123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290 |
- /*
- htop - OpenBSDMachine.c
- (C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
- (C) 2015 Michael McConville
- Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file
- in the source distribution for its full text.
- */
- #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
- #include "openbsd/OpenBSDMachine.h"
- #include <kvm.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/mount.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #include <sys/proc.h>
- #include <sys/sched.h>
- #include <sys/swap.h>
- #include <sys/sysctl.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <uvm/uvmexp.h>
- #include "CRT.h"
- #include "Macros.h"
- #include "Object.h"
- #include "Settings.h"
- #include "XUtils.h"
- static void OpenBSDMachine_updateCPUcount(OpenBSDMachine* this) {
- Machine* super = &this->super;
- const int nmib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPU };
- const int mib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_NCPUONLINE };
- int r;
- unsigned int value;
- size_t size;
- bool change = false;
- size = sizeof(value);
- r = sysctl(mib, 2, &value, &size, NULL, 0);
- if (r < 0 || value < 1) {
- value = 1;
- }
- if (value != super->activeCPUs) {
- super->activeCPUs = value;
- change = true;
- }
- size = sizeof(value);
- r = sysctl(nmib, 2, &value, &size, NULL, 0);
- if (r < 0 || value < 1) {
- value = super->activeCPUs;
- }
- if (value != super->existingCPUs) {
- this->cpuData = xReallocArray(this->cpuData, value + 1, sizeof(CPUData));
- super->existingCPUs = value;
- change = true;
- }
- if (change) {
- CPUData* dAvg = &this->cpuData[0];
- memset(dAvg, '\0', sizeof(CPUData));
- dAvg->totalTime = 1;
- dAvg->totalPeriod = 1;
- dAvg->online = true;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < super->existingCPUs; i++) {
- CPUData* d = &this->cpuData[i + 1];
- memset(d, '\0', sizeof(CPUData));
- d->totalTime = 1;
- d->totalPeriod = 1;
- const int ncmib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPUSTATS, i };
- struct cpustats cpu_stats;
- size = sizeof(cpu_stats);
- if (sysctl(ncmib, 3, &cpu_stats, &size, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- CRT_fatalError("ncmib sysctl call failed");
- }
- d->online = (cpu_stats.cs_flags & CPUSTATS_ONLINE);
- }
- }
- }
- Machine* Machine_new(UsersTable* usersTable, uid_t userId) {
- const int fmib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_FSCALE };
- size_t size;
- char errbuf[_POSIX2_LINE_MAX];
- OpenBSDMachine* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(OpenBSDMachine));
- Machine* super = &this->super;
- Machine_init(super, usersTable, userId);
- OpenBSDMachine_updateCPUcount(this);
- size = sizeof(this->fscale);
- if (sysctl(fmib, 2, &this->fscale, &size, NULL, 0) < 0 || this->fscale <= 0) {
- CRT_fatalError("fscale sysctl call failed");
- }
- if ((this->pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) == -1)
- CRT_fatalError("pagesize sysconf call failed");
- this->pageSizeKB = this->pageSize / ONE_K;
- this->kd = kvm_openfiles(NULL, NULL, NULL, KVM_NO_FILES, errbuf);
- if (this->kd == NULL) {
- CRT_fatalError("kvm_openfiles() failed");
- }
- this->cpuSpeed = -1;
- return super;
- }
- void Machine_delete(Machine* super) {
- OpenBSDMachine* this = (OpenBSDMachine*) super;
- if (this->kd) {
- kvm_close(this->kd);
- }
- free(this->cpuData);
- Machine_done(super);
- free(this);
- }
- static void OpenBSDMachine_scanMemoryInfo(OpenBSDMachine* this) {
- Machine* super = &this->super;
- const int uvmexp_mib[] = { CTL_VM, VM_UVMEXP };
- struct uvmexp uvmexp;
- size_t size_uvmexp = sizeof(uvmexp);
- if (sysctl(uvmexp_mib, 2, &uvmexp, &size_uvmexp, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- CRT_fatalError("uvmexp sysctl call failed");
- }
- super->totalMem = uvmexp.npages * this->pageSizeKB;
- super->usedMem = (uvmexp.npages - uvmexp.free - uvmexp.paging) * this->pageSizeKB;
- // Taken from OpenBSD systat/iostat.c, top/machine.c and uvm_sysctl(9)
- const int bcache_mib[] = { CTL_VFS, VFS_GENERIC, VFS_BCACHESTAT };
- struct bcachestats bcstats;
- size_t size_bcstats = sizeof(bcstats);
- if (sysctl(bcache_mib, 3, &bcstats, &size_bcstats, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- CRT_fatalError("cannot get vfs.bcachestat");
- }
- super->cachedMem = bcstats.numbufpages * this->pageSizeKB;
- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1994 Thorsten Lockert <tholo@sigmasoft.com>
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Taken almost directly from OpenBSD's top(1)
- *
- * Originally released under a BSD-3 license
- * Modified through htop developers applying GPL-2
- */
- int nswap = swapctl(SWAP_NSWAP, 0, 0);
- if (nswap > 0) {
- struct swapent* swdev = xMallocArray(nswap, sizeof(struct swapent));
- int rnswap = swapctl(SWAP_STATS, swdev, nswap);
- /* Total things up */
- unsigned long long int total = 0, used = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < rnswap; i++) {
- if (swdev[i].se_flags & SWF_ENABLE) {
- used += (swdev[i].se_inuse / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE));
- total += (swdev[i].se_nblks / (1024 / DEV_BSIZE));
- }
- }
- super->totalSwap = total;
- super->usedSwap = used;
- free(swdev);
- } else {
- super->totalSwap = super->usedSwap = 0;
- }
- }
- static void getKernelCPUTimes(unsigned int cpuId, u_int64_t* times) {
- const int mib[] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME2, cpuId };
- size_t length = sizeof(*times) * CPUSTATES;
- if (sysctl(mib, 3, times, &length, NULL, 0) == -1 || length != sizeof(*times) * CPUSTATES) {
- CRT_fatalError("sysctl kern.cp_time2 failed");
- }
- }
- static void kernelCPUTimesToHtop(const u_int64_t* times, CPUData* cpu) {
- unsigned long long totalTime = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) {
- totalTime += times[i];
- }
- unsigned long long sysAllTime = times[CP_INTR] + times[CP_SYS];
- // XXX Not sure if CP_SPIN should be added to sysAllTime.
- // See https://github.com/openbsd/src/commit/531d8034253fb82282f0f353c086e9ad827e031c
- #ifdef CP_SPIN
- sysAllTime += times[CP_SPIN];
- #endif
- cpu->totalPeriod = saturatingSub(totalTime, cpu->totalTime);
- cpu->userPeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_USER], cpu->userTime);
- cpu->nicePeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_NICE], cpu->niceTime);
- cpu->sysPeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_SYS], cpu->sysTime);
- cpu->sysAllPeriod = saturatingSub(sysAllTime, cpu->sysAllTime);
- #ifdef CP_SPIN
- cpu->spinPeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_SPIN], cpu->spinTime);
- #endif
- cpu->intrPeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_INTR], cpu->intrTime);
- cpu->idlePeriod = saturatingSub(times[CP_IDLE], cpu->idleTime);
- cpu->totalTime = totalTime;
- cpu->userTime = times[CP_USER];
- cpu->niceTime = times[CP_NICE];
- cpu->sysTime = times[CP_SYS];
- cpu->sysAllTime = sysAllTime;
- #ifdef CP_SPIN
- cpu->spinTime = times[CP_SPIN];
- #endif
- cpu->intrTime = times[CP_INTR];
- cpu->idleTime = times[CP_IDLE];
- }
- static void OpenBSDMachine_scanCPUTime(OpenBSDMachine* this) {
- Machine* super = &this->super;
- u_int64_t kernelTimes[CPUSTATES] = {0};
- u_int64_t avg[CPUSTATES] = {0};
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < super->existingCPUs; i++) {
- CPUData* cpu = &this->cpuData[i + 1];
- if (!cpu->online) {
- continue;
- }
- getKernelCPUTimes(i, kernelTimes);
- kernelCPUTimesToHtop(kernelTimes, cpu);
- avg[CP_USER] += cpu->userTime;
- avg[CP_NICE] += cpu->niceTime;
- avg[CP_SYS] += cpu->sysTime;
- #ifdef CP_SPIN
- avg[CP_SPIN] += cpu->spinTime;
- #endif
- avg[CP_INTR] += cpu->intrTime;
- avg[CP_IDLE] += cpu->idleTime;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < CPUSTATES; i++) {
- avg[i] /= super->activeCPUs;
- }
- kernelCPUTimesToHtop(avg, &this->cpuData[0]);
- {
- const int mib[] = { CTL_HW, HW_CPUSPEED };
- int cpuSpeed;
- size_t size = sizeof(cpuSpeed);
- if (sysctl(mib, 2, &cpuSpeed, &size, NULL, 0) == -1) {
- this->cpuSpeed = -1;
- } else {
- this->cpuSpeed = cpuSpeed;
- }
- }
- }
- void Machine_scan(Machine* super) {
- OpenBSDMachine* this = (OpenBSDMachine*) super;
- OpenBSDMachine_updateCPUcount(this);
- OpenBSDMachine_scanMemoryInfo(this);
- OpenBSDMachine_scanCPUTime(this);
- }
- bool Machine_isCPUonline(const Machine* super, unsigned int id) {
- assert(id < super->existingCPUs);
- const OpenBSDMachine* this = (const OpenBSDMachine*) super;
- return this->cpuData[id + 1].online;
- }