import { not } from "fp-ts/Predicate" import { pipe, flow } from "fp-ts/function" import * as Str from "fp-ts/string" import * as RA from "fp-ts/ReadonlyArray" import * as A from "fp-ts/Array" import * as O from "fp-ts/Option" import * as E from "fp-ts/Either" import * as P from "parser-ts/Parser" import * as S from "parser-ts/string" import * as C from "parser-ts/char" import { recordUpdate } from "./utils/record" /** * Special characters in the Raw Key Value Grammar */ const SPECIAL_CHARS = ["#", ":"] as const export type RawKeyValueEntry = { key: string value: string active: boolean } /* Beginning of Parser Definitions */ const wsSurround = P.surroundedBy(S.spaces) const stringArrayJoin = (sep: string) => (input: string[]) => input.join(sep) const stringTakeUntilChars = (chars: C.Char[]) => pipe( P.takeUntil((c: C.Char) => chars.includes(c)),"")), ) const stringTakeUntilCharsInclusive = flow( stringTakeUntilChars, P.chainFirst(() => P.sat(() => true)), ) const quotedString = pipe( S.doubleQuotedString, => JSON.parse(`"${x}"`)) ) const key = pipe( wsSurround(quotedString), P.alt(() => pipe( stringTakeUntilChars([":", "\n"]), ) ) ) const value = pipe( wsSurround(quotedString), P.alt(() => pipe( stringTakeUntilChars(["\n"]), ) ) ) const commented = pipe( S.maybe(S.string("#")), ) const line = pipe( wsSurround(commented), P.bindTo("commented"), P.bind("key", () => wsSurround(key)), P.chainFirst(() => C.char(":")), P.bind("value", () => value), ) const lineWithNoColon = pipe( wsSurround(commented), P.bindTo("commented"), P.bind("key", () => P.either( stringTakeUntilCharsInclusive(["\n"]), () => pipe( P.manyTill(P.sat((_: string) => true), P.eof()), RA.toArray, stringArrayJoin("") )) ) )), O.fromPredicate(({ key }) => !Str.isEmpty(key)) )) ) const file = pipe( P.manyTill(wsSurround(line), P.eof()), ) /** * This Raw Key Value parser ignores the key value pair (no colon) issues */ const tolerantFile = pipe( P.manyTill( P.either( pipe(line,, () => pipe( lineWithNoColon, => ({ ...a, value: "" })) )) ) ), P.eof() ), RA.filterMap(flow( O.fromPredicate(O.isSome), => a.value) )) )) ) /* End of Parser Definitions */ /** * Detect whether the string needs to have escape characters in raw key value strings * @param input The string to check against */ const stringNeedsEscapingForRawKVString = (input: string) => { // If there are any of our special characters, it needs to be escaped definitely if (SPECIAL_CHARS.some((x) => input.includes(x))) return true // The theory behind this impl is that if we apply JSON.stringify on a string // it does escaping and then return a JSON string representation. // We remove the quotes of the JSON and see if it can be matched against the input string const stringified = JSON.stringify(input) const y = stringified .substring(1, stringified.length - 1) .trim() return y !== input } /** * Applies Raw Key Value escaping (via quotes + escape chars) if needed * @param input The input to apply escape on * @returns If needed, the escaped string, else the input string itself */ const applyEscapeIfNeeded = (input: string) => stringNeedsEscapingForRawKVString(input) ? JSON.stringify(input) : input /** * Converts Raw Key Value Entries to the file string format * @param entries The entries array * @returns The entries in string format */ export const rawKeyValueEntriesToString = (entries: RawKeyValueEntry[]) => pipe( entries, flow( recordUpdate("key", applyEscapeIfNeeded), recordUpdate("value", applyEscapeIfNeeded), ({ key, value, active }) => active ? `${(key)}: ${value}` : `# ${key}: ${value}` ) ), stringArrayJoin("\n") ) /** * Parses raw key value entries string to array * @param s The file string to parse from * @returns Either the parser fail result or the raw key value entries */ export const parseRawKeyValueEntriesE = (s: string) => pipe( tolerantFile,, E.mapLeft((err) => ({ message: `Expected ${ => `'${x}'`).join(", ")}`, expected: err.expected, pos: err.input.cursor, })), ({ value }) => pipe( value,{ key, value, commented }) => { active: !commented, key, value } ) ) ) ) /** * Less error tolerating version of `parseRawKeyValueEntriesE` * @param s The file string to parse from * @returns Either the parser fail result or the raw key value entries */ export const strictParseRawKeyValueEntriesE = (s: string) => pipe( file,, E.mapLeft((err) => ({ message: `Expected ${ => `'${x}'`).join(", ")}`, expected: err.expected, pos: err.input.cursor, })), ({ value }) => pipe( value,{ key, value, commented }) => { active: !commented, key, value } ) ) ) ) /** * Kept for legacy code compatibility, parses raw key value entries. * If failed, it returns an empty array * @deprecated Use `parseRawKeyValueEntriesE` instead */ export const parseRawKeyValueEntries = flow( parseRawKeyValueEntriesE,, E.getOrElse(() => [] as RawKeyValueEntry[]) )