@@ -146,18 +146,6 @@
- <HttpReqChangeConfirmModal
- :show="confirmChangeToRequest"
- :loading="modalLoadingState"
- @hide-modal="confirmChangeToRequest = false"
- @save-change="saveRequestChange"
- @discard-change="discardRequestChange"
- />
- <CollectionsSaveRequest
- mode="rest"
- :show="showSaveRequestModal"
- @hide-modal="showSaveRequestModal = false"
- />
@@ -166,7 +154,7 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
-import { computed, PropType, reactive, ref, watch } from "vue"
+import { computed, PropType, ref, watch } from "vue"
import { useToast } from "@composables/toast"
import { useI18n } from "@composables/i18n"
import { Picked } from "~/helpers/types/HoppPicked"
@@ -183,7 +171,6 @@ import {
- moveRESTFolder,
@@ -192,23 +179,14 @@ import {
+ moveRESTFolder,
} from "~/newstore/collections"
import TeamCollectionAdapter from "~/helpers/teams/TeamCollectionAdapter"
import {
- isEqualHoppRESTRequest,
- safelyExtractRESTRequest,
- translateToNewRequest,
} from "@hoppscotch/data"
-import {
- getDefaultRESTRequest,
- getRESTRequest,
- getRESTSaveContext,
- setRESTRequest,
- setRESTSaveContext,
-} from "~/newstore/RESTSession"
import { cloneDeep, isEqual } from "lodash-es"
import { GQLError } from "~/helpers/backend/GQLClient"
import {
@@ -234,12 +212,26 @@ import {
} from "~/helpers/backend/helpers"
-import { HoppRequestSaveContext } from "~/helpers/types/HoppRequestSaveContext"
import * as E from "fp-ts/Either"
import { platform } from "~/platform"
import { createCollectionGists } from "~/helpers/gist"
import { workspaceStatus$ } from "~/newstore/workspace"
import IconListEnd from "~icons/lucide/list-end"
+import {
+ createNewTab,
+ currentActiveTab,
+ currentTabID,
+ getTabRefWithSaveContext,
+} from "~/helpers/rest/tab"
+import {
+ getRequestsByPath,
+ resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder,
+} from "~/helpers/collection/request"
+import {
+ getFoldersByPath,
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder,
+ updateSaveContextForAffectedRequests,
+} from "~/helpers/collection/collection"
const t = useI18n()
const toast = useToast()
@@ -314,15 +306,6 @@ const exportingTeamCollections = ref(false)
const creatingGistCollection = ref(false)
const importingMyCollections = ref(false)
-// Confirm Change to request modal
-const confirmChangeToRequest = ref(false)
-const showSaveRequestModal = ref(false)
-const clickedRequest = reactive({
- folderPath: "" as string | undefined,
- requestIndex: null as string | null,
- request: null as HoppRESTRequest | null,
// TeamList-Adapter
const teamListAdapter = new TeamListAdapter(true)
const myTeams = useReadonlyStream(teamListAdapter.teamList$, null)
@@ -637,7 +620,7 @@ const addRequest = (payload: {
const onAddRequest = (requestName: string) => {
const newRequest = {
- ...cloneDeep(getRESTRequest()),
+ ...cloneDeep(currentActiveTab.value.document.request),
name: requestName,
@@ -646,10 +629,14 @@ const onAddRequest = (requestName: string) => {
if (!path) return
const insertionIndex = saveRESTRequestAs(path, newRequest)
- setRESTRequest(newRequest, {
- originLocation: "user-collection",
- folderPath: path,
- requestIndex: insertionIndex,
+ createNewTab({
+ request: newRequest,
+ isDirty: false,
+ saveContext: {
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ folderPath: path,
+ requestIndex: insertionIndex,
+ },
@@ -677,12 +664,17 @@ const onAddRequest = (requestName: string) => {
(result) => {
const { createRequestInCollection } = result
- setRESTRequest(newRequest, {
- originLocation: "team-collection",
- requestID: createRequestInCollection.id,
- collectionID: createRequestInCollection.collection.id,
- teamID: createRequestInCollection.collection.team.id,
+ createNewTab({
+ request: newRequest,
+ isDirty: false,
+ saveContext: {
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID: createRequestInCollection.id,
+ collectionID: createRequestInCollection.collection.id,
+ teamID: createRequestInCollection.collection.team.id,
+ },
modalLoadingState.value = false
@@ -873,27 +865,22 @@ const updateEditingRequest = (newName: string) => {
name: newName || request.name,
- const saveCtx = getRESTSaveContext()
if (collectionsType.value.type === "my-collections") {
const folderPath = editingFolderPath.value
const requestIndex = editingRequestIndex.value
if (folderPath === null || requestIndex === null) return
+ const possibleActiveTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ requestIndex,
+ folderPath,
+ })
editRESTRequest(folderPath, requestIndex, requestUpdated)
- if (
- saveCtx &&
- saveCtx.originLocation === "user-collection" &&
- saveCtx.requestIndex === editingRequestIndex.value &&
- saveCtx.folderPath === editingFolderPath.value
- ) {
- setRESTRequest({
- ...getRESTRequest(),
- name: requestUpdated.name,
- })
+ if (possibleActiveTab) {
+ possibleActiveTab.value.document.request.name = requestUpdated.name
@@ -925,15 +912,13 @@ const updateEditingRequest = (newName: string) => {
- if (
- saveCtx &&
- saveCtx.originLocation === "team-collection" &&
- saveCtx.requestID === editingRequestID.value
- ) {
- setRESTRequest({
- ...getRESTRequest(),
- name: requestName,
- })
+ const possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID,
+ })
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ possibleTab.value.document.request.name = requestName
@@ -1030,6 +1015,13 @@ const onRemoveCollection = () => {
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder({
+ lastIndex: collectionIndex,
+ newIndex: -1,
+ folderPath: "", // root folder
+ length: myCollections.value.length,
+ })
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1074,6 +1066,14 @@ const onRemoveFolder = () => {
+ const parentFolder = folderPath.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/") // remove last folder to get parent folder
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder({
+ lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(folderPath),
+ newIndex: -1,
+ folderPath: parentFolder,
+ length: getFoldersByPath(myCollections.value, parentFolder).length,
+ })
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1124,8 +1124,28 @@ const onRemoveRequest = () => {
emit("select", null)
+ const possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ folderPath,
+ requestIndex,
+ })
+ // If there is a tab attached to this request, dissociate its state and mark it dirty
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = null
+ possibleTab.value.document.isDirty = true
+ }
removeRESTRequest(folderPath, requestIndex)
+ // the same function is used to reorder requests since after removing, it's basically doing reorder
+ resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder({
+ lastIndex: requestIndex,
+ newIndex: -1,
+ folderPath,
+ length: getRequestsByPath(myCollections.value, folderPath).length,
+ })
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1157,6 +1177,17 @@ const onRemoveRequest = () => {
+ // If there is a tab attached to this request, dissociate its state and mark it dirty
+ const possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID,
+ })
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = undefined
+ possibleTab.value.document.isDirty = true
+ }
@@ -1165,41 +1196,6 @@ const selectPicked = (payload: Picked | null) => {
emit("select", payload)
-// select request change modal functions
-const noChangeSetRESTRequest = () => {
- const folderPath = clickedRequest.folderPath
- const requestIndex = clickedRequest.requestIndex
- const request = clickedRequest.request
- let newContext: HoppRequestSaveContext | null = null
- if (collectionsType.value.type === "my-collections") {
- if (!folderPath || !requestIndex || !request) return
- newContext = {
- originLocation: "user-collection",
- requestIndex: parseInt(requestIndex),
- folderPath,
- req: cloneDeep(request),
- }
- } else if (collectionsType.value.type === "team-collections") {
- if (!requestIndex || !request) return
- newContext = {
- originLocation: "team-collection",
- requestID: requestIndex,
- req: cloneDeep(request),
- }
- }
- setRESTRequest(
- cloneDeep(
- safelyExtractRESTRequest(
- translateToNewRequest(request),
- getDefaultRESTRequest()
- )
- ),
- newContext
- )
* This function is called when the user clicks on a request
* @param selectedRequest The request that the user clicked on emited from the collection tree
@@ -1210,131 +1206,51 @@ const selectRequest = (selectedRequest: {
requestIndex: string
isActive: boolean
}) => {
- const { request, folderPath, requestIndex, isActive } = selectedRequest
- // If the request is already active, then we reset the save context
- if (isActive) {
- setRESTSaveContext(null)
- return
- }
+ const { request, folderPath, requestIndex } = selectedRequest
- const currentRESTRequest = getRESTRequest()
+ // If there is a request with this save context, switch into it
+ let possibleTab = null
- const currentRESTSaveContext = getRESTSaveContext()
- clickedRequest.folderPath = folderPath
- clickedRequest.requestIndex = requestIndex
- clickedRequest.request = request
- // If there is no active context,
- if (!currentRESTSaveContext) {
- // Check if the use is clicking on the same request
- if (isEqualHoppRESTRequest(currentRESTRequest, request)) {
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
+ if (collectionsType.value.type === "team-collections") {
+ possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID: requestIndex,
+ })
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ currentTabID.value = possibleTab.value.id
} else {
- // can show the save change modal here since there is change in the request
- // and the user is clicking on the different request
- // and currently we dont have any active context
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = true
+ createNewTab({
+ request: cloneDeep(request),
+ isDirty: false,
+ saveContext: {
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID: requestIndex,
+ },
+ })
} else {
- if (isEqualHoppRESTRequest(currentRESTRequest, request)) {
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
+ possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ requestIndex: parseInt(requestIndex),
+ folderPath: folderPath!,
+ })
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ currentTabID.value = possibleTab.value.id
} else {
- const currentReqWithNoChange = currentRESTSaveContext.req
- // now we compare the current request
- // with the request inside the active context
- if (
- currentReqWithNoChange &&
- isEqualHoppRESTRequest(currentReqWithNoChange, currentRESTRequest)
- ) {
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
- } else {
- // there is change in the request
- // so we can show the save change modal here
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = true
- }
- }
- }
- * This function is called when the user clicks on the save button in the confirm change modal
- * There are two cases
- * 1. There is no active context
- * 2. There is active context
- * In the first case, we can show the save request as modal and user can select the location to save the request
- * In the second case, we can save the request in the same location and update the request
- */
-const saveRequestChange = () => {
- const currentRESTSaveContext = getRESTSaveContext()
- if (!currentRESTSaveContext) {
- showSaveRequestModal.value = true
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = false
- return
- }
- const currentRESTRequest = getRESTRequest()
- if (currentRESTSaveContext.originLocation === "user-collection") {
- const folderPath = currentRESTSaveContext.folderPath
- const requestIndex = currentRESTSaveContext.requestIndex
- editRESTRequest(folderPath, requestIndex, currentRESTRequest)
- // after saving the request, we need to change the context
- // to the new request (clicked request)
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
- toast.success(`${t("request.saved")}`)
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = false
- } else {
- modalLoadingState.value = true
- const requestID = currentRESTSaveContext.requestID
- const data = {
- request: JSON.stringify(currentRESTRequest),
- title: currentRESTRequest.name,
- }
- pipe(
- updateTeamRequest(requestID, data),
- TE.match(
- (err: GQLError<string>) => {
- toast.error(`${getErrorMessage(err)}`)
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = false
- showSaveRequestModal.value = true
- modalLoadingState.value = false
+ // If not, open the request in a new tab
+ createNewTab({
+ request: cloneDeep(request),
+ isDirty: false,
+ saveContext: {
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ folderPath: folderPath!,
+ requestIndex: parseInt(requestIndex),
- () => {
- toast.success(`${t("request.saved")}`)
- modalLoadingState.value = false
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = false
- const clickedRequestID = clickedRequest.requestIndex
- if (!clickedRequestID) return
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
- }
- )
- )()
+ })
+ }
- * This function is called when the user clicks on the
- * don't save button in the confirm change modal
- * This function will change the request to the clicked request
- * without saving the changes
- */
-const discardRequestChange = () => {
- noChangeSetRESTRequest()
- confirmChangeToRequest.value = false
* Used to get the index of the request from the path
* @param path The path of the request
@@ -1355,13 +1271,42 @@ const dropRequest = (payload: {
destinationCollectionIndex: string
}) => {
const { folderPath, requestIndex, destinationCollectionIndex } = payload
if (!requestIndex || !destinationCollectionIndex) return
if (collectionsType.value.type === "my-collections" && folderPath) {
+ const possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ folderPath,
+ requestIndex: pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ })
+ // If there is a tab attached to this request, change save its save context
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = {
+ originLocation: "user-collection",
+ folderPath: destinationCollectionIndex,
+ requestIndex: getRequestsByPath(
+ myCollections.value,
+ destinationCollectionIndex
+ ).length,
+ }
+ }
+ // When it's drop it's basically getting deleted from last folder. reordering last folder accordingly
+ resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder({
+ lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(requestIndex),
+ newIndex: -1, // being deleted from last folder
+ folderPath,
+ length: getRequestsByPath(myCollections.value, folderPath).length,
+ })
draggingToRoot.value = false
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1384,6 +1329,18 @@ const dropRequest = (payload: {
+ const possibleTab = getTabRefWithSaveContext({
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID: requestIndex,
+ })
+ if (possibleTab) {
+ possibleTab.value.document.saveContext = {
+ originLocation: "team-collection",
+ requestID: requestIndex,
+ }
+ }
@@ -1440,6 +1397,7 @@ const dropCollection = (payload: {
const { collectionIndexDragged, destinationCollectionIndex } = payload
if (!collectionIndexDragged || !destinationCollectionIndex) return
if (collectionIndexDragged === destinationCollectionIndex) return
if (collectionsType.value.type === "my-collections") {
if (
@@ -1450,7 +1408,32 @@ const dropCollection = (payload: {
+ const parentFolder = collectionIndexDragged
+ .split("/")
+ .slice(0, -1)
+ .join("/") // remove last folder to get parent folder
+ const totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection =
+ getFoldersByPath(myCollections.value, destinationCollectionIndex).length -
+ (parentFolder === destinationCollectionIndex ? 1 : 0)
moveRESTFolder(collectionIndexDragged, destinationCollectionIndex)
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder(
+ {
+ lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(collectionIndexDragged),
+ newIndex: -1,
+ folderPath: parentFolder,
+ length: getFoldersByPath(myCollections.value, parentFolder).length,
+ },
+ "drop"
+ )
+ updateSaveContextForAffectedRequests(
+ collectionIndexDragged,
+ `${destinationCollectionIndex}/${totalFoldersOfDestinationCollection}`
+ )
draggingToRoot.value = false
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1600,6 +1583,11 @@ const updateRequestOrder = (payload: {
+ resolveSaveContextOnRequestReorder({
+ lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(dragedRequestIndex),
+ newIndex: pathToLastIndex(destinationRequestIndex),
+ folderPath: destinationCollectionIndex,
+ })
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {
@@ -1654,6 +1642,11 @@ const updateCollectionOrder = (payload: {
+ resolveSaveContextOnCollectionReorder({
+ lastIndex: pathToLastIndex(dragedCollectionIndex),
+ newIndex: pathToLastIndex(destinationCollectionIndex),
+ folderPath: dragedCollectionIndex.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/"),
+ })
} else if (hasTeamWriteAccess.value) {