123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321 |
- import { HoppRESTResponse } from "./types/HoppRESTResponse"
- const styles = {
- PASS: { icon: "check", class: "success-response" },
- FAIL: { icon: "close", class: "cl-error-response" },
- ERROR: { icon: "close", class: "cl-error-response" },
- }
- type TestScriptResponse = {
- body: any
- headers: any[]
- status: number
- __newRes: HoppRESTResponse
- }
- type TestScriptVariables = {
- response: TestScriptResponse
- }
- type TestReportStartBlock = {
- startBlock: string
- }
- type TestReportEndBlock = {
- endBlock: true
- }
- type TestReportEntry = {
- result: "PASS" | "FAIL" | "ERROR"
- message: string
- styles: {
- icon: string
- }
- }
- type TestReport = TestReportStartBlock | TestReportEntry | TestReportEndBlock
- export default function runTestScriptWithVariables(
- script: string,
- variables?: TestScriptVariables
- ) {
- const pw = {
- _errors: [],
- _testReports: [] as TestReport[],
- _report: "",
- expect(value: any) {
- try {
- return expect(value, this._testReports)
- } catch (e) {
- pw._testReports.push({
- result: "ERROR",
- message: e.toString(),
- styles: styles.ERROR,
- })
- }
- },
- test: (descriptor: string, func: () => void) =>
- test(descriptor, func, pw._testReports),
- // globals that the script is allowed to have access to.
- }
- Object.assign(pw, variables)
- // run pre-request script within this function so that it has access to the pw object.
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func
- new Function("pw", script)(pw)
- return {
- report: pw._report,
- errors: pw._errors,
- testResults: pw._testReports,
- }
- }
- function test(
- descriptor: string,
- func: () => void,
- _testReports: TestReport[]
- ) {
- _testReports.push({ startBlock: descriptor })
- try {
- func()
- } catch (e) {
- _testReports.push({ result: "ERROR", message: e, styles: styles.ERROR })
- }
- _testReports.push({ endBlock: true })
- // TODO: Organize and generate text report of each {descriptor: true} section in testReports.
- // add checkmark or x depending on if each testReport is pass=true or pass=false
- }
- function expect(expectValue: any, _testReports: TestReport[]) {
- return new Expectation(expectValue, null, _testReports)
- }
- class Expectation {
- private expectValue: any
- private not: true | Expectation
- private _testReports: TestReport[]
- constructor(
- expectValue: any,
- _not: boolean | null,
- _testReports: TestReport[]
- ) {
- this.expectValue = expectValue
- this.not = _not || new Expectation(this.expectValue, true, _testReports)
- this._testReports = _testReports // this values is used within Test.it, which wraps Expectation and passes _testReports value.
- }
- private _satisfies(expectValue: any, targetValue?: any): boolean {
- // Used for testing if two values match the expectation, which could be === OR !==, depending on if not
- // was used. Expectation#_satisfies prevents the need to have an if(this.not) branch in every test method.
- // Signature is _satisfies([expectValue,] targetValue): if only one argument is given, it is assumed the targetValue, and expectValue is set to this.expectValue
- if (!targetValue) {
- targetValue = expectValue
- expectValue = this.expectValue
- }
- if (this.not === true) {
- // test the inverse. this.not is always truthly, but an Expectation that is inverted will always be strictly `true`
- return expectValue !== targetValue
- } else {
- return expectValue === targetValue
- }
- }
- _fmtNot(message: string) {
- // given a string with "(not)" in it, replaces with "not" or "", depending if the expectation is expecting the positive or inverse (this._not)
- if (this.not === true) {
- return message.replace("(not)", "not ")
- } else {
- return message.replace("(not)", "")
- }
- }
- _fail(message: string) {
- return this._testReports.push({
- result: "FAIL",
- message,
- styles: styles.FAIL,
- })
- }
- _pass(message: string) {
- return this._testReports.push({
- result: "PASS",
- message,
- styles: styles.PASS,
- })
- }
- // these are the usual methods that would follow expect(...)
- toBe(value: any) {
- return this._satisfies(value)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} do (not)match with ${value}`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(`Expected ${this.expectValue} (not)to be ${value}`)
- )
- }
- toHaveProperty(value: string) {
- return this._satisfies(
- Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.expectValue, value),
- true
- )
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} do (not)have property ${value}`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected object ${this.expectValue} to (not)have property ${value}`
- )
- )
- }
- toBeLevel2xx() {
- const code = parseInt(this.expectValue, 10)
- if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
- return this._fail(
- `Expected 200-level status but could not parse value ${this.expectValue}`
- )
- }
- return this._satisfies(code >= 200 && code < 300, true)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} is (not)a 200-level status`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected ${this.expectValue} to (not)be 200-level status`
- )
- )
- }
- toBeLevel3xx() {
- const code = parseInt(this.expectValue, 10)
- if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
- return this._fail(
- `Expected 300-level status but could not parse value ${this.expectValue}`
- )
- }
- return this._satisfies(code >= 300 && code < 400, true)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} is (not)a 300-level status`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected ${this.expectValue} to (not)be 300-level status`
- )
- )
- }
- toBeLevel4xx() {
- const code = parseInt(this.expectValue, 10)
- if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
- return this._fail(
- `Expected 400-level status but could not parse value ${this.expectValue}`
- )
- }
- return this._satisfies(code >= 400 && code < 500, true)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} is (not)a 400-level status`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected ${this.expectValue} to (not)be 400-level status`
- )
- )
- }
- toBeLevel5xx() {
- const code = parseInt(this.expectValue, 10)
- if (Number.isNaN(code)) {
- return this._fail(
- `Expected 500-level status but could not parse value ${this.expectValue}`
- )
- }
- return this._satisfies(code >= 500 && code < 600, true)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(`${this.expectValue} is (not)a 500-level status`)
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected ${this.expectValue} to (not)be 500-level status`
- )
- )
- }
- toHaveLength(expectedLength: number) {
- const actualLength = this.expectValue.length
- return this._satisfies(actualLength, expectedLength)
- ? this._pass(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Length expectation of (not)being ${expectedLength} is kept`
- )
- )
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected length to be ${expectedLength} but actual length was ${actualLength}`
- )
- )
- }
- toBeType(expectedType: string) {
- const actualType = typeof this.expectValue
- if (
- ![
- "string",
- "boolean",
- "number",
- "object",
- "undefined",
- "bigint",
- "symbol",
- "function",
- ].includes(expectedType)
- ) {
- return this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Argument for toBeType should be "string", "boolean", "number", "object", "undefined", "bigint", "symbol" or "function"`
- )
- )
- }
- return this._satisfies(actualType, expectedType)
- ? this._pass(this._fmtNot(`The type is (not)"${expectedType}"`))
- : this._fail(
- this._fmtNot(
- `Expected type to be "${expectedType}" but actual type was "${actualType}"`
- )
- )
- }
- }
- export function transformResponseForTesting(
- response: HoppRESTResponse
- ): TestScriptResponse {
- if (response.type === "loading") {
- throw new Error("Cannot transform loading responses")
- }
- if (response.type === "network_fail") {
- throw new Error("Cannot transform failed responses")
- }
- let body: any = new TextDecoder("utf-8").decode(response.body)
- // Try parsing to JSON
- try {
- body = JSON.parse(body)
- } catch (_) {}
- return {
- body,
- headers: response.headers,
- status: response.statusCode,
- __newRes: response,
- }
- }