@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { refWithControl } from "@vueuse/core"
import { Service } from "dioc"
+import * as E from "fp-ts/Either"
import { v4 as uuidV4 } from "uuid"
import {
@@ -10,16 +11,23 @@ import {
} from "vue"
+import { HoppRESTDocument } from "~/helpers/rest/document"
import {
TabService as TabServiceInterface,
} from "."
+import { NewWorkspaceService } from "../new-workspace"
+import { HandleRef } from "../new-workspace/handle"
+import { WorkspaceRequest } from "../new-workspace/workspace"
export abstract class TabService<Doc>
extends Service
implements TabServiceInterface<Doc>
+ private workspaceService = this.bind(NewWorkspaceService)
protected tabMap = reactive(new Map<string, HoppTab<Doc>>())
protected tabOrdering = ref<string[]>(["test"])
@@ -82,15 +90,65 @@ export abstract class TabService<Doc>
this.currentTabID.value = tabID
- public loadTabsFromPersistedState(data: PersistableTabState<Doc>): void {
+ public async loadTabsFromPersistedState(
+ data: PersistableTabState<Doc>
+ ): Promise<void> {
if (data) {
this.tabOrdering.value = []
for (const doc of data.orderedDocs) {
+ let requestHandle: HandleRef<WorkspaceRequest> | null = null
+ let resolvedTabDoc = doc.doc
+ // TODO: Account for GQL
+ const { saveContext } = doc.doc as HoppRESTDocument
+ if (saveContext?.originLocation === "workspace-user-collection") {
+ const { providerID, requestID, workspaceID } = saveContext
+ if (!providerID || !workspaceID || !requestID) {
+ continue
+ }
+ const workspaceHandleResult =
+ await this.workspaceService.getWorkspaceHandle(
+ providerID!,
+ workspaceID!
+ )
+ if (E.isLeft(workspaceHandleResult)) {
+ continue
+ }
+ const workspaceHandle = workspaceHandleResult.right
+ if (workspaceHandle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ continue
+ }
+ const requestHandleResult =
+ await this.workspaceService.getRequestHandle(
+ workspaceHandle,
+ requestID!
+ )
+ if (E.isRight(requestHandleResult)) {
+ requestHandle = requestHandleResult.right
+ resolvedTabDoc = {
+ ...resolvedTabDoc,
+ saveContext: {
+ ...saveContext,
+ requestHandle,
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
this.tabMap.set(doc.tabID, {
id: doc.tabID,
- document: doc.doc,
+ document: resolvedTabDoc,
@@ -99,7 +157,6 @@ export abstract class TabService<Doc>
public getActiveTabs(): Readonly<ComputedRef<HoppTab<Doc>[]>> {
return shallowReadonly(
computed(() => this.tabOrdering.value.map((x) => this.tabMap.get(x)!))
@@ -180,13 +237,51 @@ export abstract class TabService<Doc>
this.currentTabID.value = tabID
+ private getPersistedDocument(tabDoc: Doc): Doc {
+ const { saveContext } = tabDoc as HoppRESTDocument
+ if (saveContext?.originLocation !== "workspace-user-collection") {
+ return tabDoc
+ }
+ const { requestHandle } = saveContext
+ if (!requestHandle) {
+ return tabDoc
+ }
+ if (requestHandle.value.type === "invalid") {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
+ const { requestHandle, ...rest } = saveContext
+ // Return the document without the handle
+ return {
+ ...tabDoc,
+ saveContext: rest,
+ }
+ }
+ const { providerID, workspaceID, requestID } = requestHandle.value.data
+ // Return the document without the handle
+ return {
+ ...tabDoc,
+ saveContext: {
+ originLocation: "workspace-user-collection",
+ requestID,
+ providerID,
+ workspaceID,
+ },
+ }
+ }
public persistableTabState = computed<PersistableTabState<Doc>>(() => ({
lastActiveTabID: this.currentTabID.value,
orderedDocs: this.tabOrdering.value.map((tabID) => {
const tab = this.tabMap.get(tabID)! // tab ordering is guaranteed to have value for this key
return {
tabID: tab.id,
- doc: tab.document,
+ doc: this.getPersistedDocument(tab.document),