1. Main screen:
  2. For all views, all modes:
  3. Mouse click header - nothing happens.
  4. Mouse click on ProcessTable title bar - exit Tree view, update FunctionBar, title bar updates, sort by clicked field.
  5. *** FAILING: wrong FB update depending on mode; does not change sort in wip branch
  6. click on same entry - invert sort.
  7. click on another entry - sort another field.
  8. Mouse click on a process - select that process.
  9. for each entry in FunctionBar:
  10. Mouse click entry - perform action of associated key.
  11. In Normal mode, Sorted view:
  12. <+> or <-> - do nothing.
  13. <F6> - enter SortBy screen.
  14. In Normal mode, Tree view:
  15. select process - update F6 in FunctionBar if subtree is collapsed or expanded.
  16. <F6>, <+> or <-> - expand/collapse subtree.
  17. In Normal mode, either Sorted or Tree view:
  18. <F3>, </> - activate Search mode.
  19. <F4>, <\> - activate Filter mode.
  20. <F7>, <]> - as root only, decrease process NICE value.
  21. <F8>, <[> - increase process NICE value.
  22. <a> - enter Affinity screen.
  23. <b> - do nothing.
  24. <c> - select process and all its children.
  25. <d>, <e>, <f>, <g> - do nothing.
  26. <F1>, <h>, <?> - enter Help screen.
  27. <i> - on Linux, enter IOPriority screen.
  28. <j> - do nothing.
  29. <F9>, <k> - enter Kill screen.
  30. <l> - enter LSOF screen.
  31. <m>, <n>, <o> - do nothing.
  32. <p> - hide/show program path.
  33. <F10>, <q> - quit program.
  34. <r> - do nothing.
  35. <s> - enter STrace screen.
  36. <F5>, <t> - toggle between Tree and Sorted view, update F5 in FunctionBar, follow process
  37. <u> - enter User screen.
  38. <v>, <w>, <x>, <y>, <z> - do nothing.
  39. <A>, <B> - do nothing.
  40. <F2>, <C>, <S> - enter Setup screen.
  41. <D>, <E> - do nothing.
  42. <F> - follow process.
  43. <G> - do nothing.
  44. <H> - toggle show/hide userland threads.
  45. <I> - invert sort order.
  46. <J> - do nothing.
  47. <K> - toggle show/hide kernel threads.
  48. <L> - do nothing.
  49. <M> - enter Sorted view, update function bar, sort by MEM%.
  50. <N>, <O> - do nothing.
  51. <P> - enter Sorted view, update function bar, sort by CPU%.
  52. <Q>, <R> - do nothing.
  53. <T> - enter Sorted view, update function bar, sort by TIME.
  54. <U> - untag all processes.
  55. <V>, <W>, <X>, <Y>, <Z> - do nothing.
  56. <<>, <>>, <,>, <.> - enter SortBy screen.
  57. space - tag current process, move down cursor.
  58. numbers - incremental PID search.
  59. In Search mode:
  60. TODO
  61. In Filter mode:
  62. TODO
  63. Setup screen:
  64. TODO
  65. SortBy screen:
  66. TODO
  67. User screen:
  68. TODO
  69. Kill screen:
  70. TODO
  71. Affinity screen:
  72. TODO
  73. Help screen:
  74. any key - back to Main screen.
  75. IOPriority screen:
  76. TODO
  77. STrace screen:
  78. TODO
  79. LSOF screen:
  80. TODO