#ifndef HEADER_Settings #define HEADER_Settings /* htop - Settings.h (C) 2004-2011 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include #include #include #include "Hashtable.h" #include "HeaderLayout.h" #include "MeterMode.h" #include "Row.h" #include "RowField.h" #define DEFAULT_DELAY 15 #define CONFIG_READER_MIN_VERSION 3 struct DynamicScreen_; // IWYU pragma: keep struct Machine_; // IWYU pragma: keep struct Table_; // IWYU pragma: keep typedef struct { const char* name; const char* columns; const char* sortKey; const char* treeSortKey; } ScreenDefaults; typedef struct { size_t len; char** names; MeterModeId* modes; } MeterColumnSetting; typedef struct ScreenSettings_ { char* heading; /* user-editable screen name (pretty) */ char* dynamic; /* from DynamicScreen config (fixed) */ struct Table_* table; RowField* fields; uint32_t flags; int direction; int treeDirection; RowField sortKey; RowField treeSortKey; bool treeView; bool treeViewAlwaysByPID; bool allBranchesCollapsed; } ScreenSettings; typedef struct Settings_ { char* filename; char* initialFilename; bool writeConfig; /* whether to write the current settings on exit */ int config_version; HeaderLayout hLayout; MeterColumnSetting* hColumns; Hashtable* dynamicColumns; /* runtime-discovered columns */ Hashtable* dynamicMeters; /* runtime-discovered meters */ Hashtable* dynamicScreens; /* runtime-discovered screens */ ScreenSettings** screens; unsigned int nScreens; unsigned int ssIndex; ScreenSettings* ss; int colorScheme; int delay; bool countCPUsFromOne; bool detailedCPUTime; bool showCPUUsage; bool showCPUFrequency; #ifdef BUILD_WITH_CPU_TEMP bool showCPUTemperature; bool degreeFahrenheit; #endif bool showProgramPath; bool shadowOtherUsers; bool showThreadNames; bool hideKernelThreads; bool hideRunningInContainer; bool hideUserlandThreads; bool highlightBaseName; bool highlightDeletedExe; bool shadowDistPathPrefix; bool highlightMegabytes; bool highlightThreads; bool highlightChanges; int highlightDelaySecs; bool findCommInCmdline; bool stripExeFromCmdline; bool showMergedCommand; bool updateProcessNames; bool accountGuestInCPUMeter; bool headerMargin; bool screenTabs; bool showCachedMemory; #ifdef HAVE_GETMOUSE bool enableMouse; #endif int hideFunctionBar; // 0 - off, 1 - on ESC until next input, 2 - permanently #ifdef HAVE_LIBHWLOC bool topologyAffinity; #endif bool changed; uint64_t lastUpdate; } Settings; #define Settings_cpuId(settings, cpu) ((settings)->countCPUsFromOne ? (cpu)+1 : (cpu)) static inline RowField ScreenSettings_getActiveSortKey(const ScreenSettings* this) { return (this->treeView) ? (this->treeViewAlwaysByPID ? 1 : this->treeSortKey) : this->sortKey; } static inline int ScreenSettings_getActiveDirection(const ScreenSettings* this) { return this->treeView ? this->treeDirection : this->direction; } void Settings_delete(Settings* this); int Settings_write(const Settings* this, bool onCrash); Settings* Settings_new(const struct Machine_* host, Hashtable* dynamicMeters, Hashtable* dynamicColumns, Hashtable* dynamicScreens); ScreenSettings* Settings_newScreen(Settings* this, const ScreenDefaults* defaults); ScreenSettings* Settings_newDynamicScreen(Settings* this, const char* tab, const struct DynamicScreen_* screen, struct Table_* table); void ScreenSettings_delete(ScreenSettings* this); void ScreenSettings_invertSortOrder(ScreenSettings* this); void ScreenSettings_setSortKey(ScreenSettings* this, RowField sortKey); void Settings_enableReadonly(void); bool Settings_isReadonly(void); void Settings_setHeaderLayout(Settings* this, HeaderLayout hLayout); #endif