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Hoppscotch é uma ferramenta que o ajuda a construir, testar, documentar e compartilhar suas APIs.", "invite_your_friends": "Convide seus amigos", "join_discord_community": "Junte-se à nossa comunidade Discord", "keyboard_shortcuts": "Atalhos do teclado", "name": "Hoppscotch", "new_version_found": "Nova versão encontrada. Atualize para atualizar.", "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch", "options": "Options", "proxy_privacy_policy": "Política de privacidade do proxy", "reload": "recarregar", "search": "Procurar", "share": "Compartilhado", "shortcuts": "Atalhos", "social_description": "Follow us on social media to stay updated with the latest news, updates and releases.", "social_links": "Social links", "spotlight": "Holofote", "status": "Status", "status_description": "Check the status of the website", "terms_and_privacy": "Termos e privacidade", "twitter": "Twitter", "type_a_command_search": "Digite um comando ou pesquise ...", "we_use_cookies": "Usamos cookies", "whats_new": "O que há de novo?", "wiki": "Wiki" }, "auth": { "account_exists": "A conta existe com credenciais diferentes - Faça login para vincular as duas contas", "all_sign_in_options": "Todas as opções de login", "continue_with_email": "Continue com Email", "continue_with_github": "Continue com GitHub", "continue_with_google": "Continue com o Google", "continue_with_microsoft": "Continue with Microsoft", "email": "E-mail", "logged_out": "Desconectado", "login": "Conecte-se", "login_success": "Conectado com sucesso", "login_to_hoppscotch": "Faça login no Hoppscotch", "logout": "Sair", "re_enter_email": "Digite o e-mail novamente", "send_magic_link": "Envie um link mágico", "sync": "Sincronizar", "we_sent_magic_link": "Enviamos a você um link mágico!", "we_sent_magic_link_description": "Verifique sua caixa de entrada - enviamos um e-mail para {email}. Ele contém um link mágico que fará o seu login." }, "authorization": { "generate_token": "Gerar token", "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init", "include_in_url": "Incluir no URL", "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ", "learn": "Aprenda como", "oauth": { "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state", "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed", "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token", "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect", "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect", "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined", "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined", "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined", "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined", "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect", "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation", "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed" }, "pass_key_by": "Pass by", "password": "Senha", "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization", "token": "Símbolo", "type": "Tipo de Autorização", "username": "Nome do usuário" }, "collection": { "created": "Coleção criada", "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent", "edit": "Editar coleção", "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection", "invalid_name": "Forneça um nome válido para a coleção", "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root", "moved": "Moved Successfully", "my_collections": "Minhas coleções", "name": "Minha nova coleção", "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long", "new": "Nova coleção", "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated", "properties": "Collection Properties", "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated", "renamed": "Coleção renomeada", "request_in_use": "Request in use", "save_as": "Salvar como", "save_to_collection": "Save to Collection", "select": "Selecione uma coleção", "select_location": "Selecione a localização", "select_team": "Selecione uma equipe", "team_collections": "Coleções da equipe" }, "confirm": { "close_unsaved_tab": "Are you sure you want to close this tab?", "close_unsaved_tabs": "Are you sure you want to close all tabs? {count} unsaved tabs will be lost.", "exit_team": "Are you sure you want to leave this team?", "logout": "Tem certeza que deseja sair?", "remove_collection": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta coleção permanentemente?", "remove_environment": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este ambiente permanentemente?", "remove_folder": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir esta pasta permanentemente?", "remove_history": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir permanentemente todo o histórico?", "remove_request": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir permanentemente esta solicitação?", "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?", "remove_team": "Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta equipe?", "remove_telemetry": "Tem certeza de que deseja cancelar a telemetria?", "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.", "save_unsaved_tab": "Do you want to save changes made in this tab?", "sync": "Tem certeza de que deseja sincronizar este espaço de trabalho?" }, "context_menu": { "add_parameters": "Add to parameters", "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab", "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable" }, "cookies": { "modal": { "cookie_expires": "Expires", "cookie_name": "Name", "cookie_path": "Path", "cookie_string": "Cookie string", "cookie_value": "Value", "empty_domain": "Domain is empty", "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty", "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string", "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.", "managed_tab": "Managed", "new_domain_name": "New domain name", "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain", "raw_tab": "Raw", "set": "Set a cookie" } }, "count": { "header": "Cabeçalho {count}", "message": "Mensagem {count}", "parameter": "Parâmetro {count}", "protocol": "Protocolo {count}", "value": "Valor {count}", "variable": "Variável {count}" }, "documentation": { "generate": "Gerar documentação", "generate_message": "Importe qualquer coleção de Hoppscotch para gerar documentação de API em movimento." }, "empty": { "authorization": "Esta solicitação não usa nenhuma autorização", "body": "Este pedido não tem corpo", "collection": "Coleção está vazia", "collections": "Coleções estão vazias", "documentation": "Connect to a GraphQL endpoint to view documentation", "endpoint": "Endpoint cannot be empty", "environments": "Ambientes estão vazios", "folder": "Pasta está vazia", "headers": "Esta solicitação não possui cabeçalhos", "history": "A história está vazia", "invites": "Invite list is empty", "members": "Time está vazio", "parameters": "Esta solicitação não possui parâmetros", "pending_invites": "There are no pending invites for this team", "profile": "Login to view your profile", "protocols": "Os protocolos estão vazios", "schema": "Conecte-se a um endpoint GraphQL", "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty", "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one", "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty", "team_name": "Nome do time vazio", "teams": "Times estão vazios", "tests": "Não há testes para esta solicitação", "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty" }, "environment": { "add_to_global": "Add to Global", "added": "Environment addition", "create_new": "Crie um novo ambiente", "created": "Environment created", "deleted": "Environment deletion", "duplicated": "Environment duplicated", "edit": "Editar Ambiente", "empty_variables": "No variables", "global": "Global", "global_variables": "Global variables", "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment", "invalid_name": "Forneça um nome válido para o ambiente", "list": "Environment variables", "my_environments": "My Environments", "name": "Name", "nested_overflow": "nested environment variables are limited to 10 levels", "new": "Novo ambiente", "no_active_environment": "No active environment", "no_environment": "Sem ambiente", "no_environment_description": "No environments were selected. Choose what to do with the following variables.", "quick_peek": "Environment Quick Peek", "replace_with_variable": "Replace with variable", "scope": "Scope", "select": "Selecione o ambiente", "set": "Set environment", "set_as_environment": "Set as environment", "team_environments": "Team Environments", "title": "Ambientes", "updated": "Environment updation", "value": "Value", "variable": "Variable", "variable_list": "Lista de Variáveis" }, "error": { "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers", "browser_support_sse": "Este navegador não parece ter suporte para eventos enviados pelo servidor.", "check_console_details": "Verifique o log do console para obter detalhes.", "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin", "curl_invalid_format": "cURL não está formatado corretamente", "danger_zone": "Danger zone", "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:", "delete_account_description": "You must either remove yourself, transfer ownership, or delete these teams before you can delete your account.", "empty_req_name": "Nome do pedido vazio", "f12_details": "(F12 para detalhes)", "gql_prettify_invalid_query": "Não foi possível justificar uma consulta inválida, resolva os erros de sintaxe da consulta e tente novamente", "incomplete_config_urls": "Incomplete configuration URLs", "incorrect_email": "Incorrect email", "invalid_link": "Invalid link", "invalid_link_description": "The link you clicked is invalid or expired.", "json_parsing_failed": "Invalid JSON", "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Não foi possível embelezar um corpo inválido, resolver erros de sintaxe json e tentar novamente", "network_error": "There seems to be a network error. Please try again.", "network_fail": "Não foi possível enviar pedido", "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.", "no_duration": "Sem duração", "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.", "no_results_found": "No matches found", "page_not_found": "This page could not be found", "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.", "proxy_error": "Proxy error", "script_fail": "Não foi possível executar o script de pré-solicitação", "something_went_wrong": "Algo deu errado", "test_script_fail": "Could not execute post-request script" }, "export": { "as_json": "Exportar como JSON", "create_secret_gist": "Crie uma essência secreta", "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting", "gist_created": "Gist criado", "require_github": "Faça login com GitHub para criar uma essência secreta", "title": "Export" }, "filter": { "all": "All", "none": "None", "starred": "Starred" }, "folder": { "created": "Pasta criada", "edit": "Editar pasta", "invalid_name": "Forneça um nome para a pasta", "name_length_insufficient": "Folder name should be at least 3 characters long", "new": "Nova pasta", "renamed": "Pasta renomeada" }, "graphql": { "connection_switch_confirm": "Do you want to connect with the latest GraphQL endpoint?", "connection_switch_new_url": "Switching to a tab will disconnected you from the active GraphQL connection. New connection URL is", "connection_switch_url": "You're connected to a GraphQL endpoint the connection URL is", "mutations": "Mutações", "schema": "Esquema", "subscriptions": "Assinaturas", "switch_connection": "Switch connection" }, "graphql_collections": { "title": "GraphQL Collections" }, "group": { "time": "Time", "url": "URL" }, "header": { "install_pwa": "Instalar aplicativo", "login": "Conecte-se", "save_workspace": "Salvar meu espaço de trabalho" }, "helpers": { "authorization": "O cabeçalho da autorização será gerado automaticamente quando você enviar a solicitação.", "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.", "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.", "generate_documentation_first": "Gere a documentação primeiro", "network_fail": "Incapaz de alcançar o endpoint da API. Verifique sua conexão de rede e tente novamente.", "offline": "Você parece estar offline. Os dados neste espaço de trabalho podem não estar atualizados.", "offline_short": "Você parece estar offline.", "post_request_tests": "Os scripts de teste são gravados em JavaScript e executados após o recebimento da resposta.", "pre_request_script": "Os scripts de pré-solicitação são gravados em JavaScript e executados antes do envio da solicitação.", "script_fail": "Parece que há uma falha no script de pré-solicitação. Verifique o erro abaixo e corrija o script de acordo.", "test_script_fail": "There seems to be an error with test script. Please fix the errors and run tests again", "tests": "Escreva um script de teste para automatizar a depuração." }, "hide": { "collection": "Collapse Collection Panel", "more": "Esconda mais", "preview": "Esconder a Antevisão", "sidebar": "Ocultar barra lateral" }, "import": { "collections": "Importar coleções", "curl": "Importar cURL", "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist", "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist", "failed": "A importação falhou", "from_file": "Import from File", "from_gist": "Importar do Gist", "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL", "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia", "from_insomnia_description": "Import from Insomnia collection", "from_json": "Import from Hoppscotch", "from_json_description": "Import from Hoppscotch collection file", "from_my_collections": "Importar de minhas coleções", "from_my_collections_description": "Import from My Collections file", "from_openapi": "Import from OpenAPI", "from_openapi_description": "Import from OpenAPI specification file (YML/JSON)", "from_postman": "Import from Postman", "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection", "from_url": "Import from URL", "gist_url": "Insira o URL da essência", "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist", "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment", "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file", "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url", "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections", "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'", "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported", "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file", "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file", "postman_environment": "Postman Environment", "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file", "title": "Importar" }, "inspections": { "description": "Inspect possible errors", "environment": { "add_environment": "Add to Environment", "not_found": "Environment variable “{environment}” not found." }, "header": { "cookie": "The browser doesn't allow Hoppscotch to set the Cookie Header. While we're working on the Hoppscotch Desktop App (coming soon), please use the Authorization Header instead." }, "response": { "401_error": "Please check your authentication credentials.", "404_error": "Please check your request URL and method type.", "cors_error": "Please check your Cross-Origin Resource Sharing configuration.", "default_error": "Please check your request.", "network_error": "Please check your network connection." }, "title": "Inspector", "url": { "extension_not_installed": "Extension not installed.", "extension_unknown_origin": "Make sure you've added the API endpoint's origin to the Hoppscotch Browser Extension list.", "extention_enable_action": "Enable Browser Extension", "extention_not_enabled": "Extension not enabled." } }, "layout": { "collapse_collection": "Collapse or Expand Collections", "collapse_sidebar": "Collapse or Expand the sidebar", "column": "Vertical layout", "name": "Layout", "row": "Horizontal layout" }, "modal": { "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes", "collections": "Coleções", "confirm": "confirme", "customize_request": "Customize Request", "edit_request": "Editar pedido", "import_export": "Importar / Exportar", "share_request": "Share Request" }, "mqtt": { "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.", "clean_session": "Clean Session", "clear_input": "Clear input", "clear_input_on_send": "Clear input on send", "client_id": "Client ID", "color": "Pick a color", "communication": "Comunicação", "connection_config": "Connection Config", "connection_not_authorized": "This MQTT connection does not use any authentication.", "invalid_topic": "Please provide a topic for the subscription", "keep_alive": "Keep Alive", "log": "Registro", "lw_message": "Last-Will Message", "lw_qos": "Last-Will QoS", "lw_retain": "Last-Will Retain", "lw_topic": "Last-Will Topic", "message": "Mensagem", "new": "New Subscription", "not_connected": "Please start a MQTT connection first.", "publish": "Publicar", "qos": "QoS", "ssl": "SSL", "subscribe": "Se inscrever", "topic": "Tema", "topic_name": "Nome do tópico", "topic_title": "Publicar / Assinar tópico", "unsubscribe": "Cancelar subscrição", "url": "URL" }, "navigation": { "doc": "Docs", "graphql": "GraphQL", "profile": "Profile", "realtime": "Tempo real", "rest": "REST", "settings": "Configurações" }, "preRequest": { "javascript_code": "Código JavaScript", "learn": "Leia a documentação", "script": "Script de pré-solicitação", "snippets": "Trechos" }, "profile": { "app_settings": "App Settings", "default_hopp_displayname": "Unnamed User", "editor": "Editor", "editor_description": "Editors can add, edit, and delete requests.", "email_verification_mail": "A verification email has been sent to your email address. Please click on the link to verify your email address.", "no_permission": "You do not have permission to perform this action.", "owner": "Owner", "owner_description": "Owners can add, edit, and delete requests, collections and team members.", "roles": "Roles", "roles_description": "Roles are used to control access to the shared collections.", "updated": "Profile updated", "viewer": "Viewer", "viewer_description": "Viewers can only view and use requests." }, "remove": { "star": "Remover estrela" }, "request": { "added": "Pedido adicionado", "authorization": "Autorização", "body": "Corpo de Solicitação", "choose_language": "Escolha o seu idioma", "content_type": "Tipo de conteúdo", "content_type_titles": { "others": "Others", "structured": "Structured", "text": "Text" }, "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections", "duplicated": "Request duplicated", "duration": "Duração", "enter_curl": "Digite cURL", "generate_code": "Gerar código", "generated_code": "Código gerado", "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab", "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab", "header_list": "Lista de Cabeçalhos", "invalid_name": "Forneça um nome para o pedido", "method": "Método", "moved": "Request moved", "name": "Nome do pedido", "new": "New Request", "order_changed": "Request Order Updated", "override": "Override", "override_help": "Set Content-Type in Headers", "overriden": "Overridden", "parameter_list": "Parâmetros de consulta", "parameters": "Parâmetros", "path": "Caminho", "payload": "Carga útil", "query": "Consulta", "raw_body": "Corpo de Solicitação Bruta", "rename": "Rename Request", "renamed": "Pedido renomeado", "run": "Corre", "save": "Salvar", "save_as": "Salvar como", "saved": "Pedido salvo", "share": "Compartilhado", "share_description": "Share Hoppscotch with your friends", "share_request": "Share Request", "stop": "Stop", "title": "Solicitar", "type": "Tipo de solicitação", "url": "URL", "variables": "Variáveis", "view_my_links": "View my links", "copy_link": "Link de cópia" }, "response": { "audio": "Audio", "body": "Corpo de Resposta", "filter_response_body": "Filter JSON response body (uses JSONPath syntax)", "headers": "Cabeçalhos", "html": "HTML", "image": "Imagem", "json": "JSON", "pdf": "PDF", "preview_html": "Pré-visualizar HTML", "raw": "Cru", "size": "Tamanho", "status": "Status", "time": "Tempo", "title": "Resposta", "video": "Video", "waiting_for_connection": "aguardando conexão", "xml": "XML" }, "settings": { "accent_color": "Cor de destaque", "account": "Conta", "account_deleted": "Your account has been deleted", "account_description": "Personalize as configurações da sua conta.", "account_email_description": "Seu endereço de e-mail principal.", "account_name_description": "Este é o seu nome de exibição.", "additional": "Additional Settings", "background": "Fundo", "black_mode": "Preto", "choose_language": "Escolha o seu idioma", "dark_mode": "Escuro", "delete_account": "Delete account", "delete_account_description": "Once you delete your account, all your data will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be undone.", "expand_navigation": "Expand navigation", "experiments": "Experimentos", "experiments_notice": "Esta é uma coleção de experimentos em que estamos trabalhando que podem ser úteis, divertidos, ambos ou nenhum dos dois. Eles não são finais e podem não ser estáveis, portanto, se algo muito estranho acontecer, não entre em pânico. Apenas desligue essa maldita coisa. Piadas à parte,", "extension_ver_not_reported": "Não reportado", "extension_version": "Versão da extensão", "extensions": "Extensões", "extensions_use_toggle": "Use a extensão do navegador para enviar solicitações (se houver)", "follow": "Follow Us", "interceptor": "Interceptor", "interceptor_description": "Middleware entre aplicativo e APIs.", "language": "Língua", "light_mode": "Luz", "official_proxy_hosting": "Official Proxy é hospedado por Hoppscotch.", "profile": "Profile", "profile_description": "Update your profile details", "profile_email": "Email address", "profile_name": "Profile name", "proxy": "Proxy", "proxy_url": "URL proxy", "proxy_use_toggle": "Use o middleware de proxy para enviar solicitações", "read_the": "Leia o", "reset_default": "Restaurar ao padrão", "short_codes": "Short codes", "short_codes_description": "Short codes which were created by you.", "sidebar_on_left": "Sidebar on left", "sync": "Sincronizar", "sync_collections": "Coleções", "sync_description": "Essas configurações são sincronizadas com a nuvem.", "sync_environments": "Ambientes", "sync_history": "História", "system_mode": "Sistema", "telemetry": "Telemetria", "telemetry_helps_us": "A telemetria nos ajuda a personalizar nossas operações e oferecer a melhor experiência para você.", "theme": "Tema", "theme_description": "Personalize o tema do seu aplicativo.", "use_experimental_url_bar": "Use a barra de URL experimental com destaque do ambiente", "user": "Do utilizador", "verified_email": "Verified email", "verify_email": "Verify email" }, "shared_requests": { "button": "Button", "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.", "copy_html": "Copy HTML", "copy_link": "Copy Link", "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown", "creating_widget": "Creating widget", "customize": "Customize", "deleted": "Shared request deleted", "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later", "embed": "Embed", "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.", "link": "Link", "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.", "modified": "Shared request modified", "not_found": "Shared request not found", "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab", "preview": "Preview", "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch", "theme": { "dark": "Dark", "light": "Light", "system": "System", "title": "Theme" } }, "shortcut": { "general": { "close_current_menu": "Fechar menu atual", "command_menu": "Menu de pesquisa e comando", "help_menu": "Menu de ajuda", "show_all": "Atalhos do teclado", "title": "Em geral" }, "miscellaneous": { "invite": "Convide pessoas para Hoppscotch", "title": "Diversos" }, "navigation": { "back": "Voltar para a página anterior", "documentation": "Vá para a página de documentação", "forward": "Avance para a próxima página", "graphql": "Vá para a página GraphQL", "profile": "Go to Profile page", "realtime": "Vá para a página em tempo 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"help_menu": "Help and support", "open_docs": "Read Documentation", "open_github": "Open GitHub repository", "open_keybindings": "Keyboard shortcuts", "social": "Social", "title": "General" }, "graphql": { "connect": "Connect to server", "disconnect": "Disconnect from server" }, "miscellaneous": { "invite": "Invite your friends to Hoppscotch", "title": "Miscellaneous" }, "request": { "save_as_new": "Save as new request", "select_method": "Select method", "switch_to": "Switch to", "tab_authorization": "Authorization tab", "tab_body": "Body tab", "tab_headers": "Headers tab", "tab_parameters": "Parameters tab", "tab_pre_request_script": "Pre-request script tab", "tab_query": "Query tab", "tab_tests": "Tests tab", "tab_variables": "Variables tab" }, "response": { "copy": "Copy response", "download": "Download response as file", "title": "Response" }, "section": { "interceptor": "Interceptor", "interface": "Interface", "theme": "Theme", "user": "User" }, "settings": { "change_interceptor": 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"connection_error": "Failed to connect", "connection_failed": "Connection failed", "connection_lost": "Connection lost", "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard", "copied_to_clipboard": "Copiado para a área de transferência", "deleted": "Excluído", "deprecated": "DESCONTINUADA", "disabled": "Desabilitado", "disconnected": "Desconectado", "disconnected_from": "Desconectado de {name}", "docs_generated": "Documentação gerada", "download_failed": "Download failed", "download_started": "Download iniciado", "enabled": "Habilitado", "file_imported": "Arquivo importado", "finished_in": "Terminado em {duration} ms", "hide": "Hide", "history_deleted": "Histórico excluído", "linewrap": "Quebrar linhas", "loading": "Carregando...", "message_received": "Message: {message} arrived on topic: {topic}", "mqtt_subscription_failed": "Something went wrong while subscribing to topic: {topic}", "none": "Nenhum", "nothing_found": "Nada encontrado para", "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}", "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}", "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect", "show": "Show", "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}", "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}", "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}", "unsubscribed_success": "Successfully unsubscribed from topic: {topic}", "waiting_send_request": "Esperando para enviar pedido" }, "support": { "changelog": "Leia mais sobre os últimos lançamentos", "chat": "Questões? Converse conosco!", "community": "Faça perguntas e ajude os outros", "documentation": "Leia mais sobre Hoppscotch", "forum": "Faça perguntas e obtenha respostas", "github": "Follow us on Github", "shortcuts": "Navegue pelo aplicativo mais rápido", "team": "Entre em contato com a equipe", "title": "Apoio, suporte", "twitter": "Siga-nos no Twitter" }, "tab": { "authorization": "Autorização", "body": "Corpo", "close": "Close Tab", "close_others": "Close other Tabs", "collections": "Coleções", "documentation": "Documentação", "duplicate": "Duplicate Tab", "environments": "Environments", "headers": "Cabeçalhos", "history": "História", "mqtt": "MQTT", "parameters": "Parâmetros", "pre_request_script": "Script de pré-solicitação", "queries": "Consultas", "query": "Consulta", "schema": "Schema", "shared_requests": "Shared Requests", "socketio": "Socket.IO", "sse": "SSE", "tests": "Testes", "types": "Tipos", "variables": "Variáveis", "websocket": "WebSocket" }, "team": { "already_member": "You are already a member of this team. Contact your team owner.", "create_new": "Criar nova equipe", "deleted": "Equipe excluída", "edit": "Editar equipe", "email": "E-mail", "email_do_not_match": "Email doesn't match with your account details. Contact your team owner.", "exit": "Sair da equipe", "exit_disabled": "Apenas o dono não pode sair da equipe", "failed_invites": "Failed invites", "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID", "invalid_email_format": "O formato do email é inválido", "invalid_id": "Invalid team ID. Contact your team owner.", "invalid_invite_link": "Invalid invite link", "invalid_invite_link_description": "The link you followed is invalid. Contact your team owner.", "invalid_member_permission": "Forneça uma permissão válida para o membro da equipe", "invite": "Invite", "invite_more": "Invite more", "invite_tooltip": "Invite people to this workspace", "invited_to_team": "{owner} invited you to join {team}", "join": "Invitation accepted", "join_beta": "Junte-se ao programa beta para acessar as equipes.", "join_team": "Join {team}", "joined_team": "You have joined {team}", "joined_team_description": "You are now a member of this team", "left": "Você saiu do time", "login_to_continue": "Login to continue", "login_to_continue_description": "You need to be logged in to join a team.", "logout_and_try_again": "Logout and sign in with another account", "member_has_invite": "This email ID already has an invite. Contact your team owner.", "member_not_found": "Member not found. Contact your team owner.", "member_removed": "Usuário removido", "member_role_updated": "Funções de usuário atualizadas", "members": "Membros", "more_members": "+{count} more", "name_length_insufficient": "O nome da equipe deve ter pelo menos 6 caracteres", "name_updated": "Team name updated", "new": "Novo time", "new_created": "Nova equipe criada", "new_name": "Minha Nova Equipe", "no_access": "Você não tem acesso de edição a essas coleções", "no_invite_found": "Invitation not found. Contact your team owner.", "no_request_found": "Request not found.", "not_found": "Team not found. Contact your team owner.", "not_valid_viewer": "You are not a valid viewer. Contact your team owner.", "parent_coll_move": "Cannot move collection to a child collection", "pending_invites": "Pending invites", "permissions": "Permissões", "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination", "saved": "Equipe salva", "select_a_team": "Select a team", "success_invites": "Success invites", "title": "Times", "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!", "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team." }, "team_environment": { "deleted": "Environment Deleted", "duplicate": "Environment Duplicated", "not_found": "Environment not found." }, "test": { "failed": "test failed", "javascript_code": "Código JavaScript", "learn": "Leia a documentação", "passed": "test passed", "report": "Relatório de teste", "results": "Resultado dos testes", "script": "Roteiro", "snippets": "Trechos" }, "websocket": { "communication": "Comunicação", "log": "Registro", "message": "Mensagem", "protocols": "Protocolos", "url": "URL" }, "workspace": { "change": "Change workspace", "personal": "My Workspace", "team": "Team Workspace", "title": "Workspaces" }, "shortcodes": { "actions": "Actions", "created_on": "Created on", "deleted": "Shortcode deleted", "method": "Method", "not_found": "Shortcode not found", "short_code": "Short code", "url": "URL" } }