@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
v-for="tab in activeTabs"
- :key="`${tab.id}-${tab.document.isDirty}`"
+ :key="tab.id"
:is-removable="activeTabs.length > 1"
@@ -26,12 +26,11 @@
- @share-tab-request="shareTabRequest(tab.id)"
<template #suffix>
- v-if="tab.document.isDirty"
+ v-if="getTabDirtyStatus(tab)"
class="flex w-4 items-center justify-center text-secondary group-hover:hidden"
@@ -64,6 +63,13 @@
@hide-modal="showRenamingReqNameModal = false"
+ <HoppSmartConfirmModal
+ :show="confirmingCloseForTabID !== null"
+ :confirm="t('modal.close_unsaved_tab')"
+ :title="t('confirm.save_unsaved_tab')"
+ @hide-modal="onCloseConfirmSaveTab"
+ @resolve="onResolveConfirmSaveTab"
+ />
@@ -71,36 +77,6 @@
@hide-modal="confirmingCloseAllTabs = false"
- <HoppSmartModal
- v-if="confirmingCloseForTabID !== null"
- dialog
- role="dialog"
- aria-modal="true"
- :title="t('modal.close_unsaved_tab')"
- @close="confirmingCloseForTabID = null"
- >
- <template #body>
- <div class="text-center">
- {{ t("confirm.save_unsaved_tab") }}
- </div>
- </template>
- <template #footer>
- <span class="flex space-x-2">
- <HoppButtonPrimary
- v-focus
- :label="t?.('action.yes')"
- outline
- @click="onResolveConfirmSaveTab"
- />
- <HoppButtonSecondary
- :label="t?.('action.no')"
- filled
- outline
- @click="onCloseConfirmSaveTab"
- />
- </span>
- </template>
- </HoppSmartModal>
@@ -120,23 +96,37 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { useI18n } from "@composables/i18n"
import { safelyExtractRESTRequest } from "@hoppscotch/data"
+import { watchDebounced } from "@vueuse/core"
import { useService } from "dioc/vue"
import { cloneDeep } from "lodash-es"
-import { onMounted, ref } from "vue"
+import {
+ BehaviorSubject,
+ Subscription,
+ audit,
+ combineLatest,
+ from,
+ map,
+} from "rxjs"
+import { onBeforeUnmount, onMounted, ref } from "vue"
import { useRoute } from "vue-router"
+import { onLoggedIn } from "~/composables/auth"
import { useReadonlyStream } from "~/composables/stream"
+import { useToast } from "~/composables/toast"
import { translateExtURLParams } from "~/helpers/RESTExtURLParams"
import { defineActionHandler, invokeAction } from "~/helpers/actions"
import { getDefaultRESTRequest } from "~/helpers/rest/default"
import { HoppRESTDocument } from "~/helpers/rest/document"
+import {
+ changeCurrentSyncStatus,
+ currentSyncingStatus$,
+} from "~/newstore/syncing"
import { platform } from "~/platform"
import { InspectionService } from "~/services/inspection"
import { EnvironmentInspectorService } from "~/services/inspection/inspectors/environment.inspector"
import { HeaderInspectorService } from "~/services/inspection/inspectors/header.inspector"
import { ResponseInspectorService } from "~/services/inspection/inspectors/response.inspector"
-import { HandleRef } from "~/services/new-workspace/handle"
-import { WorkspaceRequest } from "~/services/new-workspace/workspace"
-import { HoppTab } from "~/services/tab"
+import { HoppTab, PersistableTabState } from "~/services/tab"
import { RESTTabService } from "~/services/tab/rest"
const savingRequest = ref(false)
@@ -149,16 +139,12 @@ const exceptedTabID = ref<string | null>(null)
const renameTabID = ref<string | null>(null)
const t = useI18n()
+const toast = useToast()
const tabs = useService(RESTTabService)
const currentTabID = tabs.currentTabID
-const currentUser = useReadonlyStream(
- platform.auth.getCurrentUserStream(),
- platform.auth.getCurrentUser()
type PopupDetails = {
show: boolean
position: {
@@ -179,6 +165,12 @@ const contextMenu = ref<PopupDetails>({
const activeTabs = tabs.getActiveTabs()
+const confirmSync = useReadonlyStream(currentSyncingStatus$, {
+ isInitialSync: false,
+ shouldSync: true,
+const tabStateForSync = ref<PersistableTabState<HoppRESTDocument> | null>(null)
function bindRequestToURLParams() {
const route = useRoute()
// Get URL parameters and set that as the request
@@ -218,7 +210,7 @@ const inspectionService = useService(InspectionService)
const removeTab = (tabID: string) => {
const tabState = tabs.getTabRef(tabID).value
- if (tabState.document.isDirty) {
+ if (getTabDirtyStatus(tabState)) {
confirmingCloseForTabID.value = tabID
} else {
@@ -227,8 +219,10 @@ const removeTab = (tabID: string) => {
const closeOtherTabsAction = (tabID: string) => {
- const isTabDirty = tabs.getTabRef(tabID).value?.document.isDirty
const dirtyTabCount = tabs.getDirtyTabsCount()
+ const isTabDirty = getTabDirtyStatus(tabs.getTabRef(tabID).value)
// If current tab is dirty, so we need to subtract 1 from the dirty tab count
const balanceDirtyTabCount = isTabDirty ? dirtyTabCount - 1 : dirtyTabCount
@@ -301,12 +295,7 @@ const onResolveConfirmSaveTab = () => {
if (
!saveContext ||
(saveContext.originLocation === "workspace-user-collection" &&
- // `requestHandle` gets unwrapped here
- (
- saveContext.requestHandle as
- | HandleRef<WorkspaceRequest>["value"]
- | undefined
- )?.type === "invalid")
+ saveContext.requestHandle?.value.type === "invalid")
) {
return (savingRequest.value = true)
@@ -330,17 +319,120 @@ const onSaveModalClose = () => {
-const shareTabRequest = (tabID: string) => {
- const tab = tabs.getTabRef(tabID)
- if (tab.value) {
- if (currentUser.value) {
- invokeAction("share.request", {
- request: tab.value.document.request,
- })
- } else {
- invokeAction("modals.login.toggle")
- }
+const syncTabState = () => {
+ if (tabStateForSync.value)
+ tabs.loadTabsFromPersistedState(tabStateForSync.value)
+const getTabDirtyStatus = (tab: HoppTab<HoppRESTDocument>) => {
+ if (tab.document.isDirty) {
+ return true
+ return (
+ tab.document.saveContext?.originLocation === "workspace-user-collection" &&
+ tab.document.saveContext.requestHandle?.value.type === "invalid"
+ )
+ * Performs sync of the REST Tab session with Firestore.
+ *
+ * @returns A subscription to the sync observable stream.
+ * Unsubscribe to stop syncing.
+ */
+function startTabStateSync(): Subscription {
+ const currentUser$ = platform.auth.getCurrentUserStream()
+ const tabState$ =
+ new BehaviorSubject<PersistableTabState<HoppRESTDocument> | null>(null)
+ watchDebounced(
+ tabs.persistableTabState,
+ (state) => {
+ tabState$.next(state)
+ },
+ { debounce: 500, deep: true }
+ )
+ const sub = combineLatest([currentUser$, tabState$])
+ .pipe(
+ map(([user, tabState]) =>
+ user && tabState
+ ? from(platform.sync.tabState.writeCurrentTabState(user, tabState))
+ ),
+ audit((x) => x)
+ )
+ .subscribe(() => {
+ // NOTE: This subscription should be kept
+ })
+ return sub
+const showSyncToast = () => {
+ toast.show(t("confirm.sync"), {
+ duration: 0,
+ action: [
+ {
+ text: `${t("action.yes")}`,
+ onClick: (_, toastObject) => {
+ syncTabState()
+ changeCurrentSyncStatus({
+ isInitialSync: true,
+ shouldSync: true,
+ })
+ toastObject.goAway(0)
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ text: `${t("action.no")}`,
+ onClick: (_, toastObject) => {
+ changeCurrentSyncStatus({
+ isInitialSync: true,
+ shouldSync: false,
+ })
+ toastObject.goAway(0)
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ })
+function setupTabStateSync() {
+ const route = useRoute()
+ // Subscription to request sync
+ let sub: Subscription | null = null
+ // Load request on login resolve and start sync
+ onLoggedIn(async () => {
+ if (
+ Object.keys(route.query).length === 0 &&
+ !(route.query.code || route.query.error)
+ ) {
+ const tabStateFromSync =
+ await platform.sync.tabState.loadTabStateFromSync()
+ if (tabStateFromSync && !confirmSync.value.isInitialSync) {
+ tabStateForSync.value = tabStateFromSync
+ showSyncToast()
+ // Have to set isInitialSync to true here because the toast is shown
+ // and the user does not click on any of the actions
+ changeCurrentSyncStatus({
+ isInitialSync: true,
+ shouldSync: false,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ sub = startTabStateSync()
+ })
+ // Stop subscription to stop syncing
+ onBeforeUnmount(() => {
+ sub?.unsubscribe()
+ })
defineActionHandler("contextmenu.open", ({ position, text }) => {
@@ -359,6 +451,7 @@ defineActionHandler("contextmenu.open", ({ position, text }) => {
defineActionHandler("rest.request.open", ({ doc }) => {
@@ -384,5 +477,3 @@ for (const inspectorDef of platform.additionalInspectors ?? []) {
-import { HandleRef } from "~/services/new-workspace/handle" import {
-WorkspaceRequest } from "~/services/new-workspace/workspace"