import { BehaviorSubject } from "rxjs" import { gql } from "graphql-tag" import pull from "lodash/pull" import remove from "lodash/remove" import { translateToNewRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { TeamCollection } from "./TeamCollection" import { TeamRequest } from "./TeamRequest" import { rootCollectionsOfTeam, getCollectionChildren, getCollectionRequests, } from "./utils" import { apolloClient } from "~/helpers/apollo" /* * NOTE: These functions deal with REFERENCES to objects and mutates them, for a simpler implementation. * Be careful when you play with these. * * I am not a fan of mutating references but this is so much simpler compared to mutating clones * - Andrew */ /** * Finds the parent of a collection and returns the REFERENCE (or null) * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to look in * @param {string} collID - ID of the collection to find the parent of * @param {TeamCollection} currentParent - (used for recursion, do not set) The parent in the current iteration (undefined if root) * * @returns REFERENCE to the collecton or null if not found or the collection is in root */ function findParentOfColl( tree: TeamCollection[], collID: string, currentParent?: TeamCollection ): TeamCollection | null { for (const coll of tree) { // If the root is parent, return null if ( === collID) return currentParent || null // Else run it in children if (coll.children) { const result = findParentOfColl(coll.children, collID, coll) if (result) return result } } return null } /** * Finds and returns a REFERENCE collection in the given tree (or null) * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to look in * @param {string} targetID - The ID of the collection to look for * * @returns REFERENCE to the collection or null if not found */ function findCollInTree( tree: TeamCollection[], targetID: string ): TeamCollection | null { for (const coll of tree) { // If the direct child matched, then return that if ( === targetID) return coll // Else run it in the children if (coll.children) { const result = findCollInTree(coll.children, targetID) if (result) return result } } // If nothing matched, return null return null } /** * Finds and returns a REFERENCE to the collection containing a given request ID in tree (or null) * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to look in * @param {string} reqID - The ID of the request to look for * * @returns REFERENCE to the collection or null if request not found */ function findCollWithReqIDInTree( tree: TeamCollection[], reqID: string ): TeamCollection | null { for (const coll of tree) { // Check in root collections (if expanded) if (coll.requests) { if (coll.requests.find((req) => === reqID)) return coll } // Check in children of collections if (coll.children) { const result = findCollWithReqIDInTree(coll.children, reqID) if (result) return result } } // No matches return null } /** * Finds and returns a REFERENCE to the request with the given ID (or null) * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to look in * @param {string} reqID - The ID of the request to look for * * @returns REFERENCE to the request or null if request not found */ function findReqInTree( tree: TeamCollection[], reqID: string ): TeamRequest | null { for (const coll of tree) { // Check in root collections (if expanded) if (coll.requests) { const match = coll.requests.find((req) => === reqID) if (match) return match } // Check in children of collections if (coll.children) { const match = findReqInTree(coll.children, reqID) if (match) return match } } // No matches return null } /** * Updates a collection in the tree with the specified data * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to update in (THIS WILL BE MUTATED!) * @param {Partial & Pick} updateColl - An object defining all the fields that should be updated (ID is required to find the target collection) */ function updateCollInTree( tree: TeamCollection[], updateColl: Partial & Pick ) { const el = findCollInTree(tree, // If no match, stop the operation if (!el) return // Update all the specified keys Object.assign(el, updateColl) } /** * Deletes a collection in the tree * * @param {TeamCollection[]} tree - The tree to delete in (THIS WILL BE MUTATED!) * @param {string} targetID - ID of the collection to delete */ function deleteCollInTree(tree: TeamCollection[], targetID: string) { // Get the parent owning the collection const parent = findParentOfColl(tree, targetID) // If we found a parent, update it if (parent && parent.children) { parent.children = parent.children.filter((coll) => !== targetID) } // If there is no parent, it could mean: // 1. The collection with that ID does not exist // 2. The collection is in root (therefore, no parent) // Let's look for element, if not exist, then stop const el = findCollInTree(tree, targetID) if (!el) return // Collection exists, so this should be in root, hence removing element pull(tree, el) } /** * TeamCollectionAdapter provides a reactive collections list for a specific team */ export default class TeamCollectionAdapter { /** * The reactive list of collections * * A new value is emitted when there is a change * (Use views instead) */ collections$: BehaviorSubject // Fields for subscriptions, used for destroying once not needed private teamCollectionAdded$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null private teamCollectionUpdated$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null private teamCollectionRemoved$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null private teamRequestAdded$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null private teamRequestUpdated$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null private teamRequestDeleted$: ZenObservable.Subscription | null /** * @constructor * * @param {string | null} teamID - ID of the team to listen to, or null if none decided and the adapter should stand by */ constructor(private teamID: string | null) { this.collections$ = new BehaviorSubject([]) this.teamCollectionAdded$ = null this.teamCollectionUpdated$ = null this.teamCollectionRemoved$ = null this.teamRequestAdded$ = null this.teamRequestDeleted$ = null this.teamRequestUpdated$ = null if (this.teamID) this.initialize() } /** * Updates the team the adapter is looking at * * @param {string | null} newTeamID - ID of the team to listen to, or null if none decided and the adapter should stand by */ changeTeamID(newTeamID: string | null) { this.collections$.next([]) this.teamID = newTeamID if (this.teamID) this.initialize() } /** * Unsubscribes from the subscriptions * NOTE: Once this is called, no new updates to the tree will be detected */ unsubscribeSubscriptions() { this.teamCollectionAdded$?.unsubscribe() this.teamCollectionUpdated$?.unsubscribe() this.teamCollectionRemoved$?.unsubscribe() this.teamRequestAdded$?.unsubscribe() this.teamRequestDeleted$?.unsubscribe() this.teamRequestUpdated$?.unsubscribe() } /** * Initializes the adapter */ private async initialize() { await this.loadRootCollections() this.registerSubscriptions() } /** * Loads the root collections */ private async loadRootCollections(): Promise { const colls = await rootCollectionsOfTeam(apolloClient, this.teamID) this.collections$.next(colls) } /** * Performs addition of a collection to the tree * * @param {TeamCollection} collection - The collection to add to the tree * @param {string | null} parentCollectionID - The parent of the new collection, pass null if this collection is in root */ private addCollection( collection: TeamCollection, parentCollectionID: string | null ) { const tree = this.collections$.value if (!parentCollectionID) { tree.push(collection) } else { const parentCollection = findCollInTree(tree, parentCollectionID) if (!parentCollection) return if (parentCollection.children != null) { parentCollection.children.push(collection) } else { parentCollection.children = [collection] } } this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Updates an existing collection in tree * * @param {Partial & Pick} collectionUpdate - Object defining the fields that need to be updated (ID is required to find the target) */ private updateCollection( collectionUpdate: Partial & Pick ) { const tree = this.collections$.value updateCollInTree(tree, collectionUpdate) this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Removes a collection from the tree * * @param {string} collectionID - ID of the collection to remove */ private removeCollection(collectionID: string) { const tree = this.collections$.value deleteCollInTree(tree, collectionID) this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Adds a request to the tree * * @param {TeamRequest} request - The request to add to the tree */ private addRequest(request: TeamRequest) { const tree = this.collections$.value // Check if we have the collection (if not, then not loaded?) const coll = findCollInTree(tree, request.collectionID) if (!coll) return // Ignore add request // Collection is not expanded if (!coll.requests) return // Collection is expanded hence append request coll.requests.push(request) this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Removes a request from the tree * * @param {string} requestID - ID of the request to remove */ private removeRequest(requestID: string) { const tree = this.collections$.value // Find request in tree, don't attempt if no collection or no requests (expansion?) const coll = findCollWithReqIDInTree(tree, requestID) if (!coll || !coll.requests) return // Remove the collection remove(coll.requests, (req) => === requestID) // Publish new tree this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Updates the request in tree * * @param {Partial & Pick} requestUpdate - Object defining all the fields to update in request (ID of the request is required) */ private updateRequest( requestUpdate: Partial & Pick ) { const tree = this.collections$.value // Find request, if not present, don't update const req = findReqInTree(tree, if (!req) return Object.assign(req, requestUpdate) this.collections$.next(tree) } /** * Registers the subscriptions to listen to team collection updates */ registerSubscriptions() { this.teamCollectionAdded$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamCollectionAdded($teamID: ID!) { teamCollectionAdded(teamID: $teamID) { id title parent { id } } } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.addCollection( { id:, children: null, requests: null, title: data.teamCollectionAdded.title, }, data.teamCollectionAdded.parent?.id ) }) this.teamCollectionUpdated$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamCollectionUpdated($teamID: ID!) { teamCollectionUpdated(teamID: $teamID) { id title parent { id } } } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.updateCollection({ id:, title: data.teamCollectionUpdated.title, }) }) this.teamCollectionRemoved$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamCollectionRemoved($teamID: ID!) { teamCollectionRemoved(teamID: $teamID) } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.removeCollection(data.teamCollectionRemoved) }) this.teamRequestAdded$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamRequestAdded($teamID: ID!) { teamRequestAdded(teamID: $teamID) { id collectionID request title } } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.addRequest({ id:, collectionID: data.teamRequestAdded.collectionID, request: translateToNewRequest( JSON.parse(data.teamRequestAdded.request) ), title: data.teamRequestAdded.title, }) }) this.teamRequestUpdated$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamRequestUpdated($teamID: ID!) { teamRequestUpdated(teamID: $teamID) { id collectionID request title } } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.updateRequest({ id:, collectionID: data.teamRequestUpdated.collectionID, request: JSON.parse(data.teamRequestUpdated.request), title: data.teamRequestUpdated.title, }) }) this.teamRequestDeleted$ = apolloClient .subscribe({ query: gql` subscription TeamRequestDeleted($teamID: ID!) { teamRequestDeleted(teamID: $teamID) } `, variables: { teamID: this.teamID, }, }) .subscribe(({ data }) => { this.removeRequest(data.teamRequestDeleted) }) } /** * Expands a collection on the tree * * When a collection is loaded initially in the adapter, children and requests are not loaded (they will be set to null) * Upon expansion those two fields will be populated * * @param {string} collectionID - The ID of the collection to expand */ async expandCollection(collectionID: string): Promise { // TODO: While expanding one collection, block (or queue) the expansion of the other, to avoid race conditions const tree = this.collections$.value const collection = findCollInTree(tree, collectionID) if (!collection) return if (collection.children != null) return const collections: TeamCollection[] = ( await getCollectionChildren(apolloClient, collectionID) ).map((el) => { return { id:, title: el.title, children: null, requests: null, } }) const requests: TeamRequest[] = ( await getCollectionRequests(apolloClient, collectionID) ).map((el) => { return { id:, collectionID, title: el.title, request: translateToNewRequest(JSON.parse(el.request)), } }) collection.children = collections collection.requests = requests this.collections$.next(tree) } }