curiouscorrelation b81380ff91 fix: finer cert control setting option 2 недель назад
src b81380ff91 fix: finer cert control setting option 5 дней назад 116c9f4c58 fix: typos in readme docs 5 дней назад
package.json ce0fc5b596 fix(gen): qualifier clash when invalidating cache 5 дней назад
tsconfig.base.json a811391154 feat(kernel): `store` 5 дней назад
tsconfig.decl.json d8ab0a981d feat(kernel): `io` 5 дней назад
tsconfig.json a28716cee7 feat(kernel): init `hoppscotch-kernel` 5 дней назад
vite.config.d.ts a28716cee7 feat(kernel): init `hoppscotch-kernel` 5 дней назад
vite.config.ts ce0fc5b596 fix(gen): qualifier clash when invalidating cache 5 дней назад

Hoppscotch Kernel

Cross-platform abstraction kernel for Hoppscotch, a unified interface between application logic and platform-specific implementations.


The kernel acts as a thin abstraction layer, mediating between high-level application logic and low-level platform implementations, similar to how operating system kernels abstract over hardware details. This helps the core Hoppscotch app be platform-agnostic while maintaining near native performance.

This codebase is minimal by design, providing just the building blocks for constructing features. If possible, always try composition before modifying the kernel directly.


IO Module

File system and external resource handling:

interface IoV1 {
  saveFileWithDialog(opts: SaveFileWithDialogOptions): Promise<SaveFileResponse>
  openExternalLink(opts: OpenExternalLinkOptions): Promise<OpenExternalLinkResponse>
  listen<T>(event: string, handler: EventCallback<T>): Promise<UnlistenFn>

Relay Module

Network operations with platform-specific optimizations:

interface RelayV1 {
  readonly capabilities: RelayCapabilities
  execute(request: RelayRequest): {
    cancel: () => Promise<void>
    emitter: RelayEventEmitter<RelayRequestEvents>
    response: Promise<Either<RelayError, RelayResponse>>

Store Module

Cross-platform persistence with encryption support:

interface StoreV1 {
  readonly capabilities: Set<StoreCapability>
  set(namespace: string, key: string, value: unknown, options?: StorageOptions): Promise<Either<StoreError, void>>
  watch(namespace: string, key: string): StoreEventEmitter<StoreEvents>


Kernel Initialization

import { initKernel } from '@hoppscotch/kernel'

// Platform-specific initialization
const kernel = initKernel('web' | 'desktop')

Network Operations

import { RelayRequest } from '@hoppscotch/kernel'

const request: RelayRequest = {
  id: 1,
  url: "",
  method: "GET",
  version: "HTTP/1.1",
  headers: { 
    "Content-Type": "application/json" 

// Execute with capability checks
const { response, cancel } = kernel.relay.execute(request)

Storage Operations

// Encrypted storage with compression
await"collections", "team-a", data, {
  encrypt: true,
  compress: true

// Watch for changes"collections", "team-a").on("change", 
  (update) => console.log("Collection updated:", update)

File Operations

// Platform-agnostic file save
  data: new Uint8Array([...]),
  suggestedFilename: "export.json",
  contentType: "application/json"