import { Collection as PMCollection, Item, ItemGroup, QueryParam, RequestAuthDefinition, VariableDefinition, } from "postman-collection" import { HoppRESTAuth, HoppRESTHeader, HoppRESTParam, HoppRESTReqBody, HoppRESTRequest, makeRESTRequest, HoppCollection, makeCollection, ValidContentTypes, knownContentTypes, FormDataKeyValue, } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function" import * as S from "fp-ts/string" import * as A from "fp-ts/Array" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither" import { step } from "../steps" import { defineImporter, IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT } from "." import { PMRawLanguage } from "~/types/pm-coll-exts" import { stringArrayJoin } from "~/helpers/functional/array" const safeParseJSON = (jsonStr: string) => O.tryCatch(() => JSON.parse(jsonStr)) const isPMItem = (x: unknown): x is Item => Item.isItem(x) const replacePMVarTemplating = flow( S.replace(/{{\s*/g, "<<"), S.replace(/\s*}}/g, ">>") ) const PMRawLanguageOptionsToContentTypeMap: Record< PMRawLanguage, ValidContentTypes > = { text: "text/plain", javascript: "text/plain", json: "application/json", html: "text/html", xml: "application/xml", } const isPMItemGroup = (x: unknown): x is ItemGroup => ItemGroup.isItemGroup(x) const readPMCollection = (def: string) => pipe( def, safeParseJSON, O.chain((data) => O.tryCatch(() => new PMCollection(data))) ) const getHoppReqHeaders = (item: Item): HoppRESTHeader[] => pipe( item.request.headers.all(), => { return { key: replacePMVarTemplating(header.key), value: replacePMVarTemplating(header.value), active: !header.disabled, } }) ) const getHoppReqParams = (item: Item): HoppRESTParam[] => { return pipe( item.request.url.query.all(), A.filter( (param): param is QueryParam & { key: string } => param.key !== undefined && param.key !== null && param.key.length > 0 ), => { return { key: replacePMVarTemplating(param.key), value: replacePMVarTemplating(param.value ?? ""), active: !param.disabled, } }) ) } type PMRequestAuthDef< AuthType extends RequestAuthDefinition["type"] = RequestAuthDefinition["type"] > = AuthType extends RequestAuthDefinition["type"] & string ? // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars { type: AuthType } & { [x in AuthType]: VariableDefinition[] } : { type: AuthType } const getVariableValue = (defs: VariableDefinition[], key: string) => defs.find((param) => param.key === key)?.value as string | undefined const getHoppReqAuth = (item: Item): HoppRESTAuth => { if (!item.request.auth) return { authType: "none", authActive: true } // Cast to the type for more stricter checking down the line const auth = item.request.auth as unknown as PMRequestAuthDef if (auth.type === "basic") { return { authType: "basic", authActive: true, username: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.basic, "username") ?? "" ), password: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.basic, "password") ?? "" ), } } else if (auth.type === "apikey") { return { authType: "api-key", authActive: true, key: replacePMVarTemplating(getVariableValue(auth.apikey, "key") ?? ""), value: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.apikey, "value") ?? "" ), addTo: (getVariableValue(auth.apikey, "in") ?? "query") === "query" ? "Query params" : "Headers", } } else if (auth.type === "bearer") { return { authType: "bearer", authActive: true, token: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.bearer, "token") ?? "" ), } } else if (auth.type === "oauth2") { return { authType: "oauth-2", authActive: true, accessTokenURL: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.oauth2, "accessTokenUrl") ?? "" ), authURL: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.oauth2, "authUrl") ?? "" ), clientID: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.oauth2, "clientId") ?? "" ), scope: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.oauth2, "scope") ?? "" ), token: replacePMVarTemplating( getVariableValue(auth.oauth2, "accessToken") ?? "" ), oidcDiscoveryURL: "", } } return { authType: "none", authActive: true } } const getHoppReqBody = (item: Item): HoppRESTReqBody => { if (!item.request.body) return { contentType: null, body: null } const body = item.request.body if (body.mode === "formdata") { return { contentType: "multipart/form-data", body: pipe( body.formdata?.all() ?? [], (param) => { key: replacePMVarTemplating(param.key), value: replacePMVarTemplating( param.type === "text" ? (param.value as string) : "" ), active: !param.disabled, isFile: false, // TODO: Preserve isFile state ? } ) ), } } else if (body.mode === "urlencoded") { return { contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", body: pipe( body.urlencoded?.all() ?? [], (param) => `${replacePMVarTemplating( param.key ?? "" )}: ${replacePMVarTemplating(param.value ?? "")}` ), stringArrayJoin("\n") ), } } else if (body.mode === "raw") { return pipe( O.Do, // Extract content-type O.bind("contentType", () => pipe( // Get the info from the content-type header getHoppReqHeaders(item), A.findFirst(({ key }) => key.toLowerCase() === "content-type"), => x.value), // Make sure it is a content-type Hopp can work with O.filter( (contentType): contentType is ValidContentTypes => contentType in knownContentTypes ), // Back-up plan, assume language from raw language defintion O.alt(() => pipe( body.options?.raw?.language, O.fromNullable, => PMRawLanguageOptionsToContentTypeMap[lang]) ) ), // If that too failed, just assume "text/plain" O.getOrElse((): ValidContentTypes => "text/plain"), O.of ) ), // Extract and parse body O.bind("body", () => pipe(body.raw, O.fromNullable, ), // Return null content-type if failed, else return parsed O.match( () => { contentType: null, body: null, }, ({ contentType, body }) => { contentType, body, } ) ) } // TODO: File // TODO: GraphQL ? return { contentType: null, body: null } } const getHoppReqURL = (item: Item): string => pipe( item.request.url.toString(false), S.replace(/\?.+/g, ""), replacePMVarTemplating ) const getHoppRequest = (item: Item): HoppRESTRequest => { return makeRESTRequest({ name:, endpoint: getHoppReqURL(item), method: item.request.method.toUpperCase(), headers: getHoppReqHeaders(item), params: getHoppReqParams(item), auth: getHoppReqAuth(item), body: getHoppReqBody(item), // TODO: Decide about this preRequestScript: "", testScript: "", }) } const getHoppFolder = (ig: ItemGroup): HoppCollection => makeCollection({ name:, folders: pipe( ig.items.all(), A.filter(isPMItemGroup), ), requests: pipe(ig.items.all(), A.filter(isPMItem),, }) export const getHoppCollection = (coll: PMCollection) => getHoppFolder(coll) export default defineImporter({ name: "import.from_postman", icon: "postman", steps: [ step({ stepName: "FILE_IMPORT", metadata: { caption: "import.from_postman_description", acceptedFileTypes: ".json", }, }), ] as const, importer: ([fileContent]) => pipe( // Try reading fileContent, readPMCollection,, A.of)), TE.fromOption(() => IMPORTER_INVALID_FILE_FORMAT) ), })