import { watch, Ref } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api" import { Compartment } from "@codemirror/state" import { hoverTooltip } from "@codemirror/tooltip" import { Decoration, EditorView, MatchDecorator, ViewPlugin, } from "@codemirror/view" import * as E from "fp-ts/Either" import { parseTemplateStringE } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { StreamSubscriberFunc } from "~/helpers/utils/composables" import { AggregateEnvironment, aggregateEnvs$, getAggregateEnvs, } from "~/newstore/environments" const HOPP_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX = /(<<\w+>>)/g const HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT = "cursor-help transition rounded px-1 focus:outline-none mx-0.5 env-highlight" const HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND = "bg-accentDark text-accentContrast hover:bg-accent" const HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND = "bg-red-500 text-accentContrast hover:bg-red-600" const cursorTooltipField = (aggregateEnvs: AggregateEnvironment[]) => hoverTooltip( (view, pos, side) => { const { from, to, text } = view.state.doc.lineAt(pos) // TODO: When Codemirror 6 allows this to work (not make the // popups appear half of the time) use this implementation // const wordSelection = view.state.wordAt(pos) // if (!wordSelection) return null // const word = view.state.doc.sliceString( // wordSelection.from - 2, // + 2 // ) // if (!HOPP_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX.test(word)) return null // Tracking the start and the end of the words let start = pos let end = pos while (start > from && /\w/.test(text[start - from - 1])) start-- while (end < to && /\w/.test(text[end - from])) end++ if ( (start === pos && side < 0) || (end === pos && side > 0) || !HOPP_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX.test( text.slice(start - from - 2, end - from + 2) ) ) return null const envName = aggregateEnvs.find( (env) => env.key === text.slice(start - from, end - from) // env.key === word.slice(wordSelection.from + 2, - 2) )?.sourceEnv ?? "choose an environment" const envValue = aggregateEnvs.find( (env) => env.key === text.slice(start - from, end - from) // env.key === word.slice(wordSelection.from + 2, - 2) )?.value ?? "not found" const result = parseTemplateStringE(envValue, aggregateEnvs) const finalEnv = E.isLeft(result) ? "error" : result.right return { pos: start, end: to, above: true, arrow: true, create() { const dom = document.createElement("span") const xmp = document.createElement("xmp") xmp.textContent = finalEnv dom.appendChild(document.createTextNode(`${envName} `)) dom.appendChild(xmp) dom.className = "tooltip-theme" return { dom } }, } }, // HACK: This is a hack to fix hover tooltip not coming half of the time // // Still doesn't fix the not showing up some of the time issue, but this is atleast more consistent { hoverTime: 1 } as any ) function checkEnv(env: string, aggregateEnvs: AggregateEnvironment[]) { const className = aggregateEnvs.find( (k: { key: string }) => k.key === env.slice(2, -2) ) ? HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT_FOUND : HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT_NOT_FOUND return Decoration.mark({ class: `${HOPP_ENV_HIGHLIGHT} ${className}`, }) } const getMatchDecorator = (aggregateEnvs: AggregateEnvironment[]) => new MatchDecorator({ regexp: HOPP_ENVIRONMENT_REGEX, decoration: (m) => checkEnv(m[0], aggregateEnvs), }) export const environmentHighlightStyle = ( aggregateEnvs: AggregateEnvironment[] ) => { const decorator = getMatchDecorator(aggregateEnvs) return ViewPlugin.define( (view) => ({ decorations: decorator.createDeco(view), update(u) { this.decorations = decorator.updateDeco(u, this.decorations) }, }), { decorations: (v) => v.decorations, } ) } export class HoppEnvironmentPlugin { private compartment = new Compartment() private envs: AggregateEnvironment[] = [] constructor( subscribeToStream: StreamSubscriberFunc, private editorView: Ref ) { this.envs = getAggregateEnvs() subscribeToStream(aggregateEnvs$, (envs) => { this.envs = envs this.editorView.value?.dispatch({ effects: this.compartment.reconfigure([ cursorTooltipField(this.envs), environmentHighlightStyle(this.envs), ]), }) }) } get extension() { return this.compartment.of([ cursorTooltipField(this.envs), environmentHighlightStyle(this.envs), ]) } } export class HoppReactiveEnvPlugin { private compartment = new Compartment() private envs: AggregateEnvironment[] = [] constructor( envsRef: Ref, private editorView: Ref ) { watch( envsRef, (envs) => { this.envs = envs this.editorView.value?.dispatch({ effects: this.compartment.reconfigure([ cursorTooltipField(this.envs), environmentHighlightStyle(this.envs), ]), }) }, { immediate: true } ) } get extension() { return this.compartment.of([ cursorTooltipField(this.envs), environmentHighlightStyle(this.envs), ]) } }