/* htop - GPU.c (C) 2023 htop dev team Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "linux/GPU.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "XUtils.h" #include "linux/LinuxMachine.h" typedef unsigned long long int ClientID; #define INVALID_CLIENT_ID ((ClientID)-1) typedef struct ClientInfo_ { char* pdev; ClientID id; struct ClientInfo_* next; } ClientInfo; enum section_state { SECST_UNKNOWN, SECST_DUPLICATE, SECST_NEW, }; static bool is_duplicate_client(const ClientInfo* parsed, ClientID id, const char* pdev) { for (; parsed; parsed = parsed->next) { if (id == parsed->id && String_eq_nullable(pdev, parsed->pdev)) { return true; } } return false; } static void update_machine_gpu(LinuxProcessTable* lpt, unsigned long long int time, const char* engine, size_t engine_len) { Machine* host = lpt->super.super.host; LinuxMachine* lhost = (LinuxMachine*) host; GPUEngineData** engineData = &lhost->gpuEngineData; while (*engineData) { if (strncmp((*engineData)->key, engine, engine_len) == 0 && (*engineData)->key[engine_len] == '\0') break; engineData = &((*engineData)->next); } if (!*engineData) { GPUEngineData* newData = xMalloc(sizeof(*newData)); *newData = (GPUEngineData) { .prevTime = 0, .curTime = 0, .key = xStrndup(engine, engine_len), .next = NULL, }; *engineData = newData; } (*engineData)->curTime += time; lhost->curGpuTime += time; } /* * Documentation reference: * https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/gpu/drm-usage-stats.html */ void GPU_readProcessData(LinuxProcessTable* lpt, LinuxProcess* lp, openat_arg_t procFd) { const Machine* host = lp->super.super.host; int fdinfoFd = -1; DIR* fdinfoDir = NULL; ClientInfo* parsed_ids = NULL; unsigned long long int new_gpu_time = 0; /* check only if active in last check or last scan was more than 5s ago */ if (lp->gpu_activityMs != 0 && host->monotonicMs - lp->gpu_activityMs < 5000) { lp->gpu_percent = 0.0F; return; } lp->gpu_activityMs = host->monotonicMs; fdinfoFd = Compat_openat(procFd, "fdinfo", O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_DIRECTORY | O_CLOEXEC); if (fdinfoFd == -1) goto out; fdinfoDir = fdopendir(fdinfoFd); if (!fdinfoDir) goto out; fdinfoFd = -1; #ifndef HAVE_OPENAT char fdinfoPathBuf[32]; xSnprintf(fdinfoPathBuf, sizeof(fdinfoPathBuf), PROCDIR "/%u/fdinfo", Process_getPid(&lp->super)); #endif while (true) { char* pdev = NULL; ClientID client_id = INVALID_CLIENT_ID; enum section_state sstate = SECST_UNKNOWN; const struct dirent* entry = readdir(fdinfoDir); if (!entry) break; const char* ename = entry->d_name; if (ename[0] == '.' && (ename[1] == '\0' || (ename[1] == '.' && ename[2] == '\0'))) continue; char buffer[4096]; #ifdef HAVE_OPENAT ssize_t ret = xReadfileat(dirfd(fdinfoDir), ename, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); #else ssize_t ret = xReadfileat(fdinfoPathBuf, ename, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); #endif /* eventfd information can be huge */ if (ret <= 0 || (size_t)ret >= sizeof(buffer) - 1) continue; char* buf = buffer; const char* line; while ((line = strsep(&buf, "\n")) != NULL) { if (!String_startsWith(line, "drm-")) continue; line += strlen("drm-"); if (line[0] == 'c' && String_startsWith(line, "client-id:")) { if (sstate == SECST_NEW) { assert(client_id != INVALID_CLIENT_ID); ClientInfo* new = xMalloc(sizeof(*new)); *new = (ClientInfo) { .id = client_id, .pdev = pdev, .next = parsed_ids, }; pdev = NULL; parsed_ids = new; } sstate = SECST_UNKNOWN; char *endptr; errno = 0; client_id = strtoull(line + strlen("client-id:"), &endptr, 10); if (errno || *endptr != '\0') client_id = INVALID_CLIENT_ID; } else if (line[0] == 'p' && String_startsWith(line, "pdev:")) { const char* p = line + strlen("pdev:"); while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; assert(!pdev || String_eq(pdev, p)); if (!pdev) pdev = xStrdup(p); } else if (line[0] == 'e' && String_startsWith(line, "engine-")) { if (sstate == SECST_DUPLICATE) continue; const char* engineStart = line + strlen("engine-"); if (String_startsWith(engineStart, "capacity-")) continue; const char* delim = strchr(line, ':'); char* endptr; errno = 0; unsigned long long int value = strtoull(delim + 1, &endptr, 10); if (errno == 0 && String_startsWith(endptr, " ns")) { if (sstate == SECST_UNKNOWN) { if (client_id != INVALID_CLIENT_ID && !is_duplicate_client(parsed_ids, client_id, pdev)) sstate = SECST_NEW; else sstate = SECST_DUPLICATE; } if (sstate == SECST_NEW) { new_gpu_time += value; update_machine_gpu(lpt, value, engineStart, delim - engineStart); } } } } /* finished parsing lines */ if (sstate == SECST_NEW) { assert(client_id != INVALID_CLIENT_ID); ClientInfo* new = xMalloc(sizeof(*new)); *new = (ClientInfo) { .id = client_id, .pdev = pdev, .next = parsed_ids, }; pdev = NULL; parsed_ids = new; } free(pdev); } /* finished parsing fdinfo entries */ if (new_gpu_time > 0) { unsigned long long int gputimeDelta; uint64_t monotonicTimeDelta; gputimeDelta = saturatingSub(new_gpu_time, lp->gpu_time); monotonicTimeDelta = host->monotonicMs - host->prevMonotonicMs; lp->gpu_percent = 100.0F * gputimeDelta / (1000 * 1000) / monotonicTimeDelta; lp->gpu_activityMs = 0; } else lp->gpu_percent = 0.0F; out: lp->gpu_time = new_gpu_time; while (parsed_ids) { ClientInfo* next = parsed_ids->next; free(parsed_ids->pdev); free(parsed_ids); parsed_ids = next; } if (fdinfoDir) closedir(fdinfoDir); if (fdinfoFd != -1) close(fdinfoFd); }