/* htop - PCPDynamicColumn.c (C) 2021-2023 Sohaib Mohammed (C) 2021-2023 htop dev team Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "pcp/PCPDynamicColumn.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CRT.h" #include "Macros.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Process.h" #include "ProcessTable.h" #include "RichString.h" #include "XUtils.h" #include "linux/CGroupUtils.h" #include "pcp/Metric.h" #include "pcp/PCPProcess.h" static bool PCPDynamicColumn_addMetric(PCPDynamicColumns* columns, PCPDynamicColumn* column) { if (!column->super.name[0]) return false; size_t bytes = 16 + strlen(column->super.name); char* metricName = xMalloc(bytes); xSnprintf(metricName, bytes, "htop.column.%s", column->super.name); column->metricName = metricName; column->id = columns->offset + columns->cursor; columns->cursor++; Platform_addMetric(column->id, metricName); return true; } static void PCPDynamicColumn_parseMetric(PCPDynamicColumns* columns, PCPDynamicColumn* column, const char* path, unsigned int line, char* value) { /* pmLookupText */ if (!column->super.description) Metric_lookupText(value, &column->super.description); /* lookup a dynamic metric with this name, else create */ if (PCPDynamicColumn_addMetric(columns, column) == false) return; /* derived metrics in all dynamic columns for simplicity */ char* error; if (pmRegisterDerivedMetric(column->metricName, value, &error) < 0) { char* note; xAsprintf(¬e, "%s: failed to parse expression in %s at line %u\n%s\n", pmGetProgname(), path, line, error); free(error); errno = EINVAL; CRT_fatalError(note); free(note); } } // Ensure a valid name for use in a PCP metric name and in htoprc static bool PCPDynamicColumn_validateColumnName(char* key, const char* path, unsigned int line) { char* p = key; char* end = strrchr(key, ']'); if (end) { *end = '\0'; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: no closing brace on column name at %s line %u\n\"%s\"", pmGetProgname(), path, line, key); return false; } while (*p) { if (p == key) { if (!isalpha(*p) && *p != '_') break; } else { if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '_') break; } p++; } if (*p != '\0') { /* badness */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid column name at %s line %u\n\"%s\"", pmGetProgname(), path, line, key); return false; } return true; } // Ensure a column name has not been defined previously static bool PCPDynamicColumn_uniqueName(char* key, PCPDynamicColumns* columns) { return DynamicColumn_search(columns->table, key, NULL) == NULL; } static PCPDynamicColumn* PCPDynamicColumn_new(PCPDynamicColumns* columns, const char* name) { PCPDynamicColumn* column = xCalloc(1, sizeof(*column)); String_safeStrncpy(column->super.name, name, sizeof(column->super.name)); column->super.enabled = false; column->percent = false; column->instances = false; column->defaultEnabled = true; size_t id = columns->count + LAST_PROCESSFIELD; Hashtable_put(columns->table, id, column); columns->count++; return column; } static void PCPDynamicColumn_parseFile(PCPDynamicColumns* columns, const char* path) { FILE* file = fopen(path, "r"); if (!file) return; PCPDynamicColumn* column = NULL; unsigned int lineno = 0; bool ok = true; for (;;) { char* line = String_readLine(file); if (!line) break; lineno++; /* cleanup whitespace, skip comment lines */ char* trimmed = String_trim(line); free(line); if (!trimmed || !trimmed[0] || trimmed[0] == '#') { free(trimmed); continue; } size_t n; char** config = String_split(trimmed, '=', &n); free(trimmed); if (config == NULL) continue; char* key = String_trim(config[0]); char* value = n > 1 ? String_trim(config[1]) : NULL; if (key[0] == '[') { /* new section heading - i.e. new column */ ok = PCPDynamicColumn_validateColumnName(key + 1, path, lineno); if (ok) ok = PCPDynamicColumn_uniqueName(key + 1, columns); if (ok) column = PCPDynamicColumn_new(columns, key + 1); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "caption")) { free_and_xStrdup(&column->super.caption, value); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "heading")) { free_and_xStrdup(&column->super.heading, value); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "description")) { free_and_xStrdup(&column->super.description, value); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "width")) { column->super.width = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "format")) { free_and_xStrdup(&column->format, value); } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "instances")) { if (String_eq(value, "True") || String_eq(value, "true")) column->instances = true; } else if (value && column && (String_eq(key, "default") || String_eq(key, "enabled"))) { if (String_eq(value, "False") || String_eq(value, "false")) column->defaultEnabled = false; } else if (value && column && String_eq(key, "metric")) { PCPDynamicColumn_parseMetric(columns, column, path, lineno, value); } String_freeArray(config); free(value); free(key); } fclose(file); } static void PCPDynamicColumn_scanDir(PCPDynamicColumns* columns, char* path) { DIR* dir = opendir(path); if (!dir) return; struct dirent* dirent; while ((dirent = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if (dirent->d_name[0] == '.') continue; char* file = String_cat(path, dirent->d_name); PCPDynamicColumn_parseFile(columns, file); free(file); } closedir(dir); } void PCPDynamicColumns_init(PCPDynamicColumns* columns) { const char* share = pmGetConfig("PCP_SHARE_DIR"); const char* sysconf = pmGetConfig("PCP_SYSCONF_DIR"); const char* xdgConfigHome = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); const char* override = getenv("PCP_HTOP_DIR"); const char* home = getenv("HOME"); char* path; if (!xdgConfigHome && !home) { const struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(getuid()); if (pw) home = pw->pw_dir; } columns->table = Hashtable_new(0, true); /* developer paths - PCP_HTOP_DIR=./pcp ./pcp-htop */ if (override) { path = String_cat(override, "/columns/"); PCPDynamicColumn_scanDir(columns, path); free(path); } /* next, search in home directory alongside htoprc */ if (xdgConfigHome) path = String_cat(xdgConfigHome, "/htop/columns/"); else if (home) path = String_cat(home, CONFIGDIR "/htop/columns/"); else path = NULL; if (path) { PCPDynamicColumn_scanDir(columns, path); free(path); } /* next, search in the system columns directory */ path = String_cat(sysconf, "/htop/columns/"); PCPDynamicColumn_scanDir(columns, path); free(path); /* next, try the readonly system columns directory */ path = String_cat(share, "/htop/columns/"); PCPDynamicColumn_scanDir(columns, path); free(path); } void PCPDynamicColumn_done(PCPDynamicColumn* this) { DynamicColumn_done(&this->super); free(this->metricName); free(this->format); } static void PCPDynamicColumns_free(ATTR_UNUSED ht_key_t key, void* value, ATTR_UNUSED void* data) { PCPDynamicColumn* column = (PCPDynamicColumn*) value; PCPDynamicColumn_done(column); } void PCPDynamicColumns_done(Hashtable* table) { Hashtable_foreach(table, PCPDynamicColumns_free, NULL); } static void PCPDynamicColumn_setupWidth(ATTR_UNUSED ht_key_t key, void* value, ATTR_UNUSED void* data) { PCPDynamicColumn* column = (PCPDynamicColumn*) value; /* calculate column size based on config file and metric units */ const pmDesc* desc = Metric_desc(column->id); if (column->instances || desc->type == PM_TYPE_STRING) { column->super.width = column->width; if (column->super.width == 0) column->super.width = -16; return; } if (column->format) { if (strcmp(column->format, "percent") == 0) { column->super.width = 5; return; } if (strcmp(column->format, "process") == 0) { column->super.width = Process_pidDigits; return; } } if (column->width) { column->super.width = column->width; return; } pmUnits units = desc->units; if (units.dimSpace && units.dimTime) column->super.width = 11; // Row_printRate else if (units.dimSpace) column->super.width = 5; // Row_printBytes else if (units.dimCount && units.dimTime) column->super.width = 11; // Row_printCount else if (units.dimTime) column->super.width = 8; // Row_printTime else column->super.width = 11; // Row_printCount } void PCPDynamicColumns_setupWidths(PCPDynamicColumns* columns) { Hashtable_foreach(columns->table, PCPDynamicColumn_setupWidth, NULL); } /* normalize output units to bytes and seconds */ static int PCPDynamicColumn_normalize(const pmDesc* desc, const pmAtomValue* ap, double* value) { /* form normalized units based on the original metric units */ pmUnits units = desc->units; if (units.dimTime) units.scaleTime = PM_TIME_SEC; if (units.dimSpace) units.scaleSpace = PM_SPACE_BYTE; if (units.dimCount) units.scaleCount = PM_COUNT_ONE; pmAtomValue atom; int sts, type = desc->type; if ((sts = pmConvScale(type, ap, &desc->units, &atom, &units)) < 0) return sts; switch (type) { case PM_TYPE_32: *value = (double) atom.l; break; case PM_TYPE_U32: *value = (double) atom.ul; break; case PM_TYPE_64: *value = (double) atom.ll; break; case PM_TYPE_U64: *value = (double) atom.ull; break; case PM_TYPE_FLOAT: *value = (double) atom.f; break; case PM_TYPE_DOUBLE: *value = atom.d; break; default: return PM_ERR_CONV; } return 0; } void PCPDynamicColumn_writeAtomValue(PCPDynamicColumn* column, RichString* str, const struct Settings_* settings, int metric, int instance, const pmDesc* desc, const void* atom) { const pmAtomValue* atomvalue = (const pmAtomValue*) atom; char buffer[DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH + /*space*/ 1 + /*null*/ 1]; int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR]; int width = column->super.width; int n; if (!width || abs(width) > DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) width = DYNAMIC_DEFAULT_COLUMN_WIDTH; int abswidth = abs(width); if (abswidth > DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH) { abswidth = DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH; width = -abswidth; } if (atomvalue == NULL) { n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.*s ", width, abswidth, "N/A"); RichString_appendnAscii(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW], buffer, n); return; } /* deal with instance names and metrics with string values first */ if (column->instances || desc->type == PM_TYPE_STRING) { char* value = NULL; char* dupd1 = NULL; if (column->instances) { attr = CRT_colors[DYNAMIC_GRAY]; Metric_externalName(metric, instance, &dupd1); value = dupd1; } else { attr = CRT_colors[DYNAMIC_GREEN]; value = atomvalue->cp; } if (column->format && value) { char* dupd2 = NULL; if (strcmp(column->format, "command") == 0) attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_COMM]; else if (strcmp(column->format, "process") == 0) attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW]; else if (strcmp(column->format, "device") == 0 && strncmp(value, "/dev/", 5) == 0) value += 5; else if (strcmp(column->format, "cgroup") == 0 && (dupd2 = CGroup_filterName(value))) value = dupd2; n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.*s ", width, abswidth, value); if (dupd2) free(dupd2); } else if (value) { n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.*s ", width, abswidth, value); } else { n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.*s ", width, abswidth, "N/A"); } if (dupd1) free(dupd1); RichString_appendnAscii(str, attr, buffer, n); return; } /* deal with any numeric value - first, normalize units to bytes/seconds */ double value; if (PCPDynamicColumn_normalize(desc, atomvalue, &value) < 0) { n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.*s ", width, abswidth, "no conv"); RichString_appendnAscii(str, CRT_colors[METER_VALUE_ERROR], buffer, n); return; } if (column->format) { if (strcmp(column->format, "percent") == 0) { n = Row_printPercentage(value, buffer, sizeof(buffer), width, &attr); RichString_appendnAscii(str, attr, buffer, n); return; } if (strcmp(column->format, "process") == 0) { n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*d ", Row_pidDigits, (int)value); RichString_appendnAscii(str, attr, buffer, n); return; } } /* width overrides unit suffix and coloring; too complex for a corner case */ if (column->width) { if (value - (unsigned long long)value > 0) /* display floating point */ n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*.2f ", width, value); else /* display as integer */ n = xSnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%*llu ", width, (unsigned long long)value); RichString_appendnAscii(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS], buffer, n); return; } bool coloring = settings->highlightMegabytes; pmUnits units = desc->units; if (units.dimSpace && units.dimTime) Row_printRate(str, value, coloring); else if (units.dimSpace) Row_printBytes(str, value, coloring); else if (units.dimCount) Row_printCount(str, value, coloring); else if (units.dimTime) Row_printTime(str, value / 10 /* hundreds of a second */, coloring); else Row_printCount(str, value, 0); /* e.g. PID */ } void PCPDynamicColumn_writeField(PCPDynamicColumn* this, const Process* proc, RichString* str) { const Settings* settings = proc->super.host->settings; const PCPProcess* pp = (const PCPProcess*) proc; const pmDesc* desc = Metric_desc(this->id); pid_t pid = Process_getPid(proc); pmAtomValue atom; pmAtomValue* ap = &atom; if (!Metric_instance(this->id, pid, pp->offset, ap, desc->type)) ap = NULL; PCPDynamicColumn_writeAtomValue(this, str, settings, this->id, pid, desc, ap); } int PCPDynamicColumn_compareByKey(const PCPProcess* p1, const PCPProcess* p2, ProcessField key) { const Process* proc = &p1->super; const Settings* settings = proc->super.host->settings; const PCPDynamicColumn* column = Hashtable_get(settings->dynamicColumns, key); if (!column) return -1; size_t metric = column->id; unsigned int type = Metric_type(metric); pmAtomValue atom1 = {0}, atom2 = {0}; if (!Metric_instance(metric, Process_getPid(&p1->super), p1->offset, &atom1, type) || !Metric_instance(metric, Process_getPid(&p2->super), p2->offset, &atom2, type)) { if (type == PM_TYPE_STRING) { free(atom1.cp); free(atom2.cp); } return -1; } switch (type) { case PM_TYPE_STRING: { int cmp = SPACESHIP_NULLSTR(atom2.cp, atom1.cp); free(atom2.cp); free(atom1.cp); return cmp; } case PM_TYPE_32: return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(atom2.l, atom1.l); case PM_TYPE_U32: return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(atom2.ul, atom1.ul); case PM_TYPE_64: return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(atom2.ll, atom1.ll); case PM_TYPE_U64: return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(atom2.ull, atom1.ull); case PM_TYPE_FLOAT: return compareRealNumbers(atom2.f, atom1.f); case PM_TYPE_DOUBLE: return compareRealNumbers(atom2.d, atom1.d); default: break; } return -1; }