import { customRef, onBeforeUnmount, readonly, Ref, ref, shallowRef, useContext, watch, wrapProperty, } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api" import { Observable, Subscription } from "rxjs" export const useNuxt = wrapProperty("$nuxt") export function useReadonlyStream( stream$: Observable, initialValue: T ): Ref { let sub: Subscription | null = null onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (sub) { sub.unsubscribe() } }) const targetRef = ref(initialValue) as Ref sub = stream$.subscribe((value) => { targetRef.value = value }) return readonly(targetRef) as Ref } export function useStream( stream$: Observable, initialValue: T, setter: (val: T) => void ) { let sub: Subscription | null = null onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (sub) { sub.unsubscribe() } }) return customRef((track, trigger) => { let value = initialValue sub = stream$.subscribe((val) => { value = val trigger() }) return { get() { track() return value }, set(value: T) { trigger() setter(value) }, } }) } export function pluckRef(ref: Ref, key: K): Ref { return customRef((track, trigger) => { const stopWatching = watch(ref, (newVal, oldVal) => { if (newVal[key] !== oldVal[key]) { trigger() } }) onBeforeUnmount(() => { stopWatching() }) return { get() { track() return ref.value[key] }, set(value: T[K]) { trigger() ref.value = Object.assign(ref.value, { [key]: value }) }, } }) } export function pluckMultipleFromRef>( sourceRef: Ref, keys: K ): { [key in K[number]]: Ref } { return Object.fromEntries( => [x, pluckRef(sourceRef, x)])) as any } export type StreamSubscriberFunc = ( stream: Observable, next?: ((value: T) => void) | undefined, error?: ((e: any) => void) | undefined, complete?: (() => void) | undefined ) => void /** * A composable that provides the ability to run streams * and subscribe to them and respect the component lifecycle. */ export function useStreamSubscriber(): { subscribeToStream: StreamSubscriberFunc } { const subs: Subscription[] = [] const runAndSubscribe = ( stream: Observable, next?: (value: T) => void, error?: (e: any) => void, complete?: () => void ) => { const sub = stream.subscribe({ next, error, complete: () => { if (complete) complete() subs.splice(subs.indexOf(sub), 1) }, }) subs.push(sub) } onBeforeUnmount(() => { subs.forEach((sub) => sub.unsubscribe()) }) return { subscribeToStream: runAndSubscribe, } } export function useI18n() { const { app: { i18n }, } = useContext() return i18n.t.bind(i18n) } export function useToast() { const { $toast } = useContext() return $toast } export function useColorMode() { const { $colorMode } = useContext() return $colorMode } export function useAxios() { const { $axios } = useContext() return $axios } export function usePolled( pollDurationMS: number, pollFunc: (stopPolling: () => void) => T ): Ref { let polling = true let handle: ReturnType | undefined const stopPolling = () => { if (handle) { clearInterval(handle) handle = undefined polling = false } } const result = shallowRef(pollFunc(stopPolling)) if (polling) { handle = setInterval(() => { result.value = pollFunc(stopPolling) }, pollDurationMS) } onBeforeUnmount(() => { if (polling) stopPolling() }) return result }