import { getLocalConfig, setLocalConfig, removeLocalConfig, } from "~/newstore/localpersistence" const redirectUri = `${window.location.origin}/` // GENERAL HELPER FUNCTIONS /** * Makes a POST request and parse the response as JSON * * @param {String} url - The resource * @param {Object} params - Configuration options * @returns {Object} */ const sendPostRequest = async (url, params) => { const body = Object.keys(params) .map((key) => `${key}=${params[key]}`) .join("&") const options = { method: "post", headers: { "Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", }, body, } try { const response = await fetch(url, options) const data = await response.json() return data } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } /** * Parse a query string into an object * * @param {String} searchQuery - The search query params * @returns {Object} */ const parseQueryString = (searchQuery) => { if (searchQuery === "") { return {} } const segments = searchQuery.split("&").map((s) => s.split("=")) const queryString = segments.reduce( (obj, el) => ({ ...obj, [el[0]]: el[1] }), {} ) return queryString } /** * Get OAuth configuration from OpenID Discovery endpoint * * @returns {Object} */ const getTokenConfiguration = async (endpoint) => { const options = { method: "GET", headers: { "Content-type": "application/json", }, } try { const response = await fetch(endpoint, options) const config = await response.json() return config } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } // PKCE HELPER FUNCTIONS /** * Generates a secure random string using the browser crypto functions * * @returns {Object} */ const generateRandomString = () => { const array = new Uint32Array(28) window.crypto.getRandomValues(array) return Array.from(array, (dec) => `0${dec.toString(16)}`.slice(-2)).join("") } /** * Calculate the SHA256 hash of the input text * * @returns {Promise} */ const sha256 = (plain) => { const encoder = new TextEncoder() const data = encoder.encode(plain) return window.crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data) } /** * Encodes the input string into Base64 format * * @param {String} str - The string to be converted * @returns {Promise} */ const base64urlencode = ( str // Converts the ArrayBuffer to string using Uint8 array to convert to what btoa accepts. ) => // btoa accepts chars only within ascii 0-255 and base64 encodes them. // Then convert the base64 encoded to base64url encoded // (replace + with -, replace / with _, trim trailing =) btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(str))) .replace(/\+/g, "-") .replace(/\//g, "_") .replace(/=+$/, "") /** * Return the base64-urlencoded sha256 hash for the PKCE challenge * * @param {String} v - The randomly generated string * @returns {String} */ const pkceChallengeFromVerifier = async (v) => { const hashed = await sha256(v) return base64urlencode(hashed) } // OAUTH REQUEST /** * Initiates PKCE Auth Code flow when requested * * @param {Object} - The necessary params * @returns {Void} */ const tokenRequest = async ({ oidcDiscoveryUrl, grantType, authUrl, accessTokenUrl, clientId, clientSecret, scope, }) => { // Check oauth configuration if (oidcDiscoveryUrl !== "") { // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase const { authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint } = await getTokenConfiguration(oidcDiscoveryUrl) // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase authUrl = authorization_endpoint // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase accessTokenUrl = token_endpoint } // Store oauth information setLocalConfig("tokenEndpoint", accessTokenUrl) setLocalConfig("client_id", clientId) setLocalConfig("client_secret", clientSecret) // Create and store a random state value const state = generateRandomString() setLocalConfig("pkce_state", state) // Create and store a new PKCE codeVerifier (the plaintext random secret) const codeVerifier = generateRandomString() setLocalConfig("pkce_codeVerifier", codeVerifier) // Hash and base64-urlencode the secret to use as the challenge const codeChallenge = await pkceChallengeFromVerifier(codeVerifier) // Build the authorization URL const buildUrl = () => `${authUrl + `?response_type=${grantType}`}&client_id=${encodeURIComponent( clientId )}&state=${encodeURIComponent(state)}&scope=${encodeURIComponent( scope )}&redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent( redirectUri )}&code_challenge=${encodeURIComponent( codeChallenge )}&code_challenge_method=S256` // Redirect to the authorization server window.location = buildUrl() } // OAUTH REDIRECT HANDLING /** * Handle the redirect back from the authorization server and * get an access token from the token endpoint * * @returns {Promise} */ const oauthRedirect = () => { let tokenResponse = "" const q = parseQueryString( // Check if the server returned an error string if (q.error) { alert(`Error returned from authorization server: ${q.error}`) } // If the server returned an authorization code, attempt to exchange it for an access token if (q.code) { // Verify state matches what we set at the beginning if (getLocalConfig("pkce_state") !== q.state) { alert("Invalid state") Promise.reject(tokenResponse) } else { try { // Exchange the authorization code for an access token tokenResponse = sendPostRequest(getLocalConfig("tokenEndpoint"), { grant_type: "authorization_code", code: q.code, client_id: getLocalConfig("client_id"), client_secret: getLocalConfig("client_secret"), redirect_uri: redirectUri, code_verifier: getLocalConfig("pkce_codeVerifier"), }) } catch (e) { console.error(e) return Promise.reject(tokenResponse) } } // Clean these up since we don't need them anymore removeLocalConfig("pkce_state") removeLocalConfig("pkce_codeVerifier") removeLocalConfig("tokenEndpoint") removeLocalConfig("client_id") removeLocalConfig("client_secret") return tokenResponse } return Promise.reject(tokenResponse) } export { tokenRequest, oauthRedirect }