123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186 |
- <template>
- <div>
- <header
- class="flex space-x-2 flex-1 py-2 px-2 items-center justify-between"
- >
- <div class="space-x-2 inline-flex items-center">
- <ButtonSecondary
- class="tracking-wide !font-bold !text-secondaryDark"
- label="HOPPSCOTCH"
- to="/"
- />
- <AppGitHubStarButton class="mt-1.5 transition hidden sm:flex" />
- </div>
- <div class="space-x-2 inline-flex items-center">
- <ButtonSecondary
- id="installPWA"
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'tooltip' }"
- :title="$t('header.install_pwa')"
- svg="download"
- class="rounded"
- @click.native="showInstallPrompt()"
- />
- <ButtonSecondary
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'tooltip' }"
- :title="`${$t('app.search')} <kbd>/</kbd>`"
- svg="search"
- class="rounded"
- @click.native="showSearch = true"
- />
- <ButtonSecondary
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'tooltip' }"
- :title="`${$t('support.title')} <kbd>?</kbd>`"
- svg="life-buoy"
- class="rounded"
- @click.native="showSupport = true"
- />
- <ButtonSecondary
- v-if="currentUser === null"
- svg="upload-cloud"
- :label="$t('header.save_workspace')"
- filled
- class="hidden md:flex"
- @click.native="showLogin = true"
- />
- <ButtonPrimary
- v-if="currentUser === null"
- :label="$t('header.login')"
- @click.native="showLogin = true"
- />
- <div v-else class="space-x-2 inline-flex items-center">
- <ButtonPrimary
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'tooltip' }"
- :title="$t('team.invite_tooltip')"
- :label="$t('team.invite')"
- svg="user-plus"
- class="
- !bg-green-500
- !text-green-500
- !bg-opacity-15
- !hover:bg-opacity-10 !hover:text-green-600 !hover:bg-green-400
- "
- @click.native="showTeamsModal = true"
- />
- <span class="px-2">
- <tippy ref="user" interactive trigger="click" theme="popover" arrow>
- <template #trigger>
- <ProfilePicture
- v-if="currentUser.photoURL"
- v-tippy="{
- theme: 'tooltip',
- }"
- :url="currentUser.photoURL"
- :alt="currentUser.displayName"
- :title="currentUser.displayName"
- indicator
- :indicator-styles="isOnLine ? 'bg-green-500' : 'bg-red-500'"
- />
- <ButtonSecondary
- v-else
- v-tippy="{ theme: 'tooltip' }"
- :title="$t('header.account')"
- class="rounded"
- svg="user"
- />
- </template>
- <SmartItem
- to="/profile"
- svg="user"
- :label="$t('navigation.profile')"
- @click.native="$refs.user.tippy().hide()"
- />
- <SmartItem
- to="/settings"
- svg="settings"
- :label="$t('navigation.settings')"
- @click.native="$refs.user.tippy().hide()"
- />
- <FirebaseLogout @confirm-logout="$refs.user.tippy().hide()" />
- </tippy>
- </span>
- </div>
- </div>
- </header>
- <AppAnnouncement v-if="!isOnLine" />
- <FirebaseLogin :show="showLogin" @hide-modal="showLogin = false" />
- <AppSupport :show="showSupport" @hide-modal="showSupport = false" />
- <AppPowerSearch :show="showSearch" @hide-modal="showSearch = false" />
- <TeamsModal :show="showTeamsModal" @hide-modal="showTeamsModal = false" />
- </div>
- </template>
- <script setup lang="ts">
- import { onMounted, ref, useContext } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api"
- import intializePwa from "~/helpers/pwa"
- import { probableUser$ } from "~/helpers/fb/auth"
- import { getLocalConfig, setLocalConfig } from "~/newstore/localpersistence"
- import { useReadonlyStream } from "~/helpers/utils/composables"
- import { defineActionHandler } from "~/helpers/actions"
- const {
- $toast,
- app: { i18n },
- } = useContext()
- const t = i18n.t.bind(i18n)
- /**
- * Once the PWA code is initialized, this holds a method
- * that can be called to show the user the installation
- * prompt.
- */
- const showInstallPrompt = ref(() => Promise.resolve()) // Async no-op till it is initialized
- const showSupport = ref(false)
- const showSearch = ref(false)
- const showLogin = ref(false)
- const showTeamsModal = ref(false)
- const isOnLine = ref(navigator.onLine)
- const currentUser = useReadonlyStream(probableUser$, null)
- defineActionHandler("modals.support.toggle", () => {
- showSupport.value = !showSupport.value
- })
- defineActionHandler("modals.search.toggle", () => {
- showSearch.value = !showSearch.value
- })
- onMounted(() => {
- window.addEventListener("online", () => {
- isOnLine.value = true
- })
- window.addEventListener("offline", () => {
- isOnLine.value = false
- })
- // Initializes the PWA code - checks if the app is installed,
- // etc.
- showInstallPrompt.value = intializePwa()
- const cookiesAllowed = getLocalConfig("cookiesAllowed") === "yes"
- if (!cookiesAllowed) {
- $toast.show(t("app.we_use_cookies").toString(), {
- icon: "cookie",
- duration: 0,
- action: [
- {
- text: t("action.learn_more").toString(),
- onClick: (_, toastObject) => {
- setLocalConfig("cookiesAllowed", "yes")
- toastObject.goAway(0)
- window.open("https://docs.hoppscotch.io/privacy", "_blank")?.focus()
- },
- },
- {
- text: t("action.dismiss").toString(),
- onClick: (_, toastObject) => {
- setLocalConfig("cookiesAllowed", "yes")
- toastObject.goAway(0)
- },
- },
- ],
- })
- }
- })
- </script>