{ "app": { "collapse_sidebar": "Collapse Sidebar", "continue_to_dashboard": "Continue to Dashboard", "expand_sidebar": "Expand Sidebar", "name": "HOPPSCOTCH", "no_name": "No name", "open_navigation": "Open Navigation", "read_documentation": "Read Documentation" }, "configs": { "auth_providers": { "callback_url": "CALLBACK URL", "client_id": "CLIENT ID", "client_secret": "CLIENT SECRET", "description": "Configure authentication providers for your server", "provider_not_specified": "Please enable at least one authentication provider", "scope": "SCOPE", "tenant": "TENANT", "title": "Authentication Providers", "update_failure": "Failed to update authentication provider configurations!!" }, "confirm_changes": "Hoppscotch server must restart to reflect the new changes. Confirm changes made to the server configurations?", "input_empty": "Please fill all the fields before updating the configurations", "data_sharing": { "title": "Data Sharing", "description": "Help improve Hoppscotch by sharing anonymous data", "enable": "Enable Data Sharing", "secondary_title": "Data Sharing Configurations", "see_shared": "See what is shared", "toggle_description": "Share anonymous data", "update_failure": "Failed to update data sharing configurations!!" }, "load_error": "Unable to load server configurations", "mail_configs": { "address_from": "MAILER FROM ADDRESS", "custom_smtp_configs": "Use Custom SMTP Configurations", "description": " Configure the smtp configurations", "enable_email_auth": "Enable Email based authentication", "enable_smtp": "Enable SMTP", "host": "MAILER HOST", "password": "MAILER PASSWORD", "port": "MAILER PORT", "secure": "MAILER SECURE", "smtp_url": "MAILER SMTP URL", "tls_reject_unauthorized": "TLS REJECT UNAUTHORIZED", "title": "SMTP Configurations", "toggle_failure": "Failed to toggle smtp!!", "update_failure": "Failed to update smtp configurations!!", "user": "MAILER USER" }, "reset": { "confirm_reset": "Hoppscotch server must restart to reflect the new changes. Confirm the reset of server configurations?", "description": "Default configurations will be loaded as specified in the environment file", "failure": "Failed to reset configurations!!", "title": "Reset Configurations", "info": "Reset server configurations" }, "restart": { "description": "{duration} seconds remaining before this page reloads automatically", "initiate": "Initiating server restart...", "title": "Server is restarting" }, "save_changes": "Save Changes", "title": "Configurations", "update_failure": "Failed to update server configurations" }, "data_sharing": { "description": "Share anonymous data usage to improve Hoppscotch", "enable": "Enable Data Sharing", "see_shared": "See what is shared", "toggle_description": "Share data and make Hoppscotch better", "title": "Make Hoppscotch Better", "welcome": "Welcome to" }, "metrics": { "dashboard": "Dashboard", "no_metrics": "No metrics found", "total_collections": "Total Collections", "total_requests": "Total Requests", "total_teams": "Total Workspaces", "total_users": "Total Users" }, "newsletter": { "description": "Get updates about our latest news", "subscribe": "Subscribe", "title": "Stay in Touch", "toggle_description": "Get updates about the latest at Hoppscotch", "unsubscribe": "Unsubscribe" }, "settings": { "settings": "Settings" }, "shared_requests": { "action": "Action", "clear_filter": "Clear Filter", "confirm_request_deletion": "Confirm deletion of the selected shared request?", "copy": "Copy", "created_on": "Created On", "delete": "Delete", "email": "Email", "filter": "Filter", "filter_by_email": "Filter by email", "id": "ID", "load_list_error": "Unable to load shared requests list", "no_requests": "No shared requests found", "open_request": "Open Request", "properties": "Properties", "request": "Request", "show_more": "Show more", "title": "Shared Requests", "url": "URL" }, "state": { "add_user_failure": "Failed to add user to the workspace!!", "add_user_success": "User is now a member of the workspace!!", "admin_failure": "Failed to make user an admin!!", "admin_success": "User is now an admin!!", "and": "and", "clear_selection": "Clear Selection", "configure_auth": "Check out the documentation to configure auth providers.", "confirm_admin_to_user": "Do you want to remove admin status from this user?", "confirm_admins_to_users": "Do you want to remove admin status from selected users?", "confirm_delete_invite": "Do you want to revoke the selected invite?", "confirm_delete_invites": "Do you want to revoke selected invites?", "confirm_user_deletion": "Confirm user deletion?", "confirm_users_deletion": "Do you want to delete selected users?", "confirm_user_to_admin": "Do you want to make this user into an admin?", "confirm_users_to_admin": "Do you want to make selected users into admins?", "confirm_logout": "Confirm Logout", "created_on": "Created On", "continue_email": "Continue with Email", "continue_github": "Continue with Github", "continue_google": "Continue with Google", "continue_microsoft": "Continue with Microsoft", "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "create_team_failure": "Failed to create workspace!!", "create_team_success": "Workspace created successfully!!", "data_sharing_failure": "Failed to update data sharing settings", "delete_invite_failure": "Failed to delete invite!!", "delete_invites_failure": "Failed to delete selected invites!!", "delete_invite_success": "Invite deleted successfully!!", "delete_invites_success": "Selected invites deleted successfully!!", "delete_request_failure": "Shared Request deletion failed!!", "delete_request_success": "Shared Request deleted successfully!!", "delete_team_failure": "Workspace deletion failed!!", "delete_team_success": "Workspace deleted successfully!!", "delete_some_users_failure": "Number of Users Not Deleted: {count}", "delete_some_users_success": "Number of Users Deleted: {count}", "delete_user_failed_only_one_admin": "Failed to delete user. There should be atleast one admin!!", "delete_user_failure": "User deletion failed!!", "delete_users_failure": "Failed to delete selected users!!", "delete_user_success": "User deleted successfully!!", "delete_users_success": "Selected users deleted successfully!!", "email": "Email", "email_failure": "Failed to send invitation", "email_signin_failure": "Failed to login with Email", "email_success": "Email invitation sent successfully", "emails_cannot_be_same": "You cannot invite yourself, please choose a different email address!!", "enter_team_email": "Please enter email of workspace owner!!", "error": "Something went wrong", "error_auth_providers": "Unable to load auth providers", "github_signin_failure": "Failed to login with Github", "google_signin_failure": "Failed to login with Google", "invalid_email": "Please enter a valid email address", "link_copied_to_clipboard": "Link copied to clipboard", "logged_out": "Logged out", "login_as_admin": "and login with an admin account.", "login_using_email": "Please ask the user to check their email or share the link below", "login_using_link": "Please ask the user to login using the link below", "logout": "Logout", "magic_link_sign_in": "Click on the link to sign in.", "magic_link_success": "We sent a magic link to", "microsoft_signin_failure": "Failed to login with Microsoft", "newsletter_failure": "Unable to update newsletter settings", "non_admin_logged_in": "Logged in as non admin user.", "non_admin_login": "You are logged in. But you're not an admin", "owner_not_present": "Atleast one owner should be present in the team!!", "privacy_policy": "Privacy Policy", "reenter_email": "Re-enter email", "remove_admin_failure": "Failed to remove admin status!!", "remove_admin_failure_only_one_admin": "Failed to remove admin status. There should be at least one admin!!", "remove_admin_success": "Admin status removed!!", "remove_admin_from_users_failure": "Failed to remove admin status from selected users!!", "remove_admin_from_users_success": "Admin status removed from selected users!!", "remove_admin_to_delete_user": "Remove admin privilege to delete the user!!", "remove_owner_to_delete_user": "Remove team ownership status to delete the user!!", "remove_owner_failure_only_one_owner": "Failed to remove member. There should be atleast one owner in a team!!", "remove_admin_for_deletion": "Remove admin status before attempting deletion!!", "remove_owner_for_deletion": "One or more users are team owners. Update ownership before deletion!!", "remove_invitee_failure": "Removal of invitee failed!!", "remove_invitee_success": "Removal of invitee is successfull!!", "remove_member_failure": "Member couldn't be removed!!", "remove_member_success": "Member removed successfully!!", "rename_team_failure": "Failed to rename workspace!!", "rename_team_success": "Workspace renamed successfully!", "rename_user_failure": "Failed to rename user!!", "rename_user_success": "User renamed successfully!!", "require_auth_provider": "You need to set atleast one authentication provider to log in.", "role_update_failed": "Roles updation has failed!!", "role_update_success": "Roles updated successfully!!", "selected": "{count} selected", "self_host_docs": "Self Host Documentation", "send_magic_link": "Send magic link", "setup_failure": "Setup has failed!!", "setup_success": "Setup completed successfully!!", "sign_in_agreement": "By signing in, you are agreeing to our", "sign_in_options": "All sign in option", "sign_out": "Sign out", "team_name_too_short": "Workspace name should be atleast 6 characters long!!", "user_already_invited": "Failed to send invite. User is already invited!!", "user_not_found": "User not found in the infra!!", "users_to_admin_success": "Selected users are elevated to admin status!!", "users_to_admin_failure": "Failed to elevate selected users to admin status!!" }, "teams": { "add_member": "Add Member", "add_members": "Add Members", "add_new": "Add New", "admin": "Admin", "admin_Email": "Admin Email", "admin_id": "Admin ID", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm_team_deletion": "Confirm deletion of the workspace?", "copy": "Copy", "create_team": "Create Workspace", "date": "Date", "delete_team": "Delete Workspace", "details": "Details", "edit": "Edit", "editor": "EDITOR", "editor_description": "Editors can add, edit, and delete requests and collections.", "email": "Workspace owner email", "email_address": "Email Address", "email_title": "Email", "empty_name": "Team name cannot be empty!!", "error": "Something went wrong. Please try again later.", "id": "Workspace ID", "invited_email": "Invitee Email", "invited_on": "Invited On", "invites": "Invites", "load_info_error": "Unable to load Workspace info", "load_list_error": "Unable to Load Workspace List", "members": "Number of members", "no_invite": "No invites", "owner": "OWNER", "owner_description": " Owners can add, edit, and delete requests, collections and workspace members.", "permissions": "Permissions", "name": "Workspace Name", "no_members": "No members in this workspace. Add members to this workspace to collaborate", "no_pending_invites": "No pending invites", "no_teams": "No workspaces found..", "pending_invites": "Pending invites", "roles": "Roles", "roles_description": "Roles are used to control access to the shared collections.", "remove": "Remove", "rename": "Rename", "save": "Save", "save_changes": "Save Changes", "send_invite": "Send Invite", "show_more": "Show more", "team_details": "Workspace details", "team_members": "Members", "team_members_tab": "Workspace members", "teams": "Workspace", "uid": "UID", "unnamed": "(Unnamed Workspace)", "viewer": "VIEWER", "viewer_description": "Viewers can only view and use requests", "valid_name": "Please enter a valid workspace name", "valid_owner_email": "Please enter a valid owner email" }, "users": { "add_user": "Add User", "admin": "Admin", "admin_id": "Admin ID", "cancel": "Cancel", "created_on": "Created On", "copy_invite_link": "Copy Invite Link", "copy_link": "Copy Link", "date": "Date", "delete": "Delete", "delete_user": "Delete User", "delete_users": "Delete Users", "details": "Details", "edit": "Edit", "email": "Email", "email_address": "Email Address", "empty_name": "Name cannot be empty!!", "id": "User ID", "invalid_user": "Invalid User", "invite_load_list_error": "Unable to Load Invited Users List", "invite_user": "Invite User", "invited_by": "Invited By", "invited_on": "Invited On", "invited_users": "Invited Users", "invitee_email": "Invitee Email", "last_active_on": "Last Active", "load_info_error": "Unable to load user info", "load_list_error": "Unable to Load Users List", "make_admin": "Make Admin", "name": "Name", "new_user_added": "New User Added", "no_invite": "No pending invites found", "no_shared_requests": "No shared requests created by the user", "no_users": "No users found", "not_available": "Not Available", "not_found": "User not found", "pending_invites": "Pending Invites", "remove_admin_privilege": "Remove Admin Privilege", "remove_admin_status": "Remove Admin Status", "rename": "Rename", "revoke_invitation": "Revoke Invitation", "searchbar_placeholder": "Search by name or email..", "send_invite": "Send Invite", "show_more": "Show more", "uid": "UID", "unnamed": "(Unnamed User)", "user_not_found": "User not found in the infra!!", "users": "Users", "valid_email": "Please enter a valid email address" } }