import HTTPSnippet from "httpsnippet" import { HoppRESTRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as E from "fp-ts/Either" import { pipe } from "fp-ts/function" import { buildHarRequest } from "./har" // Hoppscotch's Code Generation is Powered by HTTPSnippet ( // If you want to add support for your favorite language/library, please contribute to the HTTPSnippet repo <3 /** * An array defining all the code generators and their info */ export const CodegenDefinitions = [ { name: "c-curl", lang: "c", mode: "libcurl", caption: "C - cURL", }, { name: "clojure-clj_http", lang: "clojure", mode: "clj_http", caption: "Clojure - clj-http", }, { name: "csharp-httpclient", lang: "csharp", mode: "httpclient", caption: "C# - HttpClient", }, { name: "csharp-restsharp", lang: "csharp", mode: "restsharp", caption: "C# - RestSharp", }, { name: "go-native", lang: "go", mode: "native", caption: "Go", }, { name: "http-http1.1", lang: "http", mode: "http1.1", caption: "HTTP - HTTP 1.1 Request String", }, { name: "java-asynchttp", lang: "java", mode: "asynchttp", caption: "Java - AsyncHTTPClient", }, { name: "java-nethttp", lang: "java", mode: "nethttp", caption: "Java -", }, { name: "java-okhttp", lang: "java", mode: "okhttp", caption: "Java - OkHttp", }, { name: "java-unirest", lang: "java", mode: "unirest", caption: "Java - Unirest", }, { name: "javascript-axios", lang: "javascript", mode: "axios", caption: "JavaScript - Axios", }, { name: "javascript-fetch", lang: "javascript", mode: "fetch", caption: "JavaScript - Fetch", }, { name: "javascript-jquery", lang: "javascript", mode: "jquery", caption: "JavaScript - jQuery", }, { name: "javascript-xhr", lang: "javascript", mode: "xhr", caption: "JavaScript - XMLHttpRequest", }, { name: "kotlin-okhttp", lang: "kotlin", mode: "okhttp", caption: "Kotlin - OkHttp", }, { name: "objc-nsurlsession", lang: "objc", mode: "nsurlsession", caption: "Objective C - NSURLSession", }, { name: "ocaml-cohttp", lang: "ocaml", mode: "cohttp", caption: "OCaml - cohttp", }, { name: "php-curl", lang: "php", mode: "curl", caption: "PHP - cURL", }, { name: "powershell-restmethod", lang: "powershell", mode: "restmethod", caption: "Powershell - Invoke-RestMethod", }, { name: "powershell-webrequest", lang: "powershell", mode: "webrequest", caption: "Powershell - Invoke-WebRequest", }, { name: "python-python3", lang: "python", mode: "python3", caption: "Python - Python 3 Native", }, { name: "python-requests", lang: "python", mode: "requests", caption: "Python - Requests", }, { name: "r-httr", lang: "r", mode: "httr", caption: "R - httr", }, { name: "ruby-native", lang: "ruby", mode: "native", caption: "Ruby - Ruby Native", }, { name: "shell-curl", lang: "shell", mode: "curl", caption: "Shell - cURL", }, { name: "shell-httpie", lang: "shell", mode: "httpie", caption: "Shell - HTTPie", }, { name: "shell-wget", lang: "shell", mode: "wget", caption: "Shell - Wget", }, { name: "swift-nsurlsession", lang: "swift", mode: "nsurlsession", caption: "Swift - NSURLSession", }, ] as const /** * A type which defines all the valid code generators */ export type CodegenName = typeof CodegenDefinitions[number]["name"] /** * Generates Source Code for the given codgen * @param codegen The codegen to apply * @param req The request to generate using * @returns An Option with the generated code snippet */ export const generateCode = ( codegen: CodegenName, req: HoppRESTRequest ): O.Option => { // Since the Type contract guarantees a match in the array, we are enforcing non-null const codegenInfo = CodegenDefinitions.find((v) => === codegen)! return pipe( E.tryCatch( () => new HTTPSnippet({ ...buildHarRequest(req), }).convert(codegenInfo.lang, codegenInfo.mode, { indent: " ", }), (e) => e ), // Only allow string output to pass through, else none E.chainW( E.fromPredicate( (val): val is string => typeof val === "string", () => "code generator failed" as const ) ), O.fromEither ) }