vite.config.ts 5.8 KB

  1. import { defineConfig, loadEnv, normalizePath } from "vite"
  2. import { APP_INFO, META_TAGS } from "./meta"
  3. import { viteStaticCopy as StaticCopy } from "vite-plugin-static-copy"
  4. import generateSitemap from "vite-plugin-pages-sitemap"
  5. import HtmlConfig from "vite-plugin-html-config"
  6. import Vue from "@vitejs/plugin-vue"
  7. import VueI18n from "@intlify/vite-plugin-vue-i18n"
  8. import Components from "unplugin-vue-components/vite"
  9. import Icons from "unplugin-icons/vite"
  10. import Inspect from "vite-plugin-inspect"
  11. import { VitePWA } from "vite-plugin-pwa"
  12. import Pages from "vite-plugin-pages"
  13. import Layouts from "vite-plugin-vue-layouts"
  14. import IconResolver from "unplugin-icons/resolver"
  15. import { FileSystemIconLoader } from "unplugin-icons/loaders"
  16. import * as path from "path"
  17. import legacy from "@vitejs/plugin-legacy"
  18. import Unfonts from "unplugin-fonts/vite"
  19. const ENV = loadEnv("development", path.resolve(__dirname, "../../"))
  20. export default defineConfig({
  21. envDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../"),
  22. // TODO: Migrate @hoppscotch/data to full ESM
  23. define: {
  24. // For 'util' polyfill required by dep of '@apidevtools/swagger-parser'
  25. "process.env": {},
  26. },
  27. server: {
  28. port: 3000,
  29. },
  30. preview: {
  31. port: 3000,
  32. },
  33. publicDir: path.resolve(__dirname, "../hoppscotch-common/public"),
  34. build: {
  35. sourcemap: true,
  36. emptyOutDir: true,
  37. rollupOptions: {
  38. maxParallelFileOps: 2,
  39. },
  40. },
  41. resolve: {
  42. alias: {
  43. // TODO: Maybe leave ~ only for individual apps and not use on common
  44. "~": path.resolve(__dirname, "../hoppscotch-common/src"),
  45. "@hoppscotch/common": "@hoppscotch/common/src",
  46. "@composables": path.resolve(
  47. __dirname,
  48. "../hoppscotch-common/src/composables"
  49. ),
  50. "@modules": path.resolve(__dirname, "../hoppscotch-common/src/modules"),
  51. "@components": path.resolve(
  52. __dirname,
  53. "../hoppscotch-common/src/components"
  54. ),
  55. "@helpers": path.resolve(__dirname, "../hoppscotch-common/src/helpers"),
  56. "@functional": path.resolve(
  57. __dirname,
  58. "../hoppscotch-common/src/helpers/functional"
  59. ),
  60. "@workers": path.resolve(__dirname, "../hoppscotch-common/src/workers"),
  61. "@platform": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/platform"),
  62. "@lib": path.resolve(__dirname, "./src/lib"),
  63. stream: "stream-browserify",
  64. util: "util",
  65. querystring: "qs",
  66. },
  67. dedupe: ["vue"],
  68. },
  69. plugins: [
  70. Inspect(), // go to url -> /__inspect
  71. HtmlConfig({
  72. metas: META_TAGS(ENV),
  73. }),
  74. Vue(),
  75. Pages({
  76. routeStyle: "nuxt",
  77. dirs: "../hoppscotch-common/src/pages",
  78. importMode: "async",
  79. onRoutesGenerated(routes) {
  80. return ((generateSitemap as any) as typeof generateSitemap)({
  81. routes,
  82. nuxtStyle: true,
  83. allowRobots: true,
  84. dest: ".sitemap-gen",
  85. hostname: ENV.VITE_BASE_URL,
  86. })
  87. },
  88. }),
  89. StaticCopy({
  90. targets: [
  91. {
  92. src: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, "./.sitemap-gen/*")),
  93. dest: normalizePath(path.resolve(__dirname, "./dist")),
  94. },
  95. ],
  96. }),
  97. Layouts({
  98. layoutsDirs: "../hoppscotch-common/src/layouts",
  99. defaultLayout: "default",
  100. }),
  101. VueI18n({
  102. runtimeOnly: false,
  103. compositionOnly: true,
  104. include: [path.resolve(__dirname, "locales")],
  105. }),
  106. Components({
  107. dts: "../hoppscotch-common/src/components.d.ts",
  108. dirs: [
  109. "../hoppscotch-common/src/components",
  110. "./src/components"
  111. ],
  112. directoryAsNamespace: true,
  113. resolvers: [
  114. IconResolver({
  115. prefix: "icon",
  116. customCollections: ["hopp", "auth", "brands"],
  117. }),
  118. (compName: string) => {
  119. if (compName.startsWith("Hopp"))
  120. return { name: compName, from: "@hoppscotch/ui" }
  121. else return undefined
  122. },
  123. ],
  124. types: [
  125. {
  126. from: "vue-tippy",
  127. names: ["Tippy"],
  128. },
  129. ],
  130. }),
  131. Icons({
  132. compiler: "vue3",
  133. customCollections: {
  134. hopp: FileSystemIconLoader("../hoppscotch-common/assets/icons"),
  135. auth: FileSystemIconLoader("../hoppscotch-common/assets/icons/auth"),
  136. brands: FileSystemIconLoader(
  137. "../hoppscotch-common/assets/icons/brands"
  138. ),
  139. },
  140. }),
  141. VitePWA({
  142. manifest: {
  143. name:,
  144. short_name:,
  145. description: APP_INFO.shortDescription,
  146. start_url: "/?source=pwa",
  147. background_color:,
  148. theme_color:,
  149. icons: [
  150. {
  151. src: "/icon.png",
  152. sizes: "512x512",
  153. type: "image/png",
  154. purpose: "any maskable",
  155. },
  156. {
  157. src: "/logo.svg",
  158. sizes: "48x48 72x72 96x96 128x128 256x256 512x512",
  159. type: "image/svg+xml",
  160. purpose: "any maskable",
  161. },
  162. ],
  163. },
  164. registerType: "prompt",
  165. workbox: {
  166. cleanupOutdatedCaches: true,
  167. maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 4194304,
  168. navigateFallbackDenylist: [
  169. /robots.txt/,
  170. /sitemap.xml/,
  171. /discord/,
  172. /telegram/,
  173. /beta/,
  174. /careers/,
  175. /newsletter/,
  176. /twitter/,
  177. /github/,
  178. /announcements/,
  179. ],
  180. },
  181. }),
  182. Unfonts({
  183. fontsource: {
  184. families: [
  185. {
  186. name: "Inter Variable",
  187. variables: ["variable-full"],
  188. },
  189. {
  190. name: "Material Symbols Rounded Variable",
  191. variables: ["variable-full"],
  192. },
  193. {
  194. name: "Roboto Mono Variable",
  195. variables: ["variable-full"],
  196. },
  197. ],
  198. },
  199. }),
  200. legacy({
  201. modernPolyfills: ["es.string.replace-all"],
  202. renderLegacyChunks: false,
  203. }),
  204. ],
  205. })