import * as A from "fp-ts/Array" import * as E from "fp-ts/Either" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as RA from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray" import * as S from "fp-ts/string" import qs from "qs" import { flow, pipe } from "fp-ts/function" import { combineLatest, Observable } from "rxjs" import { map } from "rxjs/operators" import { FormDataKeyValue, HoppRESTReqBody, HoppRESTRequest, parseTemplateString, parseBodyEnvVariables, Environment, HoppRESTHeader, HoppRESTParam, parseRawKeyValueEntriesE, parseTemplateStringE, } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { arrayFlatMap, arraySort } from "../functional/array" import { toFormData } from "../functional/formData" import { tupleWithSameKeysToRecord } from "../functional/record" import { getGlobalVariables } from "~/newstore/environments" export interface EffectiveHoppRESTRequest extends HoppRESTRequest { /** * The effective final URL. * * This contains path, params and environment variables all applied to it */ effectiveFinalURL: string effectiveFinalHeaders: { key: string; value: string }[] effectiveFinalParams: { key: string; value: string }[] effectiveFinalBody: FormData | string | null effectiveFinalVars: { key: string; value: string }[] } /** * Get headers that can be generated by authorization config of the request * @param req Request to check * @param envVars Currently active environment variables * @returns The list of headers */ const getComputedAuthHeaders = ( req: HoppRESTRequest, envVars: Environment["variables"] ) => { // If Authorization header is also being user-defined, that takes priority if (req.headers.find((h) => h.key.toLowerCase() === "authorization")) return [] if (!req.auth.authActive) return [] const headers: HoppRESTHeader[] = [] // TODO: Support a better b64 implementation than btoa ? if (req.auth.authType === "basic") { const username = parseTemplateString(req.auth.username, envVars) const password = parseTemplateString(req.auth.password, envVars) headers.push({ active: true, key: "Authorization", value: `Basic ${btoa(`${username}:${password}`)}`, }) } else if ( req.auth.authType === "bearer" || req.auth.authType === "oauth-2" ) { headers.push({ active: true, key: "Authorization", value: `Bearer ${parseTemplateString(req.auth.token, envVars)}`, }) } else if (req.auth.authType === "api-key") { const { key, value, addTo } = req.auth if (addTo === "Headers") { headers.push({ active: true, key: parseTemplateString(key, envVars), value: parseTemplateString(value, envVars), }) } } return headers } /** * Get headers that can be generated by body config of the request * @param req Request to check * @returns The list of headers */ export const getComputedBodyHeaders = ( req: HoppRESTRequest ): HoppRESTHeader[] => { // If a content-type is already defined, that will override this if ( req.headers.find( (req) => && req.key.toLowerCase() === "content-type" ) ) return [] // Body should have a non-null content-type if (req.body.contentType === null) return [] return [ { active: true, key: "content-type", value: req.body.contentType, }, ] } export type ComputedHeader = { source: "auth" | "body" header: HoppRESTHeader } /** * Returns a list of headers that will be added during execution of the request * For e.g, Authorization headers maybe added if an Auth Mode is defined on REST * @param req The request to check * @param envVars The environment variables active * @returns The headers that are generated along with the source of that header */ export const getComputedHeaders = ( req: HoppRESTRequest, envVars: Environment["variables"] ): ComputedHeader[] => [ ...getComputedAuthHeaders(req, envVars).map((header) => ({ source: "auth" as const, header, })), ...getComputedBodyHeaders(req).map((header) => ({ source: "body" as const, header, })), ] export type ComputedParam = { source: "auth" param: HoppRESTParam } /** * Returns a list of params that will be added during execution of the request * For e.g, Authorization params (like API-key) maybe added if an Auth Mode is defined on REST * @param req The request to check * @param envVars The environment variables active * @returns The params that are generated along with the source of that header */ export const getComputedParams = ( req: HoppRESTRequest, envVars: Environment["variables"] ): ComputedParam[] => { // When this gets complex, its best to split this function off (like with getComputedHeaders) // API-key auth can be added to query params if (!req.auth.authActive) return [] if (req.auth.authType !== "api-key") return [] if (req.auth.addTo !== "Query params") return [] return [ { source: "auth", param: { active: true, key: parseTemplateString(req.auth.key, envVars), value: parseTemplateString(req.auth.value, envVars), }, }, ] } // Resolves environment variables in the body export const resolvesEnvsInBody = ( body: HoppRESTReqBody, env: Environment ): HoppRESTReqBody => { if (!body.contentType) return body if (body.contentType === "multipart/form-data") { return { contentType: "multipart/form-data", body: (entry) => { active:, isFile: entry.isFile, key: parseTemplateString(entry.key, env.variables), value: entry.isFile ? entry.value : parseTemplateString(entry.value, env.variables), } ), } } else { return { contentType: body.contentType, body: parseTemplateString(body.body, env.variables), } } } function getFinalBodyFromRequest( request: HoppRESTRequest, envVariables: Environment["variables"] ): FormData | string | null { if (request.body.contentType === null) { return null } if (request.body.contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { const parsedBodyRecord = pipe( request.body.body, parseRawKeyValueEntriesE, flow( RA.toArray, /** * Filtering out empty keys and non-active pairs. */ A.filter(({ active, key }) => active && !S.isEmpty(key)), /** * Mapping each key-value to template-string-parser with either on array, * which will be resolved in further steps. */{ key, value }) => [ parseTemplateStringE(key, envVariables), parseTemplateStringE(value, envVariables), ]), /** * Filtering and mapping only right-eithers for each key-value as [string, string]. */ A.filterMap(([key, value]) => E.isRight(key) && E.isRight(value) ? O.some([key.right, value.right] as [string, string]) : O.none ), tupleWithSameKeysToRecord, (obj) => qs.stringify(obj, { indices: false }) ) ) ) return E.isRight(parsedBodyRecord) ? parsedBodyRecord.right : null } if (request.body.contentType === "multipart/form-data") { return pipe( request.body.body, A.filter((x) => x.key !== "" &&, // Remove empty keys // Sort files down arraySort((a, b) => { if (a.isFile) return 1 if (b.isFile) return -1 return 0 }), // FormData allows only a single blob in an entry, // we split array blobs into separate entries (FormData will then join them together during exec) arrayFlatMap((x) => x.isFile ? => ({ key: parseTemplateString(x.key, envVariables), value: v as string | Blob, })) : [ { key: parseTemplateString(x.key, envVariables), value: parseTemplateString(x.value, envVariables), }, ] ), toFormData ) } else return parseBodyEnvVariables(request.body.body, envVariables) } /** * Outputs an executable request format with environment variables applied * * @param request The request to source from * @param environment The environment to apply * * @returns An object with extra fields defining a complete request */ export function getEffectiveRESTRequest( request: HoppRESTRequest, environment: Environment ): EffectiveHoppRESTRequest { const envVariables = [...environment.variables, ...getGlobalVariables()] const effectiveFinalHeaders = pipe( getComputedHeaders(request, envVariables).map((h) => h.header), A.concat(request.headers), A.filter((x) => && x.key !== ""), => ({ active: true, key: parseTemplateString(x.key, envVariables), value: parseTemplateString(x.value, envVariables), })) ) const effectiveFinalParams = pipe( getComputedParams(request, envVariables).map((p) => p.param), A.concat(request.params), A.filter((x) => && x.key !== ""), => ({ active: true, key: parseTemplateString(x.key, envVariables), value: parseTemplateString(x.value, envVariables), })) ) const effectiveFinalVars = request.vars const effectiveFinalBody = getFinalBodyFromRequest(request, envVariables) return { ...request, effectiveFinalURL: parseTemplateString( request.endpoint, envVariables, request.vars ), effectiveFinalHeaders, effectiveFinalParams, effectiveFinalBody, effectiveFinalVars, } } /** * Creates an Observable Stream that emits HoppRESTRequests whenever * the input streams emit a value * * @param request$ The request stream containing request data * @param environment$ The environment stream containing environment data to apply * * @returns Observable Stream for the Effective Request Object */ export function getEffectiveRESTRequestStream( request$: Observable, environment$: Observable ): Observable { return combineLatest([request$, environment$]).pipe( map(([request, env]) => getEffectiveRESTRequest(request, env)) ) }