/* htop - linux/LibSensors.c (C) 2020-2023 htop dev team Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "linux/LibSensors.h" #ifdef HAVE_SENSORS_SENSORS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Macros.h" #include "XUtils.h" #include "linux/LinuxMachine.h" #ifdef BUILD_STATIC #define sym_sensors_init sensors_init #define sym_sensors_cleanup sensors_cleanup #define sym_sensors_get_detected_chips sensors_get_detected_chips #define sym_sensors_get_features sensors_get_features #define sym_sensors_get_subfeature sensors_get_subfeature #define sym_sensors_get_value sensors_get_value #else static int (*sym_sensors_init)(FILE*); static void (*sym_sensors_cleanup)(void); static const sensors_chip_name* (*sym_sensors_get_detected_chips)(const sensors_chip_name*, int*); static const sensors_feature* (*sym_sensors_get_features)(const sensors_chip_name*, int*); static const sensors_subfeature* (*sym_sensors_get_subfeature)(const sensors_chip_name*, const sensors_feature*, sensors_subfeature_type); static int (*sym_sensors_get_value)(const sensors_chip_name*, int, double*); static void* dlopenHandle = NULL; #endif /* BUILD_STATIC */ int LibSensors_init(void) { #ifdef BUILD_STATIC return sym_sensors_init(NULL); #else if (!dlopenHandle) { /* Find the unversioned libsensors.so (symlink) and prefer that, but Debian has .so.5 and Fedora .so.4 without matching symlinks (unless people install the -dev packages) */ dlopenHandle = dlopen("libsensors.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (!dlopenHandle) dlopenHandle = dlopen("libsensors.so.5", RTLD_LAZY); if (!dlopenHandle) dlopenHandle = dlopen("libsensors.so.4", RTLD_LAZY); if (!dlopenHandle) goto dlfailure; /* Clear any errors */ dlerror(); #define resolve(symbolname) do { \ *(void **)(&sym_##symbolname) = dlsym(dlopenHandle, #symbolname); \ if (!sym_##symbolname || dlerror() != NULL) \ goto dlfailure; \ } while(0) resolve(sensors_init); resolve(sensors_cleanup); resolve(sensors_get_detected_chips); resolve(sensors_get_features); resolve(sensors_get_subfeature); resolve(sensors_get_value); #undef resolve } return sym_sensors_init(NULL); dlfailure: if (dlopenHandle) { dlclose(dlopenHandle); dlopenHandle = NULL; } return -1; #endif /* BUILD_STATIC */ } void LibSensors_cleanup(void) { #ifdef BUILD_STATIC sym_sensors_cleanup(); #else if (dlopenHandle) { sym_sensors_cleanup(); dlclose(dlopenHandle); dlopenHandle = NULL; } #endif /* BUILD_STATIC */ } int LibSensors_reload(void) { #ifndef BUILD_STATIC if (!dlopenHandle) { errno = ENOTSUP; return -1; } #endif /* !BUILD_STATIC */ sym_sensors_cleanup(); return sym_sensors_init(NULL); } static int tempDriverPriority(const sensors_chip_name* chip) { static const struct TempDriverDefs { const char* prefix; int priority; } tempDrivers[] = { { "coretemp", 0 }, { "via_cputemp", 0 }, { "cpu_thermal", 0 }, { "k10temp", 0 }, { "zenpower", 0 }, /* Rockchip RK3588 */ { "littlecore_thermal", 0 }, { "bigcore0_thermal", 0 }, { "bigcore1_thermal", 0 }, { "bigcore2_thermal", 0 }, /* Rockchip RK3566 */ { "soc_thermal", 0 }, /* Low priority drivers */ { "acpitz", 1 }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(tempDrivers); i++) if (String_eq(chip->prefix, tempDrivers[i].prefix)) return tempDrivers[i].priority; return -1; } void LibSensors_getCPUTemperatures(CPUData* cpus, unsigned int existingCPUs, unsigned int activeCPUs) { assert(existingCPUs > 0 && existingCPUs < 16384); double* data = xMallocArray(existingCPUs + 1, sizeof(double)); for (size_t i = 0; i < existingCPUs + 1; i++) data[i] = NAN; #ifndef BUILD_STATIC if (!dlopenHandle) goto out; #endif /* !BUILD_STATIC */ unsigned int coreTempCount = 0; int topPriority = 99; int n = 0; for (const sensors_chip_name* chip = sym_sensors_get_detected_chips(NULL, &n); chip; chip = sym_sensors_get_detected_chips(NULL, &n)) { const int priority = tempDriverPriority(chip); if (priority < 0) continue; if (priority > topPriority) continue; if (priority < topPriority) { /* Clear data from lower priority sensor */ for (size_t i = 0; i < existingCPUs + 1; i++) data[i] = NAN; } topPriority = priority; int m = 0; for (const sensors_feature* feature = sym_sensors_get_features(chip, &m); feature; feature = sym_sensors_get_features(chip, &m)) { if (feature->type != SENSORS_FEATURE_TEMP) continue; if (!feature->name || !String_startsWith(feature->name, "temp")) continue; unsigned long int tempID = strtoul(feature->name + strlen("temp"), NULL, 10); if (tempID == 0 || tempID == ULONG_MAX) continue; /* Feature name IDs start at 1, adjust to start at 0 to match data indices */ tempID--; if (tempID > existingCPUs) continue; const sensors_subfeature* subFeature = sym_sensors_get_subfeature(chip, feature, SENSORS_SUBFEATURE_TEMP_INPUT); if (!subFeature) continue; double temp; int r = sym_sensors_get_value(chip, subFeature->number, &temp); if (r != 0) continue; /* Map temperature values to Rockchip cores * * littlecore -> cores 1..4 * bigcore0 -> cores 5,6 * bigcore1 -> cores 7,8 */ if (existingCPUs == 8) { if (String_eq(chip->prefix, "littlecore_thermal")) { data[1] = temp; data[2] = temp; data[3] = temp; data[4] = temp; coreTempCount += 4; continue; } if (String_eq(chip->prefix, "bigcore0_thermal")) { data[5] = temp; data[6] = temp; coreTempCount += 2; continue; } if (String_eq(chip->prefix, "bigcore1_thermal") || String_eq(chip->prefix, "bigcore2_thermal")) { data[7] = temp; data[8] = temp; coreTempCount += 2; continue; } } /* Rockchip RK3566 */ if (existingCPUs == 4) { if (String_eq(chip->prefix, "soc_thermal")) { data[1] = temp; data[2] = temp; data[3] = temp; data[4] = temp; coreTempCount += 4; continue; } } /* If already set, e.g. Ryzen reporting platform temperature for each die, use the bigger one */ if (isNaN(data[tempID])) { data[tempID] = temp; if (tempID > 0) coreTempCount++; } else { data[tempID] = MAXIMUM(data[tempID], temp); } } } /* Adjust data for chips not providing a platform temperature */ if (coreTempCount + 1 == activeCPUs || coreTempCount + 1 == activeCPUs / 2) { memmove(&data[1], &data[0], existingCPUs * sizeof(*data)); data[0] = NAN; coreTempCount++; /* Check for further adjustments */ } /* Only package temperature - copy to all cores */ if (coreTempCount == 0 && !isNaN(data[0])) { for (size_t i = 1; i <= existingCPUs; i++) data[i] = data[0]; /* No further adjustments */ goto out; } /* No package temperature - set to max core temperature */ if (coreTempCount > 0 && isNaN(data[0])) { double maxTemp = -HUGE_VAL; for (size_t i = 1; i <= existingCPUs; i++) { if (isgreater(data[i], maxTemp)) { maxTemp = data[i]; data[0] = data[i]; } } /* Check for further adjustments */ } /* Only temperature for core 0, maybe Ryzen - copy to all other cores */ if (coreTempCount == 1 && !isNaN(data[1])) { for (size_t i = 2; i <= existingCPUs; i++) data[i] = data[1]; /* No further adjustments */ goto out; } /* Half the temperatures, probably HT/SMT - copy to second half */ const size_t delta = activeCPUs / 2; if (coreTempCount == delta) { memcpy(&data[delta + 1], &data[1], delta * sizeof(*data)); /* No further adjustments */ goto out; } out: for (size_t i = 0; i <= existingCPUs; i++) cpus[i].temperature = data[i]; free(data); } #endif /* HAVE_SENSORS_SENSORS_H */