(float) 1, 'text/plain' => 0.5, 'application/json' => 0.1, 'text/*' => (float) 1 ] ], [ [ 'text/*', 'text/html; level=1; q=0.4', 'application/xml+rss; q=0.5; level=4' ], [ 'text/*' => (float) 1, 'text/html; level=1' => 0.4, 'application/xml+rss; level=4' => 0.5 ] ] ]; } /** * Tests the `accept_quality` method parses the quality values * correctly out of header parts * * @dataProvider provider_accept_quality * * @param array $parts input * @param array $expected expected output * @return void */ public function test_accept_quality(array $parts, array $expected) { $out = HTTP_Header::accept_quality($parts); foreach ($out as $key => $value) { $this->assertIsFloat($value); } $this->assertSame($expected, $out); } /** * Data provider for test_parse_accept_header * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_accept_header() { return [ [ 'text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*', [ 'text' => [ 'html' => (float) 1, 'plain' => (float) 1, '*' => (float) 1 ], '*' => [ '*' => (float) 1 ] ] ], [ 'text/html; q=.5, application/json, application/xml+rss; level=1; q=.7, text/*, */*', [ 'text' => [ 'html' => 0.5, '*' => (float) 1 ], 'application' => [ 'json' => (float) 1, 'xml+rss; level=1' => 0.7 ], '*' => [ '*' => (float) 1 ] ] ] ]; } /** * Tests the `parse_accept_header` method parses the Accept: header * correctly and returns expected output * * @dataProvider provider_parse_accept_header * * @param string $accept accept in * @param array $expected expected out * @return void */ public function test_parse_accept_header($accept, array $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, HTTP_Header::parse_accept_header($accept)); } /** * Provides data for test_parse_charset_header * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_charset_header() { return [ [ 'utf-8, utf-10, utf-16, iso-8859-1', [ 'utf-8' => (float) 1, 'utf-10' => (float) 1, 'utf-16' => (float) 1, 'iso-8859-1'=> (float) 1 ] ], [ 'utf-8, utf-10; q=.9, utf-16; q=.5, iso-8859-1; q=.75', [ 'utf-8' => (float) 1, 'utf-10' => 0.9, 'utf-16' => 0.5, 'iso-8859-1'=> 0.75 ] ], [ NULL, [ '*' => (float) 1 ] ] ]; } /** * Tests the `parse_charset_header` method parsed the Accept-Charset header * correctly * * @dataProvider provider_parse_charset_header * * @param string $accept accept * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ public function test_parse_charset_header($accept, array $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, HTTP_Header::parse_charset_header($accept)); } /** * Provides data for test_parse_charset_header * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_encoding_header() { return [ [ 'compress, gzip, blowfish', [ 'compress' => (float) 1, 'gzip' => (float) 1, 'blowfish' => (float) 1 ] ], [ 'compress, gzip; q=0.12345, blowfish; q=1.0', [ 'compress' => (float) 1, 'gzip' => 0.12345, 'blowfish' => (float) 1 ] ], [ NULL, [ '*' => (float) 1 ] ], [ '', [ 'identity' => (float) 1 ] ] ]; } /** * Tests the `parse_encoding_header` method parses the Accept-Encoding header * correctly * * @dataProvider provider_parse_encoding_header * * @param string $accept accept * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ public function test_parse_encoding_header($accept, array $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, HTTP_Header::parse_encoding_header($accept)); } /** * Provides data for test_parse_charset_header * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_language_header() { return [ [ 'en, en-us, en-gb, fr, fr-fr, es-es', [ 'en' => [ '*' => (float) 1, 'us' => (float) 1, 'gb' => (float) 1 ], 'fr' => [ '*' => (float) 1, 'fr' => (float) 1 ], 'es' => [ 'es' => (float) 1 ] ] ], [ 'en; q=.9, en-us, en-gb, fr; q=.5, fr-fr; q=0.4, es-es; q=0.9, en-gb-gb; q=.45', [ 'en' => [ '*' => 0.9, 'us' => (float) 1, 'gb' => (float) 1, 'gb-gb' => 0.45 ], 'fr' => [ '*' => 0.5, 'fr' => 0.4 ], 'es' => [ 'es' => 0.9 ] ] ], [ NULL, [ '*' => [ '*' => (float) 1 ] ] ] ]; } /** * Tests the `parse_language_header` method parses the Accept-Language header * correctly * * @dataProvider provider_parse_language_header * * @param string $accept accept * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ public function test_parse_language_header($accept, array $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, HTTP_Header::parse_language_header($accept)); } /** * Data provider for test_create_cache_control * * @return array */ public function provider_create_cache_control() { return [ [ [ 'public', 'max-age' => 1800, 'must-revalidate', 's-max-age' => 3600 ], 'public, max-age=1800, must-revalidate, s-max-age=3600' ], [ [ 'max-age' => 1800, 's-max-age' => 1800, 'public', 'must-revalidate', ], 'max-age=1800, s-max-age=1800, public, must-revalidate' ], [ [ 'private', 'no-cache', 'max-age' => 0, 'must-revalidate' ], 'private, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate' ] ]; } /** * Tests that `create_cache_control()` outputs the correct cache control * string from the supplied input * * @dataProvider provider_create_cache_control * * @param array $input input * @param string $expected expected * @return void */ public function test_create_cache_control(array $input, $expected) { $this->assertSame($expected, HTTP_Header::create_cache_control($input)); } /** * Data provider for parse_cache_control * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_cache_control() { return [ [ 'public, max-age=1800, must-revalidate, s-max-age=3600', [ 'public', 'max-age' => 1800, 'must-revalidate', 's-max-age' => 3600 ] ], [ 'max-age=1800, s-max-age=1800, public, must-revalidate', [ 'max-age' => 1800, 's-max-age' => 1800, 'public', 'must-revalidate', ] ], [ 'private, no-cache, max-age=0, must-revalidate', [ 'private', 'no-cache', 'max-age' => 0, 'must-revalidate' ] ] ]; } /** * Tests that `parse_cache_control()` outputs the correct cache control * parsed data from the input string * * @dataProvider provider_parse_cache_control * * @param string $input input * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ public function test_parse_cache_control($input, array $expected) { $parsed = HTTP_Header::parse_cache_control($input); $this->assertIsArray($parsed); foreach ($expected as $key => $value) { if (is_int($key)) { $this->assertTrue(in_array($value, $parsed)); } else { $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists($key, $parsed)); $this->assertSame($value, $parsed[$key]); } } } /** * Data provider for test_offsetSet * * @return array */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function provider_offsetSet() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { return [ [ [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1' ], [ [ 'Accept-Encoding', 'compress, gzip', FALSE ] ], [ 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'accept-language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1', 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip' ] ], [ [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1' ], [ [ 'Accept-Encoding', 'compress, gzip', FALSE ], [ 'Accept-Encoding', 'bzip', FALSE ] ], [ 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'accept-language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1', 'accept-encoding' => [ 'compress, gzip', 'bzip' ] ] ], [ [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'Accept-Language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1' ], [ [ 'Accept-Encoding', 'compress, gzip', FALSE ], [ 'Accept-Encoding', 'bzip', TRUE ], [ 'Accept', 'text/*', FALSE ] ], [ 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept' => [ 'text/html, text/plain; q=.1, */*', 'text/*' ], 'accept-language' => 'en-gb, en-us, en; q=.1', 'accept-encoding' => 'bzip' ] ], ]; } /** * Ensures that offsetSet normalizes the array keys * * @dataProvider provider_offsetSet * * @param array $constructor constructor * @param array $to_set to_set * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetSet(array $constructor, array $to_set, array $expected) // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $http_header = new HTTP_Header($constructor); $reflection = new ReflectionClass($http_header); $method = $reflection->getMethod('offsetSet'); foreach ($to_set as $args) { $method->invokeArgs($http_header, $args); } $this->assertSame($expected, $http_header->getArrayCopy()); } /** * Data provider for test_offsetGet * * @return array */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function provider_offsetGet() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { return [ [ [ 'FoO' => 'bar', 'START' => 'end', 'true' => TRUE ], 'FOO', 'bar' ], [ [ 'FoO' => 'bar', 'START' => 'end', 'true' => TRUE ], 'true', TRUE ], [ [ 'FoO' => 'bar', 'START' => 'end', 'true' => TRUE ], 'True', TRUE ], [ [ 'FoO' => 'bar', 'START' => 'end', 'true' => TRUE ], 'Start', 'end' ], [ [ 'content-type' => 'bar', 'Content-Type' => 'end', 'Accept' => '*/*' ], 'content-type', 'end' ] ]; } /** * Ensures that offsetGet normalizes the array keys * * @dataProvider provider_offsetGet * * @param array start state * @param string key to retrieve * @param mixed expected * @return void */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetGet(array $state, $key, $expected) // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->offsetGet($key)); } /** * Data provider for test_offsetExists * * @return array */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function provider_offsetExists() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { return [ [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'Content-Type', TRUE ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'CONTENT-TYPE', TRUE ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'accept-language', TRUE ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'x-powered-by', FALSE ] ]; } /** * Ensures that offsetExists normalizes the array key * * @dataProvider provider_offsetExists * * @param array $state state * @param string $key key * @param boolean $expected expected * @return void */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetExists(array $state, $key, $expected) // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->offsetExists($key)); } /** * Data provider for test_offsetUnset * * @return array */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function provider_offsetUnset() // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { return [ [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'Accept-Language', [ 'accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ] ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'ACCEPT', [ 'accept-language' => 'en, en-GB', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ] ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'Accept-Language' => 'en, en-GB', 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ], 'content-type', [ 'accept' => 'text/html, application/json', 'accept-language' => 'en, en-GB', ] ] ]; } /** * Tests that `offsetUnset` normalizes the key names properly * * @dataProvider provider_offsetUnset * * @param array $state state * @param string $remove remove * @param array $expected expected * @return void */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart public function test_offsetUnset(array $state, $remove, array $expected) // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $header->offsetUnset($remove); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->getArrayCopy()); } /** * Provides data for test_parse_header_string * * @return array */ public function provider_parse_header_string() { return [ [ [ "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", "Accept: text/html, text/plain; q=.5, application/json, */* \r\n", "X-Powered-By: KO7 Baby \r\n" ], [ 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.5, application/json, */* ', 'x-powered-by' => 'KO7 Baby ' ] ], [ [ "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", "Accept: text/html, text/plain; q=.5, application/json, */* \r\n", "X-Powered-By: KO7 Baby \r\n", "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" ], [ 'content-type' => [ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'application/json' ], 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain; q=.5, application/json, */* ', 'x-powered-by' => 'KO7 Baby ' ] ] ]; } /** * Tests that `parse_header_string` performs as expected * * @dataProvider provider_parse_header_string * * @param array headers * @param array expected * @return void */ public function test_parse_header_string(array $headers, array $expected) { $http_header = new HTTP_Header([]); foreach ($headers as $header) { $this->assertEquals(strlen($header), $http_header->parse_header_string(NULL, $header)); } $this->assertSame($expected, $http_header->getArrayCopy()); } /** * Data Provider for test_accepts_at_quality * * @return array */ public function provider_accepts_at_quality() { return [ [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'application/json', FALSE, 1.0 ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'text/html', FALSE, 0.5 ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'text/plain', FALSE, 0.1 ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'text/plain', TRUE, FALSE ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'application/xml', FALSE, 1.0 ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], 'application/xml', TRUE, FALSE ], [ [], 'application/xml', FALSE, 1.0 ], [ [], 'application/xml', TRUE, FALSE ] ]; } /** * Tests `accepts_at_quality` parsed the Accept: header as expected * * @dataProvider provider_accepts_at_quality * * @param array starting state * @param string accept header to test * @param boolean explicitly check * @param mixed expected output * @return void */ public function test_accepts_at_quality(array $state, $accept, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->accepts_at_quality($accept, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_preferred_accept * * @return array */ public function provider_preferred_accept() { return [ [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], [ 'text/html', 'application/json', 'text/plain' ], FALSE, 'application/json' ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], [ 'text/plain', 'application/xml', 'image/jpeg' ], FALSE, 'application/xml' ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1' ], [ 'text/plain', 'application/xml', 'image/jpeg' ], FALSE, 'text/plain' ], [ [ 'Accept' => 'application/json, text/html; q=.5, text/*; q=.1, */*' ], [ 'text/plain', 'application/xml', 'image/jpeg' ], TRUE, FALSE ], ]; } /** * Tests `preferred_accept` returns the correct preferred type * * @dataProvider provider_preferred_accept * * @param array state * @param array accepts * @param string explicit * @param string expected * @return void */ public function test_preferred_accept(array $state, array $accepts, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->preferred_accept($accepts, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_accepts_charset_at_quality * * @return array */ public function provider_accepts_charset_at_quality() { return [ [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, utf-16, iso-8859-1' ], 'utf-8', 1.0 ], [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, utf-16, iso-8859-1' ], 'utf-16', 1.0 ], [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8; q=.1, utf-10, utf-16; q=.2, iso-8859-1' ], 'utf-8', 0.1 ], [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8; q=.1, utf-10, utf-16; q=.2, iso-8859-1; q=.5' ], 'iso-8859-1', 0.5 ] ]; } /** * Tests `accepts_charset_at_quality` works as expected, returning the correct * quality value * * @dataProvider provider_accepts_charset_at_quality * * @param array state * @param string charset * @param string expected * @return void */ public function test_accepts_charset_at_quality(array $state, $charset, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->accepts_charset_at_quality($charset)); } /** * Data provider for test_preferred_charset * * @return array */ public function provider_preferred_charset() { return [ [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, utf-16, iso-8859-1' ], [ 'utf-8', 'utf-16' ], 'utf-8' ], [ [ 'Accept-Charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, utf-16, iso-8859-1' ], [ 'UTF-10' ], 'UTF-10' ], ]; } /** * Tests `preferred_charset` works as expected, returning the correct charset * from the list supplied * * @dataProvider provider_preferred_charset * * @param array state * @param array charsets * @param string expected * @return void */ public function test_preferred_charset(array $state, array $charsets, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->preferred_charset($charsets)); } /** * Data provider for test_accepts_encoding_at_quality * * @return array */ public function provider_accepts_encoding_at_quality() { return [ [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], 'gzip', FALSE, 1.0 ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], 'gzip', TRUE, 1.0 ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], 'blowfish', FALSE, 0.7 ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], 'bzip', FALSE, 0.5 ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], 'bzip', TRUE, (float) 0 ] ]; } /** * Tests `accepts_encoding_at_quality` parses and returns the correct * quality value for Accept-Encoding headers * * @dataProvider provider_accepts_encoding_at_quality * * @param array state * @param string encoding * @param boolean explicit * @param float expected * @return void */ public function test_accepts_encoding_at_quality(array $state, $encoding, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->accepts_encoding_at_quality($encoding, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_preferred_encoding * * @return array */ public function provider_preferred_encoding() { return [ [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], ['gzip', 'blowfish', 'bzip'], FALSE, 'gzip' ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], ['bzip', 'ROT-13'], FALSE, 'bzip' ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.7, *; q=.5' ], ['bzip', 'ROT-13'], TRUE, FALSE ], [ [ 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip, blowfish; q=.2, *; q=.5' ], ['ROT-13', 'blowfish'], FALSE, 'ROT-13' ], ]; } /** * Tests that `preferred_encoding` parses and returns the correct * encoding type * * @dataProvider provider_preferred_encoding * * @param array state in * @param array encodings to interrogate * @param boolean explicit check * @param string expected output * @return void */ public function test_preferred_encoding(array $state, array $encodings, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->preferred_encoding($encodings, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_accepts_language_at_quality * * @return array */ public function provider_accepts_language_at_quality() { return [ [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], 'en', FALSE, 0.5 ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], 'en-gb', FALSE, 0.7 ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], 'en', TRUE, 0.5 ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], 'fr-ni', FALSE, 0.8 ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], 'fr-ni', TRUE, (float) 0 ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-US' ], 'en-us', TRUE, (float) 1 ], ]; } /** * Tests `accepts_language_at_quality` parses the Accept-Language header * correctly and identifies the correct quality supplied, explicit or not * * @dataProvider provider_accepts_language_at_quality * * @param array state in * @param string language to interrogate * @param boolean explicit check * @param float expected output * @return void */ public function test_accepts_language_at_quality(array $state, $language, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->accepts_language_at_quality($language, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_preferred_language * * @return array */ public function provider_preferred_language() { return [ [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], [ 'en', 'fr', 'en-gb' ], FALSE, 'fr' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], [ 'en', 'fr', 'en-gb' ], TRUE, 'fr' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], [ 'en-au', 'fr-ni', 'fr' ], FALSE, 'fr-ni' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-us; q=.9, en-gb; q=.7, en; q=.5, fr-fr; q=.9, fr; q=.8' ], [ 'en-au', 'fr-ni', 'fr' ], TRUE, 'fr' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'en-US' ], [ 'en-us' ], TRUE, 'en-us' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'fr,en-US,en' ], [ 'en-us', 'fr-fr' ], FALSE, 'fr-fr' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'fr,en-US,en' ], [ 'fr-fr', 'en-us' ], FALSE, 'fr-fr' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'fr,en,en-US' ], [ 'en-us', 'fr-fr' ], TRUE, 'en-us' ], [ [ 'accept-language' => 'fr,en,en-US' ], [ 'fr-fr', 'en-us' ], TRUE, 'en-us' ], ]; } /** * Tests that `preferred_language` correctly identifies the right * language based on the Accept-Language header and `$explicit` setting * * @dataProvider provider_preferred_language * * @param array state in * @param array languages to interrogate * @param boolean explicit check * @param string expected output * @return void */ public function test_preferred_language(array $state, array $languages, $explicit, $expected) { $header = new HTTP_Header($state); $this->assertSame($expected, $header->preferred_language($languages, $explicit)); } /** * Data provider for test_send_headers * * @return array */ public function provider_send_headers() { $content_type = KO7::$content_type.'; charset='.KO7::$charset; return [ [ [], [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Type: '.$content_type, ], FALSE, ], [ [], [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Content-Type: '.$content_type, 'X-Powered-By: '.KO7::version(), ], TRUE, ], [ [ 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, iso-8859-1', 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip', 'accept-language' => 'en, en-gb, en-us' ], [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Accept: text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*', 'Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-10, iso-8859-1', 'Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip', 'Accept-Language: en, en-gb, en-us', 'Content-Type: '.$content_type, ], FALSE ], [ [ 'accept' => 'text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8, utf-10, iso-8859-1', 'accept-encoding' => 'compress, gzip', 'accept-language' => 'en, en-gb, en-us', 'content-type' => 'application/json', 'x-powered-by' => 'Mohana', 'x-ssl-enabled' => 'TRUE' ], [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Accept: text/html, text/plain, text/*, */*', 'Accept-Charset: utf-8, utf-10, iso-8859-1', 'Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip', 'Accept-Language: en, en-gb, en-us', 'Content-Type: application/json', 'X-Powered-By: Mohana', 'X-Ssl-Enabled: TRUE' ], TRUE ] ]; } /** * Tests that send headers processes the headers sent to PHP correctly * * @dataProvider provider_send_headers * * @param array state in * @param array expected out * @return void */ public function test_send_headers(array $state, array $expected, $expose) { KO7::$expose = $expose; $response = new Response; $response->headers($state); $this->assertSame( $expected, $response->send_headers(FALSE, [$this, 'send_headers_handler']) ); } /** * Callback handler for send headers * * @param array headers * @param boolean replace * @return array */ public function send_headers_handler($response, $headers, $replace) { return $headers; } } // End KO7_HTTP_HeaderTest