// TODO: fix cache import { ref, reactive, Ref, unref, watchEffect, watchSyncEffect, WatchStopHandle, set, isRef, } from "@nuxtjs/composition-api" import { createClient, TypedDocumentNode, OperationResult, dedupExchange, OperationContext, fetchExchange, makeOperation, GraphQLRequest, createRequest, subscriptionExchange, } from "@urql/core" import { authExchange } from "@urql/exchange-auth" // import { offlineExchange } from "@urql/exchange-graphcache" // import { makeDefaultStorage } from "@urql/exchange-graphcache/default-storage" import { devtoolsExchange } from "@urql/devtools" import { SubscriptionClient } from "subscriptions-transport-ws" import * as E from "fp-ts/Either" import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither" import { pipe, constVoid } from "fp-ts/function" import { Source, subscribe, pipe as wonkaPipe, onEnd } from "wonka" import { Subject } from "rxjs" // import { keyDefs } from "./caching/keys" // import { optimisticDefs } from "./caching/optimistic" // import { updatesDef } from "./caching/updates" // import { resolversDef } from "./caching/resolvers" // import schema from "./backend-schema.json" import { authIdToken$, getAuthIDToken, probableUser$, waitProbableLoginToConfirm, } from "~/helpers/fb/auth" const BACKEND_GQL_URL = process.env.context === "production" ? "https://api.hoppscotch.io/graphql" : "https://api.hoppscotch.io/graphql" // const storage = makeDefaultStorage({ // idbName: "hoppcache-v1", // maxAge: 7, // }) const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient( process.env.context === "production" ? "wss://api.hoppscotch.io/graphql" : "wss://api.hoppscotch.io/graphql", { reconnect: true, connectionParams: () => { return { authorization: `Bearer ${authIdToken$.value}`, } }, } ) authIdToken$.subscribe(() => { subscriptionClient.client?.close() }) const createHoppClient = () => createClient({ url: BACKEND_GQL_URL, exchanges: [ devtoolsExchange, dedupExchange, // offlineExchange({ // schema: schema as any, // keys: keyDefs, // optimistic: optimisticDefs, // updates: updatesDef, // resolvers: resolversDef, // storage, // }), authExchange({ addAuthToOperation({ authState, operation }) { if (!authState || !authState.authToken) { return operation } const fetchOptions = typeof operation.context.fetchOptions === "function" ? operation.context.fetchOptions() : operation.context.fetchOptions || {} return makeOperation(operation.kind, operation, { ...operation.context, fetchOptions: { ...fetchOptions, headers: { ...fetchOptions.headers, Authorization: `Bearer ${authState.authToken}`, }, }, }) }, willAuthError({ authState }) { return !authState || !authState.authToken }, getAuth: async () => { if (!probableUser$.value) return { authToken: null } await waitProbableLoginToConfirm() return { authToken: getAuthIDToken(), } }, }), fetchExchange, subscriptionExchange({ forwardSubscription: (operation) => subscriptionClient.request(operation), }), ], }) export const client = ref(createHoppClient()) authIdToken$.subscribe(() => { client.value = createHoppClient() }) type MaybeRef = X | Ref type UseQueryOptions = { query: TypedDocumentNode variables?: MaybeRef updateSubs?: MaybeRef[]> defer?: boolean pollDuration?: number | undefined } type RunQueryOptions = { query: TypedDocumentNode variables?: V } /** * A wrapper type for defining errors possible in a GQL operation */ export type GQLError = | { type: "network_error" error: Error } | { type: "gql_error" error: T } export const runGQLQuery = ( args: RunQueryOptions ): Promise, DocType>> => { const request = createRequest(args.query, args.variables) const source = client.value.executeQuery(request, { requestPolicy: "network-only", }) return new Promise((resolve) => { const sub = wonkaPipe( source, subscribe((res) => { if (sub) { sub.unsubscribe() } pipe( // The target res.data as DocType | undefined, // Define what happens if data does not exist (it is an error) E.fromNullable( pipe( // Take the network error value res.error?.networkError, // If it null, set the left to the generic error name E.fromNullable(res.error?.message), E.match( // The left case (network error was null) (gqlErr) => >{ type: "gql_error", error: parseGQLErrorString(gqlErr ?? "") as DocErrorType, }, // The right case (it was a GraphQL Error) (networkErr) => >{ type: "network_error", error: networkErr, } ) ) ), resolve ) }) ) }) } export const runGQLSubscription = < DocType, DocVarType, DocErrorType extends string >( args: RunQueryOptions ) => { const result$ = new Subject, DocType>>() const source = client.value.executeSubscription( createRequest(args.query, args.variables) ) wonkaPipe( source, subscribe((res) => { result$.next( pipe( // The target res.data as DocType | undefined, // Define what happens if data does not exist (it is an error) E.fromNullable( pipe( // Take the network error value res.error?.networkError, // If it null, set the left to the generic error name E.fromNullable(res.error?.message), E.match( // The left case (network error was null) (gqlErr) => >{ type: "gql_error", error: parseGQLErrorString(gqlErr ?? "") as DocErrorType, }, // The right case (it was a GraphQL Error) (networkErr) => >{ type: "network_error", error: networkErr, } ) ) ) ) ) }) ) return result$ } export const useGQLQuery = ( _args: UseQueryOptions ) => { const stops: WatchStopHandle[] = [] const args = reactive(_args) const loading: Ref = ref(true) const isStale: Ref = ref(true) const data: Ref, DocType>> = ref() as any if (!args.updateSubs) set(args, "updateSubs", []) const isPaused: Ref = ref(args.defer ?? false) const pollDuration: Ref = ref(args.pollDuration ?? null) const request: Ref> = ref( createRequest( args.query, unref(args.variables as any) as any ) ) as any const source: Ref | undefined> = ref() // A ref used to force re-execution of the query const updateTicker: Ref = ref(true) // Toggles between true and false to cause the polling operation to tick const pollerTick: Ref = ref(true) stops.push( watchEffect((onInvalidate) => { if (pollDuration.value !== null && !isPaused.value) { const handle = setInterval(() => { pollerTick.value = !pollerTick.value }, pollDuration.value) onInvalidate(() => { clearInterval(handle) }) } }) ) stops.push( watchEffect( () => { const newRequest = createRequest( args.query, unref(args.variables as any) as any ) if (request.value.key !== newRequest.key) { request.value = newRequest } }, { flush: "pre" } ) ) stops.push( watchEffect( () => { // Just listen to the polling ticks // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions pollerTick.value // Just keep track of update ticking, but don't do anything // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions updateTicker.value source.value = !isPaused.value ? client.value.executeQuery(request.value, { requestPolicy: "network-only", }) : undefined }, { flush: "pre" } ) ) watchSyncEffect((onInvalidate) => { if (source.value) { loading.value = true isStale.value = false const invalidateStops = args.updateSubs!.map((sub) => { return wonkaPipe( client.value.executeSubscription(sub), onEnd(() => { if (source.value) execute() }), subscribe(() => { return execute() }) ).unsubscribe }) invalidateStops.push( wonkaPipe( source.value, onEnd(() => { loading.value = false isStale.value = false }), subscribe((res) => { if (res.operation.key === request.value.key) { data.value = pipe( // The target res.data as DocType | undefined, // Define what happens if data does not exist (it is an error) E.fromNullable( pipe( // Take the network error value res.error?.networkError, // If it null, set the left to the generic error name E.fromNullable(res.error?.message), E.match( // The left case (network error was null) (gqlErr) => >{ type: "gql_error", error: parseGQLErrorString( gqlErr ?? "" ) as DocErrorType, }, // The right case (it was a GraphQL Error) (networkErr) => >{ type: "network_error", error: networkErr, } ) ) ) ) loading.value = false } }) ).unsubscribe ) onInvalidate(() => invalidateStops.forEach((unsub) => unsub())) } }) const execute = (updatedVars?: DocVarType) => { if (updatedVars) { if (isRef(args.variables)) { args.variables.value = updatedVars } else { set(args, "variables", updatedVars) } } isPaused.value = false updateTicker.value = !updateTicker.value } const pause = () => { isPaused.value = true } const unpause = () => { isPaused.value = false } const response = reactive({ loading, data, pause, unpause, isStale, execute, }) return response } const parseGQLErrorString = (s: string) => s.startsWith("[GraphQL] ") ? s.split("[GraphQL] ")[1] : s export const runMutation = < DocType, DocVariables extends object | undefined, DocErrors extends string >( mutation: TypedDocumentNode, variables?: DocVariables, additionalConfig?: Partial ): TE.TaskEither, DocType> => pipe( TE.tryCatch( () => client.value .mutation(mutation, variables, { requestPolicy: "cache-and-network", ...additionalConfig, }) .toPromise(), () => constVoid() as never // The mutation function can never fail, so this will never be called ;) ), TE.chainEitherK((result) => pipe( result.data, E.fromNullable( // Result is null pipe( result.error?.networkError, E.fromNullable(result.error?.message), E.match( // The left case (network error was null) (gqlErr) => >{ type: "gql_error", error: parseGQLErrorString(gqlErr ?? ""), }, // The right case (it was a network error) (networkErr) => >{ type: "network_error", error: networkErr, } ) ) ) ) ) )