#ifndef HEADER_LinuxMachine #define HEADER_LinuxMachine /* htop - LinuxMachine.h (C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include #include "Machine.h" #include "linux/ZramStats.h" #include "linux/ZswapStats.h" #include "zfs/ZfsArcStats.h" #define HTOP_HUGEPAGE_BASE_SHIFT 16 #define HTOP_HUGEPAGE_COUNT 24 typedef struct CPUData_ { unsigned long long int totalTime; unsigned long long int userTime; unsigned long long int systemTime; unsigned long long int systemAllTime; unsigned long long int idleAllTime; unsigned long long int idleTime; unsigned long long int niceTime; unsigned long long int ioWaitTime; unsigned long long int irqTime; unsigned long long int softIrqTime; unsigned long long int stealTime; unsigned long long int guestTime; unsigned long long int totalPeriod; unsigned long long int userPeriod; unsigned long long int systemPeriod; unsigned long long int systemAllPeriod; unsigned long long int idleAllPeriod; unsigned long long int idlePeriod; unsigned long long int nicePeriod; unsigned long long int ioWaitPeriod; unsigned long long int irqPeriod; unsigned long long int softIrqPeriod; unsigned long long int stealPeriod; unsigned long long int guestPeriod; double frequency; #ifdef HAVE_SENSORS_SENSORS_H double temperature; int physicalID; /* different for each CPU socket */ int coreID; /* same for hyperthreading */ int ccdID; /* same for each AMD chiplet */ #endif bool online; } CPUData; typedef struct GPUEngineData_ { unsigned long long int prevTime, curTime; /* absolute GPU time in nano seconds */ char* key; /* engine name */ struct GPUEngineData_* next; } GPUEngineData; typedef struct LinuxMachine_ { Machine super; long jiffies; int pageSize; int pageSizeKB; /* see Linux kernel source for further detail, fs/proc/stat.c */ unsigned int runningTasks; /* procs_running from /proc/stat */ long long boottime; /* btime field from /proc/stat */ double period; CPUData* cpuData; #ifdef HAVE_SENSORS_SENSORS_H int maxPhysicalID; int maxCoreID; #endif memory_t totalHugePageMem; memory_t usedHugePageMem[HTOP_HUGEPAGE_COUNT]; memory_t availableMem; unsigned long long int prevGpuTime, curGpuTime; /* total absolute GPU time in nano seconds */ GPUEngineData* gpuEngineData; ZfsArcStats zfs; ZramStats zram; ZswapStats zswap; } LinuxMachine; #ifndef PROCDIR #define PROCDIR "/proc" #endif #ifndef PROCCPUINFOFILE #define PROCCPUINFOFILE PROCDIR "/cpuinfo" #endif #ifndef PROCSTATFILE #define PROCSTATFILE PROCDIR "/stat" #endif #ifndef PROCMEMINFOFILE #define PROCMEMINFOFILE PROCDIR "/meminfo" #endif #ifndef PROCARCSTATSFILE #define PROCARCSTATSFILE PROCDIR "/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats" #endif #ifndef PROCTTYDRIVERSFILE #define PROCTTYDRIVERSFILE PROCDIR "/tty/drivers" #endif #ifndef PROC_LINE_LENGTH #define PROC_LINE_LENGTH 4096 #endif #endif