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remove old unittest files and lines

Puskás Zsolt 7 years ago

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,32 +1,15 @@
 dist: trusty
 dist: trusty
 language: php
 language: php
-# list any PHP version you want to test against
-  # aliased to a recent 5.6.x version
-  # - 5.6   PHPUnit 6.0 is supported on PHP 7.0 and PHP 7.1.
-  # aliased to a recent 7.0 version
   - 7.0
   - 7.0
-  # # aliased to a recent 7.1 version
   - 7.1
   - 7.1
-  # Update phpunit
-  #- sudo rm -r $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION/bin/phpunit
-  #- wget
-  #- sudo mkdir $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION/bin/phpunit
-  #- sudo mv phpunit.phar $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION/bin/phpunit
-  #- sudo chmod +x $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION/bin/phpunit
-# execute any number of scripts before the test run, custom env's are available as variables
   - sudo chmod -R 755 modules/ application/ system/
   - sudo chmod -R 755 modules/ application/ system/
-  # - set -e # don't stop on failure
-  #- php $HOME/.phpenv/versions/$TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION/bin/phpunit/phpunit.phar --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
   - phpunit --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
   - phpunit --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
-# configure notifications (email, IRC, campfire etc)
   email: false
   email: false

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 37

@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-sudo: false
-language: php
-# Only build the main develop/master branches - feature branches will be covered by PRs
-  only:
-    - /^[0-9\.]+\/(develop|master)$/
-  directories:
-    - vendor
-    - $HOME/.composer/cache
-  - 5.3
-  - 5.4
-  - 5.5
-  - 5.6
-  - 7.0
-  - hhvm
-  include:
-    - php: 5.3
-      env: 'COMPOSER_PHPUNIT="lowest"'
-  - composer install --prefer-dist
-  - if [ "$COMPOSER_PHPUNIT" = "lowest" ]; then composer update --prefer-lowest --with-dependencies phpunit/phpunit; fi;
-  - vendor/bin/koharness
-  - cd /tmp/koharness && ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
-  email: false

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
 Kohana auth module
 Kohana auth module
-| ver   | Stable                                                                                                                       | Develop                                                                                                                        |
-| 3.3.x | [![Build Status - 3.3/master](]( | [![Build Status - 3.3/develop](]( |
-| 3.4.x | [![Build Status - 3.4/master](]( | [![Build Status - 3.4/develop](]( |
 I've forked the main Auth module because there were some fundamental flaws with it:
 I've forked the main Auth module because there were some fundamental flaws with it:

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-	"name":        "kohana/auth",
-	"type":        "kohana-module",
-	"description": "The official Kohana auth module",
-	"homepage":    "",
-	"license":     "BSD-3-Clause",
-	"keywords":    ["kohana", "framework", "authentication"],
-	"authors": [
-		{
-			"name":     "Kohana Team",
-			"email":    "",
-			"homepage": "",
-			"role":     "developer"
-		}
-	],
-	"support": {
-		"issues":   "",
-		"forum":    "",
-		"irc":      "irc://",
-		"source":   ""
-	},
-	"require": {
-		"composer/installers": "~1.0",
-		"kohana/core":         ">=3.3",
-		"php":                 ">=5.3.3"
-	},
-	"require-dev": {
-		"kohana/core":         "3.3.*@dev",
-		"kohana/unittest":     "3.3.*@dev",
-		"kohana/koharness":    "*@dev"
-	},
-	"extra": {
-		"branch-alias": {
-			"dev-3.3/develop": "3.3.x-dev",
-			"dev-3.4/develop": "3.4.x-dev"
-		},
-		"installer-paths": {
-			"vendor/{$vendor}/{$name}": ["type:kohana-module"]
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 11

@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Configuration for koharness - builds a standalone skeleton Kohana app for running unit tests
-return [
-	'modules' => [
-		'auth' => __DIR__,
-		'unittest' => __DIR__.'/vendor/kohana/unittest',
-	],

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-sudo: false
-language: php
-# Only build the main develop/master branches - feature branches will be covered by PRs
-  only:
-    - /^[0-9\.]+\/(develop|master)$/
-  directories:
-    - vendor
-    - $HOME/.composer/cache
-  - 5.3
-  - 5.4
-  - 5.5
-  - 5.6
-  - 7.0
-  - hhvm
-  include:
-    - php: 5.3
-      env: 'COMPOSER_PHPUNIT="lowest"'
-  - memcached
-  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != "hhvm" ]]; then INI_FILE=~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini; else INI_FILE=/etc/hhvm/php.ini; fi;
-  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 5.* ]]; then echo extension = >> $INI_FILE; fi;
-  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 5.* ]]; then (echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-4.0.10 && echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE); fi;
-  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION = 7.* ]]; then (echo yes | pecl install -f apcu-5.1.2 && echo apc.enable_cli = 1 >> $INI_FILE); fi;
-  - if [[ $TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION != "hhvm" ]] ; then echo -e 'apc.max_file_size = 0\napc.cache_by_default = 0' >> $INI_FILE ; fi
-  - composer install --prefer-dist
-  - if [ "$COMPOSER_PHPUNIT" = "lowest" ]; then composer update --prefer-lowest --with-dependencies phpunit/phpunit; fi;
-  - vendor/bin/koharness
-  - cd /tmp/koharness && ./vendor/bin/phpunit --bootstrap=modules/unittest/bootstrap.php modules/unittest/tests.php
-  email: false

+ 0 - 6

@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
 Kohana Cache library
 Kohana Cache library
-| ver   | Stable                                                                                                                               | Develop                                                                                                                                |
-| 3.3.x | [![Build Status - 3.3/master](]( | [![Build Status - 3.3/develop](]( |
-| 3.4.x | [![Build Status - 3.4/master](]( | [![Build Status - 3.4/develop](]( |
 The cache library for Kohana 3 provides a simple interface to the most common cache solutions. Developers are free to add their own caching solutions that follow the cache design pattern defined within this module.
 The cache library for Kohana 3 provides a simple interface to the most common cache solutions. Developers are free to add their own caching solutions that follow the cache design pattern defined within this module.
 Supported cache solutions
 Supported cache solutions

+ 0 - 41

@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-	"name":        "kohana/cache",
-	"type":        "kohana-module",
-	"description": "The official Kohana cache management module",
-	"homepage":    "",
-	"license":     "BSD-3-Clause",
-	"keywords":    ["kohana", "framework", "cache"],
-	"authors": [
-		{
-			"name":     "Kohana Team",
-			"email":    "",
-			"homepage": "",
-			"role":     "developer"
-		}
-	],
-	"support": {
-		"issues":   "",
-		"forum":    "",
-		"irc":      "irc://",
-		"source":   ""
-	},
-	"require": {
-		"composer/installers": "~1.0",
-		"kohana/core":         ">=3.3",
-		"php":                 ">=5.3.3"
-	},
-    "require-dev": {
-        "kohana/core":         "3.3.*@dev",
-        "kohana/unittest":     "3.3.*@dev",
-        "kohana/koharness":    "*@dev"
-    },
-	"extra": {
-		"branch-alias": {
-			"dev-3.3/develop": "3.3.x-dev",
-			"dev-3.4/develop": "3.4.x-dev"
-		},
-        "installer-paths": {
-            "vendor/{$vendor}/{$name}": ["type:kohana-module"]
-        }
-	}

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff