import { HoppRESTReqBody } from "@hoppscotch/data" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as RA from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray" import * as S from "fp-ts/string" import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function" import { tupleToRecord } from "~/helpers/functional/record" import { safeParseJSON } from "~/helpers/functional/json" import { optionChoose } from "~/helpers/functional/option" const isJSON = flow(safeParseJSON, O.isSome) const isXML = (rawData: string) => pipe( rawData, O.fromPredicate(() => /<\/?[a-zA-Z][\s\S]*>/i.test(rawData)), O.chain(prettifyXml), O.isSome ) const isHTML = (rawData: string) => pipe( rawData, O.fromPredicate(() => /<\/?[a-zA-Z][\s\S]*>/i.test(rawData)), O.isSome ) const isFormData = (rawData: string) => pipe( rawData.match(/^-{2,}[A-Za-z0-9]+\\r\\n/), O.fromNullable, O.filter((boundaryMatch) => boundaryMatch.length > 0), O.isSome ) const isXWWWFormUrlEncoded = (rawData: string) => pipe( rawData, O.fromPredicate((rd) => /([^&=]+)=([^&=]*)/.test(rd)), O.isSome ) /** * Detects the content type of the input string * @param rawData String for which content type is to be detected * @returns Content type of the data */ export const detectContentType = ( rawData: string ): HoppRESTReqBody["contentType"] => pipe( rawData, optionChoose([ [(rd) => !rd, null], [isJSON, "application/json" as const], [isFormData, "multipart/form-data" as const], [isXML, "application/xml" as const], [isHTML, "text/html" as const], [isXWWWFormUrlEncoded, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" as const], ]), O.getOrElseW(() => "text/plain" as const) ) const multipartFunctions = { getBoundary(rawData: string, rawContentType: string | undefined) { return pipe( rawContentType, O.fromNullable, O.filter((rct) => rct.length > 0), O.match( () => this.getBoundaryFromRawData(rawData), (rct) => this.getBoundaryFromRawContentType(rawData, rct) ) ) }, getBoundaryFromRawData(rawData: string) { return pipe( rawData.match(/(-{2,}[A-Za-z0-9]+)\\r\\n/g), O.fromNullable, O.filter((boundaryMatch) => boundaryMatch.length > 0), => matches[0].slice(0, -4)) ) }, getBoundaryFromRawContentType(rawData: string, rawContentType: string) { return pipe( rawContentType.match(/boundary=(.+)/), O.fromNullable, O.filter((boundaryContentMatch) => boundaryContentMatch.length > 1), O.filter((matches) => rawData.replaceAll("\\r\\n", "").endsWith("--" + matches[1] + "--") ), => "--" + matches[1]) ) }, splitUsingBoundaryAndNewLines(rawData: string, boundary: string) { return pipe( rawData, S.split(RegExp(`${boundary}-*`)), RA.filter((p) => p !== "" && p.includes("name")), => pipe( p.replaceAll(/\\r\\n+/g, "\\r\\n"), S.split("\\r\\n"), RA.filter((q) => q !== "") ) ) ) }, getNameValuePair(pair: readonly string[]) { return pipe( pair, O.fromPredicate((p) => p.length > 1), O.chain((pair) => O.fromNullable(pair[0].match(/ name="(\w+)"/))), O.filter((nameMatch) => nameMatch.length > 0), O.chain((nameMatch) => pipe( nameMatch[0], S.replace(/"/g, ""), S.split("="), O.fromPredicate((q) => q.length === 2), (nameArr) => [nameArr[1], pair[0].includes("filename") ? "" : pair[1]] as [ string, string ] ) ) ) ) }, } const getFormDataBody = (rawData: string, rawContentType: string | undefined) => pipe( multipartFunctions.getBoundary(rawData, rawContentType), => pipe( multipartFunctions.splitUsingBoundaryAndNewLines(rawData, boundary), RA.filterMap((p) => multipartFunctions.getNameValuePair(p)), RA.toArray ) ), O.filter((arr) => arr.length > 0), ) const getHTMLBody = flow(formatHTML, O.of) const getXMLBody = (rawData: string) => pipe( rawData, prettifyXml, O.alt(() => O.some(rawData)) ) const getFormattedJSON = flow( safeParseJSON, => JSON.stringify(parsedJSON, null, 2)), O.getOrElse(() => "{}"), O.of ) const getXWWWFormUrlEncodedBody = flow( decodeURIComponent, (decoded) => decoded.match(/(([^&=]+)=?([^&=]*))/g), O.fromNullable, => => p.replace("=", ": ")).join("\n")) ) /** * Parses provided string according to the content type * @param rawData Data to be parsed * @param contentType Content type of the data * @param rawContentType Optional parameter required for multipart/form-data * @returns Option of parsed body as string or Record object for multipart/form-data */ export function parseBody( rawData: string, contentType: HoppRESTReqBody["contentType"], rawContentType?: string ): O.Option> { switch (contentType) { case "application/hal+json": case "application/ld+json": case "application/vnd.api+json": case "application/json": return getFormattedJSON(rawData) case "application/x-www-form-urlencoded": return getXWWWFormUrlEncodedBody(rawData) case "multipart/form-data": return getFormDataBody(rawData, rawContentType) case "text/html": return getHTMLBody(rawData) case "application/xml": return getXMLBody(rawData) case "text/plain": default: return O.some(rawData) } } /** * Formatter Functions */ /** * Prettifies XML string * @param sourceXml The string to format * @returns Indented XML string (uses spaces) */ function prettifyXml(sourceXml: string) { return pipe( O.tryCatch(() => { const xmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString( sourceXml, "application/xml" ) if (xmlDoc.querySelector("parsererror")) { throw new Error("Unstructured Body") } const xsltDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString( [ // describes how we want to modify the XML - indent everything '', ' ', ' ', // change to just text() to strip space in text nodes ' ', " ", ' ', ' ', " ", ' ', "", ].join("\n"), "application/xml" ) const xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor() xsltProcessor.importStylesheet(xsltDoc) const resultDoc = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(xmlDoc) const resultXml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(resultDoc) return resultXml }) ) } /** * Prettifies HTML string * @param htmlString The string to format * @returns Indented HTML string (uses spaces) */ function formatHTML(htmlString: string) { const tab = " " let result = "" let indent = "" const emptyTags = [ "area", "base", "br", "col", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param", "source", "track", "wbr", ] const spl = htmlString.split(/>\s* { if (element.match(/^\/\w/)) { indent = indent.substring(tab.length) } result += indent + "<" + element + ">\n" if ( element.match(/^]*[^/]$/) && !emptyTags.includes(element.match(/^([a-z]*)/i)?.at(1) || "") ) { indent += tab } }) return result.substring(1, result.length - 2) }