@@ -6,19 +6,39 @@ import {
+ deleteCollection,
} from "~/helpers/backend/mutations/TeamCollection"
import * as TE from "fp-ts/TaskEither"
import { fetchAllTeams } from "~/helpers/teams/TeamListAdapter"
import {
+ CreateRequestInCollectionMutation,
+ DeleteCollectionMutation,
+ GetCollectionChildrenQuery,
+ GetCollectionRequestsQuery,
+ RootCollectionsOfTeamQuery,
+ UpdateRequestMutation,
} from "~/helpers/backend/graphql"
import { Handle } from "../../handle"
import { Workspace, WorkspaceCollection } from "../../workspace"
-import { watch } from "vue"
-import { createRequestInCollection } from "~/helpers/backend/mutations/TeamRequest"
-import { getDefaultRESTRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data"
+import {
+ createRequestInCollection,
+ updateTeamRequest,
+ deleteTeamRequest,
+} from "~/helpers/backend/mutations/TeamRequest"
+import {
+ getDefaultRESTRequest,
+ HoppRESTAuth,
+ HoppRESTHeader,
+} from "@hoppscotch/data"
+import {
+ getCollectionChildren,
+ getCollectionChildRequests,
+ getRootCollections,
+} from "~/helpers/backend/helpers"
+import { toRaw, watch } from "vue"
vi.mock("./../../../../platform", () => {
const actual = vi.importActual("./../../../../platform")
@@ -38,12 +58,15 @@ vi.mock("./../../../../helpers/backend/mutations/TeamCollection", () => {
createNewRootCollection: vi.fn(),
createChildCollection: vi.fn(),
updateTeamCollection: vi.fn(),
+ deleteCollection: vi.fn(),
vi.mock("./../../../../helpers/backend/mutations/TeamRequest", () => {
return {
createRequestInCollection: vi.fn(),
+ updateTeamRequest: vi.fn(),
+ deleteTeamRequest: vi.fn(),
@@ -53,6 +76,14 @@ vi.mock("./../../../../helpers/teams/TeamListAdapter", () => {
+vi.mock("./../../../../helpers/backend/helpers", () => {
+ return {
+ getCollectionChildren: vi.fn(),
+ getCollectionChildRequests: vi.fn(),
+ getRootCollections: vi.fn(),
+ }
describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
beforeAll(() => {
@@ -98,6 +129,8 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
test("can create a child collection", async () => {
+ mockGetCollectionChildren()
+ mockGetCollectionChildRequests()
const container = new TestContainer()
const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
@@ -121,9 +154,9 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
- const childCollectionValue = childCollection.get()
+ const childCollectionHandleRef = childCollection.get()
- expect(childCollectionValue.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ expect(childCollectionHandleRef.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
"data": {
"collectionID": "child_collection_id_0",
@@ -145,21 +178,26 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
throw new Error("FAILED_TO_GET_CHILDREN")
- const childrenValue = children.right.get().value.data.content.value
+ const childrenHandle = children.right.get()
- expect(childrenValue).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
- [
- {
- "type": "collection",
- "value": {
- "collectionID": "child_collection_id_0",
- "isLastItem": false,
- "name": "Test Child Collection #0",
- "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ if (childrenHandle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ }
+ expect(toRaw(childrenHandle.value.data.content.value))
+ .toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "collection",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "child_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "name": "Test Child Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ },
- },
- ]
- `)
+ ]
+ `)
test("can update a collection", async () => {
@@ -183,6 +221,8 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
+ const collectionHandle = collection.get()
const updatedCollection =
await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.updateRESTCollection(collection, {
name: "Collection #0 - Updated",
@@ -193,7 +233,7 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
- expect(collection.get().value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ expect(collectionHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
"data": {
"collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
@@ -208,6 +248,7 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
test("can create a request in a collection", async () => {
+ mockCreateRequestInCollection()
const container = new TestContainer()
const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
@@ -242,13 +283,580 @@ describe("TeamsWorkspaceProviderService", () => {
"data": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Test Request #0",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
+ "requestID": "request_id_0",
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ },
+ "type": "ok",
+ }
+ `)
+ })
+ test("can update a request in a collection", async () => {
+ mockFetchAllTeams()
+ mockCreateRequestInCollection()
+ mockUpdateTeamRequest()
+ const container = new TestContainer()
+ const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
+ TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.init()
+ const sampleWorkspace = await getSampleWorkspaceForTesting(
+ "workspace_id_0",
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collection = await createSampleRootCollectionForTesting(
+ sampleWorkspace,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const request = await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.createRESTRequest(
+ collection,
+ {
+ ...getDefaultRESTRequest(),
+ name: "Test Request #0",
+ }
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(request)) {
+ throw new Error("FAILED_TO_CREATE_REQUEST")
+ }
+ const requestHandle = request.right.get()
+ const updatedRequest =
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.updateRESTRequest(request.right, {
+ name: "Request #0 - Updated",
+ })
+ if (E.isLeft(updatedRequest)) {
+ console.log(updatedRequest.left)
+ throw new Error("FAILED_TO_UPDATE_REQUEST")
+ }
+ expect(requestHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Request #0 - Updated",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
+ "requestID": "request_id_0",
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ },
+ "type": "ok",
+ }
+ `)
+ })
+ test("remove a collection", async () => {
+ mockFetchAllTeams()
+ mockDeleteRestCollection()
+ const container = new TestContainer()
+ const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
+ TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.init()
+ const sampleWorkspace = await getSampleWorkspaceForTesting(
+ "workspace_id_0",
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collection = await createSampleRootCollectionForTesting(
+ sampleWorkspace,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collectionHandle = collection.get()
+ expect(collectionHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "name": "Test Collection #0",
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ },
+ "type": "ok",
+ }
+ `)
+ const deletedCollection =
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.removeRESTCollection(collection)
+ if (E.isLeft(deletedCollection)) {
+ console.log(deletedCollection.left)
+ }
+ expect(collectionHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "type": "invalid",
+ }
+ `)
+ })
+ test("remove rest request", async () => {
+ mockFetchAllTeams()
+ mockCreateRequestInCollection()
+ mockDeleteRestRequest()
+ const container = new TestContainer()
+ const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
+ TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.init()
+ const sampleWorkspace = await getSampleWorkspaceForTesting(
+ "workspace_id_0",
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collection = await createSampleRootCollectionForTesting(
+ sampleWorkspace,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const request = await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.createRESTRequest(
+ collection,
+ {
+ ...getDefaultRESTRequest(),
+ name: "Test Request #0",
+ }
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(request)) {
+ throw new Error("FAILED_TO_CREATE_REQUEST")
+ }
+ const requestHandle = request.right.get()
+ expect(requestHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Test Request #0",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
"requestID": "request_id_0",
"workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
"type": "ok",
+ const deletedRequest =
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.removeRESTRequest(request.right)
+ if (E.isLeft(deletedRequest)) {
+ console.log(deletedRequest.left)
+ throw new Error("FAILED_TO_DELETE_REQUEST")
+ }
+ expect(requestHandle.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "type": "invalid",
+ }
+ `)
+ })
+ test("get child collections and requests of a collection", async () => {
+ mockFetchAllTeams()
+ mockGetCollectionChildren()
+ const container = new TestContainer()
+ const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
+ TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.init()
+ const sampleWorkspace = await getSampleWorkspaceForTesting(
+ "workspace_id_0",
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collection = await createSampleRootCollectionForTesting(
+ sampleWorkspace,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ // insert one child collection
+ await createSampleChildCollectionForTesting(
+ collection,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const children =
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.getRESTCollectionChildrenView(
+ collection
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(children)) {
+ console.log(children.left)
+ throw new Error("FAILED_TO_GET_CHILDREN")
+ }
+ const childrenHandle = children.right.get()
+ if (childrenHandle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ }
+ // locally we've one child collection. when we call getRESTCollectionChildrenView, we should get a computed with that one child collection
+ expect(childrenHandle.value.data.content.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "collection",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "child_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "name": "Test Child Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ `)
+ // verify the loading state and other properties
+ expect({
+ collectionID: childrenHandle.value.data.collectionID,
+ loading: childrenHandle.value.data.loading.value,
+ providerID: childrenHandle.value.data.providerID,
+ workspaceID: childrenHandle.value.data.workspaceID,
+ }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "loading": true,
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ }
+ `)
+ let resolve: (value: undefined) => void
+ const promise = new Promise<void>((res) => {
+ resolve = res
+ })
+ // wait for the value of childrenHandle to change
+ watch(childrenHandle, () => {
+ resolve(undefined)
+ })
+ await promise
+ // verify the computed value after the getChildren is resolved, here we've mocked it to return 3 child collections
+ expect(childrenHandle.value.data.content.value).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "collection",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "child_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "name": "Test Child Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "collection",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "child_collection_id_1",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "name": "Test Child Collection #1",
+ "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "collection",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "child_collection_id_2",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "name": "Test Child Collection #2",
+ "parentCollectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "request",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Untitled",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
+ "requestID": "request_id_0",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "request",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Untitled",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
+ "requestID": "request_id_1",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "request",
+ "value": {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "request": {
+ "auth": {
+ "authActive": true,
+ "authType": "none",
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "body": null,
+ "contentType": null,
+ },
+ "endpoint": "https://echo.hoppscotch.io",
+ "headers": [],
+ "method": "GET",
+ "name": "Untitled",
+ "params": [],
+ "preRequestScript": "",
+ "testScript": "",
+ "v": "1",
+ },
+ "requestID": "request_id_2",
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ `)
+ // verify the loading state and other properties
+ expect({
+ collectionID: childrenHandle.value.data.collectionID,
+ loading: childrenHandle.value.data.loading.value,
+ providerID: childrenHandle.value.data.providerID,
+ workspaceID: childrenHandle.value.data.workspaceID,
+ }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "loading": false,
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ }
+ `)
+ })
+ test("get rest root collections of a workspace", async () => {
+ mockFetchAllTeams()
+ mockGetRootCollections()
+ const container = new TestContainer()
+ const teamsWorkspaceProviderService = container.bind(
+ TeamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.init()
+ const sampleWorkspace = await getSampleWorkspaceForTesting(
+ "workspace_id_0",
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const collection = await createSampleRootCollectionForTesting(
+ sampleWorkspace,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ // also create a child collection to make sure we fetch the root collections only
+ await createSampleChildCollectionForTesting(
+ collection,
+ teamsWorkspaceProviderService
+ )
+ const rootCollections =
+ await teamsWorkspaceProviderService.getRESTRootCollectionView(
+ sampleWorkspace
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(rootCollections)) {
+ console.log(rootCollections.left)
+ }
+ const rootCollectionsHandle = rootCollections.right.get()
+ if (rootCollectionsHandle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ }
+ const rootCollectionsContent = rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.collections
+ expect({
+ collections: rootCollectionsContent.value,
+ loading: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.loading.value,
+ providerID: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.providerID,
+ workspaceID: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.workspaceID,
+ }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "collections": [
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "name": "Test Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": null,
+ },
+ ],
+ "loading": true,
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ }
+ `)
+ let resolve: (value: undefined) => void
+ const promise = new Promise<void>((res) => {
+ resolve = res
+ })
+ // wait for the value of rootCollectionsHandle to change
+ watch(
+ rootCollectionsHandle,
+ () => {
+ resolve(undefined)
+ },
+ {
+ deep: true,
+ }
+ )
+ await promise
+ expect({
+ collections: rootCollectionsContent.value,
+ loading: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.loading.value,
+ providerID: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.providerID,
+ workspaceID: rootCollectionsHandle.value.data.workspaceID,
+ }).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`
+ {
+ "collections": [
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "name": "Test Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": null,
+ },
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_0",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "name": "Test Collection #0",
+ "parentCollectionID": null,
+ },
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_1",
+ "isLastItem": false,
+ "name": "Test Collection #1",
+ "parentCollectionID": null,
+ },
+ {
+ "collectionID": "root_collection_id_2",
+ "isLastItem": true,
+ "name": "Test Collection #2",
+ "parentCollectionID": null,
+ },
+ ],
+ "loading": false,
+ "workspaceID": "workspace_id_0",
+ }
+ `)
@@ -357,17 +965,181 @@ const mockUpdateTeamCollection = () => {
const mockCreateRequestInCollection = () => {
- return vi.mocked(createRequestInCollection).mockResolvedValue(
- E.right({
+ return vi.mocked(createRequestInCollection).mockImplementation(() => {
+ return TE.right(<CreateRequestInCollectionMutation>{
createRequestInCollection: {
- ...getDefaultRESTRequest(),
+ collection: {
+ id: "root_collection_id_0",
+ team: {
+ id: "workspace_id_0",
+ name: "Test Team #0",
+ },
+ },
id: "request_id_0",
- )
+ })
-// the mock for _fetchAllWorkspaces is not working
-// check the importActual section
-// might be due to the fact that the team service class is not being mocked when using the importActual
+const mockUpdateTeamRequest = () => {
+ return vi.mocked(updateTeamRequest).mockImplementation(() => {
+ return TE.right(<UpdateRequestMutation>{
+ updateRequest: {
+ id: "request_id_0",
+ title: "Request #0 - Updated",
+ },
+ })
+ })
+const mockDeleteRestCollection = () => {
+ return vi.mocked(deleteCollection).mockImplementation(() => {
+ return TE.right(<DeleteCollectionMutation>{
+ deleteCollection: true,
+ })
+ })
+const mockDeleteRestRequest = () => {
+ return vi.mocked(deleteTeamRequest).mockImplementation(() => {
+ return TE.right({
+ deleteRequest: true,
+ })
+ })
+const mockGetCollectionChildren = () => {
+ return vi
+ .mocked(getCollectionChildren)
+ .mockImplementation(async (collectionID: string) => {
+ const auth: HoppRESTAuth = {
+ authType: "basic",
+ username: "test_username",
+ password: "test_password",
+ authActive: true,
+ }
+ const headers: HoppRESTHeader[] = [
+ {
+ key: "X-Vitest-Mocked-Header",
+ value: "mocked-header",
+ active: true,
+ },
+ ]
+ return E.right(<GetCollectionChildrenQuery>{
+ collection: {
+ children: [
+ {
+ id: "child_collection_id_0",
+ title: "Test Child Collection #0",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth,
+ headers,
+ }),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "child_collection_id_1",
+ title: "Test Child Collection #1",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth,
+ headers,
+ }),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "child_collection_id_2",
+ title: "Test Child Collection #2",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth,
+ headers,
+ }),
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ })
+ })
+const mockGetCollectionChildRequests = () => {
+ return vi.mocked(getCollectionChildRequests).mockImplementation(async () => {
+ return E.right(<GetCollectionRequestsQuery>{
+ requestsInCollection: [
+ {
+ id: "request_id_0",
+ title: "Test Request #0",
+ request: JSON.stringify(getDefaultRESTRequest()),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "request_id_1",
+ title: "Test Request #1",
+ request: JSON.stringify(getDefaultRESTRequest()),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "request_id_2",
+ title: "Test Request #2",
+ request: JSON.stringify(getDefaultRESTRequest()),
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ })
+const mockGetRootCollections = () => {
+ return vi.mocked(getRootCollections).mockImplementation(async () => {
+ return E.right(<RootCollectionsOfTeamQuery>{
+ rootCollectionsOfTeam: [
+ {
+ id: "root_collection_id_0",
+ title: "Test Collection #0",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth: {
+ authType: "none",
+ authActive: true,
+ },
+ headers: [
+ {
+ key: "X-Vitest-Mocked-Header",
+ value: "mocked-header",
+ active: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "root_collection_id_1",
+ title: "Test Collection #1",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth: {
+ authType: "none",
+ authActive: true,
+ },
+ headers: [
+ {
+ key: "X-Vitest-Mocked-Header",
+ value: "mocked-header",
+ active: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "root_collection_id_2",
+ title: "Test Collection #2",
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ auth: {
+ authType: "none",
+ authActive: true,
+ },
+ headers: [
+ {
+ key: "X-Vitest-Mocked-Header",
+ value: "mocked-header",
+ active: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ }),
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+ })