import autocomplete from "../autocomplete" import { mount } from "@vue/test-utils" const props = { placeholder: "", value: "", spellcheck: false, source: ["app", "apple", "appliance", "brian", "bob", "alice"], } // ["pp", "pple", "ppliance", "lice"] const suggestionStr = props.source.filter((str) => str.startsWith("a")).map((str) => str.slice(1)) const factory = (props) => mount(autocomplete, { propsData: props, }) describe("autocomplete", () => { test("mounts properly", () => { const wrapper = factory(props) expect(wrapper).toBeTruthy() }) test("emits input event on text update [v-model compat]", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("testval") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.emitted("input")).toBeTruthy() expect(wrapper.emitted("input").length).toEqual(1) }) test("shows matching suggestions", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const suggestions = wrapper.findAll("li") => el.text()) suggestionStr.forEach((str) => expect(suggestions).toContain(str)) }) test("doesnt show non-matching suggestions", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const suggestions = wrapper.findAll("li") => el.text()) suggestionStr.forEach((str) => expect(suggestions).not.toContain(str)) }) test("updates suggestions on input", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const suggestions = wrapper.findAll("li") => el.text()) suggestionStr.forEach((str) => expect(suggestions).not.toContain(str)) }) test("applies suggestion on clicking", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const selectedSuggestion = wrapper.findAll("li").at(0) const selectedText = selectedSuggestion.text() await selectedSuggestion.trigger("click") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(input.element.value).toEqual(`b${selectedText}`) }) test("hide selection on pressing ESC", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keyup", { code: "Escape" }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.find("ul").exists()).toEqual(false) }) test("pressing up when nothing is selected selects the first in the list", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowUp", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing down arrow when nothing is selected selects the first in the list", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing down arrow moves down the selection list", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(1).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing up arrow moves up the selection list", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowUp", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing down arrow at the end of the list doesn't update the selection", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(1).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(1).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing up arrow at the top of the list doesn't update the selection", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("b") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowUp", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowUp", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).element.classList.contains("active")).toEqual(true) }) test("pressing tab performs the current completion", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const selectedSuggestion = wrapper.find("").text() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "Tab", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(input.element.value).toEqual(`a${selectedSuggestion}`) }) test("pressing tab when nothing is selected selects the first suggestion", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const firstSuggestionText = wrapper.findAll("li").at(0).text() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "Tab", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(input.element.value).toEqual(`a${firstSuggestionText}`) }) test("pressing any non-special key doesn't do anything", async () => { const wrapper = factory(props) const input = wrapper.find("input") await input.setValue("a") await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "ArrowDown", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() const selectedSuggestion = wrapper.find("").text() await input.trigger("keydown", { code: "Tab", }) await wrapper.vm.$nextTick() expect(input.element.value).toEqual(`a${selectedSuggestion}`) }) })