import { addDoc, collection, deleteDoc, doc, getDocs, getFirestore, limit, onSnapshot, orderBy, query, updateDoc, } from "firebase/firestore" import { FormDataKeyValue } from "@hoppscotch/data" import { currentUser$ } from "./auth" import { settingsStore } from "~/newstore/settings" import { GQLHistoryEntry, graphqlHistoryStore, HISTORY_LIMIT, RESTHistoryEntry, restHistoryStore, setGraphqlHistoryEntries, setRESTHistoryEntries, translateToNewGQLHistory, translateToNewRESTHistory, } from "~/newstore/history" type HistoryFBCollections = "history" | "graphqlHistory" /** * Whether the history are loaded. If this is set to true * Updates to the history store are written into firebase. * * If you have want to update the store and not fire the store update * subscription, set this variable to false, do the update and then * set it to true */ let loadedRESTHistory = false /** * Whether the history are loaded. If this is set to true * Updates to the history store are written into firebase. * * If you have want to update the store and not fire the store update * subscription, set this variable to false, do the update and then * set it to true */ let loadedGraphqlHistory = false const purgeFormDataFromRequest = (req: RESTHistoryEntry): RESTHistoryEntry => { if (req.request.body.contentType !== "multipart/form-data") return req req.request.body.body = (formData) => { if (!formData.isFile) return formData return { active:, isFile: false, // Something we can do to keep the status ? key: formData.key, value: "", } } ) return req } async function writeHistory( entry: RESTHistoryEntry | GQLHistoryEntry, col: HistoryFBCollections ) { const processedEntry = col === "history" ? purgeFormDataFromRequest(entry as RESTHistoryEntry) : entry if (currentUser$.value == null) throw new Error("User not logged in to sync history") const hs = { ...processedEntry, updatedOn: new Date(), } try { await addDoc( collection(getFirestore(), "users", currentUser$.value.uid, col), hs ) } catch (e) { console.error("error writing to history", hs, e) throw e } } async function deleteHistory( entry: (RESTHistoryEntry | GQLHistoryEntry) & { id: string }, col: HistoryFBCollections ) { if (currentUser$.value == null) throw new Error("User not logged in to delete history") try { await deleteDoc( doc(getFirestore(), "users", currentUser$.value.uid, col, ) } catch (e) { console.error("error deleting history", entry, e) throw e } } async function clearHistory(col: HistoryFBCollections) { if (currentUser$.value == null) throw new Error("User not logged in to clear history") const { docs } = await getDocs( collection(getFirestore(), "users", currentUser$.value.uid, col) ) await Promise.all( => deleteHistory(e as any, col))) } async function toggleStar( entry: (RESTHistoryEntry | GQLHistoryEntry) & { id: string }, col: HistoryFBCollections ) { if (currentUser$.value == null) throw new Error("User not logged in to toggle star") try { await updateDoc( doc(getFirestore(), "users", currentUser$.value.uid, col,, { star: ! } ) } catch (e) { console.error("error toggling star", entry, e) throw e } } export function initHistory() { restHistoryStore.dispatches$.subscribe((dispatch) => { if ( loadedRESTHistory && currentUser$.value && settingsStore.value.syncHistory ) { if (dispatch.dispatcher === "addEntry") { writeHistory(dispatch.payload.entry, "history") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "deleteEntry") { deleteHistory(dispatch.payload.entry, "history") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "clearHistory") { clearHistory("history") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "toggleStar") { toggleStar(dispatch.payload.entry, "history") } } }) graphqlHistoryStore.dispatches$.subscribe((dispatch) => { if ( loadedGraphqlHistory && currentUser$.value && settingsStore.value.syncHistory ) { if (dispatch.dispatcher === "addEntry") { writeHistory(dispatch.payload.entry, "graphqlHistory") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "deleteEntry") { deleteHistory(dispatch.payload.entry, "graphqlHistory") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "clearHistory") { clearHistory("graphqlHistory") } else if (dispatch.dispatcher === "toggleStar") { toggleStar(dispatch.payload.entry, "graphqlHistory") } } }) let restSnapshotStop: (() => void) | null = null let graphqlSnapshotStop: (() => void) | null = null currentUser$.subscribe((user) => { if (!user) { // Clear the snapshot listeners when the user logs out if (restSnapshotStop) { restSnapshotStop() restSnapshotStop = null } if (graphqlSnapshotStop) { graphqlSnapshotStop() graphqlSnapshotStop = null } } else { restSnapshotStop = onSnapshot( query( collection(getFirestore(), "users", user.uid, "history"), orderBy("updatedOn", "desc"), limit(HISTORY_LIMIT) ), (historyRef) => { const history: RESTHistoryEntry[] = [] historyRef.forEach((doc) => { const entry = = history.push(translateToNewRESTHistory(entry)) }) loadedRESTHistory = false setRESTHistoryEntries(history) loadedRESTHistory = true } ) graphqlSnapshotStop = onSnapshot( query( collection(getFirestore(), "users", user.uid, "graphqlHistory"), orderBy("updatedOn", "desc"), limit(HISTORY_LIMIT) ), (historyRef) => { const history: GQLHistoryEntry[] = [] historyRef.forEach((doc) => { const entry = = history.push(translateToNewGQLHistory(entry)) }) loadedGraphqlHistory = false setGraphqlHistoryEntries(history) loadedGraphqlHistory = true } ) } }) }