Browse Source

chore: i18n

Liyas Thomas 1 year ago

+ 0 - 6

@@ -78,12 +78,6 @@
     "iso": "he-HE",
     "name": "עִברִית"
-  {
-    "code": "hi",
-    "file": "hi.json",
-    "iso": "hi-HI",
-    "name": "हिन्दी"
-  },
     "code": "hu",
     "file": "hu.json",

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "Kanselleer",
     "choose_file": "Kies 'n lêer",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Koppel",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "Kopieer",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Vee uit",
     "disconnect": "Ontkoppel",
     "dismiss": "Weier",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Paste",
     "prettify": "Prettify",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Verwyder",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Herstel",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "Soek",
     "send": "Stuur",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Begin",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Stop",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "Gesels met ons",
     "contact_us": "Kontak Ons",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "Kopieer",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copy User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Developer options",
     "developer_option_description": "Developer tools which helps in development and maintenance of Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Sleutelbord kortpaaie",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "Nuwe weergawe gevind. Herlaai om op te dateer.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Volmag privaatheidsbeleid",
     "reload": "Herlaai",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Genereer teken",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "Sluit in by URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Leer hoe",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
     "password": "Wagwoord",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Teken",
     "type": "Magtigingstipe",
     "username": "Gebruikersnaam"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Versameling geskep",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Wysig versameling",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Gee 'n geldige naam vir die versameling",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long",
     "new": "Nuwe versameling",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Versameling hernoem",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "Stoor as",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Weet u seker dat u hierdie vouer permanent wil uitvee?",
     "remove_history": "Is u seker dat u alle geskiedenis permanent wil uitvee?",
     "remove_request": "Is u seker dat u hierdie versoek permanent wil uitvee?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Weet u seker dat u hierdie span wil uitvee?",
     "remove_telemetry": "Weet u seker dat u van Telemetry wil afskakel?",
     "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Koptekst {count}",
     "message": "Boodskap {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Login to view your profile",
     "protocols": "Protokolle is leeg",
     "schema": "Koppel aan 'n GraphQL -eindpunt",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Spannaam leeg",
     "teams": "Spanne is leeg",
-    "tests": "Daar is geen toetse vir hierdie versoek nie"
+    "tests": "Daar is geen toetse vir hierdie versoek nie",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Add to Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Gee 'n geldige naam vir die omgewing",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Veranderlike lys"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Dit lyk nie asof hierdie blaaier ondersteuning vir bedieners gestuurde geleenthede het nie.",
     "check_console_details": "Kyk na die konsole -log vir meer inligting.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL is nie behoorlik geformateer nie",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Kon nie 'n ongeldige liggaam mooi maak nie, los json -sintaksisfoute op en probeer weer",
     "network_error": "There seems to be a network error. Please try again.",
     "network_fail": "Kon nie versoek stuur nie",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Geen duur nie",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No matches found",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Kon nie voorafversoekskrip uitvoer nie",
     "something_went_wrong": "Iets het verkeerd geloop",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Uitvoer as JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Skep geheime Gist",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Gis geskep",
     "require_github": "Teken in met GitHub om 'n geheime idee te skep",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Inskrywings",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "Die magtigingskop sal outomaties gegenereer word wanneer u die versoek stuur.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Genereer eers dokumentasie",
     "network_fail": "Kon nie die API -eindpunt bereik nie. Kontroleer u netwerkverbinding en probeer weer.",
     "offline": "Dit lyk asof u vanlyn is. Data in hierdie werkruimte is moontlik nie op datum nie.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Voer versamelings in",
     "curl": "Voer cURL in",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Invoer misluk",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Invoer vanaf Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection",
     "from_url": "Import from URL",
     "gist_url": "Voer Gist URL in",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Invoer"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Versamelings",
     "confirm": "Bevestig",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Wysig versoek",
-    "import_export": "Invoer uitvoer"
+    "import_export": "Invoer uitvoer",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Kopieer skakel",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Duur",
     "enter_curl": "Voer cURL in",
     "generate_code": "Genereer kode",
     "generated_code": "Kode gegenereer",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Koplys",
     "invalid_name": "Gee 'n naam vir die versoek",
     "method": "Metode",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "Versoek gestoor",
     "share": "Deel",
     "share_description": "Share Hoppscotch with your friends",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Versoek",
     "type": "Soort versoek",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Veranderlikes",
-    "view_my_links": "View my links"
+    "view_my_links": "View my links",
+    "copy_link": "Kopieer skakel"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Pas u rekeninginstellings aan.",
     "account_email_description": "Jou primêre e -posadres.",
     "account_name_description": "Dit is u vertoonnaam.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Agtergrond",
     "black_mode": "Swart",
     "choose_language": "Kies taal",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "Verify email"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Actions",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Kopieer versoekskakel",
       "delete_method": "Kies DELETE metode",
       "get_method": "Kies GET -metode",
       "head_method": "Kies HOOF metode",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Stoor in versamelings",
       "send_request": "Stuur versoek",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Versoek"
+      "title": "Versoek",
+      "copy_request_link": "Kopieer versoekskakel"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "Na knipbord gekopieer",
     "deleted": "Uitgevee",
     "deprecated": "GEDRAGTEER",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Ontkoppel",
     "disconnected_from": "Ontkoppel van {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Dokumentasie gegenereer",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "Aflaai begin",
     "enabled": "Geaktiveer",
     "file_imported": "Lêer ingevoer",
     "finished_in": "Klaar in {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "Geskiedenis uitgevee",
     "linewrap": "Draai lyne toe",
     "loading": "Laai tans ...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}",
     "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Navrae",
     "query": "Navraag",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Toetse",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "Email doesn't match with your account details. Contact your team owner.",
     "exit": "Verlaat span",
     "exit_disabled": "Slegs eienaar kan nie die span verlaat nie",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "Die e -posformaat is ongeldig",
     "invalid_id": "Invalid team ID. Contact your team owner.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Span gered",
     "select_a_team": "Select a team",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Spanne",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Actions",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "الغاء",
     "choose_file": "اختيار ملف",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "الاتصال",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "نسخ",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "حذف",
     "disconnect": "قطع الاتصال",
     "dismiss": "رفض",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "لصق",
     "prettify": "جمال",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "ازالة",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "اعادة",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "بحث",
     "send": "ارسل",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "ابدأ",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "قف",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "دردش معنا",
     "contact_us": "اتصل بنا",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "انسخ",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copy User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Developer options",
     "developer_option_description": "Developer tools which helps in development and maintenance of Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح",
     "name": "هوبسكوتش",
     "new_version_found": "تم العثور على نسخة جديدة. قم بالتحديث للتحديث.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "سياسة خصوصية الوكيل",
     "reload": "إعادة تحميل",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "توليد رمز",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "تضمين في URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "تعلم كيف",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
     "password": "كلمة المرور",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "رمز",
     "type": "نوع التفويض",
     "username": "اسم المستخدم"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "تم إنشاء المجموعة",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "تحرير المجموعة",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "الرجاء تقديم اسم صالح للمجموعة",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "اسم المجموعة يجب ان لايقل على 3 رموز",
     "new": "مجموعة جديدة",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "تمت إعادة تسمية المجموعة",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "حفظ باسم",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا المجلد نهائيًا؟",
     "remove_history": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف كل المحفوظات بشكل دائم؟",
     "remove_request": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الطلب نهائيًا؟",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد حذف هذا الفريق؟",
     "remove_telemetry": "هل أنت متأكد أنك تريد الانسحاب من القياس عن بعد؟",
     "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "رأس {count}",
     "message": "الرسالة {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "سجل الدخول لرؤية فريقك",
     "protocols": "البروتوكولات فارغة",
     "schema": "اتصل بنقطة نهاية GraphQL",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "اسم الفريق فارغ",
     "teams": "الفرق فارغة",
-    "tests": "لا توجد اختبارات لهذا الطلب"
+    "tests": "لا توجد اختبارات لهذا الطلب",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Add to Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "الرجاء تقديم اسم صالح للبيئة",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "قائمة متغيرة"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "يبدو أن هذا المستعرض لا يدعم أحداث إرسال الخادم.",
     "check_console_details": "تحقق من سجل وحدة التحكم للحصول على التفاصيل.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "لم يتم تنسيق cURL بشكل صحيح",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "تعذر تجميل جسم غير صالح وحل أخطاء بناء جملة json وحاول مرة أخرى",
     "network_error": "There seems to be a network error. Please try again.",
     "network_fail": "تعذر إرسال الطلب",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "لا مدة",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No matches found",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "تعذر تنفيذ نص الطلب المسبق",
     "something_went_wrong": "هناك خطأ ما",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "تصدير بتنسيق JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "إنشاء جوهر سري",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "خلقت الجست",
     "require_github": "تسجيل الدخول باستخدام GitHub لإنشاء جوهر سري",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "الاشتراكات",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "سيتم إنشاء رأس التفويض تلقائيًا عند إرسال الطلب.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "قم بإنشاء الوثائق أولاً",
     "network_fail": "تعذر الوصول إلى نقطة نهاية API. تحقق من اتصالك بالشبكة وحاول مرة أخرى.",
     "offline": "يبدو أنك غير متصل بالإنترنت. قد لا تكون البيانات الموجودة في مساحة العمل هذه محدثة.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "مجموعات الاستيراد",
     "curl": "استيراد cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "فشل الاستيراد",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "الاستيراد من Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "استيراد من Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "استيراد من Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "استيراد من مجموعة Postman",
     "from_url": "استيراد من رابط",
     "gist_url": "أدخل عنوان URL لـ Gist",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "استيراد مجموعة من ملفHoppscotch Collections JSON file",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "يستورد"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "المجموعات",
     "confirm": "يتأكد",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "تحرير الطلب",
-    "import_export": "استيراد و تصدير"
+    "import_export": "استيراد و تصدير",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "نسخ الوصلة",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "مدة",
     "enter_curl": "أدخل cURL",
     "generate_code": "إنشاء التعليمات البرمجية",
     "generated_code": "رمز تم إنشاؤه",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "قائمة الرأس",
     "invalid_name": "يرجى تقديم اسم للطلب",
     "method": "طريقة",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "تم حفظ الطلب",
     "share": "يشارك",
     "share_description": "Share Hoppscotch with your friends",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "طلب",
     "type": "نوع الطلب",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "المتغيرات",
-    "view_my_links": "View my links"
+    "view_my_links": "View my links",
+    "copy_link": "نسخ الوصلة"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "تخصيص إعدادات حسابك.",
     "account_email_description": "عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني الأساسي.",
     "account_name_description": "هذا هو اسم العرض الخاص بك.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "خلفية",
     "black_mode": "أسود",
     "choose_language": "اختر اللغة",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "تأكيد البريد الإلكتروني"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Actions",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "نسخ ارتباط الطلب",
       "delete_method": "حدد طريقة الحذف",
       "get_method": "حدد طريقة GET",
       "head_method": "حدد طريقة HEAD",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "حفظ في المجموعات",
       "send_request": "ارسل طلب",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "طلب"
+      "title": "طلب",
+      "copy_request_link": "نسخ ارتباط الطلب"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "نسخ إلى الحافظة",
     "deleted": "تم الحذف",
     "deprecated": "إهمال",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "انقطع الاتصال",
     "disconnected_from": "انقطع الاتصال بـ {name}",
     "docs_generated": "تم إنشاء الوثائق",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "بدأ التنزيل",
     "enabled": "ممكن",
     "file_imported": "تم استيراد الملف",
     "finished_in": "انتهى في {duration} مللي ثانية",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "تم حذف السجل",
     "linewrap": "خطوط الالتفاف",
     "loading": "تحميل...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}",
     "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "استفسارات",
     "query": "استفسار",
     "schema": "مخطط",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "مقبس",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "الاختبارات",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "البريد الإلكتروني لا يتوافق مع معلومات حسابك. اتصل بمدير الفريق.",
     "exit": "فريق الخروج",
     "exit_disabled": "فقط المالك لا يمكنه الخروج من الفريق",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "تنسيق البريد الإلكتروني غير صالح",
     "invalid_id": "معرف الفريق غير صالح. اتصل بمدير الفريق.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "فريق حفظ",
     "select_a_team": "اختر فريق",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "فرق",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "لقد أرسلنا رابط دعوة لجميع المدعوين!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "اطلب من جميع المدعوين التحقق من صندوق الوارد الخاص بهم. انقر على الرابط للانضمام إلى الفريق."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Actions",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "Cancel·lar",
     "choose_file": "Triar un fitxer",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Connectar",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "Copiar",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Eliminar",
     "disconnect": "Desconnectar",
     "dismiss": "Tancar",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Obrir espai de treball",
     "paste": "Enganxar",
     "prettify": "Fes-ho bonic",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Eliminar",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Restaurar",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Desplaceu-vos cap a dalt",
     "search": "Cercar",
     "send": "Enviar",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Començar",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Aturar",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "Xateja amb nosaltres",
     "contact_us": "Contacta amb nosaltres",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "Copiar",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copiar User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Opcions de desenvolupador",
     "developer_option_description": "Eines de desenvolupament que ajuden en el desenvolupament i manteniment de Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Dreceres de teclat",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "S'ha trobat una nova versió. Refresca per actualitzar.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Opcions",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Política de privadesa del servidor intermediari (proxy)",
     "reload": "Recarregar",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Generar Token",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "Inclou a l'URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Aprèn com",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Passar per",
     "password": "Contrasenya",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Token",
     "type": "Tipus d'autorització",
     "username": "Nom d'usuari"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Col·lecció creada",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Editar la col·lecció",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Proporcioneu un nom vàlid per a la col·lecció",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "El nom de la col·lecció ha de tenir almenys 3 caràcters",
     "new": "Nova col · lecció",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "S'ha canviat el nom de la col·lecció",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "Guardar com",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Està segur que vol suprimir definitivament aquesta carpeta?",
     "remove_history": "Està segur que vol suprimir definitivament tot l'historial?",
     "remove_request": "Està segur que vol suprimir definitivament aquesta sol·licitud?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Està segur que vol suprimir aquest equip?",
     "remove_telemetry": "Està segur que vol desactivar Telemetry?",
     "request_change": "Està segur que vol descartar la sol·licitud actual, els canvis no desats es perdran.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Capçalera {count}",
     "message": "Missatges {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Inicia sessió per veure el vostre perfil",
     "protocols": "Els protocols estan buits",
     "schema": "Connecta't a un endpoint GraphQL",
-    "shortcodes": "Els shortcodes estan buits",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "El nom de l'equip és buit",
     "teams": "Els equips estan buits",
-    "tests": "No hi ha proves per a aquesta sol·licitud"
+    "tests": "No hi ha proves per a aquesta sol·licitud",
+    "shortcodes": "Els shortcodes estan buits"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Afegir-ho a Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Proporcioneu un nom vàlid per a l'entorn",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Llista de variables"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Sembla que aquest navegador no és compatible amb els Esdeveniments Enviats pel Servidor (Server Sent Events).",
     "check_console_details": "Consulta el registre de la consola per obtenir més informació.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL no està formatat correctament",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "No s'ha pogut personalitzar un cos no vàlid, resol els errors de sintaxi json i tornar-ho a provar",
     "network_error": "Sembla que hi ha un error de xarxa. Si us plau torna-ho a provar.",
     "network_fail": "No s'ha pogut enviar la sol·licitud",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Sense durada",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "No s'ha pogut executar l'script de sol·licitud prèvia",
     "something_went_wrong": "Alguna cosa ha anat malament",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Exporta com a JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Crear un Gist secret",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Gist creat",
     "require_github": "Inicieu la sessió amb GitHub per crear un Gisst secret",
     "title": "Exportar"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Subscripcions",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "La capçalera de l'autorització es generarà automàticament quan envieu la sol·licitud.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Genereu documentació primer",
     "network_fail": "No es pot arribar al punt final de l'API. Comproveu la connexió de xarxa i torneu-ho a provar.",
     "offline": "Sembla que estàs fora de línia. És possible que les dades d'aquest espai de treball no estiguin actualitzades.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Importar col·leccions",
     "curl": "Importar cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "La importació ha fallat",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Importar des de Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Importar des de l'URL de Gist",
     "from_insomnia": "Importar des d'Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Importar des de la col·lecció de Postman",
     "from_url": "Importar des de l'URL",
     "gist_url": "Introduïu l'URL del Gist",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "No s'han pogut obtenir dades de l'URL",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "S'ha produït un error en importar les col·leccions",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Tipus no compatible. Els valors acceptats són 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Col·leccions importades",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Importar col·leccions des d'un fitxer JSON de col·leccions Hoppscotch",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Importació"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Col·leccions",
     "confirm": "Confirmar",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Sol·licitud d'edició",
-    "import_export": "Importar / Exportar"
+    "import_export": "Importar / Exportar",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Estructurat",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Copia l'enllaç",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Durada",
     "enter_curl": "Introduïu cURL",
     "generate_code": "Generar codi",
     "generated_code": "Codi generat",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Llista de capçaleres",
     "invalid_name": "Proporcioneu un nom per a la sol·licitud",
     "method": "Mètode",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "S'ha desat la sol·licitud",
     "share": "Compartir",
     "share_description": "Comparteix Hoppscotch amb els teus amics",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Sol·licitud",
     "type": "Tipus de sol·licitud",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Variables",
-    "view_my_links": "Visualitzar els meus enllaços"
+    "view_my_links": "Visualitzar els meus enllaços",
+    "copy_link": "Copia l'enllaç"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Personalitzeu la configuració del compte.",
     "account_email_description": "La vostra adreça de correu electrònic principal.",
     "account_name_description": "Aquest és el vostre nom d'exposició",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Fons",
     "black_mode": "Negre",
     "choose_language": "Tria l'idioma",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "Verificar correu electronic"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Accions",
-    "created_on": "Creat el",
-    "deleted": "S'ha suprimit el shortcode",
-    "method": "Mètode",
-    "not_found": "No s'ha trobat el shortcode",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Copiar l'enllaç de la sol·licitud",
       "delete_method": "Seleccionar el mètode DELETE",
       "get_method": "Seleccionar el mètode GET",
       "head_method": "Seleccionar el mètode HEAD",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Guardar a les col·leccions",
       "send_request": "Enviar sol.licitud",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Sol·licitud"
+      "title": "Sol·licitud",
+      "copy_request_link": "Copiar l'enllaç de la sol·licitud"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "No s'ha pogut connectar",
     "connection_failed": "Connexió fallida",
     "connection_lost": "Connexió perduda",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "Copiat al porta-retalls",
     "deleted": "Eliminat",
     "deprecated": "Obsolet",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Desconnectat",
     "disconnected_from": "Desconnectat de {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Documentació generada",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "S'ha iniciat la baixada",
     "enabled": "Activat",
     "file_imported": "Fitxer importat",
     "finished_in": "Acabat en {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "S'ha suprimit l'historial",
     "linewrap": "Embolcar línies",
     "loading": "S'està carregant...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "S'ha produït un error en publicar el missatge: {topic} al tema: {message}",
     "published_message": "Missatge publicat: {missatge} al tema: {tema}",
     "reconnection_error": "No s'ha pogut tornar a connectar",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "No s'ha pogut subscriure al tema: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "S'ha subscrit correctament al tema: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "No s'ha pogut cancel·lar la subscripció al tema: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Consultes",
     "query": "Consulta",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Proves",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "El correu electrònic no coincideix amb les dades del vostre compte. Contacta amb el propietari del teu equip.",
     "exit": "Sortir de l'equip",
     "exit_disabled": "L'únic propietari no pot sortir de l'equip",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "El format del correu electrònic no és vàlid",
     "invalid_id": "Identificador d'equip no vàlid. Contacta amb el propietari del teu equip.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "S'ha guardat l'equip",
     "select_a_team": "Select a team",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Equips",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "Hem enviat un enllaç d'invitació a tots els convidats!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Demaneu a tots els convidats que comprovin la seva safata d'entrada. Feu clic a l'enllaç per unir-vos a l'equip."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Accions",
+    "created_on": "Creat el",
+    "deleted": "S'ha suprimit el shortcode",
+    "method": "Mètode",
+    "not_found": "No s'ha trobat el shortcode",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "自动滚动",
     "cancel": "取消",
     "choose_file": "选择文件",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "连接",
     "connecting": "连接中",
     "copy": "复制",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "删除",
     "disconnect": "断开连接",
     "dismiss": "忽略",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "打开工作区",
     "paste": "粘贴",
     "prettify": "美化",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "移除",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "恢复",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "滚动至顶部",
     "search": "搜索",
     "send": "发送",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "开始",
     "starting": "正在开始",
     "stop": "停止",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "与我们交谈",
     "contact_us": "联系我们",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "复制",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "复制认证 Token",
     "developer_option": "开发者选项",
     "developer_option_description": "开发者工具,有助于开发和维护 Hoppscotch。",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "键盘快捷键",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "已发现新版本。刷新页面以更新。",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "选项",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "代理隐私政策",
     "reload": "重新加载",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "生成令牌",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "包含在 URL 内",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "了解更多",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "传递方式",
     "password": "密码",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "令牌",
     "type": "授权类型",
     "username": "用户名"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "集合已创建",
     "different_parent": "不能用不同的父类来重新排序集合",
     "edit": "编辑集合",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "请提供有效的集合名称",
     "invalid_root_move": "该集合已经在根级了",
     "moved": "移动完成",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "集合名字至少需要 3 个字符",
     "new": "新建集合",
     "order_changed": "集合顺序已更新",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "集合已更名",
     "request_in_use": "请求正在使用中",
     "save_as": "另存为",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "你确定要永久删除该文件夹吗?",
     "remove_history": "你确定要永久删除全部历史记录吗?",
     "remove_request": "你确定要永久删除该请求吗?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "你确定要删除该团队吗?",
     "remove_telemetry": "你确定要退出遥测服务吗?",
     "request_change": "你确定你要放弃当前的请求,未保存的修改将被丢失。",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "请求头 {count}",
     "message": "消息 {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "登录以查看你的个人资料",
     "protocols": "协议为空",
     "schema": "连接至 GraphQL 端点",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes 为空",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "订阅为空",
     "team_name": "团队名称为空",
     "teams": "团队为空",
-    "tests": "没有针对该请求的测试"
+    "tests": "没有针对该请求的测试",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes 为空"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "添加到全局环境",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "请提供有效的环境名称",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "我的环境",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "变量列表"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "该浏览器似乎不支持 SSE。",
     "check_console_details": "检查控制台日志以获悉详情",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL 格式不正确",
     "danger_zone": "危险区域",
     "delete_account": "您的帐号目前为这些团队的拥有者:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "无法美化无效的请求头,处理 JSON 语法错误并重试",
     "network_error": "好像发生了网络错误,请重试。",
     "network_fail": "无法发送请求",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "无持续时间",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "找不到结果",
     "page_not_found": "找不到此頁面",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "无法执行预请求脚本",
     "something_went_wrong": "发生了一些错误",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "导出为 JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "创建私密 Gist",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "已创建 Gist",
     "require_github": "使用 GitHub 登录以创建私密 Gist",
     "title": "导出"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "订阅",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "时间",
     "url": "网址"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "授权头将会在你发送请求时自动生成。",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "请先生成文档",
     "network_fail": "无法到达 API 端点。请检查网络连接并重试。",
     "offline": "你似乎处于离线状态,该工作区中的数据可能不是最新。",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "导入集合",
     "curl": "导入 cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "导入失败",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "从 Gist 导入",
     "from_gist_description": "从 Gist URL 导入",
     "from_insomnia": "从 Insomnia 导入",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "从 Postman 集合中导入",
     "from_url": "从 URL 导入",
     "gist_url": "输入 Gist URL",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "无法从网址取得资料",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "导入组合时发生错误",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "不支持此类型。可接受的值为 'hoppscotch'、'openapi'、'postman'、'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "已导入组合",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "从 Hoppscotch 的集合文件导入(JSON)",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "导入"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "有未保存的变更",
     "collections": "集合",
     "confirm": "确认",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "编辑请求",
-    "import_export": "导入/导出"
+    "import_export": "导入/导出",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "您已经订阅了此主题。",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "结构",
       "text": "文字"
-    "copy_link": "复制链接",
     "different_collection": "不能对来自不同集合的请求进行重新排序",
     "duplicated": "重复的请求",
     "duration": "持续时间",
     "enter_curl": "输入 cURL",
     "generate_code": "生成代码",
     "generated_code": "已生成代码",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "请求头列表",
     "invalid_name": "请提供请求名称",
     "method": "方法",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "请求已保存",
     "share": "分享",
     "share_description": "分享 Hoppscotch 给你的朋友",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "请求",
     "type": "请求类型",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "变量",
-    "view_my_links": "查看我的链接"
+    "view_my_links": "查看我的链接",
+    "copy_link": "复制链接"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "自定义您的帐户设置。",
     "account_email_description": "您的主要电子邮箱地址。",
     "account_name_description": "这是您的显示名称。",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "背景",
     "black_mode": "黑色",
     "choose_language": "选择语言",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "已验证电子邮件地址",
     "verify_email": "验证电子邮箱"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "操作",
-    "created_on": "创建于",
-    "deleted": "已刪除快捷键",
-    "method": "方法",
-    "not_found": "找不到快捷键",
-    "short_code": "快捷键",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "复制请求链接",
       "delete_method": "选择 DELETE 方法",
       "get_method": "选择 GET 方法",
       "head_method": "选择 HEAD 方法",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "保存到集合",
       "send_request": "发送请求",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "请求"
+      "title": "请求",
+      "copy_request_link": "复制请求链接"
     "response": {
       "copy": "复制响应至剪贴板",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "连接错误",
     "connection_failed": "连接失败",
     "connection_lost": "连接丢失",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "已复制到剪贴板",
     "deleted": "已删除",
     "deprecated": "已弃用",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "断开连接",
     "disconnected_from": "与 {name} 断开连接",
     "docs_generated": "已生成文档",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "开始下载",
     "enabled": "启用",
     "file_imported": "文件已导入",
     "finished_in": "在 {duration} 毫秒内完成",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "历史记录已删除",
     "linewrap": "换行",
     "loading": "正在加载……",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "将信息:{topic}发布至主题:{message}时发生错误",
     "published_message": "已将此信息:{message} 发布至主题:{topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "重连失败",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "无法订阅此主题:{topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "成功订阅此主题:{topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "无法取消订阅此主题:{topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "查询",
     "query": "查询",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "测试",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "邮箱无法与你的帐户信息匹配。请联系你的团队者。",
     "exit": "退出团队",
     "exit_disabled": "团队所有者无法退出团队",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "无效的集合 ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "电子邮箱格式无效",
     "invalid_id": "无效的团队 ID,请联系你的团队者。",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "目标相同",
     "saved": "团队已保存",
     "select_a_team": "选择团队",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "团队",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "我们向所有受邀者发送了邀请链接!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "请所有受邀者检查他们的收件箱,点击链接以加入团队。"
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "我的工作空间",
     "team": "团队工作空间",
     "title": "工作空间"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "操作",
+    "created_on": "创建于",
+    "deleted": "已刪除快捷键",
+    "method": "方法",
+    "not_found": "找不到快捷键",
+    "short_code": "快捷键",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "zrušení",
     "choose_file": "Vyberte soubor",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Připojit",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "kopírovat",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Vymazat",
     "disconnect": "Odpojit",
     "dismiss": "Zavrhnout",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Paste",
     "prettify": "Prettify",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Odstranit",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Obnovit",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "Vyhledávání",
     "send": "Poslat",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Start",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Stop",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "piš si s námi",
     "contact_us": "Kontaktujte nás",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "kopírovat",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copy User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Developer options",
     "developer_option_description": "Developer tools which helps in development and maintenance of Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Klávesové zkratky",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "Nalezena nová verze. Aktualizujte aktualizací.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Zásady ochrany osobních údajů proxy",
     "reload": "Znovu načíst",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Generovat token",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "Zahrnout do adresy URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Zjistěte jak",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
     "password": "Heslo",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Žeton",
     "type": "Typ autorizace",
     "username": "Uživatelské jméno"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Kolekce vytvořena",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Upravit sbírku",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Uveďte prosím platný název kolekce",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long",
     "new": "Nová kolekce",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Sbírka přejmenována",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "Uložit jako",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Opravdu chcete tuto složku trvale smazat?",
     "remove_history": "Opravdu chcete trvale smazat celou historii?",
     "remove_request": "Opravdu chcete tento požadavek trvale smazat?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Opravdu chcete tento tým smazat?",
     "remove_telemetry": "Opravdu se chcete odhlásit z telemetrie?",
     "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Záhlaví {count}",
     "message": "Zpráva {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Login to view your profile",
     "protocols": "Protokoly jsou prázdné",
     "schema": "Připojte se ke koncovému bodu GraphQL",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Název týmu prázdný",
     "teams": "Týmy jsou prázdné",
-    "tests": "Pro tento požadavek neexistují žádné testy"
+    "tests": "Pro tento požadavek neexistují žádné testy",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Add to Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Zadejte platný název prostředí",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Seznam proměnných"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Zdá se, že tento prohlížeč nemá podporu událostí odeslaných serverem.",
     "check_console_details": "Podrobnosti najdete v protokolu konzoly.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL nemá správný formát",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Nelze předtifikovat neplatné tělo, vyřešit chyby syntaxe json a zkusit to znovu",
     "network_error": "There seems to be a network error. Please try again.",
     "network_fail": "Žádost nelze odeslat",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Žádné trvání",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No matches found",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Skript předběžného požadavku nelze spustit",
     "something_went_wrong": "Něco se pokazilo",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Exportovat jako JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Vytvořte tajnou podstatu",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Podstata vytvořena",
     "require_github": "Přihlaste se pomocí GitHub a vytvořte tajný seznam",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Předplatné",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "Autorizační hlavička se automaticky vygeneruje při odeslání požadavku.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Nejprve vytvořte dokumentaci",
     "network_fail": "Nelze dosáhnout koncového bodu API. Zkontrolujte připojení k síti a zkuste to znovu.",
     "offline": "Zdá se, že jste offline. Data v tomto pracovním prostoru nemusí být aktuální.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Import sbírek",
     "curl": "Importovat cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Import se nezdařil",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Import z Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection",
     "from_url": "Import from URL",
     "gist_url": "Zadejte URL adresy",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Import"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Sbírky",
     "confirm": "Potvrdit",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Upravit požadavek",
-    "import_export": "Import Export"
+    "import_export": "Import Export",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Kopírovat odkaz",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Doba trvání",
     "enter_curl": "Zadejte cURL",
     "generate_code": "Vygenerujte kód",
     "generated_code": "Generovaný kód",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Seznam záhlaví",
     "invalid_name": "Uveďte prosím název žádosti",
     "method": "Metoda",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "Žádost uložena",
     "share": "Podíl",
     "share_description": "Share Hoppscotch with your friends",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Žádost",
     "type": "Typ požadavku",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Proměnné",
-    "view_my_links": "View my links"
+    "view_my_links": "View my links",
+    "copy_link": "Kopírovat odkaz"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Přizpůsobte si nastavení účtu.",
     "account_email_description": "Vaše primární e -mailová adresa.",
     "account_name_description": "Toto je vaše zobrazované jméno.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Pozadí",
     "black_mode": "Černá",
     "choose_language": "Vyber jazyk",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "Verify email"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Actions",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Kopírovat požadavek na odkaz",
       "delete_method": "Vyberte metodu ODSTRANIT",
       "get_method": "Vyberte metodu ZÍSKAT",
       "head_method": "Vyberte metodu HEAD",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Uložit do sbírek",
       "send_request": "Poslat žádost",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Žádost"
+      "title": "Žádost",
+      "copy_request_link": "Kopírovat požadavek na odkaz"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "Zkopírováno do schránky",
     "deleted": "Smazáno",
     "deprecated": "ZASTARALÉ",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Odpojeno",
     "disconnected_from": "Odpojeno od {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Vygenerovaná dokumentace",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "Stahování zahájeno",
     "enabled": "Povoleno",
     "file_imported": "Soubor importován",
     "finished_in": "Hotovo za {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "Historie odstraněna",
     "linewrap": "Zabalit linky",
     "loading": "Načítání...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}",
     "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Dotazy",
     "query": "Dotaz",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Testy",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "Email doesn't match with your account details. Contact your team owner.",
     "exit": "Ukončete tým",
     "exit_disabled": "Pouze vlastník nemůže opustit tým",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "Formát e -mailu je neplatný",
     "invalid_id": "Invalid team ID. Contact your team owner.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Tým uložen",
     "select_a_team": "Select a team",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Týmy",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Actions",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "Afbestille",
     "choose_file": "Vælg en fil",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Opret forbindelse",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "Kopi",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Slet",
     "disconnect": "Koble fra",
     "dismiss": "Afskedige",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Paste",
     "prettify": "Prettify",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Fjerne",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Gendan",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "Søg",
     "send": "Sende",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Start",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Hold op",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "Chat med os",
     "contact_us": "Kontakt os",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "Kopi",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copy User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Developer options",
     "developer_option_description": "Developer tools which helps in development and maintenance of Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Tastaturgenveje",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "Ny version fundet. Opdater for at opdatere.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Politik til beskyttelse af personlige oplysninger i proxy",
     "reload": "Genindlæs",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Generer Token",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "Inkluder i URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Lær hvordan",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
     "password": "Adgangskode",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Polet",
     "type": "Godkendelse Type",
     "username": "Brugernavn"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Samlingen er oprettet",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Rediger samling",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Angiv et gyldigt navn til samlingen",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long",
     "new": "Ny kollektion",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Samling omdøbt",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "Gem som",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne mappe permanent?",
     "remove_history": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette hele historikken permanent?",
     "remove_request": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette denne anmodning permanent?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette dette hold?",
     "remove_telemetry": "Er du sikker på, at du vil fravælge telemetri?",
     "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Overskrift {count}",
     "message": "Besked {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Login to view your profile",
     "protocols": "Protokoller er tomme",
     "schema": "Opret forbindelse til et GraphQL -slutpunkt",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Teamnavn er tomt",
     "teams": "Hold er tomme",
-    "tests": "Der er ingen test for denne anmodning"
+    "tests": "Der er ingen test for denne anmodning",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Add to Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Angiv et gyldigt navn på miljøet",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Variabel liste"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Det ser ikke ud til, at denne browser understøtter Server Sent Events.",
     "check_console_details": "Tjek konsollog for at få flere oplysninger.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL er ikke formateret korrekt",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Kunne ikke pryde et ugyldigt brødtekst, løse json -syntaksfejl og prøve igen",
     "network_error": "There seems to be a network error. Please try again.",
     "network_fail": "Anmodningen kunne ikke sendes",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Ingen varighed",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No matches found",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Kunne ikke udføre pre-request script",
     "something_went_wrong": "Noget gik galt",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Eksporter som JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Opret hemmelig Gist",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Gist skabt",
     "require_github": "Log ind med GitHub for at skabe hemmelig kerne",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Abonnementer",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "Autorisationsoverskriften genereres automatisk, når du sender anmodningen.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Generer først dokumentation",
     "network_fail": "Kunne ikke nå API -slutpunktet. Kontroller din netværksforbindelse, og prøv igen.",
     "offline": "Du ser ud til at være offline. Data i dette arbejdsområde er muligvis ikke opdaterede.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Importer samlinger",
     "curl": "Importer cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Import mislykkedes",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Import fra Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection",
     "from_url": "Import from URL",
     "gist_url": "Indtast Gist URL",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Importere"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Samlinger",
     "confirm": "Bekræfte",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Rediger anmodning",
-    "import_export": "Import Eksport"
+    "import_export": "Import Eksport",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Kopier link",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Varighed",
     "enter_curl": "Indtast cURL",
     "generate_code": "Generer kode",
     "generated_code": "Genereret kode",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Overskriftsliste",
     "invalid_name": "Angiv et navn på anmodningen",
     "method": "Metode",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "Anmodning gemt",
     "share": "Del",
     "share_description": "Share Hoppscotch with your friends",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Anmodning",
     "type": "Anmodningstype",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Variabler",
-    "view_my_links": "View my links"
+    "view_my_links": "View my links",
+    "copy_link": "Kopier link"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Tilpas dine kontoindstillinger.",
     "account_email_description": "Din primære e -mail -adresse.",
     "account_name_description": "Dette er dit visningsnavn.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Baggrund",
     "black_mode": "Sort",
     "choose_language": "Vælg sprog",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "Verify email"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Actions",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Kopiér anmodningslink",
       "delete_method": "Vælg SLET metode",
       "get_method": "Vælg GET -metode",
       "head_method": "Vælg HEAD -metode",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Gem i samlinger",
       "send_request": "Send anmodning",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Anmodning"
+      "title": "Anmodning",
+      "copy_request_link": "Kopiér anmodningslink"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "Kopieret til udklipsholder",
     "deleted": "Slettet",
     "deprecated": "DEPRECATED",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Afbrudt",
     "disconnected_from": "Koblet fra {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Dokumentation genereret",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "Downloaden er startet",
     "enabled": "Aktiveret",
     "file_imported": "Fil importeret",
     "finished_in": "Færdig om {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "Historik slettet",
     "linewrap": "Wrap linjer",
     "loading": "Indlæser...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}",
     "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Forespørgsler",
     "query": "Forespørgsel",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Test",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "Email doesn't match with your account details. Contact your team owner.",
     "exit": "Afslut Team",
     "exit_disabled": "Kun ejeren kan ikke forlade teamet",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "E -mailformatet er ugyldigt",
     "invalid_id": "Invalid team ID. Contact your team owner.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Hold reddet",
     "select_a_team": "Select a team",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Hold",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Actions",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "Abbrechen",
     "choose_file": "Datei auswählen",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Verbinden",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "Kopieren",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Löschen",
     "disconnect": "Trennen",
     "dismiss": "Verwerfen",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Einfügen",
     "prettify": "Verschönern",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Entfernen",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Wiederherstellen",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "Suchen",
     "send": "Senden",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Start",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Stopp",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "Chatte mit uns",
     "contact_us": "Kontaktiere uns",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "Kopieren",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Kopiere Nutzer-Authentisierungstoken",
     "developer_option": "Entwickleroptionen",
     "developer_option_description": "Entwicklungswerkzeuge, die helfen Hoppscotch weiter zu entwickeln und zu warten.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Tastaturkürzel",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "Neue Version gefunden. Zum Aktualisieren Seite neu laden.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Proxy-Datenschutzrichtlinie",
     "reload": "Neu laden",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Token generieren",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "In URL einbinden",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Dokumentation",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Übertragungsart",
     "password": "Passwort",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Token",
     "type": "Autorisierungsverfahren",
     "username": "Nutzername"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Sammlung erstellt",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Sammlung bearbeiten",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Bitte gib einen gültigen Namen für die Sammlung an",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Sammlungsname soll mindestens 3 Zeichen lang sein",
     "new": "Neue Sammlung",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Sammlung umbenannt",
     "request_in_use": "Anfrage wird ausgeführt",
     "save_as": "Speichern als",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Möchtest Du diesen Ordner wirklich dauerhaft löschen?",
     "remove_history": "Möchtest Du wirklich den gesamten Verlauf dauerhaft löschen?",
     "remove_request": "Möchtest Du diese Anfrage wirklich dauerhaft löschen?",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Möchtest Du dieses Team wirklich löschen?",
     "remove_telemetry": "Möchtest Du die Telemetrie wirklich deaktivieren?",
     "request_change": "Möchtest Du diese Anfrage verwerfen? Ungespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Header {count}",
     "message": "Nachricht {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Einloggen um das Profil anzusehen",
     "protocols": "Protokolle sind leer",
     "schema": "Verbinden mit einem GraphQL-Endpunkt",
-    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Teamname leer",
     "teams": "Teams sind leer",
-    "tests": "Es gibt keine Tests für diese Anfrage"
+    "tests": "Es gibt keine Tests für diese Anfrage",
+    "shortcodes": "Shortcodes are empty"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Zur Globalen Umgebung hinzufügen",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Bitte gib einen gültigen Namen für die Umgebung an",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "My Environments",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Variablenliste"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Dieser Browser scheint keine Unterstützung für die vom Server gesendete Ereignisse zu haben.",
     "check_console_details": "Einzelheiten findest Du in der Browser-Konsole.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "cURL ist nicht richtig formatiert",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Ein ungültiger Text konnte nicht verschönert werden, JSON-Syntaxfehler beheben und erneut versuchen",
     "network_error": "Netzwerkfehler. Bitte versuche es erneut.",
     "network_fail": "Anfrage konnte nicht gesendet werden",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Keine Dauer",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "No matches found",
     "page_not_found": "This page could not be found",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Pre-Request-Skripte konnte nicht ausgeführt werden",
     "something_went_wrong": "Etwas ist schief gelaufen",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Als JSON exportieren",
     "create_secret_gist": "Geheimen Github Gist erstellen",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Gist erstellt",
     "require_github": "Melde Dich bei GitHub an, um einen geheimen Gist zu erstellen",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Abonnements",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "Der Autorisierungsheader wird automatisch generiert, wenn Du die Anfrage sendest.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Zuerst Dokumentation erstellen",
     "network_fail": "Der API-Endpunkt kann nicht erreicht werden. Überprüfe Deine Netzwerkverbindung und versuche es erneut.",
     "offline": "Du scheinst offline zu sein. Die Daten in diesem Arbeitsbereich sind möglicherweise nicht aktuell.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Sammlungen importieren",
     "curl": "cURL importieren",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Importieren fehlgeschlagen",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Von Github Gist importieren",
     "from_gist_description": "Von Github Gist URL importieren",
     "from_insomnia": "Von Insomnia importieren",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Postman-Sammlung importieren",
     "from_url": "Von URL importieren",
     "gist_url": "Gist-URL eingeben",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Hoppscotch Sammlungsdatei (JSON) importieren",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Importieren"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Sammlungen",
     "confirm": "Aktion bestätigen",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Anfrage bearbeiten",
-    "import_export": "Import / Export"
+    "import_export": "Import / Export",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Link kopieren",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Dauer",
     "enter_curl": "cURL eingeben",
     "generate_code": "Code generieren",
     "generated_code": "Generierter Code",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Header-Liste",
     "invalid_name": "Bitte gib einen Namen für die Anfrage an",
     "method": "Methode",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "Anfrage gespeichert",
     "share": "Teilen",
     "share_description": "Teile Hoppscotch mit Deinen Freunden",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Anfrage",
     "type": "Anfragetyp",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Variablen",
-    "view_my_links": "View my links"
+    "view_my_links": "View my links",
+    "copy_link": "Link kopieren"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Passe Deine Kontoeinstellungen an.",
     "account_email_description": "Deine primäre E-Mail-Adresse.",
     "account_name_description": "Dies ist Dein Anzeigename.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Hintergrund",
     "black_mode": "Schwarz",
     "choose_language": "Sprache wählen",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
     "verify_email": "E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Actions",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Anfragelink kopieren",
       "delete_method": "DELETE-Methode auswählen",
       "get_method": "GET-Methode auswählen",
       "head_method": "HEAD-Methode auswählen",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "In Sammlungen speichern",
       "send_request": "Anfrage senden",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Anfrage"
+      "title": "Anfrage",
+      "copy_request_link": "Anfragelink kopieren"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Copy response to clipboard",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "In die Zwischenablage kopiert",
     "deleted": "Gelöscht",
     "deprecated": "VERALTET",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Getrennt",
     "disconnected_from": "Verbindung zu {name} getrennt",
     "docs_generated": "Dokumentation erstellt",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "Download gestartet",
     "enabled": "Aktiviert",
     "file_imported": "Datei importiert",
     "finished_in": "Fertig in {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "Verlauf gelöscht",
     "linewrap": "Zeilen umbrechen",
     "loading": "Wird geladen...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Something went wrong while publishing msg: {topic} to topic: {message}",
     "published_message": "Published message: {message} to topic: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Failed to reconnect",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Failed to subscribe to topic: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Successfully subscribed to topic: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Failed to unsubscribe from topic: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Anfragen",
     "query": "Anfrage",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Socket.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Tests",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "E-Mail-Adresse stimmt nicht mit Deinen Kontodaten überein, bitte kontaktiere den Teameigentümer.",
     "exit": "Team verlassen",
     "exit_disabled": "Eigentümer können das Team nicht verlassen",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "E-Mail-Format ist ungültig",
     "invalid_id": "Ungültige Team-ID, bitte kontaktiere den Teameigentümer.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Team gespeichert",
     "select_a_team": "Team auswählen",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Team",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "Einladungen wurden an alle E-Mails verschickt!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Bitte alle eingeladenen Personen, ihren Posteingang zu überprüfen. Klicke auf den Link, um dem Team beizutreten."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Actions",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Shortcode deleted",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Shortcode not found",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 124 - 15

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
   "action": {
+    "add": "Add",
     "autoscroll": "Autoscroll",
     "cancel": "Ματαίωση",
     "choose_file": "Επιλέξτε ένα αρχείο",
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
     "connect": "Συνδέω-συωδεομαι",
     "connecting": "Connecting",
     "copy": "αντίγραφο",
+    "create": "Create",
     "delete": "Διαγράφω",
     "disconnect": "Αποσυνδέω",
     "dismiss": "Απολύω",
@@ -31,6 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Paste",
     "prettify": "Ωραιοποιώ",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Αφαιρώ",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Επαναφέρω",
@@ -39,6 +42,7 @@
     "scroll_to_top": "Scroll to top",
     "search": "Αναζήτηση",
     "send": "Στείλετε",
+    "share": "Share",
     "start": "Αρχή",
     "starting": "Starting",
     "stop": "Να σταματήσει",
@@ -57,7 +61,9 @@
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "μίλα μαζί μας",
     "contact_us": "Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας",
+    "cookies": "Cookies",
     "copy": "αντίγραφο",
+    "copy_interface_type": "Copy interface type",
     "copy_user_id": "Copy User Auth Token",
     "developer_option": "Developer options",
     "developer_option_description": "Εργαλεία για προγραμματιστές που βοηθάνε στην ανάπτυξη και συντήρηση του Hoppscotch.",
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@
     "keyboard_shortcuts": "Συντομεύσεις πληκτρολογίου",
     "name": "Hoppscotch",
     "new_version_found": "Βρέθηκε νέα έκδοση. Ανανέωση για ενημέρωση.",
+    "open_in_hoppscotch": "Open in Hoppscotch",
     "options": "Options",
     "proxy_privacy_policy": "Πολιτική απορρήτου μεσολάβησης",
     "reload": "Φορτώνω πάλι",
@@ -112,10 +119,27 @@
   "authorization": {
     "generate_token": "Δημιουργήστε το διακριτικό",
+    "graphql_headers": "Authorization Headers are sent as part of the payload to connection_init",
     "include_in_url": "Συμπερίληψη στη διεύθυνση URL",
+    "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Μάθε πως",
+    "oauth": {
+      "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
+      "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
+      "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
+      "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
     "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
     "password": "Κωδικός πρόσβασης",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
     "token": "Ενδειξη",
     "type": "Τύπος εξουσιοδότησης",
     "username": "Όνομα χρήστη"
@@ -124,6 +148,7 @@
     "created": "Η συλλογή δημιουργήθηκε",
     "different_parent": "Cannot reorder collection with different parent",
     "edit": "Επεξεργασία Συλλογής",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a collection",
     "invalid_name": "Καταχωρίστε ένα έγκυρο όνομα για τη συλλογή",
     "invalid_root_move": "Collection already in the root",
     "moved": "Moved Successfully",
@@ -132,6 +157,8 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long",
     "new": "Νέα συλλογή",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
+    "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Η συλλογή μετονομάστηκε",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
     "save_as": "Αποθήκευση ως",
@@ -151,6 +178,7 @@
     "remove_folder": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά αυτόν τον φάκελο;",
     "remove_history": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά όλο το ιστορικό;",
     "remove_request": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε οριστικά αυτό το αίτημα;",
+    "remove_shared_request": "Are you sure you want to permanently delete this shared request?",
     "remove_team": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε αυτήν την ομάδα;",
     "remove_telemetry": "Είστε βέβαιοι ότι θέλετε να εξαιρεθείτε από την τηλεμετρία;",
     "request_change": "Are you sure you want to discard current request, unsaved changes will be lost.",
@@ -162,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Κεφαλίδα {count}",
     "message": "Μήνυμα {count}",
@@ -192,11 +238,13 @@
     "profile": "Συνδεθείτε για προβολή του προφίλ σας",
     "protocols": "Τα πρωτόκολλα είναι κενά",
     "schema": "Συνδεθείτε σε ένα τελικό σημείο GraphQL",
-    "shortcodes": "Τα Shortcodes είναι κενά",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Το όνομα της ομάδας είναι κενό",
     "teams": "Οι ομάδες είναι άδειες",
-    "tests": "Δεν υπάρχουν δοκιμές για αυτό το αίτημα"
+    "tests": "Δεν υπάρχουν δοκιμές για αυτό το αίτημα",
+    "shortcodes": "Τα Shortcodes είναι κενά"
   "environment": {
     "add_to_global": "Προσθήκη στο Global",
@@ -209,6 +257,7 @@
     "empty_variables": "No variables",
     "global": "Global",
     "global_variables": "Global variables",
+    "import_or_create": "Import or create a environment",
     "invalid_name": "Καταχωρίστε ένα έγκυρο όνομα για το περιβάλλον",
     "list": "Environment variables",
     "my_environments": "Τα Περιβάλλοντα μου",
@@ -232,8 +281,10 @@
     "variable_list": "Λίστα μεταβλητών"
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "Αυτό το πρόγραμμα περιήγησης δεν φαίνεται να υποστηρίζει διακομιστές που έχουν σταλεί συμβάντα.",
     "check_console_details": "Ελέγξτε το αρχείο καταγραφής της κονσόλας για λεπτομέρειες.",
+    "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
     "curl_invalid_format": "Το cURL δεν έχει μορφοποιηθεί σωστά",
     "danger_zone": "Danger zone",
     "delete_account": "Your account is currently an owner in these teams:",
@@ -249,9 +300,12 @@
     "json_prettify_invalid_body": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ομορφιά ενός μη έγκυρου σώματος, η επίλυση σφαλμάτων σύνταξης json και η προσπάθεια ξανά",
     "network_error": "Από ότι φαίνεται υπάρχει ένα σφάλμα δικτύου. Παρακαλούμε προσπαθήστε ξανά.",
     "network_fail": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποστολή του αιτήματος",
+    "no_collections_to_export": "No collections to export. Please create a collection to get started.",
     "no_duration": "Χωρίς διάρκεια",
+    "no_environments_to_export": "No environments to export. Please create an environment to get started.",
     "no_results_found": "Δεν βρέθηκαν αντιστοιχίες",
     "page_not_found": "Αυτή η σελίδα δεν βρέθηκε",
+    "please_install_extension": "Please install the extension and add origin to the extension.",
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η εκτέλεση του σεναρίου πριν από το αίτημα",
     "something_went_wrong": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά",
@@ -260,6 +314,7 @@
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Εξαγωγή ως JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Δημιουργήστε μυστική ουσία",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Η ουσία δημιουργήθηκε",
     "require_github": "Συνδεθείτε με το GitHub για να δημιουργήσετε μυστική ουσία",
     "title": "Export"
@@ -286,6 +341,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Συνδρομές",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -297,6 +355,8 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "Η κεφαλίδα εξουσιοδότησης θα δημιουργηθεί αυτόματα κατά την αποστολή του αιτήματος.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Δημιουργήστε πρώτα έγγραφα",
     "network_fail": "Δεν είναι δυνατή η πρόσβαση στο τελικό σημείο API. Ελέγξτε τη σύνδεση δικτύου και δοκιμάστε ξανά.",
     "offline": "Φαίνεται ότι είστε εκτός σύνδεσης. Τα δεδομένα σε αυτόν τον χώρο εργασίας ενδέχεται να μην είναι ενημερωμένα.",
@@ -316,7 +376,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Εισαγωγή συλλογών",
     "curl": "Εισαγωγή cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Η εισαγωγή απέτυχε",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Εισαγωγή από το Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Εισαγωγή από Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "Εισαγωγή από Insomnia",
@@ -331,11 +394,17 @@
     "from_postman_description": "Εισαγωγή Συλλογής από Postman",
     "from_url": "Εισαγωγή από URL",
     "gist_url": "Εισαγάγετε Gist URL",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Δεν μπορέσαμε να πάρουμε δεδομένα από το url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Σφάλμα κατά την εισαγωγή των Συλλογών",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Μη υποστηριζόμενος τύπος. Αποδεκτές τιμές είναι 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Η εισαγωγή των Συλλογών ήταν επιτυχής",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Εισαγωγή συλλογών αρχείο JSON Hoppscotch Collections",
+    "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
+    "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
     "title": "Εισαγωγή"
   "inspections": {
@@ -373,8 +442,10 @@
     "close_unsaved_tab": "You have unsaved changes",
     "collections": "Συλλογές",
     "confirm": "Επιβεβαιώνω",
+    "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Αίτημα Επεξεργασίας",
-    "import_export": "Εισαγωγή εξαγωγή"
+    "import_export": "Εισαγωγή εξαγωγή",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -449,13 +520,14 @@
       "structured": "Structured",
       "text": "Text"
-    "copy_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου",
     "different_collection": "Cannot reorder requests from different collections",
     "duplicated": "Request duplicated",
     "duration": "Διάρκεια",
     "enter_curl": "Εισαγάγετε cURL",
     "generate_code": "Δημιουργία κώδικα",
     "generated_code": "Παραγόμενος κώδικας",
+    "go_to_authorization_tab": "Go to Authorization tab",
+    "go_to_body_tab": "Go to Body tab",
     "header_list": "Λίστα κεφαλίδων",
     "invalid_name": "Καταχωρίστε ένα όνομα για το αίτημα",
     "method": "Μέθοδος",
@@ -480,12 +552,14 @@
     "saved": "Το αίτημα αποθηκεύτηκε",
     "share": "Μερίδιο",
     "share_description": "Κοινοποίηση Hoppscotch στους φίλους σου",
+    "share_request": "Share Request",
     "stop": "Stop",
     "title": "Αίτηση",
     "type": "Τύπος αιτήματος",
     "url": "URL",
     "variables": "Μεταβλητές",
-    "view_my_links": "Προβολή των links μου"
+    "view_my_links": "Προβολή των links μου",
+    "copy_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου"
   "response": {
     "audio": "Audio",
@@ -513,6 +587,7 @@
     "account_description": "Προσαρμόστε τις ρυθμίσεις του λογαριασμού σας.",
     "account_email_description": "Η κύρια διεύθυνση email σας.",
     "account_name_description": "Αυτό είναι το εμφανιζόμενο όνομά σας.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Ιστορικό",
     "black_mode": "Μαύρος",
     "choose_language": "Διάλεξε γλώσσα",
@@ -559,14 +634,31 @@
     "verified_email": "Επαληθευμένο email",
     "verify_email": "Επαλήθευση email"
-  "shortcodes": {
-    "actions": "Δράσεις",
-    "created_on": "Created on",
-    "deleted": "Το Shortcode διαγράφηκε",
-    "method": "Method",
-    "not_found": "Το Shortcode δεν βρέθηκε",
-    "short_code": "Short code",
-    "url": "URL"
+  "shared_requests": {
+    "button": "Button",
+    "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
+    "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
+    "copy_link": "Copy Link",
+    "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
+    "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
+    "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
+    "embed": "Embed",
+    "embed_info": "Add a mini 'Hoppscotch API Playground' to your website, blog or documentation.",
+    "link": "Link",
+    "link_info": "Create a shareable link to share with anyone on the internet with view access.",
+    "modified": "Shared request modified",
+    "not_found": "Shared request not found",
+    "open_new_tab": "Open in new tab",
+    "preview": "Preview",
+    "run_in_hoppscotch": "Run in Hoppscotch",
+    "theme": {
+      "dark": "Dark",
+      "light": "Light",
+      "system": "System",
+      "title": "Theme"
+    }
   "shortcut": {
     "general": {
@@ -596,7 +688,6 @@
       "title": "Others"
     "request": {
-      "copy_request_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου αιτήματος",
       "delete_method": "Επιλέξτε ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΗ μεθόδου",
       "get_method": "Επιλέξτε μέθοδο GET",
       "head_method": "Επιλέξτε μέθοδο HEAD",
@@ -611,8 +702,10 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Αποθήκευση στις Συλλογές",
       "send_request": "Στείλε αίτημα",
+      "share_request": "Share Request",
       "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
-      "title": "Αίτηση"
+      "title": "Αίτηση",
+      "copy_request_link": "Αντιγραφή συνδέσμου αιτήματος"
     "response": {
       "copy": "Αντιγραφή response στο πρόχειρο",
@@ -735,6 +828,7 @@
     "connection_error": "Η Σύνδεση απέτυχε",
     "connection_failed": "Αποτυχής Σύνδεση",
     "connection_lost": "Η Σύνδεση χάθηκε",
+    "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
     "copied_to_clipboard": "Αντιγράφηκε στο πρόχειρο",
     "deleted": "Διαγράφηκε",
     "deprecated": "ΚΑΤΑΡΓΗΘΗΚΕ",
@@ -742,10 +836,12 @@
     "disconnected": "Ασύνδετος",
     "disconnected_from": "Αποσυνδέθηκε από το {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Δημιουργήθηκε τεκμηρίωση",
+    "download_failed": "Download failed",
     "download_started": "Η λήψη ξεκίνησε",
     "enabled": "Ενεργοποιημένο",
     "file_imported": "Το αρχείο εισήχθη",
     "finished_in": "Ολοκληρώθηκε σε {duration} ms",
+    "hide": "Hide",
     "history_deleted": "Το ιστορικό διαγράφηκε",
     "linewrap": "Τυλίξτε γραμμές",
     "loading": "Φόρτωση...",
@@ -756,6 +852,7 @@
     "published_error": "Κάτι πήγε στραβά κατα την αποστολή του μηνύματος: {topic} με θέμα: {message}",
     "published_message": "Δημοσιευμένο Μηνυμα: {message} με θέμα: {topic}",
     "reconnection_error": "Αποτυχία επανασύνδεσης",
+    "show": "Show",
     "subscribed_failed": "Αποτυχία εγγραφής στο Θέμα: {topic}",
     "subscribed_success": "Επιτυχία εγγραφής στο Θέμα: {topic}",
     "unsubscribed_failed": "Αποτυχία απεγγραφής στο Θέμα: {topic}",
@@ -791,6 +888,7 @@
     "queries": "Ερωτήματα",
     "query": "Ερώτηση",
     "schema": "Schema",
+    "shared_requests": "Shared Requests",
     "socketio": "Υποδοχή.IO",
     "sse": "SSE",
     "tests": "Δοκιμές",
@@ -807,6 +905,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "Το Email δεν ταιριάζει με τις λεπτομέριες του προφιλ σας. Επικοινωνήστε με τον Ιδιοκτήτη της Ομάδας.",
     "exit": "Έξοδος από την ομάδα",
     "exit_disabled": "Μόνο ο ιδιοκτήτης δεν μπορεί να αποχωρήσει από την ομάδα",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "Η μορφή ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου δεν είναι έγκυρη",
     "invalid_id": "Μή εγκυρο αναγνωριστικό ομάδας. Επικοινωνήστε με τον Ιδιοκτήτη της Ομάδας.",
@@ -848,6 +947,7 @@
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Η ομάδα σώθηκε",
     "select_a_team": "Επιλογή ομάδας",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Της ομάδας",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "Στείλαμε έναν σύνδεσμο πρόσκλησης σε όλους!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ζητήστε από όλους όσους στείλατε πρόσκληση να ελέγξουν τα email τους. Click στον σύνδεσμο για εισαγωγή στην ομάδα."
@@ -879,5 +979,14 @@
     "personal": "My Workspace",
     "team": "Team Workspace",
     "title": "Workspaces"
+  },
+  "shortcodes": {
+    "actions": "Δράσεις",
+    "created_on": "Created on",
+    "deleted": "Το Shortcode διαγράφηκε",
+    "method": "Method",
+    "not_found": "Το Shortcode δεν βρέθηκε",
+    "short_code": "Short code",
+    "url": "URL"

+ 62 - 62

@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     "open_workspace": "Open workspace",
     "paste": "Paste",
     "prettify": "Prettify",
-    "properties":"Properties",
+    "properties": "Properties",
     "remove": "Remove",
     "rename": "Rename",
     "restore": "Restore",
@@ -58,24 +58,6 @@
     "new": "Add new",
     "star": "Add star"
-  "cookies": {
-    "modal": {
-      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
-      "set": "Set a cookie",
-      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
-      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
-      "cookie_name": "Name",
-      "cookie_value": "Value",
-      "cookie_path": "Path",
-      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
-      "managed_tab": "Managed",
-      "raw_tab": "Raw",
-      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
-      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
-      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
-      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain"
-    }
-  },
   "app": {
     "chat_with_us": "Chat with us",
     "contact_us": "Contact us",
@@ -141,26 +123,26 @@
     "include_in_url": "Include in URL",
     "inherited_from": "Inherited from {auth} from Parent Collection {collection} ",
     "learn": "Learn how",
-    "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
-    "password": "Password",
-    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
-    "token": "Token",
-    "type": "Authorization Type",
-    "username": "Username",
     "oauth": {
-      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed",
-      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
       "redirect_auth_server_returned_error": "Auth Server returned an error state",
-      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
+      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
       "redirect_invalid_state": "Invalid State value present in the redirect",
-      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "redirect_no_auth_code": "No Authorization Code present in the redirect",
       "redirect_no_client_id": "No Client ID defined",
       "redirect_no_client_secret": "No Client Secret Defined",
       "redirect_no_code_verifier": "No Code Verifier Defined",
-      "redirect_auth_token_request_failed": "Request to get the auth token failed",
-      "redirect_auth_token_request_invalid_response": "Invalid Response from the Token Endpoint when requesting for an auth token",
-      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect"
-    }
+      "redirect_no_token_endpoint": "No Token Endpoint Defined",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_oauth_redirect": "Something went wrong during OAuth Redirect",
+      "something_went_wrong_on_token_generation": "Something went wrong on token generation",
+      "token_generation_oidc_discovery_failed": "Failure on token generation: OpenID Connect Discovery Failed"
+    },
+    "pass_key_by": "Pass by",
+    "password": "Password",
+    "save_to_inherit": "Please save this request in any collection to inherit the authorization",
+    "token": "Token",
+    "type": "Authorization Type",
+    "username": "Username"
   "collection": {
     "created": "Collection created",
@@ -175,7 +157,7 @@
     "name_length_insufficient": "Collection name should be at least 3 characters long",
     "new": "New Collection",
     "order_changed": "Collection Order Updated",
-    "properties":"Collection Properties",
+    "properties": "Collection Properties",
     "properties_updated": "Collection Properties Updated",
     "renamed": "Collection renamed",
     "request_in_use": "Request in use",
@@ -208,6 +190,24 @@
     "open_request_in_new_tab": "Open request in new tab",
     "set_environment_variable": "Set as variable"
+  "cookies": {
+    "modal": {
+      "cookie_expires": "Expires",
+      "cookie_name": "Name",
+      "cookie_path": "Path",
+      "cookie_string": "Cookie string",
+      "cookie_value": "Value",
+      "empty_domain": "Domain is empty",
+      "empty_domains": "Domain list is empty",
+      "enter_cookie_string": "Enter cookie string",
+      "interceptor_no_support": "Your currently selected interceptor does not support cookies. Select a different Interceptor and try again.",
+      "managed_tab": "Managed",
+      "new_domain_name": "New domain name",
+      "no_cookies_in_domain": "No cookies set for this domain",
+      "raw_tab": "Raw",
+      "set": "Set a cookie"
+    }
+  },
   "count": {
     "header": "Header {count}",
     "message": "Message {count}",
@@ -238,8 +238,8 @@
     "profile": "Login to view your profile",
     "protocols": "Protocols are empty",
     "schema": "Connect to a GraphQL endpoint to view schema",
-    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "shared_requests": "Shared requests are empty",
+    "shared_requests_logout": "Login to view your shared requests or create a new one",
     "subscription": "Subscriptions are empty",
     "team_name": "Team name empty",
     "teams": "You don't belong to any teams",
@@ -279,10 +279,8 @@
     "variable": "Variable",
     "variable_list": "Variable List"
-  "graphql_collections": {
-    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
-  },
   "error": {
+    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers",
     "browser_support_sse": "This browser doesn't seems to have Server Sent Events support.",
     "check_console_details": "Check console log for details.",
     "check_how_to_add_origin": "Check how you can add an origin",
@@ -310,16 +308,15 @@
     "proxy_error": "Proxy error",
     "script_fail": "Could not execute pre-request script",
     "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong",
-    "test_script_fail": "Could not execute post-request script",
-    "authproviders_load_error": "Unable to load auth providers"
+    "test_script_fail": "Could not execute post-request script"
   "export": {
     "as_json": "Export as JSON",
     "create_secret_gist": "Create secret Gist",
+    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting",
     "gist_created": "Gist created",
     "require_github": "Login with GitHub to create secret gist",
-    "title": "Export",
-    "failed": "Something went wrong while exporting"
+    "title": "Export"
   "filter": {
     "all": "All",
@@ -343,6 +340,9 @@
     "subscriptions": "Subscriptions",
     "switch_connection": "Switch connection"
+  "graphql_collections": {
+    "title": "GraphQL Collections"
+  },
   "group": {
     "time": "Time",
     "url": "URL"
@@ -354,14 +354,14 @@
   "helpers": {
     "authorization": "The authorization header will be automatically generated when you send the request.",
+    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
+    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "generate_documentation_first": "Generate documentation first",
     "network_fail": "Unable to reach the API endpoint. Check your network connection or select a different Interceptor and try again.",
     "offline": "You're using Hoppscotch offline. Updates will sync when you're online, based on workspace settings.",
     "offline_short": "You're using Hoppscotch offline.",
     "post_request_tests": "Test scripts are written in JavaScript, and are run after the response is received.",
     "pre_request_script": "Pre-request scripts are written in JavaScript, and are run before the request is sent.",
-    "collection_properties_authorization": " This authorization will be set for every request in this collection.",
-    "collection_properties_header": "This header will be set for every request in this collection.",
     "script_fail": "It seems there is a glitch in the pre-request script. Check the error below and fix the script accordingly.",
     "test_script_fail": "There seems to be an error with test script. Please fix the errors and run tests again",
     "tests": "Write a test script to automate debugging."
@@ -375,7 +375,10 @@
   "import": {
     "collections": "Import collections",
     "curl": "Import cURL",
+    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
+    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
     "failed": "Error while importing: format not recognized",
+    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_gist": "Import from Gist",
     "from_gist_description": "Import from Gist URL",
     "from_insomnia": "Import from Insomnia",
@@ -388,23 +391,20 @@
     "from_openapi_description": "Import from OpenAPI specification file (YML/JSON)",
     "from_postman": "Import from Postman",
     "from_postman_description": "Import from Postman collection",
-    "from_file": "Import from File",
     "from_url": "Import from URL",
     "gist_url": "Enter Gist URL",
+    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist",
+    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
+    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "import_from_url_invalid_fetch": "Couldn't get data from the url",
     "import_from_url_invalid_file_format": "Error while importing collections",
     "import_from_url_invalid_type": "Unsupported type. accepted values are 'hoppscotch', 'openapi', 'postman', 'insomnia'",
     "import_from_url_success": "Collections Imported",
+    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
     "json_description": "Import collections from a Hoppscotch Collections JSON file",
-    "title": "Import",
-    "hoppscotch_environment": "Hoppscotch Environment",
-    "hoppscotch_environment_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environment JSON file",
     "postman_environment": "Postman Environment",
     "postman_environment_description": "Import Postman Environment from a JSON file",
-    "insomnia_environment_description": "Import Insomnia Environment from a JSON/YAML file",
-    "environments_from_gist": "Import From Gist",
-    "environments_from_gist_description": "Import Hoppscotch Environments From Gist",
-    "gql_collections_from_gist_description": "Import GraphQL Collections From Gist"
+    "title": "Import"
   "inspections": {
     "description": "Inspect possible errors",
@@ -443,8 +443,8 @@
     "confirm": "Confirm",
     "customize_request": "Customize Request",
     "edit_request": "Edit Request",
-    "share_request": "Share Request",
-    "import_export": "Import / Export"
+    "import_export": "Import / Export",
+    "share_request": "Share Request"
   "mqtt": {
     "already_subscribed": "You are already subscribed to this topic.",
@@ -585,6 +585,7 @@
     "account_description": "Customize your account settings.",
     "account_email_description": "Your primary email address.",
     "account_name_description": "This is your display name.",
+    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "background": "Background",
     "black_mode": "Black",
     "choose_language": "Choose language",
@@ -629,17 +630,16 @@
     "use_experimental_url_bar": "Use experimental URL bar with environment highlighting",
     "user": "User",
     "verified_email": "Verified email",
-    "additional": "Additional Settings",
     "verify_email": "Verify email"
   "shared_requests": {
     "button": "Button",
     "button_info": "Create a 'Run in Hoppscotch' button for your website, blog or a README.",
-    "customize": "Customize",
-    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
     "copy_html": "Copy HTML",
     "copy_link": "Copy Link",
     "copy_markdown": "Copy Markdown",
+    "creating_widget": "Creating widget",
+    "customize": "Customize",
     "deleted": "Shared request deleted",
     "description": "Select a widget, you can change and customize this later",
     "embed": "Embed",
@@ -700,8 +700,8 @@
       "save_request": "Save Request",
       "save_to_collections": "Save to Collections",
       "send_request": "Send Request",
-      "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
       "share_request": "Share Request",
+      "show_code": "Generate code snippet",
       "title": "Request"
     "response": {
@@ -825,16 +825,16 @@
     "connection_error": "Failed to connect",
     "connection_failed": "Connection failed",
     "connection_lost": "Connection lost",
-    "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
     "copied_interface_to_clipboard": "Copied {language} interface type to clipboard",
+    "copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard",
     "deleted": "Deleted",
     "deprecated": "DEPRECATED",
     "disabled": "Disabled",
     "disconnected": "Disconnected",
     "disconnected_from": "Disconnected from {name}",
     "docs_generated": "Documentation generated",
-    "download_started": "Download started",
     "download_failed": "Download failed",
+    "download_started": "Download started",
     "enabled": "Enabled",
     "file_imported": "File imported",
     "finished_in": "Finished in {duration} ms",
@@ -902,6 +902,7 @@
     "email_do_not_match": "Email doesn't match with your account details. Contact your team owner.",
     "exit": "Exit Team",
     "exit_disabled": "Only owner cannot exit the team",
+    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "invalid_coll_id": "Invalid collection ID",
     "invalid_email_format": "Email format is invalid",
     "invalid_id": "Invalid team ID. Contact your team owner.",
@@ -938,13 +939,12 @@
     "not_found": "Team not found. Contact your team owner.",
     "not_valid_viewer": "You are not a valid viewer. Contact your team owner.",
     "parent_coll_move": "Cannot move collection to a child collection",
-    "success_invites": "Success invites",
-    "failed_invites": "Failed invites",
     "pending_invites": "Pending invites",
     "permissions": "Permissions",
     "same_target_destination": "Same target and destination",
     "saved": "Team saved",
     "select_a_team": "Select a team",
+    "success_invites": "Success invites",
     "title": "Teams",
     "we_sent_invite_link": "We sent an invite link to all invitees!",
     "we_sent_invite_link_description": "Ask all invitees to check their inbox. Click on the link to join the team."

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff