w+\/\d\.\d) (\d{3})/', $http_response, $matches) !== FALSE) { $protocol = $matches[1][0]; $status = (int) $matches[2][0]; } else { $protocol = NULL; $status = NULL; } // Get any exisiting response headers $response_header = $response->headers(); // Process headers array_map([$response_header, 'parse_header_string'], [], $meta_data['wrapper_data']); $response->status($status) ->protocol($protocol) ->body(stream_get_contents($stream)); // Close the stream after use fclose($stream); return $response; } }