tw.json 28 KB

  1. {
  2. "action": {
  3. "autoscroll": "自動捲動",
  4. "cancel": "取消",
  5. "choose_file": "選擇一個檔案",
  6. "clear": "清除",
  7. "clear_all": "全部清除",
  8. "close": "關閉",
  9. "connect": "連線",
  10. "connecting": "正在連接",
  11. "copy": "複製",
  12. "delete": "刪除",
  13. "disconnect": "斷開連線",
  14. "dismiss": "忽略",
  15. "dont_save": "不要儲存",
  16. "download_file": "下載檔案",
  17. "drag_to_reorder": "拖曳以重新排序",
  18. "duplicate": "複製",
  19. "edit": "編輯",
  20. "filter": "篩選回應",
  21. "go_back": "返回",
  22. "go_forward": "Go forward",
  23. "group_by": "分組方式",
  24. "label": "標籤",
  25. "learn_more": "瞭解更多",
  26. "less": "更少",
  27. "more": "更多",
  28. "new": "新增",
  29. "no": "否",
  30. "open_workspace": "開啟工作區",
  31. "paste": "貼上",
  32. "prettify": "美化",
  33. "remove": "移除",
  34. "restore": "還原",
  35. "save": "儲存",
  36. "scroll_to_bottom": "捲動至底部",
  37. "scroll_to_top": "捲動至頂部",
  38. "search": "搜尋",
  39. "send": "傳送",
  40. "start": "開始",
  41. "starting": "正在開始",
  42. "stop": "停止",
  43. "to_close": "以關閉",
  44. "to_navigate": "以瀏覽",
  45. "to_select": "以選擇",
  46. "turn_off": "關閉",
  47. "turn_on": "開啟",
  48. "undo": "復原",
  49. "yes": "是"
  50. },
  51. "add": {
  52. "new": "新增",
  53. "star": "加上星號"
  54. },
  55. "app": {
  56. "chat_with_us": "與我們交談",
  57. "contact_us": "聯絡我們",
  58. "copy": "複製",
  59. "copy_user_id": "複製使用者驗證權杖",
  60. "developer_option": "開發者選項",
  61. "developer_option_description": "協助開發和維護 Hoppscotch 的工具。",
  62. "discord": "Discord",
  63. "documentation": "幫助文件",
  64. "github": "GitHub",
  65. "help": "幫助與回饋",
  66. "home": "主頁",
  67. "invite": "邀請",
  68. "invite_description": "Hoppscotch 是一個開源的 API 開發生態系統。我們設計了簡單而直觀的介面來建立和管理您的 API。Hoppscotch 是一個幫助您構建、測試、記錄與分享您的 API 的工具。",
  69. "invite_your_friends": "邀請您的夥伴",
  70. "join_discord_community": "加入我們的 Discord 社群",
  71. "keyboard_shortcuts": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
  72. "name": "Hoppscotch",
  73. "new_version_found": "已發現新版本。重新整理頁面以更新。",
  74. "options": "選項",
  75. "proxy_privacy_policy": "Proxy 隱私政策",
  76. "reload": "重新載入",
  77. "search": "搜尋",
  78. "share": "分享",
  79. "shortcuts": "快捷方式",
  80. "spotlight": "聚光燈",
  81. "status": "狀態",
  82. "status_description": "檢查網站狀態",
  83. "terms_and_privacy": "隱私條款",
  84. "twitter": "Twitter",
  85. "type_a_command_search": "輸入命令或搜尋內容……",
  86. "we_use_cookies": "我們使用 cookies",
  87. "whats_new": "新功能",
  88. "wiki": "維基"
  89. },
  90. "auth": {
  91. "account_exists": "帳號存在不同的憑證 - 登入後可連結兩個帳號",
  92. "all_sign_in_options": "所有登入選項",
  93. "continue_with_email": "使用電子信箱登入",
  94. "continue_with_github": "使用 GitHub 登入",
  95. "continue_with_google": "使用 Google 登入",
  96. "continue_with_microsoft": "使用 Microsoft 登入",
  97. "email": "電子信箱地址",
  98. "logged_out": "登出",
  99. "login": "登入",
  100. "login_success": "登入成功",
  101. "login_to_hoppscotch": "登入 Hoppscotch",
  102. "logout": "登出",
  103. "re_enter_email": "重新輸入電子郵件",
  104. "send_magic_link": "傳送魔術連結",
  105. "sync": "同步",
  106. "we_sent_magic_link": "已傳送魔術連結!",
  107. "we_sent_magic_link_description": "請檢查您的收件匣 - 我們向 {email} 傳送了一封郵件,其中包含了能夠讓您登入的魔術連結。"
  108. },
  109. "authorization": {
  110. "generate_token": "產生權杖",
  111. "include_in_url": "包含在網址",
  112. "learn": "瞭解更多",
  113. "pass_key_by": "傳遞方式",
  114. "password": "密碼",
  115. "token": "權杖",
  116. "type": "授權類型",
  117. "username": "使用者名稱"
  118. },
  119. "collection": {
  120. "created": "組合已建立",
  121. "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
  122. "edit": "編輯組合",
  123. "invalid_name": "請提供有效的組合名稱",
  124. "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
  125. "moved": "Moved Successfully",
  126. "my_collections": "我的組合",
  127. "name": "我的新組合",
  128. "name_length_insufficient": "組合名稱至少要有 3 個字元。",
  129. "new": "建立組合",
  130. "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
  131. "renamed": "組合已重新命名",
  132. "request_in_use": "請求正在使用中",
  133. "save_as": "另存為",
  134. "select": "選擇一個組合",
  135. "select_location": "選擇位置",
  136. "select_team": "選擇一個團隊",
  137. "team_collections": "團隊組合"
  138. },
  139. "confirm": {
  140. "exit_team": "您確定要離開此團隊嗎?",
  141. "logout": "您確定要登出嗎?",
  142. "remove_collection": "您確定要永久刪除該組合嗎?",
  143. "remove_environment": "您確定要永久刪除該環境嗎?",
  144. "remove_folder": "您確定要永久刪除該資料夾嗎?",
  145. "remove_history": "您確定要永久刪除全部歷史記錄嗎?",
  146. "remove_request": "您確定要永久刪除該請求嗎?",
  147. "remove_team": "您確定要刪除該團隊嗎?",
  148. "remove_telemetry": "您確定要退出遙測服務嗎?",
  149. "request_change": "您確定要捨棄當前請求嗎?未儲存的變更將遺失。",
  150. "save_unsaved_tab": "Do you want to save changes made in this tab?",
  151. "sync": "您想從雲端恢復您的工作區嗎?這將丟棄您的本地進度。"
  152. },
  153. "count": {
  154. "header": "請求標頭 {count}",
  155. "message": "訊息 {count}",
  156. "parameter": "參數 {count}",
  157. "protocol": "協定 {count}",
  158. "value": "值 {count}",
  159. "variable": "變數 {count}"
  160. },
  161. "documentation": {
  162. "generate": "產生文件",
  163. "generate_message": "匯入 Hoppscotch 組合以隨時隨地產生 API 文件。"
  164. },
  165. "empty": {
  166. "authorization": "該請求沒有使用任何授權",
  167. "body": "該請求沒有任何請求主體",
  168. "collection": "組合為空",
  169. "collections": "組合為空",
  170. "documentation": "連線到 GraphQL 端點以檢視文件",
  171. "endpoint": "端點不能留空",
  172. "environments": "環境為空",
  173. "folder": "資料夾為空",
  174. "headers": "該請求沒有任何請求標頭",
  175. "history": "歷史記錄為空",
  176. "invites": "邀請名單為空",
  177. "members": "團隊為空",
  178. "parameters": "該請求沒有任何參數",
  179. "pending_invites": "這個團隊沒有待定的邀請",
  180. "profile": "登入以檢視您的設定檔",
  181. "protocols": "協定為空",
  182. "schema": "連線至 GraphQL 端點",
  183. "shortcodes": "Shortcodes 為空",
  184. "subscription": "訂閱為空",
  185. "team_name": "團隊名稱為空",
  186. "teams": "團隊為空",
  187. "tests": "沒有針對該請求的測試"
  188. },
  189. "environment": {
  190. "add_to_global": "新增至全域",
  191. "added": "新增環境",
  192. "create_new": "建立新環境",
  193. "created": "已建立環境",
  194. "deleted": "刪除環境",
  195. "edit": "編輯環境",
  196. "invalid_name": "請提供有效的環境名稱",
  197. "my_environments": "我的環境",
  198. "nested_overflow": "巢狀環境變數不得大於 10 層",
  199. "new": "建立環境",
  200. "no_environment": "無環境",
  201. "no_environment_description": "未選取任何環境。請選擇要對以下變數進行的動作。",
  202. "select": "選擇環境",
  203. "team_environments": "團隊環境",
  204. "title": "環境",
  205. "updated": "更新環境",
  206. "variable_list": "變數列表"
  207. },
  208. "error": {
  209. "browser_support_sse": "此瀏覽器似乎不支援 SSE。",
  210. "check_console_details": "檢查控制台日誌以獲悉詳情",
  211. "curl_invalid_format": "cURL 格式不正確",
  212. "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
  213. "delete_account": "您的帳號目前為這些團隊的擁有者:",
  214. "delete_account_description": "您在刪除帳號前必須先將您自己從團隊中移除、轉移擁有權,或是刪除團隊。",
  215. "empty_req_name": "空請求名稱",
  216. "f12_details": "(按下 F12 以獲悉詳情)",
  217. "gql_prettify_invalid_query": "無法美化無效的查詢,處理查詢語法錯誤並重試",
  218. "incomplete_config_urls": "設置網址不完整",
  219. "incorrect_email": "錯誤的電子信箱",
  220. "invalid_link": "連結無效",
  221. "invalid_link_description": "您點擊的連結無效或已過期。",
  222. "json_parsing_failed": "JSON 無效",
  223. "json_prettify_invalid_body": "無法美化無效的請求主體,處理 JSON 語法錯誤並重試",
  224. "network_error": "似乎有網路錯誤。請再試一次。",
  225. "network_fail": "無法傳送請求",
  226. "no_duration": "無持續時間",
  227. "no_results_found": "找不到結果",
  228. "page_not_found": "找不到此頁面",
  229. "script_fail": "無法執行預請求指令碼",
  230. "something_went_wrong": "發生了一些錯誤",
  231. "test_script_fail": "無法執行測試指令碼"
  232. },
  233. "export": {
  234. "as_json": "匯出為 JSON",
  235. "create_secret_gist": "建立私密 Gist",
  236. "gist_created": "已建立 Gist",
  237. "require_github": "使用 GitHub 登入以建立私密 Gist",
  238. "title": "匯出"
  239. },
  240. "filter": {
  241. "all": "全部",
  242. "none": "無",
  243. "starred": "已加星號"
  244. },
  245. "folder": {
  246. "created": "已建立資料夾",
  247. "edit": "編輯資料夾",
  248. "invalid_name": "請提供資料夾的名稱",
  249. "name_length_insufficient": "資料夾名稱至少要有 3 個字元。",
  250. "new": "新資料夾",
  251. "renamed": "資料夾已重新命名"
  252. },
  253. "graphql": {
  254. "mutations": "變體",
  255. "schema": "綱要",
  256. "subscriptions": "訂閱"
  257. },
  258. "group": {
  259. "time": "時間",
  260. "url": "網址"
  261. },
  262. "header": {
  263. "install_pwa": "安裝應用程式",
  264. "login": "登入",
  265. "save_workspace": "儲存我的工作區"
  266. },
  267. "helpers": {
  268. "authorization": "授權標頭將會在您傳送請求時自動產生。",
  269. "generate_documentation_first": "請先產生文件",
  270. "network_fail": "無法到達 API 端點。請檢查網路連線並重試。",
  271. "offline": "您似乎處於離線狀態,該工作區中的資料可能不是最新。",
  272. "offline_short": "您似乎處於離線狀態。",
  273. "post_request_tests": "測試指令碼使用 JavaScript 編寫,並在收到回應後執行。",
  274. "pre_request_script": "預請求指令碼使用 JavaScript 編寫,並在請求傳送前執行。",
  275. "script_fail": "預請求指令碼似乎有問題。請檢查下方的錯誤並進行相應修正。",
  276. "test_script_fail": "測試指令碼似乎有誤,請修復錯誤並重新執行測試。",
  277. "tests": "編寫測試指令碼以自動除錯。"
  278. },
  279. "hide": {
  280. "collection": "隱藏組合面板",
  281. "more": "隱藏更多",
  282. "preview": "隱藏預覽",
  283. "sidebar": "隱藏側邊欄"
  284. },
  285. "import": {
  286. "collections": "匯入組合",
  287. "curl": "匯入 cURL",
  288. "failed": "匯入失敗",
  289. "from_gist": "從 Gist 匯入",
  290. "from_gist_description": "從 Gist 網址匯入",
  291. "from_insomnia": "從 Insomnia 匯入",
  292. "from_insomnia_description": "從 Insomnia 組合匯入",
  293. "from_json": "從 Hoppscotch 匯入",
  294. "from_json_description": "從 Hoppscotch 組合檔匯入",
  295. "from_my_collections": "從我的組合匯入",
  296. "from_my_collections_description": "從我的組合檔匯入",
  297. "from_openapi": "從 OpenAPI 匯入",
  298. "from_openapi_description": "從 OpenAPI 規格檔 (YML/JSON) 匯入",
  299. "from_postman": "從 Postman 匯入",
  300. "from_postman_description": "從 Postman 組合匯入",
  301. "from_url": "從網址匯入",
  302. "gist_url": "輸入 Gist 網址",
  303. "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "無法從網址取得資料",
  304. "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "匯入組合時發生錯誤",
  305. "import_from_url_invalid_type": "不支援此類型。可接受的值為 'hoppscotch'、'openapi'、'postman'、'insomnia'",
  306. "import_from_url_success": "已匯入組合",
  307. "json_description": "從 Hoppscotch 組合 JSON 檔匯入組合",
  308. "title": "匯入"
  309. },
  310. "layout": {
  311. "collapse_collection": "隱藏或顯示組合",
  312. "collapse_sidebar": "隱藏或顯示側邊欄",
  313. "column": "垂直版面",
  314. "name": "配置",
  315. "row": "水平版面",
  316. "zen_mode": "專注模式"
  317. },
  318. "modal": {
  319. "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
  320. "collections": "組合",
  321. "confirm": "確認",
  322. "edit_request": "編輯請求",
  323. "import_export": "匯入/匯出"
  324. },
  325. "mqtt": {
  326. "already_subscribed": "您已經訂閱了此主題。",
  327. "clean_session": "清理工作階段",
  328. "clear_input": "清除輸入",
  329. "clear_input_on_send": "傳送後清除輸入",
  330. "client_id": "客戶端 ID",
  331. "color": "選擇顏色",
  332. "communication": "通訊",
  333. "connection_config": "連線設定",
  334. "connection_not_authorized": "此 MQTT 連線未使用任何驗證。",
  335. "invalid_topic": "請提供該訂閱的主題",
  336. "keep_alive": "Keep Alive",
  337. "log": "日誌",
  338. "lw_message": "Last-Will Message",
  339. "lw_qos": "Last-Will QoS",
  340. "lw_retain": "Last-Will Retain",
  341. "lw_topic": "Last-Will Topic",
  342. "message": "訊息",
  343. "new": "新訂閱",
  344. "not_connected": "請先啟動 MQTT 連線。",
  345. "publish": "發佈",
  346. "qos": "QoS",
  347. "ssl": "SSL",
  348. "subscribe": "訂閱",
  349. "topic": "主題",
  350. "topic_name": "主題名稱",
  351. "topic_title": "發佈/訂閱主題",
  352. "unsubscribe": "取消訂閱",
  353. "url": "網址"
  354. },
  355. "navigation": {
  356. "doc": "文件",
  357. "graphql": "GraphQL",
  358. "profile": "設定檔",
  359. "realtime": "即時",
  360. "rest": "REST",
  361. "settings": "設定"
  362. },
  363. "preRequest": {
  364. "javascript_code": "JavaScript 程式碼",
  365. "learn": "閱讀文件",
  366. "script": "預請求指令碼",
  367. "snippets": "程式碼片段"
  368. },
  369. "profile": {
  370. "app_settings": "應用程式設定",
  371. "default_hopp_displayname": "未命名使用者",
  372. "editor": "編輯者",
  373. "editor_description": "編輯者可以新增、編輯和刪除請求。",
  374. "email_verification_mail": "已將驗證信寄送至您的電子郵件地址。請點擊信中連結以驗證您的電子郵件地址。",
  375. "no_permission": "您沒有權限執行此操作。",
  376. "owner": "擁有者",
  377. "owner_description": "擁有者可以新增、編輯和刪除請求、組合和團隊成員。",
  378. "roles": "角色",
  379. "roles_description": "角色用來控制對共用組合的存取權。",
  380. "updated": "已更新個人檔案",
  381. "viewer": "檢視者",
  382. "viewer_description": "檢視者只能檢視和使用請求。"
  383. },
  384. "remove": {
  385. "star": "移除星號"
  386. },
  387. "request": {
  388. "added": "已新增請求",
  389. "authorization": "授權",
  390. "body": "請求本體",
  391. "choose_language": "選擇語言",
  392. "content_type": "內容類型",
  393. "content_type_titles": {
  394. "others": "其他",
  395. "structured": "結構",
  396. "text": "文字"
  397. },
  398. "copy_link": "複製連結",
  399. "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
  400. "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
  401. "duration": "持續時間",
  402. "enter_curl": "輸入 cURL",
  403. "generate_code": "產生程式碼",
  404. "generated_code": "已產生程式碼",
  405. "header_list": "請求標頭列表",
  406. "invalid_name": "請提供請求名稱",
  407. "method": "方法",
  408. "moved": "Request moved",
  409. "name": "請求名稱",
  410. "new": "新請求",
  411. "order_changed": "Request Order Updated",
  412. "override": "覆寫",
  413. "override_help": "在標頭設置 <kbd>Content-Type</kbd>",
  414. "overriden": "已覆寫",
  415. "parameter_list": "查詢參數",
  416. "parameters": "參數",
  417. "path": "路徑",
  418. "payload": "負載",
  419. "query": "查詢",
  420. "raw_body": "原始請求本體",
  421. "renamed": "請求已重新命名",
  422. "run": "執行",
  423. "save": "儲存",
  424. "save_as": "另存為",
  425. "saved": "請求已儲存",
  426. "share": "分享",
  427. "share_description": "與您的朋友分享 Hoppscotch",
  428. "title": "請求",
  429. "type": "請求類型",
  430. "url": "網址",
  431. "variables": "變數",
  432. "view_my_links": "檢視我的連結"
  433. },
  434. "response": {
  435. "audio": "Audio",
  436. "body": "回應本體",
  437. "filter_response_body": "篩選 JSON 回應本體 (使用 JSONPath 語法)",
  438. "headers": "回應標頭",
  439. "html": "HTML",
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  451. "xml": "XML"
  452. },
  453. "settings": {
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  455. "account": "帳號",
  456. "account_deleted": "已刪除您的帳號",
  457. "account_description": "自定義您的帳號設定。",
  458. "account_email_description": "您的主要電子郵件地址。",
  459. "account_name_description": "這是您的顯示名稱。",
  460. "background": "背景",
  461. "black_mode": "黑色",
  462. "change_font_size": "更改字型大小",
  463. "choose_language": "選擇語言",
  464. "dark_mode": "暗色",
  465. "delete_account": "刪除帳號",
  466. "delete_account_description": "一旦您刪除了您的帳號,您的所有資料將被永久刪除。此操作無法復原。",
  467. "expand_navigation": "展開導航欄",
  468. "experiments": "實驗功能",
  469. "experiments_notice": "下面是我們正在開發中的一些實驗功能,這些功能可能會很有用,可能很有趣,又或者二者都是或都不是。這些功能並非最終版本且可能不穩定,所以如果發生了一些過於奇怪的事情,不要驚慌,關掉它們就好了。玩笑歸玩笑,",
  470. "extension_ver_not_reported": "未報告",
  471. "extension_version": "擴充套件版本",
  472. "extensions": "擴充套件",
  473. "extensions_use_toggle": "使用瀏覽器擴充套件傳送請求(如果存在)",
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  478. "font_size_small": "小",
  479. "interceptor": "攔截器",
  480. "interceptor_description": "應用程式和 API 之間的中介軟體。",
  481. "language": "語言",
  482. "light_mode": "亮色",
  483. "official_proxy_hosting": "官方 Proxy 由 Hoppscotch 託管。",
  484. "profile": "設定檔",
  485. "profile_description": "更新您的設定檔詳細資料",
  486. "profile_email": "電子郵件地址",
  487. "profile_name": "設定檔名稱",
  488. "proxy": "Proxy",
  489. "proxy_url": "Proxy 網址",
  490. "proxy_use_toggle": "使用 Proxy 中介軟體傳送請求",
  491. "read_the": "閱讀",
  492. "reset_default": "重置為預設",
  493. "short_codes": "快捷碼",
  494. "short_codes_description": "我們為您打造的快捷碼。",
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  497. "sync_collections": "組合",
  498. "sync_description": "這些設定會同步到雲端。",
  499. "sync_environments": "環境",
  500. "sync_history": "歷史",
  501. "system_mode": "系統",
  502. "telemetry": "遙測服務",
  503. "telemetry_helps_us": "遙測服務幫助我們進行個性化操作,為您提供最佳體驗。",
  504. "theme": "主題",
  505. "theme_description": "自定義您的應用程式主題。",
  506. "use_experimental_url_bar": "使用帶有環境醒目標示的實驗性網址欄",
  507. "user": "使用者",
  508. "verified_email": "已確認電子郵件地址",
  509. "verify_email": "確認電子郵件地址"
  510. },
  511. "shortcodes": {
  512. "actions": "操作",
  513. "created_on": "建立於",
  514. "deleted": "已刪除快捷碼",
  515. "method": "方法",
  516. "not_found": "找不到快捷碼",
  517. "short_code": "快捷碼",
  518. "url": "網址"
  519. },
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  521. "general": {
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  523. "command_menu": "搜尋與命令選單",
  524. "help_menu": "幫助選單",
  525. "show_all": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
  526. "title": "一般"
  527. },
  528. "miscellaneous": {
  529. "invite": "邀請使用 Hoppscotch",
  530. "title": "雜項"
  531. },
  532. "navigation": {
  533. "back": "返回上一頁面",
  534. "documentation": "前往文件頁面",
  535. "forward": "前往下一頁面",
  536. "graphql": "前往 GraphQL 頁面",
  537. "profile": "前往個人檔案頁面",
  538. "realtime": "前往即時頁面",
  539. "rest": "前往 REST 頁面",
  540. "settings": "前往設定頁面",
  541. "title": "導航"
  542. },
  543. "request": {
  544. "copy_request_link": "複製請求連結",
  545. "delete_method": "選擇 DELETE 方法",
  546. "get_method": "選擇 GET 方法",
  547. "head_method": "選擇 HEAD 方法",
  548. "method": "方法",
  549. "next_method": "選擇下一個方法",
  550. "post_method": "選擇 POST 方法",
  551. "previous_method": "選擇上一個方法",
  552. "put_method": "選擇 PUT 方法",
  553. "reset_request": "重置請求",
  554. "save_to_collections": "儲存到組合",
  555. "send_request": "傳送請求",
  556. "title": "請求"
  557. },
  558. "response": {
  559. "copy": "複製回應至剪貼簿",
  560. "download": "下載回應",
  561. "title": "回應"
  562. },
  563. "theme": {
  564. "black": "將主題切換至黑色模式",
  565. "dark": "將主題切換至暗色模式",
  566. "light": "將主題切換至亮色模式",
  567. "system": "跟隨作業系統主題",
  568. "title": "主題"
  569. }
  570. },
  571. "show": {
  572. "code": "顯示程式碼",
  573. "collection": "顯示組合面板",
  574. "more": "顯示更多",
  575. "sidebar": "顯示側邊欄"
  576. },
  577. "socketio": {
  578. "communication": "通訊",
  579. "connection_not_authorized": "此 SocketIO 連線未使用任何驗證。",
  580. "event_name": "事件名稱",
  581. "events": "事件",
  582. "log": "日誌",
  583. "url": "網址"
  584. },
  585. "sse": {
  586. "event_type": "事件類型",
  587. "log": "日誌",
  588. "url": "網址"
  589. },
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  591. "bulk_mode": "大量編輯",
  592. "bulk_mode_placeholder": "條目之間使用換行符分隔\n鍵和值之間使用冒號分隔\n將 # 置於行首以新增該行條目並保持停用",
  593. "cleared": "已清除",
  594. "connected": "已連線",
  595. "connected_to": "已連線到 {name}",
  596. "connecting_to": "正在連線到 {name}……",
  597. "connection_error": "連線失敗",
  598. "connection_failed": "連線失敗",
  599. "connection_lost": "失去連線",
  600. "copied_to_clipboard": "已複製到剪貼簿",
  601. "deleted": "已刪除",
  602. "deprecated": "已棄用",
  603. "disabled": "已停用",
  604. "disconnected": "斷開連線",
  605. "disconnected_from": "與 {name} 斷開連線",
  606. "docs_generated": "已產生檔案",
  607. "download_started": "開始下載",
  608. "enabled": "啟用",
  609. "file_imported": "檔案已匯入",
  610. "finished_in": "在 {duration} 毫秒內完成",
  611. "history_deleted": "歷史記錄已刪除",
  612. "linewrap": "換行",
  613. "loading": "正在載入……",
  614. "message_received": "訊息:{message}已抵達主題:{topic}",
  615. "mqtt_subscription_failed": "訂閱此主題時發生錯誤:{topic}",
  616. "none": "無",
  617. "nothing_found": "沒有找到",
  618. "published_error": "將訊息:{topic} 發布至主題:{message} 時發生錯誤",
  619. "published_message": "已將此訊息:{message} 發布至主題:{topic}",
  620. "reconnection_error": "重新連線失敗",
  621. "subscribed_failed": "無法訂閱此主題:{topic}",
  622. "subscribed_success": "成功訂閱此主題:{topic}",
  623. "unsubscribed_failed": "無法取消訂閱此主題:{topic}",
  624. "unsubscribed_success": "成功取消訂閱此主題:{topic}",
  625. "waiting_send_request": "等待傳送請求"
  626. },
  627. "support": {
  628. "changelog": "閱讀更多有關最新版本的內容",
  629. "chat": "有問題?來和我們交流吧!",
  630. "community": "提問與互助",
  631. "documentation": "閱讀更多有關 Hoppscotch 的內容",
  632. "forum": "答疑解惑",
  633. "github": "在 GitHub 關注我們",
  634. "shortcuts": "更快瀏覽應用程式",
  635. "team": "與團隊保持聯絡",
  636. "title": "支援",
  637. "twitter": "在 Twitter 關注我們"
  638. },
  639. "tab": {
  640. "authorization": "授權",
  641. "body": "請求本體",
  642. "collections": "組合",
  643. "documentation": "幫助文件",
  644. "environments": "Environments",
  645. "headers": "請求標頭",
  646. "history": "歷史記錄",
  647. "mqtt": "MQTT",
  648. "parameters": "參數",
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  650. "queries": "查詢",
  651. "query": "查詢",
  652. "schema": "綱要",
  653. "socketio": "Socket.IO",
  654. "sse": "SSE",
  655. "tests": "測試",
  656. "types": "類型",
  657. "variables": "變數",
  658. "websocket": "WebSocket"
  659. },
  660. "team": {
  661. "already_member": "您已經是這個團隊的成員了。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  662. "create_new": "建立新團隊",
  663. "deleted": "團隊已刪除",
  664. "edit": "編輯團隊",
  665. "email": "電子信箱",
  666. "email_do_not_match": "電子信箱與您的帳號資料不一致。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  667. "exit": "退出團隊",
  668. "exit_disabled": "團隊擁有者無法退出團隊",
  669. "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
  670. "invalid_email_format": "電子信箱格式無效",
  671. "invalid_id": "團隊 ID 無效。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  672. "invalid_invite_link": "邀請連結無效",
  673. "invalid_invite_link_description": "您點擊的連結無效。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  674. "invalid_member_permission": "請為團隊成員提供有效的許可權",
  675. "invite": "邀請",
  676. "invite_more": "邀請更多",
  677. "invite_tooltip": "邀請他人到這個工作區",
  678. "invited_to_team": "{owner} 邀請您加入 {team}",
  679. "join": "已接受邀請",
  680. "join_beta": "加入 Beta 計畫以存取團隊。",
  681. "join_team": "加入 {team}",
  682. "joined_team": "您已加入 {team}",
  683. "joined_team_description": "您現在是這個團隊的成員",
  684. "left": "您已離開團隊",
  685. "login_to_continue": "登入以繼續",
  686. "login_to_continue_description": "您需要登入才能加入團隊。",
  687. "logout_and_try_again": "登出並以其他帳號登入",
  688. "member_has_invite": "這個電子信箱已經有一個邀請。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  689. "member_not_found": "未找到成員。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  690. "member_removed": "使用者已移除",
  691. "member_role_updated": "使用者角色已更新",
  692. "members": "成員",
  693. "more_members": "+{count} more",
  694. "name_length_insufficient": "團隊名稱至少為 6 個字元",
  695. "name_updated": "團隊名稱已更新",
  696. "new": "新團隊",
  697. "new_created": "已建立新團隊",
  698. "new_name": "我的新團隊",
  699. "no_access": "您沒有編輯組合的許可權",
  700. "no_invite_found": "未找到邀請。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  701. "no_request_found": "Request not found.",
  702. "not_found": "找不到團隊。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  703. "not_valid_viewer": "您不是一個有效的檢視者。請聯絡您的團隊擁有者。",
  704. "parent_coll_move": "Cannot move collection to a child collection",
  705. "pending_invites": "待定邀請",
  706. "permissions": "許可權",
  707. "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
  708. "saved": "團隊已儲存",
  709. "select_a_team": "選擇團隊",
  710. "title": "團隊",
  711. "we_sent_invite_link": "我們向所有受邀者傳送了邀請連結!",
  712. "we_sent_invite_link_description": "請所有受邀者檢查他們的收件匣。點擊連結加入團隊。"
  713. },
  714. "team_environment": {
  715. "deleted": "已刪除環境",
  716. "duplicate": "已複製環境",
  717. "not_found": "找不到環境。"
  718. },
  719. "test": {
  720. "failed": "測試未通過",
  721. "javascript_code": "JavaScript 程式碼",
  722. "learn": "閱讀文件",
  723. "passed": "測試通過",
  724. "report": "測試報告",
  725. "results": "測試結果",
  726. "script": "指令碼",
  727. "snippets": "程式碼片段"
  728. },
  729. "websocket": {
  730. "communication": "通訊",
  731. "log": "日誌",
  732. "message": "資訊",
  733. "protocols": "協定",
  734. "url": "網址"
  735. },
  736. "workspace": {
  737. "change": "Change workspace",
  738. "personal": "My Workspace",
  739. "team": "Team Workspace",
  740. "title": "Workspaces"
  741. }
  742. }