@@ -18,16 +18,22 @@ import { GistSource } from "~/helpers/import-export/import/import-sources/GistSo
import { hoppEnvImporter } from "~/helpers/import-export/import/hoppEnv"
import * as E from "fp-ts/Either"
-import { appendEnvironments, environments$ } from "~/newstore/environments"
+import {
+ appendEnvironments,
+ addGlobalEnvVariable,
+ environments$,
+} from "~/newstore/environments"
import { createTeamEnvironment } from "~/helpers/backend/mutations/TeamEnvironment"
import { TeamEnvironment } from "~/helpers/teams/TeamEnvironment"
import { GQLError } from "~/helpers/backend/GQLClient"
import { CreateTeamEnvironmentMutation } from "~/helpers/backend/graphql"
import { postmanEnvImporter } from "~/helpers/import-export/import/postmanEnv"
+import { insomniaEnvImporter } from "~/helpers/import-export/import/insomniaEnv"
import IconFolderPlus from "~icons/lucide/folder-plus"
import IconPostman from "~icons/hopp/postman"
+import IconInsomnia from "~icons/hopp/insomnia"
import IconUser from "~icons/lucide/user"
import { initializeDownloadCollection } from "~/helpers/import-export/export"
import { computed } from "vue"
@@ -136,6 +142,51 @@ const PostmanEnvironmentsImport: ImporterOrExporter = {
+const insomniaEnvironmentsImport: ImporterOrExporter = {
+ metadata: {
+ id: "import.from_insomnia",
+ name: "import.from_insomnia",
+ icon: IconInsomnia,
+ title: "import.from_json",
+ applicableTo: ["personal-workspace", "team-workspace"],
+ disabled: false,
+ },
+ component: FileSource({
+ acceptedFileTypes: "application/json",
+ caption: "import.insomnia_environment_description",
+ onImportFromFile: async (environments) => {
+ const res = await insomniaEnvImporter(environments)()
+ if (E.isLeft(res)) {
+ showImportFailedError()
+ return
+ }
+ const globalEnvIndex = res.right.findIndex(
+ (env) => env.name === "Base Environment"
+ )
+ const globalEnv =
+ globalEnvIndex !== -1 ? res.right[globalEnvIndex] : undefined
+ // remove the global env from the environments array to prevent it from being imported twice
+ if (globalEnvIndex !== -1) {
+ res.right.splice(globalEnvIndex, 1)
+ }
+ handleImportToStore(res.right, globalEnv)
+ platform.analytics?.logEvent({
+ platform: "rest",
+ workspaceType: isTeamEnvironment.value ? "team" : "personal",
+ })
+ emit("hide-modal")
+ },
+ }),
const EnvironmentsImportFromGIST: ImporterOrExporter = {
metadata: {
id: "import.environments_from_gist",
@@ -255,6 +306,7 @@ const importerModules = [
+ insomniaEnvironmentsImport,
const exporterModules = computed(() => {
@@ -271,7 +323,17 @@ const showImportFailedError = () => {
-const handleImportToStore = async (environments: Environment[]) => {
+const handleImportToStore = async (
+ environments: Environment[],
+ globalEnv?: Environment
+) => {
+ // if there's a global env, add them to the store
+ if (globalEnv) {
+ globalEnv.variables.forEach(({ key, value }) => {
+ addGlobalEnvVariable({ key, value })
+ })
+ }
if (props.environmentType === "MY_ENV") {