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Choose what to do with the following variables.", "select": "选择环境", "title": "环境", "updated": "Environment updation", "variable_list": "变量列表" }, "error": { "browser_support_sse": "该浏览器似乎不支持 SSE。", "check_console_details": "检查控制台日志以获悉详情", "curl_invalid_format": "cURL 格式不正确", "empty_req_name": "空请求名称", "f12_details": "(F12 详情)", "gql_prettify_invalid_query": "无法美化无效的查询,处理查询语法错误并重试", "incomplete_config_urls": "Incomplete configuration URLs", "incorrect_email": "电子邮箱错误", "invalid_link": "无效链接", "invalid_link_description": "你点击的链接无效或已过期。", "json_prettify_invalid_body": "无法美化无效的请求头,处理 JSON 语法错误并重试", "network_error": "好像发生了网络错误,请重试。", "network_fail": "无法发送请求", "no_duration": "无持续时间", "script_fail": "无法执行预请求脚本", "something_went_wrong": "发生了一些错误", "test_script_fail": "Could not execute post-request script" }, "export": { "as_json": "导出为 JSON", "create_secret_gist": "创建私密 Gist", "gist_created": "已创建 Gist", "require_github": "使用 GitHub 登录以创建私密 Gist", "title": "Export" }, "folder": { "created": "已创建文件夹", "edit": "编辑文件夹", "invalid_name": "请提供文件夹的名称", "name_length_insufficient": "Folder name should be at least 3 characters long", "new": "新文件夹", "renamed": "文件夹已更名" }, "graphql": { "mutations": "变更", "schema": "模式", "subscriptions": "订阅" }, "header": { "install_pwa": "安装应用", "login": "登录", "save_workspace": "保存我的工作区" }, "helpers": { "authorization": "授权头将会在你发送请求时自动生成。", "generate_documentation_first": "请先生成文档", "network_fail": "无法到达 API 端点。请检查网络连接并重试。", "offline": "你似乎处于离线状态,该工作区中的数据可能不是最新。", "offline_short": "你似乎处于离线状态。", "post_request_tests": "测试脚本使用 JavaScript 编写,并在收到响应后执行。", "pre_request_script": "预请求脚本使用 JavaScript 编写,并在请求发送前执行。", "script_fail": "预请求脚本中似乎存在故障。 检查下面的错误并相应地修复脚本。", "test_script_fail": "There seems to be an error with test script. Please fix the errors and run tests again", "tests": "编写测试脚本以自动调试。" }, "hide": { "collection": "Collapse Collection Panel", "more": "隐藏更多", "preview": "隐藏预览", "sidebar": "隐藏侧边栏" }, "import": { "collections": "导入组合", "curl": "导入 cURL", "failed": "导入失败", "from_gist": "从 Gist 导入", "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL", "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia", "from_insomnia_description": "Import from Insomnia collection", "from_json": "Import from Hoppscotch", "from_json_description": "Import from Hoppscotch collection file", "from_my_collections": "从我的组合导入", "from_my_collections_description": "Import from My Collections file", "from_openapi": "Import from OpenAPI", "from_openapi_description": "Import from OpenAPI specification file (YML/JSON)", "from_postman": "Import from Postman", "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection", "from_url": "Import from URL", "gist_url": "输入 Gist URL", "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file", "title": "导入" }, "layout": { "collapse_collection": "Collapse or Expand Collections", "collapse_sidebar": "Collapse or Expand the sidebar", "column": "垂直布局", "name": "Layout", "row": "水平布局", "zen_mode": "禅意模式" }, "modal": { "collections": "组合", "confirm": "确认", "edit_request": "编辑请求", "import_export": "导入/导出" }, "mqtt": { "communication": "通讯", "log": "日志", "message": "消息", "publish": "发布", "subscribe": "订阅", "topic": "主题", "topic_name": "主题名称", "topic_title": "发布/订阅主题", "unsubscribe": "取消订阅", "url": "网址" }, "navigation": { "doc": "文档", "graphql": "GraphQL", "profile": "个人档案", "realtime": "实时", "rest": "REST", "settings": "设置" }, "preRequest": { "javascript_code": "JavaScript 代码", "learn": "阅读文档", "script": "预请求脚本", "snippets": "代码片段" }, "profile": { "app_settings": "应用设置", "editor": "编辑者", "editor_description": "编辑者可以添加、编辑和删除请求。", "email_verification_mail": "确认邮件已发送至你的邮箱,请点击链接以验证你的电子邮箱。", "no_permission": "你无权执行此操作。", "owner": "所有者", "owner_description": "所有者可以添加、编辑和删除请求、组合及团队成员。", "roles": "角色", "roles_description": "角色用以控制共享组合的访问权限。", "updated": "档案已更新", "viewer": "阅览者", "viewer_description": "阅览者只可查看与使用请求。" }, "remove": { "star": "移除星标" }, "request": { "added": "已添加请求", "authorization": "授权", "body": "请求体", "choose_language": "选择语言", "content_type": "内容类型", "copy_link": "复制链接", "duration": "持续时间", "enter_curl": "输入 cURL", "generate_code": "生成代码", "generated_code": "已生成代码", "header_list": "请求头列表", "invalid_name": "请提供请求名称", "method": "方法", "name": "请求名称", "new": "New Request", "override": "Override", "override_help": "Set