/** * Copyright (c) 2019 GraphQL Contributors * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ /** * This JSON parser simply walks the input, generating an AST. Use this in lieu * of JSON.parse if you need character offset parse errors and an AST parse tree * with location information. * * If an error is encountered, a SyntaxError will be thrown, with properties: * * - message: string * - start: int - the start inclusive offset of the syntax error * - end: int - the end exclusive offset of the syntax error * */ export default function jsonParse(str) { string = str strLen = str.length start = end = lastEnd = -1 ch() lex() try { const ast = parseObj() expect("EOF") return ast } catch (e) { // Try parsing expecting a root array const ast = parseArr() expect("EOF") return ast } } let string let strLen let start let end let lastEnd let code let kind function parseObj() { const nodeStart = start const members = [] expect("{") if (!skip("}")) { do { members.push(parseMember()) } while (skip(",")) expect("}") } return { kind: "Object", start: nodeStart, end: lastEnd, members, } } function parseMember() { const nodeStart = start const key = kind === "String" ? curToken() : null expect("String") expect(":") const value = parseVal() return { kind: "Member", start: nodeStart, end: lastEnd, key, value, } } function parseArr() { const nodeStart = start const values = [] expect("[") if (!skip("]")) { do { values.push(parseVal()) } while (skip(",")) expect("]") } return { kind: "Array", start: nodeStart, end: lastEnd, values, } } function parseVal() { switch (kind) { case "[": return parseArr() case "{": return parseObj() case "String": case "Number": case "Boolean": case "Null": const token = curToken() lex() return token } return expect("Value") } function curToken() { return { kind, start, end, value: JSON.parse(string.slice(start, end)) } } function expect(str) { if (kind === str) { lex() return } let found if (kind === "EOF") { found = "[end of file]" } else if (end - start > 1) { found = `\`${string.slice(start, end)}\`` } else { const match = string.slice(start).match(/^.+?\b/) found = `\`${match ? match[0] : string[start]}\`` } throw syntaxError(`Expected ${str} but found ${found}.`) } function syntaxError(message) { return { message, start, end } } function skip(k) { if (kind === k) { lex() return true } } function ch() { if (end < strLen) { end++ code = end === strLen ? 0 : string.charCodeAt(end) } } function lex() { lastEnd = end while (code === 9 || code === 10 || code === 13 || code === 32) { ch() } if (code === 0) { kind = "EOF" return } start = end switch (code) { // " case 34: kind = "String" return readString() // -, 0-9 case 45: case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: kind = "Number" return readNumber() // f case 102: if (string.slice(start, start + 5) !== "false") { break } end += 4 ch() kind = "Boolean" return // n case 110: if (string.slice(start, start + 4) !== "null") { break } end += 3 ch() kind = "Null" return // t case 116: if (string.slice(start, start + 4) !== "true") { break } end += 3 ch() kind = "Boolean" return } kind = string[start] ch() } function readString() { ch() while (code !== 34 && code > 31) { if (code === 92) { // \ ch() switch (code) { case 34: // " case 47: // / case 92: // \ case 98: // b case 102: // f case 110: // n case 114: // r case 116: // t ch() break case 117: // u ch() readHex() readHex() readHex() readHex() break default: throw syntaxError("Bad character escape sequence.") } } else if (end === strLen) { throw syntaxError("Unterminated string.") } else { ch() } } if (code === 34) { ch() return } throw syntaxError("Unterminated string.") } function readHex() { if ( (code >= 48 && code <= 57) || // 0-9 (code >= 65 && code <= 70) || // A-F (code >= 97 && code <= 102) // a-f ) { return ch() } throw syntaxError("Expected hexadecimal digit.") } function readNumber() { if (code === 45) { // - ch() } if (code === 48) { // 0 ch() } else { readDigits() } if (code === 46) { // . ch() readDigits() } if (code === 69 || code === 101) { // E e ch() if (code === 43 || code === 45) { // + - ch() } readDigits() } } function readDigits() { if (code < 48 || code > 57) { // 0 - 9 throw syntaxError("Expected decimal digit.") } do { ch() } while (code >= 48 && code <= 57) // 0 - 9 }