1. [1.0.0]
  2. Essentially a rewrite. Synchronization state storage concept, configuration
  3. and command line changed entirely.
  4. But you needn't to worry about the upgrade, as a fully automated migration
  5. path is provided, even for users of isync 0.7 and below.
  6. Still, you should re-read the manual to be able to take full advantage of the
  7. new features:
  8. The supported mailbox types can be freely paired.
  9. A possible application of this is using a local IMAP server to access
  10. mailboxes that are not natively supported yet.
  11. Message deletions (expunges) are now propagated both ways, so there is no need
  12. for using mutt with maildir_trash any more.
  13. Additional trash options added.
  14. `OneToOne' replaced by something more flexible.
  15. Partial support for IMAP pipelining (streaming, parallelization) added.
  16. Makes flag change propagation much faster - this affects every message that
  17. becomes Seen/Read.
  18. [0.9]
  19. Added Tunnel directive to allow the user to specify a shell command to run
  20. to set up an IMAP connection in place of a TCP socket (eg., to run over
  21. an SSH session).
  22. Added PREAUTH support (useful mostly in conjunction with Tunnel).
  23. Messages marked deleted are not uploaded when we are going to expunge.
  24. Locally generated messages are not re-fetched after uploading even if the
  25. UIDPLUS extension is not supported by the server.
  26. Added `OneToOne' configuration option: ignore any Mailbox specifications
  27. and instead pick up all mailboxes from the local MailDir and remote Folder
  28. and map them 1:1 onto each other according to their names.
  29. -C now creates both local and remote boxes; -L and -R create only local/remote.
  30. --quiet is now really quiet.
  31. [0.8]
  32. !!! IMPORTANT !!!
  33. In order to fix the problem where messages copied from one mailbox to
  34. another were not uploaded to the new mailbox, the way Isync stores the UID
  35. for each message needed to be changed. As a result, you _MUST_ delete all
  36. the messages in the local maildir box before using this version. Otherwise
  37. it will upload every message to the server thinking its a new mail.
  38. [0.7]
  39. Added `MaxMessages' configuration option to allow tracking of only the most
  40. recently added message in the local mailbox.
  41. Added --create (-C) command line option to force creation of the local
  42. maildir-style mailbox if it doesn't already exist.
  43. [0.6]
  44. Added `Delete' configuration option to correspond to the -d command line
  45. option.
  46. Added -a (--all) command line option to synchronize all mailboxes.
  47. [0.5]
  48. Updated SSL support.
  49. Added CRAM authentication support.
  50. Added MailDir configuration option to specify the default location of local
  51. mailboxes when relative paths are used.
  52. Added support for uploading local messages to the IMAP server.
  53. Added CopyDeletedTo configuration option to cause isync to move deleted
  54. messages to a particular mailbox on the server when they are expunged.
  55. [0.4]
  56. Added MaxSize configuration option to limit downloading of new messages from
  57. the server to less than some threshold.
  58. More robust --fast option works without using \Recent flags, so the previous
  59. problem with multiple accesses killing these flags is no longer a problem.
  60. RFC2060 obsoleted RFC822.PEEK, use BODY.PEEK[] instead which does the same
  61. job.
  62. Don't need to request UID in a FETCH when doing UID FETCH (RFC2060 states
  63. that its automatically returned).
  64. [0.3]
  65. Fixed to clean up temp maildir files when the fetch of a new message failed.
  66. Fixed to not assume order of the flags returned by "UID FETCH"
  67. Added support for building RPMs.
  68. [0.2]
  69. SSL support added.
  70. [0.1]
  71. Initial release.