errors.ts 18 KB

  1. export const INVALID_EMAIL = 'invalid/email' as const;
  2. export const EMAIL_FAILED = 'email/failed' as const;
  3. export const DUPLICATE_EMAIL = 'email/both_emails_cannot_be_same' as const;
  4. /**
  5. * Only one admin account found in infra
  6. * (AdminService)
  7. */
  8. export const ONLY_ONE_ADMIN_ACCOUNT =
  9. 'admin/only_one_admin_account_found' as const;
  10. /**
  11. * Token Authorization failed (Check 'Authorization' Header)
  12. * (GqlAuthGuard)
  13. */
  14. export const AUTH_FAIL = 'auth/fail';
  15. /**
  16. * Invalid JSON
  17. * (Utils)
  18. */
  19. export const JSON_INVALID = 'json_invalid';
  20. /**
  21. * Auth Provider not specified
  22. * (Auth)
  23. */
  24. export const AUTH_PROVIDER_NOT_SPECIFIED = 'auth/provider_not_specified';
  25. /**
  26. * Auth Provider not specified
  27. * (Auth)
  28. */
  30. 'auth/provider_not_configured_correctly';
  31. /**
  32. * Environment variable "VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" is not present in .env file
  33. */
  35. '"VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" is not present in .env file';
  36. /**
  37. * Environment variable "VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" is empty in .env file
  38. */
  39. export const ENV_EMPTY_AUTH_PROVIDERS =
  40. '"VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" is empty in .env file';
  41. /**
  42. * Environment variable "VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" contains unsupported provider in .env file
  43. */
  45. '"VITE_ALLOWED_AUTH_PROVIDERS" contains an unsupported auth provider in .env file';
  46. /**
  47. * Tried to delete a user data document from fb firestore but failed.
  48. * (FirebaseService)
  49. */
  51. 'fb/firebase_document_deletion_failed' as const;
  52. /**
  53. * Tried to do an action on a user where user is not found
  54. */
  55. export const USER_NOT_FOUND = 'user/not_found' as const;
  56. /**
  57. * User is already invited by admin
  58. */
  59. export const USER_ALREADY_INVITED = 'admin/user_already_invited' as const;
  60. /**
  61. * User update failure
  62. * (UserService)
  63. */
  64. export const USER_UPDATE_FAILED = 'user/update_failed' as const;
  65. /**
  66. * User deletion failure
  67. * (UserService)
  68. */
  69. export const USER_DELETION_FAILED = 'user/deletion_failed' as const;
  70. /**
  71. * Users not found
  72. * (UserService)
  73. */
  74. export const USERS_NOT_FOUND = 'user/users_not_found' as const;
  75. /**
  76. * User deletion failure error due to user being a team owner
  77. * (UserService)
  78. */
  79. export const USER_IS_OWNER = 'user/is_owner' as const;
  80. /**
  81. * User deletion failure error due to user being an admin
  82. * (UserService)
  83. */
  84. export const USER_IS_ADMIN = 'user/is_admin' as const;
  85. /**
  86. * Teams not found
  87. * (TeamsService)
  88. */
  89. export const TEAMS_NOT_FOUND = 'user/teams_not_found' as const;
  90. /**
  91. * Tried to find user collection but failed
  92. * (UserRequestService)
  93. */
  94. export const USER_COLLECTION_NOT_FOUND = 'user_collection/not_found' as const;
  95. /**
  96. * Tried to reorder user request but failed
  97. * (UserRequestService)
  98. */
  100. 'user_request/creation_failed' as const;
  101. /**
  102. * Tried to do an action on a user request but user request is not matched with user collection
  103. * (UserRequestService)
  104. */
  105. export const USER_REQUEST_INVALID_TYPE = 'user_request/type_mismatch' as const;
  106. /**
  107. * Tried to do an action on a user request where user request is not found
  108. * (UserRequestService)
  109. */
  110. export const USER_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND = 'user_request/not_found' as const;
  111. /**
  112. * Tried to reorder user request but failed
  113. * (UserRequestService)
  114. */
  116. 'user_request/reordering_failed' as const;
  117. /**
  118. * Tried to perform action on a team which they are not a member of
  119. * (GqlTeamMemberGuard)
  120. */
  121. export const TEAM_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND = 'team/member_not_found' as const;
  122. /**
  123. * Tried to perform action on a team that doesn't accept their member role level
  124. * (GqlTeamMemberGuard)
  125. */
  126. export const TEAM_NOT_REQUIRED_ROLE = 'team/not_required_role' as const;
  127. /**
  128. * Team name validation failure
  129. * (TeamService)
  130. */
  131. export const TEAM_NAME_INVALID = 'team/name_invalid';
  132. /**
  133. * Couldn't find the sync data from the user
  134. * (TeamCollectionService)
  135. */
  136. export const TEAM_USER_NO_FB_SYNCDATA = 'team/user_no_fb_syncdata';
  137. /**
  138. * There was a problem resolving the firebase collection path
  139. * (TeamCollectionService)
  140. */
  141. export const TEAM_FB_COLL_PATH_RESOLVE_FAIL = 'team/fb_coll_path_resolve_fail';
  142. /**
  143. * Could not find the team in the database
  144. * (TeamCollectionService)
  145. */
  146. export const TEAM_COLL_NOT_FOUND = 'team_coll/collection_not_found';
  147. /**
  148. * Cannot make parent collection a child of a collection that a child of itself
  149. * (TeamCollectionService)
  150. */
  151. export const TEAM_COLL_IS_PARENT_COLL = 'team_coll/collection_is_parent_coll';
  152. /**
  153. * Target and Parent collections are not from the same team
  154. * (TeamCollectionService)
  155. */
  156. export const TEAM_COLL_NOT_SAME_TEAM = 'team_coll/collections_not_same_team';
  157. /**
  158. * Target and Parent collections are the same
  159. * (TeamCollectionService)
  160. */
  161. export const TEAM_COLL_DEST_SAME =
  162. 'team_coll/target_and_destination_collection_are_same';
  163. /**
  164. * Collection is already a root collection
  165. * (TeamCollectionService)
  166. */
  167. export const TEAM_COL_ALREADY_ROOT =
  168. 'team_coll/target_collection_is_already_root_collection';
  169. /**
  170. * Collections have different parents
  171. * (TeamCollectionService)
  172. */
  173. export const TEAM_COL_NOT_SAME_PARENT =
  174. 'team_coll/team_collections_have_different_parents';
  175. /**
  176. * Collection and next Collection are the same
  177. * (TeamCollectionService)
  178. */
  179. export const TEAM_COL_SAME_NEXT_COLL =
  180. 'team_coll/collection_and_next_collection_are_same';
  181. /**
  182. * Team Collection Re-Ordering Failed
  183. * (TeamCollectionService)
  184. */
  185. export const TEAM_COL_REORDERING_FAILED = 'team_coll/reordering_failed';
  186. /**
  187. * Tried to update the team to a state it doesn't have any owners
  188. * (TeamService)
  189. */
  190. export const TEAM_ONLY_ONE_OWNER = 'team/only_one_owner';
  191. /**
  192. * Invalid or non-existent Team ID
  193. * (TeamService)
  194. */
  195. export const TEAM_INVALID_ID = 'team/invalid_id' as const;
  196. /**
  197. * Invalid or non-existent collection id
  198. * (GqlCollectionTeamMemberGuard)
  199. */
  200. export const TEAM_INVALID_COLL_ID = 'team/invalid_coll_id' as const;
  201. /**
  202. * Invalid team id or user id
  203. * (TeamService)
  204. */
  205. export const TEAM_INVALID_ID_OR_USER = 'team/invalid_id_or_user';
  206. /**
  207. * The provided title for the team collection is short (less than 3 characters)
  208. * (TeamCollectionService)
  209. */
  210. export const TEAM_COLL_SHORT_TITLE = 'team_coll/short_title';
  211. /**
  212. * The JSON used is not valid
  213. * (TeamCollectionService)
  214. */
  215. export const TEAM_COLL_INVALID_JSON = 'team_coll/invalid_json';
  216. /**
  217. * The Team Collection does not belong to the team
  218. * (TeamCollectionService)
  219. */
  220. export const TEAM_NOT_OWNER = 'team_coll/team_not_owner' as const;
  221. /**
  222. * The Team Collection data is not valid
  223. * (TeamCollectionService)
  224. */
  225. export const TEAM_COLL_DATA_INVALID =
  226. 'team_coll/team_coll_data_invalid' as const;
  227. /**
  228. * Tried to perform an action on a request that doesn't accept their member role level
  229. * (GqlRequestTeamMemberGuard)
  230. */
  231. export const TEAM_REQ_NOT_REQUIRED_ROLE = 'team_req/not_required_role';
  232. /**
  233. * Tried to operate on a request which does not exist
  234. * (TeamRequestService)
  235. */
  236. export const TEAM_REQ_NOT_FOUND = 'team_req/not_found' as const;
  237. /**
  238. * Invalid or non-existent collection id
  239. * (TeamRequestService)
  240. */
  241. export const TEAM_REQ_INVALID_TARGET_COLL_ID =
  242. 'team_req/invalid_target_id' as const;
  243. /**
  244. * Tried to reorder team request but failed
  245. * (TeamRequestService)
  246. */
  247. export const TEAM_REQ_REORDERING_FAILED = 'team_req/reordering_failed' as const;
  248. /**
  249. * No Postmark Sender Email defined
  250. * (AuthService)
  251. */
  252. export const SENDER_EMAIL_INVALID = 'mailer/sender_email_invalid' as const;
  253. /**
  254. * Tried to perform an action on a request when the user is not even a member of the team
  255. * (GqlRequestTeamMemberGuard, GqlCollectionTeamMemberGuard)
  256. */
  257. export const TEAM_REQ_NOT_MEMBER = 'team_req/not_member';
  258. export const TEAM_INVITE_MEMBER_HAS_INVITE =
  259. 'team_invite/member_has_invite' as const;
  260. export const TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_FOUND =
  261. 'team_invite/no_invite_found' as const;
  262. export const TEAM_INVITE_ALREADY_MEMBER = 'team_invite/already_member' as const;
  263. export const TEAM_INVITE_EMAIL_DO_NOT_MATCH =
  264. 'team_invite/email_do_not_match' as const;
  265. export const TEAM_INVITE_NOT_VALID_VIEWER =
  266. 'team_invite/not_valid_viewer' as const;
  267. /**
  268. * No team invitations found
  269. * (TeamInvitationService)
  270. */
  271. export const TEAM_INVITATION_NOT_FOUND =
  272. 'team_invite/invitations_not_found' as const;
  273. /**
  274. * ShortCode not found in DB
  275. * (ShortcodeService)
  276. */
  277. export const SHORTCODE_NOT_FOUND = 'shortcode/not_found' as const;
  278. /**
  279. * Invalid or non-existent TEAM ENVIRONMENT ID
  280. * (TeamEnvironmentsService)
  281. */
  282. export const TEAM_ENVIRONMENT_NOT_FOUND = 'team_environment/not_found' as const;
  283. /**
  284. * Invalid TEAM ENVIRONMENT name
  285. * (TeamEnvironmentsService)
  286. */
  287. export const TEAM_ENVIRONMENT_SHORT_NAME =
  288. 'team_environment/short_name' as const;
  289. /**
  290. * The user is not a member of the team of the given environment
  291. * (GqlTeamEnvTeamGuard)
  292. */
  294. 'team_environment/not_team_member' as const;
  295. /**
  296. * User setting not found for a user
  297. * (UserSettingsService)
  298. */
  299. export const USER_SETTINGS_NOT_FOUND = 'user_settings/not_found' as const;
  300. /**
  301. * User setting already exists for a user
  302. * (UserSettingsService)
  303. */
  304. export const USER_SETTINGS_ALREADY_EXISTS =
  305. 'user_settings/settings_already_exists' as const;
  306. /**
  307. * User setting invalid (null) settings
  308. * (UserSettingsService)
  309. */
  310. export const USER_SETTINGS_NULL_SETTINGS =
  311. 'user_settings/null_settings' as const;
  312. /*
  313. * Global environment doesn't exist for the user
  314. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  315. */
  317. 'user_environment/global_env_does_not_exists' as const;
  318. /**
  319. * Global environment already exists for the user
  320. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  321. */
  323. 'user_environment/global_env_already_exists' as const;
  324. /*
  325. /**
  326. * User environment doesn't exist for the user
  327. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  328. */
  330. 'user_environment/user_env_does_not_exists' as const;
  331. /*
  332. /**
  333. * Cannot delete the global user environment
  334. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  335. */
  337. 'user_environment/user_env_global_env_deletion_failed' as const;
  338. /*
  339. /**
  340. * User environment is not a global environment
  341. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  342. */
  343. export const USER_ENVIRONMENT_IS_NOT_GLOBAL =
  344. 'user_environment/user_env_is_not_global' as const;
  345. /*
  346. /**
  347. * User environment update failed
  348. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  349. */
  351. 'user_environment/user_env_update_failed' as const;
  352. /*
  353. /**
  354. * User environment invalid environment name
  355. * (UserEnvironmentsService)
  356. */
  358. 'user_environment/user_env_invalid_env_name' as const;
  359. /*
  360. /**
  361. * User history not found
  362. * (UserHistoryService)
  363. */
  364. export const USER_HISTORY_NOT_FOUND = 'user_history/history_not_found' as const;
  365. /*
  366. /**
  367. * Invalid Request Type in History
  368. * (UserHistoryService)
  369. */
  370. export const USER_HISTORY_INVALID_REQ_TYPE =
  371. 'user_history/req_type_invalid' as const;
  372. /*
  373. |------------------------------------|
  374. |Server errors that are actually bugs|
  375. |------------------------------------|
  376. */
  377. /**
  378. * Couldn't find user data from the GraphQL context (Check if GqlAuthGuard is applied)
  379. * (GqlTeamMemberGuard, GqlCollectionTeamMemberGuard)
  380. */
  381. export const BUG_AUTH_NO_USER_CTX = 'bug/auth/auth_no_user_ctx' as const;
  382. /**
  383. * Couldn't find teamID parameter in the attached GraphQL operation. (Check if teamID is present)
  384. * (GqlTeamMemberGuard, GQLEAAdminGuard, GqlCollectionTeamMemberGuard)
  385. */
  386. export const BUG_TEAM_NO_TEAM_ID = 'bug/team/no_team_id';
  387. /**
  388. * Couldn't find RequireTeamRole decorator. (Check if it is applied)
  389. * (GqlTeamMemberGuard)
  390. */
  391. export const BUG_TEAM_NO_REQUIRE_TEAM_ROLE = 'bug/team/no_require_team_role';
  392. /**
  393. * Couldn't find 'collectionID' param to the attached GQL operation. (Check if exists)
  394. * (GqlCollectionTeamMemberGuard)
  395. */
  396. export const BUG_TEAM_COLL_NO_COLL_ID = 'bug/team_coll/no_coll_id';
  397. /**
  398. * Couldn't find 'requestID' param to the attached GQL operation. (Check if exists)
  399. * (GqlRequestTeamMemberGuard)
  400. */
  401. export const BUG_TEAM_REQ_NO_REQ_ID = 'bug/team_req/no_req_id';
  402. export const BUG_TEAM_INVITE_NO_INVITE_ID =
  403. 'bug/team_invite/no_invite_id' as const;
  404. /**
  405. * Couldn't find RequireTeamRole decorator. (Check if it is applied)
  406. * (GqlTeamEnvTeamGuard)
  407. */
  409. 'bug/team_env/guard_no_require_roles' as const;
  410. /**
  411. * Couldn't find 'id' param to the operation. (Check if it is applied)
  412. * (GqlTeamEnvTeamGuard)
  413. */
  414. export const BUG_TEAM_ENV_GUARD_NO_ENV_ID =
  415. 'bug/team_env/guard_no_env_id' as const;
  416. /**
  417. * The data sent to the verify route are invalid
  418. * (AuthService)
  419. */
  420. export const INVALID_MAGIC_LINK_DATA = 'auth/magic_link_invalid_data' as const;
  421. /**
  422. * Could not find VerificationToken entry in the db
  423. * (AuthService)
  424. */
  426. 'auth/verification_token_data_not_found' as const;
  427. /**
  428. * Auth Tokens expired
  429. * (AuthService)
  430. */
  431. export const TOKEN_EXPIRED = 'auth/token_expired' as const;
  432. /**
  433. * VerificationToken Tokens expired i.e. magic-link expired
  434. * (AuthService)
  435. */
  436. export const MAGIC_LINK_EXPIRED = 'auth/magic_link_expired' as const;
  437. /**
  438. * No cookies were found in the auth request
  439. * (AuthService)
  440. */
  441. export const COOKIES_NOT_FOUND = 'auth/cookies_not_found' as const;
  442. /**
  443. * Access Token is malformed or invalid
  444. * (AuthService)
  445. */
  446. export const INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'auth/invalid_access_token' as const;
  447. /**
  448. * Refresh Token is malformed or invalid
  449. * (AuthService)
  450. */
  451. export const INVALID_REFRESH_TOKEN = 'auth/invalid_refresh_token' as const;
  452. /**
  453. * The provided title for the user collection is short (less than 3 characters)
  454. * (UserCollectionService)
  455. */
  456. export const USER_COLL_SHORT_TITLE = 'user_coll/short_title' as const;
  457. /**
  458. * User Collection could not be found
  459. * (UserCollectionService)
  460. */
  461. export const USER_COLL_NOT_FOUND = 'user_coll/not_found' as const;
  462. /**
  463. * UserCollection is already a root collection
  464. * (UserCollectionService)
  465. */
  466. export const USER_COLL_ALREADY_ROOT =
  467. 'user_coll/target_user_collection_is_already_root_user_collection' as const;
  468. /**
  469. * Target and Parent user collections are the same
  470. * (UserCollectionService)
  471. */
  472. export const USER_COLL_DEST_SAME =
  473. 'user_coll/target_and_destination_user_collection_are_same' as const;
  474. /**
  475. * Target and Parent user collections are not from the same user
  476. * (UserCollectionService)
  477. */
  478. export const USER_COLL_NOT_SAME_USER = 'user_coll/not_same_user' as const;
  479. /**
  480. * Target and Parent user collections are not from the same type
  481. * (UserCollectionService)
  482. */
  483. export const USER_COLL_NOT_SAME_TYPE = 'user_coll/type_mismatch' as const;
  484. /**
  485. * Cannot make a parent user collection a child of itself
  486. * (UserCollectionService)
  487. */
  488. export const USER_COLL_IS_PARENT_COLL =
  489. 'user_coll/user_collection_is_parent_coll' as const;
  490. /**
  491. * User Collection Re-Ordering Failed
  492. * (UserCollectionService)
  493. */
  494. export const USER_COLL_REORDERING_FAILED =
  495. 'user_coll/reordering_failed' as const;
  496. /**
  497. * The Collection and Next User Collection are the same
  498. * (UserCollectionService)
  499. */
  500. export const USER_COLL_SAME_NEXT_COLL =
  501. 'user_coll/user_collection_and_next_user_collection_are_same' as const;
  502. /**
  503. * The User Collection data is not valid
  504. * (UserCollectionService)
  505. */
  506. export const USER_COLL_DATA_INVALID =
  507. 'user_coll/user_coll_data_invalid' as const;
  508. /**
  509. * The User Collection does not belong to the logged-in user
  510. * (UserCollectionService)
  511. */
  512. export const USER_NOT_OWNER = 'user_coll/user_not_owner' as const;
  513. /**
  514. * The JSON used is not valid
  515. * (UserCollectionService)
  516. */
  517. export const USER_COLL_INVALID_JSON = 'user_coll/invalid_json';
  518. /*
  519. * MAILER_SMTP_URL environment variable is not defined
  520. * (MailerModule)
  521. */
  522. export const MAILER_SMTP_URL_UNDEFINED = 'mailer/smtp_url_undefined' as const;
  523. /**
  524. * MAILER_ADDRESS_FROM environment variable is not defined
  525. * (MailerModule)
  526. */
  528. 'mailer/from_address_undefined' as const;
  529. /**
  530. * SharedRequest invalid request JSON format
  531. * (ShortcodeService)
  532. */
  534. 'shortcode/request_invalid_format' as const;
  535. /**
  536. * SharedRequest invalid properties JSON format
  537. * (ShortcodeService)
  538. */
  540. 'shortcode/properties_invalid_format' as const;
  541. /**
  542. * SharedRequest invalid properties not found
  543. * (ShortcodeService)
  544. */
  546. 'shortcode/properties_not_found' as const;
  547. /**
  548. * Infra Config not found
  549. * (InfraConfigService)
  550. */
  551. export const INFRA_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND = 'infra_config/not_found' as const;
  552. /**
  553. * Infra Config update failed
  554. * (InfraConfigService)
  555. */
  556. export const INFRA_CONFIG_UPDATE_FAILED = 'infra_config/update_failed' as const;
  557. /**
  558. * Infra Config not listed for onModuleInit creation
  559. * (InfraConfigService)
  560. */
  561. export const INFRA_CONFIG_NOT_LISTED =
  562. 'infra_config/properly_not_listed' as const;
  563. /**
  564. * Infra Config reset failed
  565. * (InfraConfigService)
  566. */
  567. export const INFRA_CONFIG_RESET_FAILED = 'infra_config/reset_failed' as const;
  568. /**
  569. * Infra Config invalid input for Config variable
  570. * (InfraConfigService)
  571. */
  572. export const INFRA_CONFIG_INVALID_INPUT = 'infra_config/invalid_input' as const;
  573. /**
  574. * Infra Config service (auth provider/mailer/audit logs) not configured
  575. * (InfraConfigService)
  576. */
  578. 'infra_config/service_not_configured' as const;
  579. /**
  580. * Error message for when the database table does not exist
  581. * (InfraConfigService)
  582. */
  583. export const DATABASE_TABLE_NOT_EXIST =
  584. 'Database migration not found. Please check the documentation for assistance:';