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[#1190] [Jyoti] Add codegen for nodeJs Unirest support (#1308)

* [#1190] [Jyoti] Add codegen for nodeJs Unirest

* Update and rename node-unirest.js to nodejs-unirest.js

* Update codegen.js

* [Jyoti] update snapshot for node-unirest-codegen

Co-authored-by: Jyoti Gupta <jyoti.gupta@INjyotigupta.local>
Co-authored-by: Liyas Thomas <liyascthomas@gmail.com>
Jyoti Gupta 4 лет назад

+ 78 - 0

@@ -755,6 +755,84 @@ request(options, (error, response) => {
+exports[`generate request for NodeJs Unirest generate GET request 1`] = `
+"const unirest = require('unirest');
+const req = unirest(
+'get', 'https://httpbin.org/path/to?a=b')
+  headers({
+    \\"Authorization\\": \\"Basic bW9ja1VzZXI6bW9ja1Bhc3N3b3Jk\\",
+    \\"h1\\": \\"h1v\\",
+    \\"h2\\": \\"h2v\\"
+  }
+.end(function (res) {
+  if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);
+  console.log(res.raw_body);
+ });
+exports[`generate request for NodeJs Unirest generate POST request for JSON 1`] = `
+"const unirest = require('unirest');
+const req = unirest(
+'post', 'https://httpbin.org/path/to?a=b')
+  send( \`{\\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"baz\\": \\"qux\\"}\`).
+  headers({
+    \\"Authorization\\": \\"Bearer abcdefghijklmn\\",
+    \\"Content-Type\\": \\"application/json; charset=utf-8\\",
+    \\"h1\\": \\"h1v\\",
+    \\"h2\\": \\"h2v\\"
+  }
+.end(function (res) {
+  if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);
+  console.log(res.raw_body);
+ });
+exports[`generate request for NodeJs Unirest generate POST request for XML 1`] = `
+"const unirest = require('unirest');
+const req = unirest(
+'post', 'https://httpbin.org/path/to?a=b')
+  send( \`<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+  <element foo=\\"bar\\"></element>
+  headers({
+    \\"Authorization\\": \\"Bearer abcdefghijklmn\\",
+    \\"Content-Type\\": \\"application/xml; charset=utf-8\\",
+    \\"h1\\": \\"h1v\\",
+    \\"h2\\": \\"h2v\\"
+  }
+.end(function (res) {
+  if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);
+  console.log(res.raw_body);
+ });
+exports[`generate request for NodeJs Unirest generate PUT request for www-form-urlencoded 1`] = `
+"const unirest = require('unirest');
+const req = unirest(
+'put', 'https://httpbin.org/path/to?a=b')
+  send( {\\"foo\\": \\"bar\\", \\"baz\\": \\"qux\\"}).
+  headers({
+    \\"Content-Type\\": \\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8\\"
+  }
+.end(function (res) {
+  if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);
+  console.log(res.raw_body);
+ });
 exports[`generate request for PHP cURL generate GET request 1`] = `
 $curl = curl_init();

+ 2 - 0

@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { JavascriptXhrCodegen } from "./generators/javascript-xhr"
 import { NodejsAxiosCodegen } from "./generators/nodejs-axios"
 import { NodejsNativeCodegen } from "./generators/nodejs-native"
 import { NodejsRequestCodegen } from "./generators/nodejs-request"
+import { NodejsUnirestCodegen } from "./generators/nodejs-unirest"
 import { PhpCurlCodegen } from "./generators/php-curl"
 import { PowershellRestmethodCodegen } from "./generators/powershell-restmethod"
 import { PythonHttpClientCodegen } from "./generators/python-http-client"
@@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ export const codegens = [
+  NodejsUnirestCodegen,

+ 80 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+import { isJSONContentType } from "~/helpers/utils/contenttypes"
+export const NodejsUnirestCodegen = {
+  id: "nodejs-unirest",
+  name: "NodeJs Unirest",
+  generator: ({
+    url,
+    pathName,
+    queryString,
+    auth,
+    httpUser,
+    httpPassword,
+    bearerToken,
+    method,
+    rawInput,
+    rawParams,
+    rawRequestBody,
+    contentType,
+    headers,
+  }) => {
+    const requestString = []
+    let genHeaders = []
+    requestString.push(`const unirest = require('unirest');\n`)
+    requestString.push(`const req = unirest(\n`)
+    requestString.push(`'${method.toLowerCase()}', '${url}${pathName}${queryString}')\n`)
+    if (auth === "Basic Auth") {
+      const basic = `${httpUser}:${httpPassword}`
+      genHeaders.push(
+        `    "Authorization": "Basic ${window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(basic)))}",\n`
+      )
+    } else if (auth === "Bearer Token" || auth === "OAuth 2.0") {
+      genHeaders.push(`    "Authorization": "Bearer ${bearerToken}",\n`)
+    }
+    if (["POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "DELETE"].includes(method)) {
+      let requestBody = rawInput ? rawParams : rawRequestBody
+      let reqBodyType = "formData"
+      if (isJSONContentType(contentType)) {
+        requestBody = `\`${requestBody}\``
+        reqBodyType = "send"
+      } else if (contentType.includes("x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
+        const formData = []
+        if (requestBody.includes("=")) {
+          requestBody.split("&").forEach((rq) => {
+            const [key, val] = rq.split("=")
+            formData.push(`"${key}": "${val}"`)
+          })
+        }
+        if (formData.length) {
+          requestBody = `{${formData.join(", ")}}`
+        }
+        reqBodyType = "send"
+      } else if (contentType.includes("application/xml")) {
+        requestBody = `\`${requestBody}\``
+        reqBodyType = "send"
+      }
+      if (contentType) {
+        genHeaders.push(`    "Content-Type": "${contentType}; charset=utf-8",\n`)
+      }
+      requestString.push(`.\n  ${reqBodyType}( ${requestBody})`)
+    }
+    if (headers.length > 0) {
+      headers.forEach(({ key, value }) => {
+        if (key) genHeaders.push(`    "${key}": "${value}",\n`)
+      })
+    }
+    if (genHeaders.length > 0 || headers.length > 0) {
+      requestString.push(`.\n  headers({\n${genHeaders.join("").slice(0, -2)}\n  }`)
+    }
+    requestString.push(`\n)`)
+    requestString.push(`\n.end(function (res) {\n`)
+    requestString.push(`  if (res.error) throw new Error(res.error);\n`)
+    requestString.push(`  console.log(res.raw_body);\n });\n`)
+    return requestString.join("")
+  },