import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as A from "fp-ts/Array" import * as Sep from "fp-ts/Separated" import { HoppRESTParam } from "@hoppscotch/data" const isDangling = ([_, value]: [string, string]) => !value /** * Converts queries to HoppRESTParam format and separates dangling ones * @param params Array of key value pairs of queries * @returns Object containing separated queries and dangling queries */ export function getQueries(params: Array<[string, string]>): { queries: Array danglingParams: Array } { return pipe( params, O.of, flow( A.partition(isDangling), Sep.bimap([key, value]) => ({ key, value, active: true, })),[key]) => key) ), (sep) => ({ queries: sep.left, danglingParams: sep.right, }) ) ), O.getOrElseW(() => ({ queries: [], danglingParams: [], })) ) }