Recommended setting: `TRUE` while developing, `FALSE` on production servers. | `TRUE`
* `boolean` | profile | Whether to enable the [Profiler](kohana/profiling).
Recommended setting: `TRUE` while developing, `FALSE` on production servers. | `TRUE`
* `boolean` | caching | Cache file locations to speed up [Kohana::find_file]. This has nothing to do with [Kohana::cache], [Fragments](kohana/fragments) or the [Cache module](cache).
Recommended setting: `FALSE` while developing, `TRUE` on production servers. | `FALSE`
* `boolean` | expose | Set the X-Powered-By header
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param array $settings Array of settings. See above.
* @return void
* @uses Kohana::sanitize
* @uses Kohana::cache
* @uses Profiler
public static function init(array $settings = NULL)
if (Kohana::$_init)
// Do not allow execution twice
// Kohana is now initialized
Kohana::$_init = TRUE;
if (isset($settings['profile']))
// Enable profiling
Kohana::$profiling = (bool) $settings['profile'];
// Start an output buffer
if (isset($settings['errors']))
// Enable error handling
Kohana::$errors = (bool) $settings['errors'];
if (Kohana::$errors === TRUE)
// Enable Kohana exception handling, adds stack traces and error source.
set_exception_handler(['Kohana_Exception', 'handler']);
// Enable Kohana error handling, converts all PHP errors to exceptions.
set_error_handler(['Kohana', 'error_handler']);
* Enable xdebug parameter collection in development mode to improve fatal stack traces.
if (Kohana::$environment == Kohana::DEVELOPMENT AND extension_loaded('xdebug'))
ini_set('xdebug.collect_params', 3);
// Enable the Kohana shutdown handler, which catches E_FATAL errors.
register_shutdown_function(['Kohana', 'shutdown_handler']);
if (isset($settings['expose']))
Kohana::$expose = (bool) $settings['expose'];
// Determine if we are running in a Windows environment
Kohana::$is_windows = (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\');
if (isset($settings['cache_dir']))
if ( ! is_dir($settings['cache_dir']))
// Create the cache directory
mkdir($settings['cache_dir'], 0755, TRUE);
// Set permissions (must be manually set to fix umask issues)
chmod($settings['cache_dir'], 0755);
catch (Exception $e)
throw new Kohana_Exception('Could not create cache directory :dir',
[':dir' => Debug::path($settings['cache_dir'])]);
// Set the cache directory path
Kohana::$cache_dir = realpath($settings['cache_dir']);
// Use the default cache directory
Kohana::$cache_dir = APPPATH.'cache';
if ( ! is_writable(Kohana::$cache_dir))
throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir must be writable',
[':dir' => Debug::path(Kohana::$cache_dir)]);
if (isset($settings['cache_life']))
// Set the default cache lifetime
Kohana::$cache_life = (int) $settings['cache_life'];
if (isset($settings['caching']))
// Enable or disable internal caching
Kohana::$caching = (bool) $settings['caching'];
if (Kohana::$caching === TRUE)
// Load the file path cache
Kohana::$_files = Kohana::cache('Kohana::find_file()');
if (isset($settings['charset']))
// Set the system character set
Kohana::$charset = strtolower($settings['charset']);
if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding'))
// Set the MB extension encoding to the same character set
if (isset($settings['base_url']))
// Set the base URL
Kohana::$base_url = rtrim($settings['base_url'], '/').'/';
if (isset($settings['index_file']))
// Set the index file
Kohana::$index_file = trim($settings['index_file'], '/');
// Sanitize all request variables
$_GET = Kohana::sanitize($_GET);
$_POST = Kohana::sanitize($_POST);
$_COOKIE = Kohana::sanitize($_COOKIE);
// Load the logger if one doesn't already exist
if ( ! Kohana::$log instanceof Log)
Kohana::$log = Log::instance();
// Load the config if one doesn't already exist
if ( ! Kohana::$config instanceof Config)
Kohana::$config = new Config;
* Cleans up the environment:
* - Restore the previous error and exception handlers
* - Destroy the Kohana::$log and Kohana::$config objects
* @return void
public static function deinit()
if (Kohana::$_init)
// Removed the autoloader
spl_autoload_unregister(['Kohana', 'auto_load']);
if (Kohana::$errors)
// Go back to the previous error handler
// Go back to the previous exception handler
// Destroy objects created by init
Kohana::$log = Kohana::$config = NULL;
// Reset internal storage
Kohana::$_modules = Kohana::$_files = [];
Kohana::$_paths = [APPPATH, SYSPATH];
// Reset file cache status
Kohana::$_files_changed = FALSE;
// Kohana is no longer initialized
Kohana::$_init = FALSE;
* Recursively sanitizes an input variable:
* - Normalizes all newlines to LF
* @param mixed $value any variable
* @return mixed sanitized variable
public static function sanitize($value)
if (is_array($value) OR is_object($value))
foreach ($value as $key => $val)
// Recursively clean each value
$value[$key] = Kohana::sanitize($val);
elseif (is_string($value))
if (strpos($value, "\r") !== FALSE)
// Standardize newlines
$value = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r"], "\n", $value);
return $value;
* Provides auto-loading support of classes that follow Kohana's [class
* naming conventions](kohana/conventions#class-names-and-file-location).
* See [Loading Classes](kohana/autoloading) for more information.
* // Loads classes/My/Class/Name.php
* Kohana::auto_load('My_Class_Name');
* or with a custom directory:
* // Loads vendor/My/Class/Name.php
* Kohana::auto_load('My_Class_Name', 'vendor');
* You should never have to call this function, as simply calling a class
* will cause it to be called.
* This function must be enabled as an autoloader in the bootstrap:
* spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
* @param string $class Class name
* @param string $directory Directory to load from
* @return boolean
public static function auto_load($class, $directory = 'classes')
// Transform the class name according to PSR-0
$class = ltrim($class, '\\');
$file = '';
$namespace = '';
if ($last_namespace_position = strripos($class, '\\'))
$namespace = substr($class, 0, $last_namespace_position);
$class = substr($class, $last_namespace_position + 1);
$file = str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$file .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $class);
if ($path = Kohana::find_file($directory, $file))
// Load the class file
require $path;
// Class has been found
return TRUE;
// Class is not in the filesystem
return FALSE;
* Provides auto-loading support of classes that follow Kohana's old class
* naming conventions.
* This is included for compatibility purposes with older modules.
* @param string $class Class name
* @param string $directory Directory to load from
* @return boolean
public static function auto_load_lowercase($class, $directory = 'classes')
// Transform the class name into a path
$file = str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, strtolower($class));
if ($path = Kohana::find_file($directory, $file))
// Load the class file
require $path;
// Class has been found
return TRUE;
// Class is not in the filesystem
return FALSE;
* Changes the currently enabled modules. Module paths may be relative
* or absolute, but must point to a directory:
* Kohana::modules(array('modules/foo', MODPATH.'bar'));
* @param array $modules list of module paths
* @return array enabled modules
public static function modules(array $modules = NULL)
if ($modules === NULL)
// Not changing modules, just return the current set
return Kohana::$_modules;
// Start a new list of include paths, APPPATH first
$paths = [APPPATH];
foreach ($modules as $name => $path)
if (is_dir($path))
// Add the module to include paths
$paths[] = $modules[$name] = realpath($path).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// This module is invalid, remove it
throw new Kohana_Exception('Attempted to load an invalid or missing module \':module\' at \':path\'', [
':module' => $name,
':path' => Debug::path($path),
// Finish the include paths by adding SYSPATH
$paths[] = SYSPATH;
// Set the new include paths
Kohana::$_paths = $paths;
// Set the current module list
Kohana::$_modules = $modules;
foreach (Kohana::$_modules as $path)
$init = $path.'init'.EXT;
if (is_file($init))
// Include the module initialization file once
require_once $init;
return Kohana::$_modules;
* Returns the the currently active include paths, including the
* application, system, and each module's path.
* @return array
public static function include_paths()
return Kohana::$_paths;
* Searches for a file in the [Cascading Filesystem](kohana/files), and
* returns the path to the file that has the highest precedence, so that it
* can be included.
* When searching the "config", "messages", or "i18n" directories, or when
* the `$array` flag is set to true, an array of all the files that match
* that path in the [Cascading Filesystem](kohana/files) will be returned.
* These files will return arrays which must be merged together.
* If no extension is given, the default extension (`EXT` set in
* `index.php`) will be used.
* // Returns an absolute path to views/template.php
* Kohana::find_file('views', 'template');
* // Returns an absolute path to media/css/style.css
* Kohana::find_file('media', 'css/style', 'css');
* // Returns an array of all the "mimes" configuration files
* Kohana::find_file('config', 'mimes');
* @param string $dir directory name (views, i18n, classes, extensions, etc.)
* @param string $file filename with subdirectory
* @param string $ext extension to search for
* @param boolean $array return an array of files?
* @return array a list of files when $array is TRUE
* @return string single file path
public static function find_file($dir, $file, $ext = NULL, $array = FALSE)
if ($ext === NULL)
// Use the default extension
$ext = EXT;
elseif ($ext)
// Prefix the extension with a period
$ext = ".{$ext}";
// Use no extension
$ext = '';
// Create a partial path of the filename
$path = $dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file.$ext;
if (Kohana::$caching === TRUE AND isset(Kohana::$_files[$path.($array ? '_array' : '_path')]))
// This path has been cached
return Kohana::$_files[$path.($array ? '_array' : '_path')];
if (Kohana::$profiling === TRUE AND class_exists('Profiler', FALSE))
// Start a new benchmark
$benchmark = Profiler::start('Kohana', __FUNCTION__);
if ($array OR $dir === 'config' OR $dir === 'i18n' OR $dir === 'messages')
// Include paths must be searched in reverse
$paths = array_reverse(Kohana::$_paths);
// Array of files that have been found
$found = [];
foreach ($paths as $dir)
if (is_file($dir.$path))
// This path has a file, add it to the list
$found[] = $dir.$path;
// The file has not been found yet
$found = FALSE;
foreach (Kohana::$_paths as $dir)
if (is_file($dir.$path))
// A path has been found
$found = $dir.$path;
// Stop searching
if (Kohana::$caching === TRUE)
// Add the path to the cache
Kohana::$_files[$path.($array ? '_array' : '_path')] = $found;
// Files have been changed
Kohana::$_files_changed = TRUE;
if (isset($benchmark))
// Stop the benchmark
return $found;
* Recursively finds all of the files in the specified directory at any
* location in the [Cascading Filesystem](kohana/files), and returns an
* array of all the files found, sorted alphabetically.
* // Find all view files.
* $views = Kohana::list_files('views');
* @param string $directory directory name
* @param array $paths list of paths to search
* @return array
public static function list_files($directory = NULL, array $paths = NULL)
if ($directory !== NULL)
// Add the directory separator
if ($paths === NULL)
// Use the default paths
$paths = Kohana::$_paths;
// Create an array for the files
$found = [];
foreach ($paths as $path)
if (is_dir($path.$directory))
// Create a new directory iterator
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($path.$directory);
foreach ($dir as $file)
// Get the file name
$filename = $file->getFilename();
if ($filename[0] === '.' OR $filename[strlen($filename)-1] === '~')
// Skip all hidden files and UNIX backup files
// Relative filename is the array key
$key = $directory.$filename;
if ($file->isDir())
if ($sub_dir = Kohana::list_files($key, $paths))
if (isset($found[$key]))
// Append the sub-directory list
$found[$key] += $sub_dir;
// Create a new sub-directory list
$found[$key] = $sub_dir;
if ( ! isset($found[$key]))
// Add new files to the list
$found[$key] = realpath($file->getPathname());
// Sort the results alphabetically
return $found;
* Loads a file within a totally empty scope and returns the output:
* $foo = Kohana::load('foo.php');
* @param string $file
* @return mixed
public static function load($file)
return include $file;
* Cache variables using current cache module if enabled, if not uses Kohana::file_cache
* // Set the "foo" cache
* Kohana::cache('foo', 'hello, world');
* // Get the "foo" cache
* $foo = Kohana::cache('foo');
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param string $name name of the cache
* @param mixed $data data to cache
* @param integer $lifetime number of seconds the cache is valid for
* @return mixed for getting
* @return boolean for setting
public static function cache($name, $data = NULL, $lifetime = NULL)
//in case the Kohana_Cache is not yet loaded we need to use the normal but happens onload
if (class_exists('Kohana_Cache'))
//deletes the cache
if ($lifetime===0)
return Cache::instance()->delete($name);
//no data provided we read
if ($data===NULL)
return Cache::instance()->get($name);
//saves data
return Cache::instance()->set($name,$data, $lifetime);
return self::file_cache($name, $data, $lifetime);
* Provides simple file-based caching for strings and arrays:
* // Set the "foo" cache
* Kohana::file_cache('foo', 'hello, world');
* // Get the "foo" cache
* $foo = Kohana::file_cache('foo');
* All caches are stored as PHP code, generated with [var_export][ref-var].
* Caching objects may not work as expected. Storing references or an
* object or array that has recursion will cause an E_FATAL.
* The cache directory and default cache lifetime is set by [Kohana::init]
* [ref-var]:
* @throws Kohana_Exception
* @param string $name name of the cache
* @param mixed $data data to cache
* @param integer $lifetime number of seconds the cache is valid for
* @return mixed for getting
* @return boolean for setting
public static function file_cache($name, $data = NULL, $lifetime = NULL)
// Cache file is a hash of the name
$file = sha1($name).'.txt';
// Cache directories are split by keys to prevent filesystem overload
$dir = Kohana::$cache_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file[0].$file[1].DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ($lifetime === NULL)
// Use the default lifetime
$lifetime = Kohana::$cache_life;
if ($data === NULL)
if (is_file($dir.$file))
if ((time() - filemtime($dir.$file)) < $lifetime)
// Return the cache
return unserialize(file_get_contents($dir.$file));
catch (Exception $e)
// Cache is corrupt, let return happen normally.
// Cache has expired
catch (Exception $e)
// Cache has mostly likely already been deleted,
// let return happen normally.
// Cache not found
return NULL;
if ( ! is_dir($dir))
// Create the cache directory
mkdir($dir, 0777, TRUE);
// Set permissions (must be manually set to fix umask issues)
chmod($dir, 0777);
// Force the data to be a string
$data = serialize($data);
// Write the cache
return (bool) file_put_contents($dir.$file, $data, LOCK_EX);
catch (Exception $e)
// Failed to write cache
return FALSE;
* Get a message from a file. Messages are arbitrary strings that are stored
* in the `messages/` directory and reference by a key. Translation is not
* performed on the returned values. See [message files](kohana/files/messages)
* for more information.
* // Get "username" from messages/text.php
* $username = Kohana::message('text', 'username');
* @param string $file file name
* @param string $path key path to get
* @param mixed $default default value if the path does not exist
* @return string message string for the given path
* @return array complete message list, when no path is specified
* @uses Arr::merge
* @uses Arr::path
public static function message($file, $path = NULL, $default = NULL)
static $messages;
if ( ! isset($messages[$file]))
// Create a new message list
$messages[$file] = [];
if ($files = Kohana::find_file('messages', $file))
foreach ($files as $f)
// Combine all the messages recursively
$messages[$file] = Arr::merge($messages[$file], Kohana::load($f));
if ($path === NULL)
// Return all of the messages
return $messages[$file];
// Get a message using the path
return Arr::path($messages[$file], $path, $default);
* PHP error handler, converts all errors into ErrorExceptions. This handler
* respects error_reporting settings.
* @throws ErrorException
* @return TRUE
public static function error_handler($code, $error, $file = NULL, $line = NULL)
if (error_reporting() & $code)
// This error is not suppressed by current error reporting settings
// Convert the error into an ErrorException
throw new ErrorException($error, $code, 0, $file, $line);
// Do not execute the PHP error handler
return TRUE;
* Catches errors that are not caught by the error handler, such as E_PARSE.
* @uses Kohana_Exception::handler
* @return void
public static function shutdown_handler()
if ( ! Kohana::$_init)
// Do not execute when not active
if (Kohana::$caching === TRUE AND Kohana::$_files_changed === TRUE)
// Write the file path cache
Kohana::cache('Kohana::find_file()', Kohana::$_files);
catch (Exception $e)
// Pass the exception to the handler
if (Kohana::$errors AND $error = error_get_last() AND in_array($error['type'], Kohana::$shutdown_errors))
// Clean the output buffer
ob_get_level() AND ob_clean();
// Fake an exception for nice debugging
Kohana_Exception::handler(new ErrorException($error['message'], $error['type'], 0, $error['file'], $error['line']));
// Shutdown now to avoid a "death loop"
* Generates a version string based on the variables defined above.
* @return string
public static function version()
return 'Koseven '.Kohana::VERSION.' ('.Kohana::CODENAME.')';